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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters, starting Day 12, almost 2 weeks AF. Last nite I told my brother I was not drinking, he made no comment. I knew he was. He is a real drinker and so is his fiance. They really enable each other. I hope my sleep will soon improve, think I will go and get something to help me at nite. As far as suppliments, I am not on anything, should however go and get myself some vitamins.

    Noel, Wow New Years Eve, good for you, you will be one of the few who remember the ball dropping. Thanks for sharing.
    Lolab, I am so sorry you feel so awful, been there. I hope your spirits soar and you walk around with a smile on your face that makes everyone wonder what you are up to. That is the time to look up and see who follows your move Have a great Saturday, and the rest of the weekend.

    Scottish Lass, how right you are. I really do feel sorry for those who have never had love or joy. There have been so many people who have brightened my life, and alot of them are right here. Lately there have been alot of people I know who have lost their lives at young ages. I cherish my family and friends.

    Timpin, congrats on your Day 28, I would not want to go to a party right now, but I agree. That is something that we will all have to face eventually. Windy gave some good advice. I am entering my Day 12, and have not had to face your dilema so I will not offer any advice, except stay true to yourself.

    Windy, you are a very wise person. You gave Timpin some good advice. So when and if I am faced with that decision, I will come to you. Enjoy your weekend AF.

    MinStar, Yes I am tired all the time. Part of it is I have a lung disease, not caused by smoking either, and no it is not OPCD. It is the breakdown of my bronchial tubes and that cuts my oxygen levels down, so it also aggrevates the sleep pattern I am building now being AF. I am not reading Jason Vale yet, can we download it?

    Lav, I wish I could join your East Coast Headache Contingent, but I am on the West Coast of Ontario, maybe I can get anyone on here to join me, and we can have Sister Groups for the Headache forcasters. I used to have a huge supply of tea, but I forgot to take them with me when I left my ex a few years ago, so I must re-stock. I have however been enjoying chamomile, so I think I will get more today. Enjoy your weekend AF.

    Tom Smith, Welcome, the one thing I can offer is to pick a day and stick with it. That is advice that was given to me when I came back to MWO, and I am entering into my Day 12AF. I am very proud of myself. Two weeks ago I never thought I could do this even though I have done it before, but I was drinking 24/7. So again welcome, you will find many friends here and lots of great advice. Enjoy your weekend.

    Andrew, Like you I also drank before I went to work, not while at work, only because it was impossible. The only advice I can offer is to pick a day and stick with it. That is the advice given to me, and I took it. As Australia said, we are all here, pop on whenever you feel the need to drink, it really does help. Read and re-read. I came across a post I placed 2 years ago under the name Litre, it brought tears to my eyes to read how sad I was. I have come a long way since then even though I am only 12 Days AF. I came back and I am so happy I did,

    Australia, Day 10 good for you, good advice for Andrew, I do hear Horrible Bosses is funny, and now you say the same thing. Enjoy your weekend AF

    Lifechange, Day 9, WOW, you made it past the first week. I know the first week is hard, I am just about to enter into my second week. I read it takes any where from 10-13 days to start feeling better, but the demon waits. I am amazed at the amount of people who have joined around the same day. United we stand, Together we Quit.


      Newbies Nest

      Wish strength today - big celebrations tonight for football plus major work projects completing - temptation everywhere - Day 38 -devil on the shoulder day. :-(
      That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
      Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
      AF - August 20, 2012


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks for the support Australia, IDWH and BlondeAmbition.
        Just woke up. Actually don't feel too bad. Probably because I don't have to be anywhere! Anyway, today is my day, I'm ready to stay off it, I don't have to do anything, go anywhere, see anyone. I'm excited, rather than scared really.


          Newbies Nest

          Good day

          Noal! WOW!! I think out of everything I have read I’ll most remember :” I went almost ten years AF and all it took was one beer to set me back another 13.....that stuff is wicked.”- Thank you.

          Same to Lolab – ” It was one glass of wine at a baby shower.” – Thank you.

          Timpin – Good luck!! REMEMBER – all it takes is one drink!!

          MinStar – You made me take out a bag of green tea I got as a present a while ago…but never had the “time” to drink it!

          Life Change & Australia & Dreams – day 9 & 10 & 12! Very good!

          Tom Smith & Andrew – would like to congrats you on a D1 soon!

          Next Saturday will be my D30 and I’ll have my children’s combined birthday party here. It is from 10 am and no AL is required, but knows my ex and that part of the family will bring it along. But I am sure I’ll be fine.
          12-20-2012 AF
          Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            Welcome Tom Smith!
            Glad you found the nest, Settle in for a while & let us know how yuo are doing. Please be sure to download yourself a copy of the MWO book from the Healthy Store here on the site. That's how I got started.

