I will sleep again only not the passed out type & i will be able to drive at night & I will be capable of reading a book in the evening & I will be able to go to the gym in the evening and be able to go to the cinema wihout worrying where me next drink is gonna come from x I can go do a potter in the garden without worrying about falling on me plants xxxxx
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Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
I will sleep again only not the passed out type & i will be able to drive at night & I will be capable of reading a book in the evening & I will be able to go to the gym in the evening and be able to go to the cinema wihout worrying where me next drink is gonna come from x I can go do a potter in the garden without worrying about falling on me plants xxxxx
Newbies Nest
Angie, sounds familiar. I too wonder what it will be like to be fully functional in the evenings!? To be able to plan evening activities without a second thought!? And what it will be like to be free from AL!? I hope to be there someday soon! In the meantime, every bit of progress has to count!
Newbies Nest
SD, I'm glad you checked in. Ilike hearing from you. How'd the baptism go?
Chops, Big congrats on Day 8! Proud of you!:goodjob:
beginning and angie, This is a process and it is difficult at first. Be patient and gentle with yourselves, but be strong at the same time! You listed some pretty good reasons to get clear of al. Some that I have found personally: If I watch a movie in the evening, I actually remember it the next day! If I read a chapeter a book in the evening, I don't have to go back and re-read it the next day. If my children (both adults) call me in the evening, I can remember what we talked about. I don't have to check the caller ID on the phone the next day to see if they actually called, and then wonder what we talked about.! I can sleep through the night, not waking up at 3-4 in the morning with my heart pounding. I can wake up in the morning feeling rested, like I actually slept! I have more energy. I have more self confidence. Keep checking in here and we'll try to cheer you along. Cheerleading is Lil's specialty! Chops, too!
Papa, did you watch more of the NFL draft today? Or did you return to work? We hope you are feeling better!:hDill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
Newbies Nest
Wishing all of you an early goodnight.....no Dill, didn't have to work....watched some sports after church, but not feeling very well, so gonna hit the hay early....hope everybody has a great Monday.........................Me & G
Newbies Nest
I'm up early and have to make this quick as I have to get off to work. Coffee's on, but I'm starting a diet today, so breakfast is grapefruit and hard boiled eggs. If you want something else, you'll have to make it yourselves! LOL!
Let's all keep it quiet so PR can get all the rest he needs.
Sad to say, I have to fly. I'll check in later if I get time at work.Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
Newbies Nest
Good morning nesters!
I made the leap and told my husband about the program last night. He was very supportive although he has a hard time understanding that my AL use is problemtaic (unless your losing everything, not making it to work, getting DUIs, passing out, etc...what's the problem?).
Hopefully I'll get the supplements in the mail today...I need the extra support along with you all!
Happy monday!
Newbies Nest
Dill, from your post last evening...have you been in my house? Ha! How'd you know about the re-reading thing...the phone checking in the morning, the sleep issues, the not remembering movies clearly?!
I won't miss those fun mornings!
Newbies Nest
Good Morning peeps,
Dill-Your AF list was good. I really don't miss those "drunk" phone calls. Waking up the next morning and having people either mad at me or hurt for things I had said the night before. Phone calls I didn't even remember making let alone what I had said. No, I don't miss those. :no:
Beginning-If you think drinking is causing problems in your life, then it's a problem. Admitting AL is a problem is the first step and I applaud you for taking that first step. My hubby is a "normal" drinker. Meaning he can have 1 or 2 drinks maybe every couple of weeks. He still can't understand why I can't mod my drinking but he has finially excepted the fact that I can't. But we all understand here. Just know that you can do this! Rah! Rah! :yougo: LOL!!
Chops-Congrats on 8 days and working on 9. Hang in there and keep on keepin on. It's not always easy but it does get better.
SD-We went through South Dakota a few years ago and I can remember saying to my hubby-where do these people go shopping. Other than in the larger cities, like Rapid City, I really didn't see any where for people to do any shopping. I'm not even a big shopper and I found it a little discerning.
PR-Are you feeling better today? I hope you got plenty of rest yesterday. I imagine G really enjoyed you being home yesterday.
Well, birds I'm heading out side today. Another beautiful day here in the midwest.
Hi to all who follow and hope you have a good day.AF since 7/26/2009
"There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.
"Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous
Newbies Nest
Hi all!
Getting ready to catch the plane back to SD. The baptism was wonderful...it was also my step-dad's birthday...so two reasons to celebrate...mine was done AFSpeaking of...had a brief talk about that with my mom...I like how Lil said everyone here understands...because they do...not even my mom "gets it"...which really bothers me. She was kinda tipsy when she made a comment to me the other night...I tried not to take it personal...just chalked it up to her not understanding and drinking herself. Oh well...makes me all the more thankful I can come here!!! :hug:
You guys are wonderful!!!!
See ya back in the land of NO RETAIL!!!! (told ya Lil) :H
SD:l"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Newbies Nest
Good Morning and Happy Monday!
Dill, thanks for the coffee. I love grapefruit, I haven't had it in awhile
Also, thanks to you and Lil and everyone here because without you, I wouldn't be on to Day 9.
Hi beginning. I am happy to hear that your husband is so supportive. Like Lil said, if you think your drinking is a problem, it is. Hang in there :goodjob:
Hi SD, sounds like you had a great trip!
Papa, hope you are feeling better
Hello to all who follow!
Here's to another great day, even if it is Monday
Newbies Nest
1st of May, me 1st day of me program, my friend texted me today to say "can I come to stay on Friday? I said yes course but I wont be drinking (she likes a drink) told her its me first day of program & new life.
She said "would you rather I dont drink?" I said no its not a prob course you can drink. Am I leading myself to failure? Its me first day am I just making it super duper hard for myself?
& I wanted to ask, after the 12 weeks can you wean yourself off topa by doing RJ's schedule backwards?
Newbies Nest
I have over 3 1/2 AF months and I still don't keep AL in the house. If your friend doesn't mind not drinking why don't you make it an AL free visit? Plus it would be great to have the support that first night.
I don't know about the meds as I quite cold turkey. If someone here doesn't know you might want to post your question in general.AF since 7/26/2009
"There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.
"Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous
Newbies Nest
angie, I agree with Lil. I know for myself that I would not be able to start being AF in a situation like the one you have described.
I don't know anything about Topa. I used campral at first, but they are nothing alike. Sorry! Like Lil says, posting in Generals might get you more answers.
Well, nesters, looks like it's time to find a nice twig. I see a nice cozy one over there. I'm hopping up now! PR, we hope you are feeling a lot better.Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
Newbies Nest
Well my bird buddies,
I didn't sleep much last night so I'm zeroing in on a comfy twig and calling it a night.
PR-leaving the light on and G is waiting by the door.
Sleep tight, my friends.AF since 7/26/2009
"There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.
"Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous