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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello friends! It has been a busy weekend at work for me, so not as much time as usual to check in.

    Timpin--Great job on your Christmas party story. That is something to be proud of.

    AGuyfromMNC--I just wanted to say awesome job so far! I admire your determination! Are you taking any vitamins, supplements? You might find some of them helpful to you. I take Vitamin C, B, Niacin, Fish oil and L-Glutamine daily. Just remember when you are alone and struggling, that you are not really alone, others are thinking about you!

    I hate those drinking dreams too! I get one every rare once in a while. I wake up afraid to move my head because I think I am hungover. It is the sweetest thing to find out that I am not! It's like waking up in the night thinking that it is morning, but then you look at your clock and it is only 1:00 AM and you still have hours to sleep!

    Day 23 AF drawing to a close for me. The support of all of you here was a major game-changer for me. Thank you all.
    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
    AF 11/12/11


      Newbies Nest

      Sunday Night Day 5 AF
      Thanks For all your help here on this board. Still have the sweats and shakes, maybe its that gallon of rum a day , now even thinking about it makes me gag at times.. other times I am still craving, today is Sunday and I would be drinking all day. I just keep reading and posting. These withdrawls are no fun, to everyone trying to get rid of this , its not easy but theres hope!


        Newbies Nest

        Hey Steady, thanks for the message. Hope you're doing well. I had a bit of a slip I enjoyed the weekend party thread for a couple of weekends. Shame I blew it.

        Thanks Horses too for your message - yes, will stick that butt velcro on double stylie. I need it.

        Hi Windy - like your new pic. Copped out for a while but good to come back and read your inspiration.

        Lav & Byrdie - thanks for being there looking after the nest

        Hi to all the other nesters. I'm still battling for my day one but hoping to join forces VERY soon.
        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



          Newbies Nest

          Hi NC

          We all know that nothing worth having in life is easy and when you look back in a few days time, you are going to be so pleased with what you have achieved. Whilst I don't know you, I feel myself so wanting you to come through this difficult period. One thing that I can promise you is that it will get easier in a few days time. No, the craving won't go away altogether, but all of the time you are learning to cope and deal with that. I think you will deal with that because when your body screams at you for a drink, you will remember these few days and ask yourself if you really want to go through that again. You might also be able to condition yourself to get a buzz out of the cravings and take pleasure in beating the monster in your head which is trying desperately to destroy everything you have achieved in the last few days...and believe me you really have achieved something great.

          Now you have got five days behind you, it might be worth calling your doctor to see if they will let you have some Campral ? It seems to work for me by reducing the cravings. I still get an urge for a drink but it passes much quicker and at present it is not a threat to me.

          Have you got a plan ? That will really help you as well. My new thing ( learnt on here) is to think of what the outcome will be in a few days time. Presently looking forward to Friday and being 35 days AL free. Next step to plan what I drink over the Christmas period and to get to 27th December. After that, looking forward to the boozy New Years Party where I enjoy the evening and celebrate the New year whilst watching the Alkys falling about all over the place and knowing I am going to enjoy New Years Day whilst they are all suffering sore heads !

          Stay around NC and keep posting like mad. Someone on here is always with you and always there to help. I just know you are going to do this !!


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks Timpikin
            I am thinking about asking for campral, thanks for your great support! Thoses urges are terrible. I try to move around and just distract myself or I keep reading. I want to see how strong I can be to fight these urges, if I can not do it I will ask for the Campral, sounds like you have a great plan in place. I have already decided to stay away from the drinking scene altogether at the holidays, New Years espicially will be hard. Just going to try and avoid the evening times , and maybe see family during the day. These would be the toughest times Since It wasnt common for me to be done with the gallon at about now and have someone buy another one. Mostly I bring up the gallon of rum a day to let people who see it , maybe they will stop, it drained me and my wallet! and that was the cheapest stuff I got to drink, Yuck. I am terrified of what my liver tests will show! I will keep on posting and let everyone know whats going on. Its Day 5 still have shakes and cravings now are becoming an issue.


              Newbies Nest

              AGUYFROMNC;1220605 wrote: Thanks Timpikin
              I am thinking about asking for campral, thanks for your great support! Thoses urges are terrible. I try to move around and just distract myself or I keep reading. I want to see how strong I can be to fight these urges, if I can not do it I will ask for the Campral, sounds like you have a great plan in place. I have already decided to stay away from the drinking scene altogether at the holidays, New Years espicially will be hard. Just going to try and avoid the evening times , and maybe see family during the day. These would be the toughest times Since It wasnt common for me to be done with the gallon at about now and have someone buy another one. Mostly I bring up the gallon of rum a day to let people who see it , maybe they will stop, it drained me and my wallet! and that was the cheapest stuff I got to drink, Yuck. I am terrified of what my liver tests will show! I will keep on posting and let everyone know whats going on. Its Day 5 still have shakes and cravings now are becoming an issue.
              This is part of a post I made to someone else on this site:

              It's been over 20 years since I quit smoking cold turkey. No patches or gum; I don't even know if they existed at the time but I certainly wouldn't have been able to afford them anyway. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. It took almost 2 months before I could go an hour without thinking about smoking. So many times I came close to smoking, but kept thinking to myself that this pain was all part of the process and that if I smoked I was only going to have to go through the pain again. If I didn't smoke, I was only going to have to go through the pain one time. So I didn't smoke.

