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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    windy;1220845 wrote: Hi Nesters,

    From FreeFly,


    Freefly -- I am so glad you came back. We missed you. Regarding your statement above. It is not easy, if it were easy then everyone would do it. Look around you, how many people are actually still here that were here just months ago. Maybe some have moved on in their AFness, but most are probably not here because it is HARD, and it takes HARD work. Now.. I know you can do it.....So getterdone. It took me MANY, MANY times to finally get a good string of AF days in. You will post 30 days or I will hunt you down. :h
    Aaaw shucks Windy. Thank you! Your kind support always stands out to me. I WILL post that 30 days and then I think I'll have a big fat cry! The easy way is the hard way and the hard way is the easy way. Tis true isn't it. Gonna take the hard route, if you know what I mean x
    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



      Newbies Nest

      Hi everybody!!!

      Australia - you have very cute avatar, my favorite animal in Australia, the second is kangoroo

      Andrew - i read your posts and found one comon thing what i did in the past - wine in plastic bottle at work..still feel ashamed..

      Day 2 for me starts..last night was swetting a lot, feel like i have flu but i don' is just how body reacts when poison slowly goes out of blood wessels..

      I have to stay sober today whatever will happen, how sad or stressed i' ll feel..
      Beatiful, sunny morning here..

      Wishing everyone Good morning/evening!!
      The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
      /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


        Newbies Nest

        Hello All,

        AGuy - you sound like you're doing great. Hang in there and you can do this! Sending you strength.
        Piper - I struggle with sleep all the time - but the sleepy feeling is way better than the hungover feeling so I can live with it.
        Audry - great to hear from you! Yes, it is a poison that has to work its way out. Doctors have told me the full effects don't leave your brain for up to 90-days!!
        Good job with tapering down Andrew!

        Everyone has such a positive stories - it's great to come here and read...that's why we can do this together!

        Have a great evening all!


          Newbies Nest

          Hi mylife!!!

          I see you' re doing well - almost 10 AF days!!!
          90 days??? I tought - after 30 days your body is free of AL..but probably it' s gone from a blood, but you' re right - the most i think AL affects brain..

          I watched on youtube "The rain in the heart"..scary and sad..i didn' t watch all episodes, to hard..the images will be all day with me..
          The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
          /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


            Newbies Nest

            Rain in my heart documentary was incredible - I do believe it was a turning point for me. I need to pluck up courage to watch it again. It took me a few days to get thru it.
            I agree the gentleman who had given up drinking but still had liver failure was very frightening.
            The liver can regenerate to some degree - if you just have an inflammed liver it can settle if you don't drink (and don't give it other poisons like tylenol - worst combination is tylenol (paracetamol) for a headache - they are both just as liver toxic), however once the inflammation has turned to fat - you have to get rid of the fat, the next step is scarring (fibrosis and then cirrohsis) and that is not reversable. the problem is finding out what stage your liver is at - liver enymes only show acute damage, so someone with cirrohsis can have normal or low LFT's (liver function tests) - you really need a CT or MRI to show fat and a liver biopsy to show scarring. Some people never get cirrohsis, but noone knows why! I keep thinking about paying ofr a CT scan so I know, but I am almost scared that it might look ok, and I will be tempted to drink again!!
            Week one done, I am on Day 7 - yahoo! Such a different feeling to last Monday! Hopefully my liver is healing nicely...
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Newbies Nest

              Hey Piper. I've been thinking about you...and in my non medical opinion - I think the strange sleep issues ( eyes wide open - not sleeping last night and even the night terrors from the calms) might all be from all the changes you've experienced on so many different levels. Changes in medications or removing them completely? (I was unsure of this) stopping alcohol, the trauma of losing your pet...heck, my body rebelled and all I did was quit drinking...not everything else, too...

              I know I still have some sleep issues but overall, it's so much better than it was when I was drinking. And I don't discount my age (47) as a contributing factor. But when I first quit drinking? for probably close to a week or so, I had very jerkish movements - interrupted sleep and very little of it - it was not's almost enough to make you give up and go back - but I really hope you can stick it out...your body needs some time to normalize. You may be really tired for a little bit - but chances are that some of that is also from going AF - not just the lack of sleep. Remember that there are lots of things contributing to the way you feel, and if you throw a different med or alcohol into the mix, you are back to square one. :l

              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                Hi scottish lass!!

                I'm very scared about status of my liver too..i never did i'm living in foreign countru and i don' t have medical inssurance, so all treatments, doctors etc. are increadibly expensive for me.
                I take all time (even when i drink) Liver detox supplements with Milk thistle, Artichok and Tumeric, drink a lot of water..anyway i' m scared, especially after watching this documentary..
                The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                  Newbies Nest

                  Audrey14;1221107 wrote:
                  Andrew - i read your posts and found one comon thing what i did in the past - wine in plastic bottle at work..still feel ashamed..
                  Yeah, I'm ashamed too but I'm going to use that shame to keep me straight everytime I think about drinking again.

                  I remember last week in work I had the wine in my bottle but the guy I sit beside was working through lunch and I was just going crazy to drink some. Even though I'd already been out to lunch (buying wine), I put on my coat, explained I needed some air, grabbed my bag with the bottle in it and ended up going into the toilets to sit and drink until I felt ok again. Not good. But I will never forget that and I'll be grateful for every day I don't feel the need to repeat it.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey SL, forget the CT of your liver, don't make yourself crazy!
                    Just stay on your plan ~ that's the best thing to do

                    Lola, unforunately we don't get any younger - do we? Sleep issues are common with us mature adults even in the best of circumstances
                    I am trying to incorporate moremorning exercise in my life & I think it helps a bit.

