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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Oh - and generally speaking to the newer nester - it gets a LOT better.

    I still have urges - even last night - mostly habit or the odd desire to mod - but so few people have made that doesn't mean I won't ultimately try but right now I don't see that as likely,

    The fact is - the more urges I've defeated - the more I feel confident that I will defeat the next one.

    So - we start Day 37 and today I will be stronger than AL.
    That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
    Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
    AF - August 20, 2012


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks Blonde, I can't wait to congratulate you tomorrow!
      PF thank you too, will review my supplements. I am on Bs, the L glut I found is powder and I just took a teaspoon (5mg?) in water when I was craving. I also found these Bach flower Rescue pastilles which are meant to calm you, but they taste plummy so I went for several of them instead of the red poison, helped a bit as I feel my craving fully in the mouth.


        Newbies Nest

        Welcome to Noairman and aguyfromnc - please join in and tell us more about you! Those first few days are very tough – but so worth it to grit your teeth and get through…the remorse and anxiety do fade with alcohol free time…

        Piper I’m so glad you’re beginning the recovery from your loss…and I was thinking the same thing as Herbie! All that exercise is taking it easy??? Way to go!

        I felt such pride in Herbie’s post – “Audrey you are in good hands here ... remember that Lav.. Byrdie and Lolab have so much to offer”…to be included in their company. I’m not sure I deserve it but I want to say - do you know how just really unbelievable that seems to me??? Really. To think that “I” might actually be helping someone else – is just mind boggling. How quickly we can change our lives around with a sound decision to commit…remember 3 months ago I was waking up during the night and pouring a glass of something to knock me out til morning. And when morning would come, I would just keep going. It was no way to live and the true reality of it could not even sink in until I was sober for awhile. I’ve had a couple of days this week of NO temptations or cravings. None. Unbelievable. If you’re in those early days of thinking – “this is too hard – I can’t do it.” It ISN’T too hard…and you CAN do it. If all of us have done it – you can. Because we are all sooooo similar. And the fact that you're here proves that you WANT to.

        Prairie thanks for the info on the supp. It says to work up to 2 heaping teaspoons per day. But since I was already taking some magnesium, I figured 1 heaping tsp at nighttime might work….it’s only been two nights and my sleep isn’t horrible – isn’t great. I’m going to keep going though. The other side effect isn’t a bad thing if I can keep it in control – LOL! And I’m so happy that you’re happy.

        Nice job minstar, and ifdreams on day 9 and lilla on surfing that urge! I’m not sure about the L glut – but I think that it may take a couple of days? (Oh good, PF piped up about L Glut – I was hoping she would! She’s awesome at riding out the rough patches with her tools – so take notes – haha) Ifdreams, sounds like you got a good sleep in – that means the WORLD to me! I hope it helps. Australia glad you’re still around.

        So blondie, I guess you’ll be cooking up a storm to celebrate your 30 days tomorrow – yeah! It sounds awesome!

        Martie, don’t go away. Lav will be here to find out where you went wrong… Listen to Blondie about sticking around and to Windy about using it as a learning experience.

        Windy, awesome post friend….and great on talking lilla off the ledge…I know who I’m calling if I ever find myself there!

        I have decided NOT to write a book today…everyone have a great one!!!

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning nesters!

          Glad to see so many making progress!
          If you have fallen out of the nest just pick yourself back up & keep trying

          This does get easier, I promise. I am so happy & busy these days I don't know how I had time to consume all that wine & deal with the side effects.

          You can all meet your goals too
          Have a great AF Wednesday one & all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Herbie;1217586 wrote: wow Piper... 30 laps then the gym and then the treadmill... you must be in good shape despite the drink!!! So sorry about your dog.. I lost my dog a couple of years ago and I was unconsolable. My hubby didn't know what to do with me so he got me a new dog.... she will never replace my beloved dog but I do love her so much... unfortunately I have raised her like an indulgent grandparent instead of a responsible adult and she beyond spoiled... she sleeps on my head

            No AirMan and AGUY you will find tons of support here... you are not alone... we have all been there and done that
            I wish I could get another dog, but financially I can't right now. I need to save up and then maybe later I will. but it's going to be awhile.