              After I was officially a non-smoker and through the cravings I thought that I would never ever smoke a cigarette again because I knew how easy it would be for me to start again and I knew that I never wanted to go through quitting again. So I've never tried it since and never will. And I feel and think the same thing about alcohol. I know how easy it would be for me to become addicted again and I don't want to go through all of that. So I just don't.
              My point is that as horrible as the withdrawals are, this is part of the process. Stick it out. It will get better. But once it does get better, protect your sobriety with all your might. Your life depends on it.


                Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters

                Everyone is doing great ~ makes a nest mum proud

                A Guy, you are doing great!
                Please see your doc soon & let him know how yuo are doing. Your liver function tests are only going to get better from now on provided to stay away from AL!

                windy, I think it;s really an individual thing - breaking the associations.
                The Hypno CDs helped me a lot I think. That & just telling myself over & over 'Lav, you don't drink anymore, you don't smoke anymore'. You need to work on convincing yourself - it will happen

                Have to run now but I wish eberyone a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Been a busy weekend! Getting ready for our National Sales meeting and read over the PreWork memo this morning...had to download a book a read it today! Ugg! This meeting will be a real testiment to my committment. This is a freeflowing AL event from start to finish. See post where I fell in the ditch with my evening dress on and bets were made if I'd show at the morning session. I have visualized my declining offers of drinks and will keep a water in my hand at all times as a deterrent. My life is depending on staying sober. It only takes one drink. I will NOT give way. NO, HELL NO!
                  Andrew, good vibes or whatever, I'm so glad you are working your plan. I am pulling for you with all my might!! You are constantly on my mind. Please stay with it, you will never be sorry for even one sober minute. Just say, NO, HELL NO!
                  AGUY, I'm so proud of you....every single day you can put between you and AL is a great day. Your sobriety will be hard earned so I am hopeful that this will keep you on the right path when your symptoms subside. Please hang in there. It IS worth it!!
                  MindPeace to everyone today, and if you are struggling today, tomorrow will be easier, I promise! XXXOO, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Mother nesters, Lav & Byrdie, and all you little fledglings - I wanna be like yoo hoo hoo.

                    I want to commit - don't want to be the runt who keeps falling out of the nest! Story of my life.

                    I CAN do this. I WILL do this. 30 days - is it really so hard? I think not - you're all doing so well. How I'd love to post 30days.
                    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                      Newbies Nest

                      Oh Gosh Byrdie - I will be thinking of you, you have been so strong for all of us, and so very supportive - if each of us send you a little strength, you should be well set. I do remeber your post, and totally empathised - I also work where AL flows freely at conferences etc. I have chosen not to go to our twice yearly event this Dec in Las Vegas - i actually managed to be AF in April when I went, but do not feel ready to this time, I think it might be just too much just before Christmas. I feel for you, but i KNOW you can do it, and relish every AF moment.
                      I will be looking so very forward to your successful, "I DID IT" post!:yougo::hug:
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks byrd!!!
                        45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                        New day 1- 9 January !
                        Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                          Newbies Nest

                          AGUY glad to see you are hanging in there. Please keep posting. That rum is yuck because it is poison. We can all pull for each other. The relief in my kids' eyes is keeping me going. After I lost our pet, I truly believe they were afraid of what to expect next. It was that bad. but I am determined to be strong for them.

                          Well I am off to try another unmedicated night of sleep. Night number six. I told my daughter about my string of beads from when i stopped in February of this year, where I made it to 21 plus five random days. Before she left for school, she asked where it was and I told her. She got it out and threaded five beads on the string of hemp. I am going to add a bead each day until she returns in 10 days.


                            Newbies Nest


                            I have been at those work functions where the AL flows... and it is expected that you drink...the worst part is the waiters are always topping of your glass so you lose track on how much you are drinking .. so I wold talk not paying attention to the top offs and talk and sip and sip and sip and talk some more... sounds like you got a good plan and within an hour no one will notice you aren't drinking AL ... just think about getting back to your room, logging on to the waiting nesters!!

                            Wow end of Sunday, end of day 25 ... guess what I had to drink with my dinner to night... MILK... can you all believe that !!! (that stuff is so fattening)

                            Piper like your bead a day plan

                            Everyone is doing so good .... see in all in the morning


                              Newbies Nest

                              Ah herbie yum! Love some nice raw whole milk!

                              Guess what? My hair is getting funky. All of these supplements and good behavior are making it very difficult to have a good hair day!!! I seem to have all kinds of wispy new growth which makes for a very interesting and ill behaved head of hair...cowlicks galore!

                              Be back in the AM. Hang tight and stay strong nesters.

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest


                                You have a great plan and a whole nestful of are going to fly through this no problemo as you no longer matter what!
                                Sober for the Revolution!
                                AF & NF July 23, 2011