                    Audrey, why would you take liver detox supplements AND drink at the same time?
                    The best way to detox is to stop drinking!

                    Andrew, glad you are moving forward! Don't waste your energy dwelling on the past - we all did dumb stuff under the influence. Be grateful to be AF today

                    Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      lolab;1220870 wrote: Irie, sometimes I think we believe that we're trying our best but are just kind of floundering....not giving that last 1% of ourselves. I know I did it before.....when you find those last pieces of the puzzle that complete your committment - to 100% - you'll feel it. You've got an arsenal of weapons at your disposal!!! Lucky girl! Line em up and take down that enemy! Make up your mind and do it. :l Byrdie's going to busy this week...I'll be that angel on your shoulder...Hope you're not sorry!!!:H
                      Lolab, thank you!! I'll take you up on that. I'm happy to report that I have one day done, no problem! I'll take the easy successes when I can get them!

                      Guy, I'm just amazed by what you are doing, and how you are sticking with it! I hope you are not offended that I tell myself if you can do it I can do it.

                      To everyone else in this busy nest, I hope you made it through the day... If not, hop right back on the wagon!
                      ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                      Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters,

                        I am watching Rain in Your Heart right now...just on number 6. I am heartbroken and scared yet grateful that I have stopped drinking for good. Thank you for writing about this again. I didn't know what it was about or that I could watch it on youtube.

                        I had an elevated liver funtion test last year. It scared the shit out of me. It made me stop drinking for a few weeks and then I was retested and everything checked out fine. But it is all the more reason to not drink...having a scare like that.

                        Dear Lolab, you said that you were thinking of me earlier today and that made my day...that someone who cared was thinking of me. Bless you and have a lovely evening.
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Ok people checking in... Where's prairie? And minstar? Martie? Daisy? Mya? And of course Greg?

                          Hey blondie I actually dreamt the other night that I met you and your husband at some function! Must be from the other photo you had with the beautiful turquoise blue because that's all I really remember.

                          Sending you strength byrdie and everyone else out there who needs it tonight...

                          Irie I'll have to come up with my own catch phrase. But for now I'll just say congratulations on making today count...:-)

                          So tired tonight I think I'll turn the phone off and close my eyes!

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lolab thank you for your thoughts. I am not taking any medication except for blood pressure meds right now. And my dr. said if I stop drinking I will probably be able to lose those too. I just turned 51, so in menopause. But that really doesn't bother me at all. I don't get the hot flashes and such. I just can't turn of my mind at night. The one thing that helps is to exercise myself till I am worn out and tonight I finally got up to a mile swim. I was shooting for 50 laps, and knocked out the last 24 thinking I will try to tire myself out and see if that works....I'll let you know in the morning...

                            off to my third night of sleep, or sleepless night. Good night nest. Check in in the am....


                              Newbies Nest

                              Evening my fellow nesters... been busy trying to get some christmas shopping on line... got a couple of gifts knocked out....hard to get for my sister's kids... usually get them gifts certificates, last year I was told they would prefer cash... kinda ticked me off... cause that came from my mom... never hear boo from my sister or her kids, that they received the gift certificates, never a merry christmas to you too .. nothing... my sister did not teach her kids good manners...I try and keep that in mind with them but at times I think why should I bother especially the older they get..

                              Going to my first Xmas party tomorrow afternoon... not worried about the drink issue... most of the people there don't drink so it won't be an AL free for all...I have been out to dinner a few times over the last few weeks with others having wine.. but I had already made up my mind before going out that I would not drink wine... I know I would not be happy with just one, so I won't have just one so i will not be unhappy... (by not having any)

                              Busy night in the nest everyone is doing so well...

                              Several weeks ago started to watch the Rain in Your Heart You Tubes ... I will need to complete, but it was so sad on so many levels..

                              its late and I have to be up early so I am signing off and will see you all in the morning...


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning Nesters, it is almost 6 a.m. here in Southwestern Ontario. I have been up again since about 3:30. Strange however I do not feel overly tired, at least not until early evening.
                                Today is Day 15. I am going to try and watch Rain in Your Heart, as long as my computer does not cop another attitude.

                                SL, Congrats on your Day 7, I agree with you about your fears concerning the liver. I do have a spot, but was told it is normal. I am worried now after 5 years of abusing my body. But I guess worrying will not help anything. Just sit back and let our bodies heal itself.

                                Fly, I am so sorry I misread, it is just at the bottom it said your goal, I assumed, but you know what they say about assuming something. I still count my days, I was counting hours, for I had a glass of wine in my hand 24/7, yes from the moment I woke till I went to bed and that glass was there if I woke, and then it would start all over. My only reprieve was when I went to work, now I do not have that, but I also do not have that glass. It has been replaced with a smoother drink of choice "WATER".

                                AGuy, funny you mentioned the sweats and clammy skin, I had that before I quit drinking. I never even noticed I no longer had them. Hope yours soon stop, I know it is awful.

                                To all my friends on the Nest, may your day be full of joy and keep smiling.