              Newbies Nest

              Hi nesters,

              day 46 today and starting to really get my head around this. The odaat is the only way. Having said that when I do think about the future, I don't see the "bleak and boring " future that I did see. when I think of going on holidays I don't think, Ah it would be so boring without AL, instead I'm thinking, yeah, I could do that. I never thought I'd think those thoughts!! Need to go now, have a great day everyone xx


                Newbies Nest

                hey mrsg...I know exactly what you mean. I am so very glad I didn't stop at 30 days. There are so many changes that have taken place since you said - I was committed then but each day after has allowed me also to "get my head around it" even more. It's kind of hard to describe...but I totally get it. :-)

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning everyone!!!!

                  Everyone sounds good this morning....

                  Martie, the fact you came back is good... all the post above are so right on

                  It took a while to get to sleep last night but I did finally nod off listening to one of the hypno CDS... PF I really do not think I go "under" listening.. but I like the exercises of relaxing the body etc.. and it helped me fall asleep ... I am continuing to listen.. My reporters hat is on.. and will keep you posted.

                  Everyone new... PF has so much info in her postings on the supps..I have found them so helpful... check them out

                  I have got to run, so wishing everyone a great AF day... I just noticed the calender I am starting my 21st day AF wow would never though possible 22 days ago..LOVE MYO and ALL OF YOU!!!


                    Newbies Nest


                    away for a couple of hours and so much has happened!!

                    Martie, i, too, want to say to keep coming back no matter what. it has helped me so much the past few days to just sign on as soon as the craving/urge hits. before stopping or doing anything else. go STRAIGHT to MWO without passing go.

                    lillia, i'm sorry you were alone during that time. where are you? australia? i've also seen postings on the "need help asap", (or something like that) thread. i'm really happy you rode it out. it also helped me yesterday to go back in this thread to read.

                    you're awesome, timpin! i love your plan. it's so visual and just has to stick in your brain. you definately won't go wrong there--i'm going to copy you a bit with my plan. for me it's also not just going to a party or dinner and not drinking --it's making it there in the first place. re-learning or in my case learning how to be in social situations. sober.

                    irie, i'm so proud of you for making it through. i also can't believe how strong the urge is during those couple of hours. i literally don't know what to do with mysekf sometimes and look like a lunatic out on the street. standing in front of a shop with my hand on the door, turning around and walking away, stopping and standing and staring in the direction of the shop. it's like some arm has to reach from up out of the sky and pull me home like a puppet. and then at some point the urge is gone. crazy!!!! but i'm so friggin' relieved afterwards that i got through it. and i wake up every night in the middle of the night so relieved that i didn't fuck it up.

                    my life, thanks for the positive words and recommendation for pleasure unwoven.
                    looks super interesting and i will take the time to watch it tonight.

                    i'm here now, thank you, too. it helped a lot to think about, "what will happen if i don't drink tonight?". the pros so outweigh the cons.

                    when i was really craving yesterday? the day before? the days are starting to meld together.. anyway it helped to to tell myself that if i REALLY wanted to drink i could always drink tomorrow. what's one day without drinking? knowing i could deal with "tomorrow" when it came. so day 6 for me has been easier.

                    Blondie, i'm waiting to see for certain if today is your 30 days before i really congratulate you. but i'm thinking about you and getting ready for it!!

                    you're all so awesome. so supportive. i feel so happy being here.


                      Newbies Nest

                      A Question About The Film Pleasure Unwoven

                      For those of you who saw the film, just curious - how long does it take for the brain to get back to normal? I imagine it depends on the severity of how bad the addiction was?


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters,

                        Quote for LolaB
                        hey mrsg...I know exactly what you mean. I am so very glad I didn't stop at 30 days. There are so many changes that have taken place since you said - I was committed then but each day after has allowed me also to "get my head around it" even more. It's kind of hard to describe...but I totally get it. :-)
                        Mrsg - Great to hear you are racking up the days.

