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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone,

    I had a very busy weekend with a party on Saturday night and we had guests on Friday night. Both nights involved lots of AL for everyone except me (and my hubby, who is supporting me). I found it very difficult opening the wine for my guests but I got through it. On Saturday night I opened many bottles for guests at my Mums and it was a little easier. I brought some AF wine to the party so that it wasn't so obvious that I wasn't drinking. It's not very nice though and I mainly stuck to flavoured water. I have to say it wasn't so bad and I woke up both mornings very very proud of myself. I just watched a documentary on youtube that was recommended on another post called "Rain in my heart", God, it's terrifying and terribly sad. It's definitely worth viewing. I'm glad everyone is staying strong. Have a great day xxx


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning all!

      I didn't post last night and there were dozens of posts to catch up with this morning! Whew, what a busy nest!

      Byrd - I wish you strength with your meeting. I agree with all others here you are so supportive of us - we want to be there for you!! You can do it! I also work in a job where there are lots of "dinners" and events that include AL. I think that was one of the reasons I got into this mess in the first place! Luckily there are a few of us now who sip sparkling water and watch the others get drunk!

      MSRG - good job on avoiding AL at your parties!

      I went to our company Christmas party last night speaking of "drinking events". I have to say I didn't drink and had the best time I've had in years. It was fun, I danced until the very end and I didn't miss the AL one bit. Best of all, I woke up this morning fresh despite being out late on a Sunday night and came to work full of energy! My plan is that Christmas and New Years will go the same way!

      Hope you all have a fantastic AF Monday! :l:h


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning Day 6 AF
        Craving are starting to kick in bad, still sweating and shakes, I like to say I was up to gallon a day of rum, since it changed so quickly from drinking a 12 pack of beer to a gallon of rum a day. Still have the sweats and clammy skin. yuck. To anyone that wants to quit I feel alot better than being hungover in the morning even after 6 days AF feels like this stuff is still inside me.


          Newbies Nest

          I had a busy weekend so didn't get around to posting, but kept checking in and reading to keep on track. Good to read all the positives, especially all the success at parties and social occasions.
          Mrsg, I watched that "Rain in my Heart" doco posted on the other thread a few weeks back and it is truly shocking and moving. I could identify in the sense that I could imagine where my problem could potentially get me one day and it shook me up well and truly. I can still see some of the most vivid events from the film in my mind, they will stay there for ever I think. It is a very honest account of the horrors this addiction can cause.
          Have a great monday everyone.


            Newbies Nest

            Just tryed to watch the "Rain in my Heart" documentarty on youtube, wow that is very sad. I could not watch anymore after I saw the young man with yellow eyes. So sad. Makes me glad to kick this habit.


              Newbies Nest

              Almost Noon & I'm just checking in - busy, busy!!!

              Byrdie, wishing a better outcome for you with this year's meeting!

              A Guy, congrats on your AF time! Please be sure to drink lots of water & eat something healthy!
              Do you plan to see your doc soon? The 'Rain in my Heart' documentary is absolutely bone-chilling!

              Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                AGUYFROMNC;1220919 wrote: Just tryed to watch the "Rain in my Heart" documentarty on youtube, wow that is very sad. I could not watch anymore after I saw the young man with yellow eyes. So sad. Makes me glad to kick this habit.
                The hardest part for me was the wife/husband, and he had stopped drinking, but the damage to his liver was already done.....I just cant get her and her pain out of my head, it just almost doesnt seem fair
                Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                  Newbies Nest

                  It is great to hear all the Christmas party success stories! I guess that is one good thing about not having a job , I don't have to deal with that kind of pressure. I do remember the long lunches at the bar and the free flowing booze parties followed by stops at a bar afterwards. And those days were way before my "real" drinking days.

                  Byrdlady, we will all be sending "stay strong" vibes to you. And shouting "NO, HELL NO" along with you.

                  Last evening I had an urge to sneak just one...sip of vodka, as my stomach was a bit upset, and in the past I thought that was a great way to settle it (nice medicinal excuse, eh?). But all of a sudden I imagined hearing Byrdie yelling "NO, HELL NO" in my ear. Picked up and walked away from it. The reward was a good night's sleep, a clear conscience and a productive Monday morning. I cannot imagine a better reward. I also remembered that ginger root works wonders for a sour stomach, and took some of that instead.

                  Keep up the good work everyone...the long timers, the newbies, those struggling. That incident yesterday showed me that an urge can come up out of the blue, even when we think we are strong. Always be vigilant.

                  Alcohol does me no favors.

                  Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Just watched the Rain in my Heart docu. Absolutely heartbreaking and terrifying as to where this addiction can lead. I pray I don't end up there. Erase that, I know I'm not going to end up there. Because I choose not to go there. Absolutely no way.

                    I have to make this confession though. I must have picked up that thread a couple of months ago, because as it began I realised I'd watched it before and had forgotten all about it. Now that has scared the bejesus out of me. Today I choose to remember it. I will not tread the yellow eye path.
                    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                      Newbies Nest

                      Good job everyone on an AF weekend and heres to a strong, safe, productive week. I was finding I was staying awake until 2am most nights and today is day 13, last night I actually feel asleep watching Harry Potter (no offense to the film!) at about 9pm, I slept on and off but much more on than off, so I can say it gets better.

                      I am allowing myself to smoke as this is my only 'treat' right now, but only 1-2 ciggs per evening

                      Aguy, well done on 6 days, thats phenominal!
                      45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                      New day 1- 9 January !
                      Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                        Newbies Nest

                        PS, sorry to confuse. I changed my avatar to this cute baby koala!
                        45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                        New day 1- 9 January !
                        Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                          Newbies Nest

                          lolab, I didn't sleep hardly at all last night. And I am so tired to day. Not hungover tho. Just tired. I'm going to swim laps -- try for 50 tonight, then head home and try to sleep. I have the movie super 8 might try to watch that for a bit.

                          AGUY...glad to see you are hanging in there. I am pulling for you.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good with the bad

                            Second weekend in a row hangover free.
                            What happens last night? On a Sunday? I'm stressed and indulge a bit much and today have a hangover, yes - on a Monday.
                            All the usual feelings of remorse, guilt, shame but the underlying one is Always "I know better, why did I do that to myself?"


                              Newbies Nest

                              Evening folks, Day 1 is almost down. My tapering worked, along with using a little meds to keep me level. But I surprised myself by not needing much meds today and while I still felt weak and sickly, I also felt an enormous sense of elation. I think the fact that I did actually taper rather than just saying "sod it, I'm going out to with the lads" gives me hope that this is actually it. I've finally given up.
                     week is the office party, which is bad enough but I was also told today that our small division will go out together for food and drinks before it. Have spent the evening thinking of excuses not to go.
                              Love and strength to you Byrdie. I reckon if anyone can get through that it's you, so stay as strong and as positive as you are on here and you'll be just fine.


                                Newbies Nest


                                Hey Piper, yes I am hanging in there... I see you are pulling your way good as well, I know you can do it!
                                The holidays are here and the cravings are back , AL is all around. Trying to fight the urges while I stay and maintain AF.
                                The documentary makes you think , wow what a powerful video.