            Andrew, come on friend, you can do this again.
            I remember how happy & calm you were AF, do it again for yourself & your son

            PF, great on 38 days! Remember there is never a real need to drink AL just the choice to do so!

            if dreams, I remember feeling very empowered when I reached the 2 week AF point I'm very happy for you!

            Blondie, I have spent my life working weekends too
            Even being self-employed now I still work weekends, especially this time of year. Have a great day!

            Greetings to all the nesters today & wishing a terrific AF Saturday to one & all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Steady Hands;1219727 wrote: Good day

              Noal! WOW!! I think out of everything I have read I?ll most remember :? I went almost ten years AF and all it took was one beer to set me back another 13.....that stuff is wicked.?- Thank you.

              Same to Lolab ? ? It was one glass of wine at a baby shower.? ? Thank you.

              Timpin ? Good luck!! REMEMBER ? all it takes is one drink!!

              MinStar ? You made me take out a bag of green tea I got as a present a while ago?but never had the ?time? to drink it!

              Life Change & Australia & Dreams ? day 9 & 10 & 12! Very good!

              Tom Smith & Andrew ? would like to congrats you on a D1 soon!

              Next Saturday will be my D30 and I?ll have my children?s combined birthday party here. It is from 10 am and no AL is required, but knows my ex and that part of the family will bring it along. But I am sure I?ll be fine.
              WOW, its words like that, that continue to really keep me grounded and AF, Im pretty sure I would have started "moderating" again, if I did not see posts like this......ty ty ty
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                Newbies Nest

                I had to come back and re-read, how our moods swing from highs to lows. My mood is turning to lumpy sour milk. My poor dog is looking at me cursing at my computer, it is having an attitude that I cannot tolerate today. Good thing there are no people here, I think I would have to replace their heads, and the way I feel, they would not get the right ones. Is this normal after 12 days. I have been anxious, but today I am down right (B****Y). I need to go for a walk, but will wait till it warms up.
                All the positive people and comments are great therapy, I think the hairs on the back of my neck are starting to lay back down.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good AF Saturday morning nest!

                  Steady Hands - thanks for the posts and the reminders of what "just one drink" can do.

                  Ifdreams...sorry to hear you are feeling low. A walk might be a great idea to help lift your mood. Lav has a great site she recommended to me for gratitude. I go there often. The ToDo Institute: Mindfulness, Procrastination, and Gratitude using Morita and Naikan Therapies

                  I am off to do a dozen errands and hopefully enjoy Saturday night watching my 7-year old nephew for my sister so she can go on a date. That will keep me in line for sure! I am working on expressing gratitude to the Universe each night before I go to bed and each morning when I wake up - for my sobriety and everything else positive in my life. Even if it's just a short prayer.

                  Have a wonderful AF Day all!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning All

                    Steady Hands thanks for the way to go post to all our fellow nesters... great summary of challenges and accomplishments. AL is nasty nasty nasty ..

                    I have almost finished Jason Vale's book and he has an interesting point... all those people out there having a great time drinking making us feel like we are missing out (Andrew all your buddy's).. they probably have their own demons with AL they are all probably waking up saying "oh shi--" AL is progressive and even those who say they are in control are fighting to stay in control... In jason's words that is slavery ... slavery to AL... To Andrew and everyone else let's remember that when others are trying to pressure us into a drink, they probably have unacknowledged demons and at least we have our acknowledged demons and are trying to keep them out of our life... Let's remember that so called normal drinkers may not have it together as the impression we get from them... AL is progressive and is probably progressive for almost everyone.

                    A friend just called me, he went out to the local bar last night... he is home his truck is not... so I am going to go get him and take him back to his truck.. I told him at least he did not drive .... been talking to him about the drink.. he told me he drinks 3 cases of beer a week....for him that is a ton of money @ $20 plus bucks a case and he does not make much to begin with. He told me that his family is talking to him as they are getting worried about his beer consumption..I gave him some L Glut... and talked to him about what I am up to.. he doesn't have a computer so he can't get on here or any other site, but he is at least thinking about it...

                    I took that Natural Calm last night, I was so exhausted I went out, and slept until 8 am here...I really needed it , sleep is a challenge for me and by the post for many

                    Got to go ... hope your day is good... talk to you later... you are all in heart today


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesties,
                      Just wanted to pop in to see how everyone is doing. Lola and Dreams, sorry about your lousy moods. Remember, moods are like the weather and they can change (for the good or bad) with no apparent reason. I remember being in a lousy mood just before I hit 30 days AF. You would think I should have been ecstatic. Can't explain it...