                        I so very much agree with this Lola. I felt good after 30 days AF for sure; but I feel REALLY good (most of the time) after 60 days. Sometimes I wake up even feeling better and better and I can't believe what I am accomplishing and how patient I can now be. I just want to encourage everyone to give it time and then maybe more time. I am here to say 30 days just is not enough. I don't know where that magic number came from, but it is not enough time. You will feel better, sooo much better, with more time. I do. And it get's easier.

                        Just my two cents for the day.

                        ta ta for now.


                          Newbies Nest

                          HUGE congrats Blonde - and a spark of jealousy!! :goodjob: We were in this together last time, so now you have done it, I know I can to!
                          Lilla - you and I had same trouble getting home last night, but we both succeeded, and it did feel oh so great!
                          To those not sleeping i use Calms Forte and they work for me, and no yucky feelings in the morning.
                          Day three starts today, slept well (thanks to the little pils) but woke up so very grumpy - even the girls almost went at warp speed to get ready for school - no idea why, but there it is!
                          back to work and wil be checking in as i go...
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            Newbies Nest

                            Windy, great advice. Thanks

                            SL I too have problems with the bitchiness but it's smoothing out. Be patient - it took a long time for us to get this way.

                            Good job everyone on your progress. Day 16 for me.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Just checking in - there's some great progress on here, keep it up folks! I just wanted to echo Byrdie's post earlier. Moderation didn't cut it for me. As long as you're modding you're fooling yourself that you can manage alcohol. Believe me, it gets a whole lot easier as soon as you accept you're no longer a drinker.
                              AL free since 24 October 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Unwasted and SL, awesome job! Remember the days between D13 and D30 are the roller coaster ride of your lives! Up one minute and the world's your oyster, down lower than a snake's belly the next....just ride it out and the lows will come less often and less bad! I promise! Things will smooth out like after a patch of riding the rapids!
                                Blonde...I am very proud of you...SO HERE'S YOUR HAT!!!:man: I spotted you for a winner the very first post you made. Thank you for giving back. It's important.
                                And that goes for everyone. Lav's not just talking to hear herself back (as much as I eyerolled it myself) is so much a part of my recovery. I gave very dam little when I was drinking, to anyone. Not time, certainly not energy. Now I have both, and I have some extra money too. I buy an old couple lunch if I see them and could give them a boost. I try to make someone else's day and that helps me tremendously. I would not have believed this a year ago, but I guess Lav's Attitude of Gratitude finally sunk in this thick head.
                                The suppliments I used (and still do) are cookies. Yes, the lowly old cookie. But seeking out a fine treat does 2 things, maybe gives me a task. A task which many times has gotten me thru a rough patch of awful cravings. I went on a trip a few months ago, and while others spent their afternoons in the bar, (there's only so much of that I can stand anymore) I set out on a task of finding cookies. And I gave them away to coworkers who were deserving. I was a hit, I must admit. "Where did you find the time to do this, I was asked over and over?" Well, duh... I wasn't wasting 6 hours in the bar getting smashed and then scraped up off the floor... #2 it satisfies a mighty sweet tooth. As we all are learning, our bodies crave the sugar. I don't fight this...I celebrate it. I can have anything on this Earth as a reward, except AL, and that ain't so bad these days. I've lost 9 pounds and I'm not watching it at all. I was consuming over 1000 calories a day in booze and was bearly eating (always watched my weight), so eating now is a real treat.
                                I had an amusing thought as I come up on our National Sales meeting next week. I was thinking that I would drink virgin bloody mary's and virgin this or thats....then I thought, dang, I don't want those empty calories....What the hell was I doing when I drank AL in those drinks???? Amazing to me how my whole way of thinking has changed.
                                New nesters, please listen to the folks who are just days and weeks ahead of you, and stay the course. No, it isn't easy, but this didn't happen overnite and it does take a spell to fix it. But that's why we are here. To fix this thing. And the only way to not to not drink. MindPeace! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