                      Today is my 6th Saturday in a row with no hangover! WooHoo, it is great to not be foggy headed on a Saturday morning when there is so much to do.

                      SteadyHands, I love the "All it takes is one drink" animation. So cute and so true with the big finger changing a smile to a frown!

                      Keep up the good work everyone, and remember to come here when you are feeling weak.

                      Gotta get something done...take care all.

                      Alcohol does me no favors.

                      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Herbie;1219788 wrote: Morning All

                        Steady Hands thanks for the way to go post to all our fellow nesters... great summary of challenges and accomplishments. AL is nasty nasty nasty ..

                        I have almost finished Jason Vale's book and he has an interesting point... all those people out there having a great time drinking making us feel like we are missing out (Andrew all your buddy's).. they probably have their own demons with AL they are all probably waking up saying "oh shi--" AL is progressive and even those who say they are in control are fighting to stay in control... In jason's words that is slavery ... slavery to AL... To Andrew and everyone else let's remember that when others are trying to pressure us into a drink, they probably have unacknowledged demons and at least we have our acknowledged demons and are trying to keep them out of our life... Let's remember that so called normal drinkers may not have it together as the impression we get from them... AL is progressive and is probably progressive for almost everyone.

                        A friend just called me, he went out to the local bar last night... he is home his truck is not... so I am going to go get him and take him back to his truck.. I told him at least he did not drive .... been talking to him about the drink.. he told me he drinks 3 cases of beer a week....for him that is a ton of money @ $20 plus bucks a case and he does not make much to begin with. He told me that his family is talking to him as they are getting worried about his beer consumption..I gave him some L Glut... and talked to him about what I am up to.. he doesn't have a computer so he can't get on here or any other site, but he is at least thinking about it...

                        I took that Natural Calm last night, I was so exhausted I went out, and slept until 8 am here...I really needed it , sleep is a challenge for me and by the post for many

                        Got to go ... hope your day is good... talk to you later... you are all in heart today

                        WOW, that sounds OH too familiar, only I was finishing off almost 3 thirty packs a week........I love the money, and the calorie savings I am reaping without 90 beers every week.
                        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                        DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks Mylife, it is amazing how a few minutes can change our moods. A brisk walk, a phone call from a friend to make me laugh and a bowl of chili with Italian bread with a chaser of chamomile tea can do wonders. An early lunch for me, but it hit the spot.
                          It still baffles me why after this time, I felt like exploding, but the sun is coming out and it is to be a fairly nice day, why waste it being sour. Thanks again and enjoy your weekend.


                            Newbies Nest

                            i don't understand why sometimes after writing, when i try to post, i have to re-sign in and then everything is erased? is that only when you do a quick reply?

                            will check back again later.

                            mostly i wanted to remind Timpin of what was posted recently regarding having a clear plan before going into a situation. knowing what outcome you want to have and then setting up the scene. the example was wearing a beautiful dress and feeling good, talking to people and asking lots of questions, not being hungry, etc. clearly visualizing how you want to be and how you want to feel afterwards.
                            you can DEF. do it. 28 days AF is great.


                              Newbies Nest

                              IfDreams...yes, it is TOTALLY normal to be bitchy at Day 12! That's why I preach on the highest mountain to hang in to Magic Day #13!!! Your 'Tude' will be totally different tomorrow! Your thinking will change and you will say, "Dam, Byrdie was RIGHT!! I feel like a new person today, and maybe this is something I CAN do!!!"
                              Just give yourself a break...moods will be all over the place! Go find yourself of cookie. I'm not kidding. Find yourself the very best cookie you can lay your hands on. MMMMMmmmm. Hang in!! You will feel like a million bucks tomorrow! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                I love the money too. At 2 bottles of wine every night it added up to almost a mortgage payment each month. I often blocked that thought from my mind because of the guilt.
                                I am now 15 lbs. thinner too, and that took FOREVER because my body was so messed up. it took me a long time to detox and there is no way I want to go through that again.

                                Alcohol is totally progressive for most of us. I used to think I was in control, but the sad truth is that I was in denial for years. I'm 6 mos. AF and I still have to explain to my friends that I don't want to drink when I go to their houses. At least I finally got up the courage to go out, I stayed in for months because I didn't know how to handle not drinking at social events. Even though it is still uncomfortable, my desire not to drink is stronger.
                                THOUGHTS become THINGS
                                choose the GOOD

                                AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............

