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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Andrew from Ireland;1221642 wrote: Had a large glass of wine put in front of me with my dinner over at my son's place tonight. It was a hard day at work and it's a long bus ride to get to his place, and his mother doesn't often make me dinner but I just immediately said "no thanks, off it" and just forgot about it. It's the humming and hawing which has led to me cracking before. It's like in those few seconds of contemplation my inside addict takes control and then I'm done for. Ain't going to happen this time.
    Andrew, I couldn't agree more with your post. If we allow those few seconds of hesitation, then a situation like the one you describe above is impossible. The "oh, it's just one glass of wine" voice kicks in and we're off and running. I love your mental attitude! :goodjob:

    Byrd, sounds like you're doing great! And $10 to come here is a lot cheaper than a bar tab at the end of a trip! :H:H I've posted on here from airplanes before!

    Blonde, I will definitley keep that Rain in My Heart around for when I'm feeling weak. Sometimes a reality check is what we need!

    I wish I could do a roll call like Blonde, but I'm afraid to leave someone out! I get so much out of all the posts I read on this site! I hope you all have a fantastic AF Wednesday!


      Newbies Nest

      SL are you and I on the same day? Tonight will be my day 9.

      I am scared. That voice is getting louder. Yesterday, I had two small pieces of candy, then there was a celebration at work that included cake. I had a piece. After work I swam laps, I went to whole foods. If you know of it, it's supposed to be a fantastic food store, but really it's just overpriced. But I was just getting a small salad. And there before the cash registers was a HUGE pyramid display of 2.99 bottles of Chardonnay SCREAMING to me that drinking is normal. Why else would we be here? It's ok!

      I don't know if it was the sugar I ate earlier, but it was all I could do to not buy a couple bottles. I had all of you in my mind. I had my kids in my mind. My dog in my mind. The fear of going there was too much to bear. So I didn't but I am STILL thinking of it. Like if I drink who will know? Only I will know really. Stick with it, then after the new year, you can settle down with a nice cold bottle of wine.

      I don't take supplements. They confuse me, and I seem to have bad reactions to any pill I take these days. Although that was shortly after drinking. Maybe if I am not drinking that won't happen? I have the L-G. But I think I should just cut out the sugar all together and focus on non sugar stuff. I am not eating. I've lost 10 pds. Mainly because the only way to sleep is to work out until I drop. I could barely talk on the phone last night I was so tired when I got home. Usually it's because I'm drinking and don't want to be interrupted.

      I am keeping this phrase, not sure whose it is, in my head to get me through. The only way to not drink is to not drink. Over and over.

      Off to work....I'll check in later. ((hugs)) piper


        Newbies Nest

        hi Nesters!!!

        Almost Day 3 finished..soon off to bed...

        Herbie - thanks, yes i think i'm doing well and my dinner was nice. when i don' t drink i think a lot what i eat and fortunatelly i'm still slim but anyway i gained some weight after 42 (when i started to drink regulary..) - i could be totally stupid to think that i can live crazy lifestyle after age 40 and wait for miracle...

        Andrew - congratulations on your successful day!! It' s not easy...It' s f****g hard...

        Today i went to an italian movie alone (my BF is on job trip) "The ages of love" and film is shot in Rome..
        I lived in Rome for 1 year and i'm in love with this city..i miss it so much..
        But mostly i miss my daughter who i didn' t see for nearly 3 months..she' s very sick now and i can only help her talking on skype...
        I went out from cinema, back to Australia and felt so lonely and sad..for short moment i craved to have a glass of wine which never ever could be only 1..but it was not really craving for was remainder what i did in past years - just cure sadness and pain with wine..but it' s not a cure..
        I understood what' s going in my i ate fat cake and drank cappuccino, went back home..
        talked on skype with patrice, than my daughter..i'm still sad but it' s fine, it' s just normal feeling..

        I know that tomorrow will be better..i remeber my "chess board" of white and black days when i had my 14 AF days..i forgott about once i expierienced than forgott..
        The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
        /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


          Newbies Nest

          For all of you who are using the hypnosis CD's. I have a question. I have visited as Praire Fairy mentioned (where IS SHE?) and I found a section where you can only buy the sleep learning CD for $38 and it's part of a "better sleep" group of CD's. The option is there to only buy one so I'm wondering if any of you think this would be worth it to try. I AM going to get some kind of subliminal or hypnosis CD or download to try to improve my sleep - and am just wondering about the sleep learning one from those who have used it. Opinions?

          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


            Newbies Nest

            Byrdie...way to go! I bet people at the conference are so confused by the new you! Great...Wonderful...let them think. Keep up the good work, we are all pulling for you here.

            Andrew, great job turning down that glass of wine. I had a similar experience Saturday night when my husband asked if I would like some wine with dinner (he was going to open a bottle). I couldn't believe how fast and automatically my mouth said "No thanks". It was almost like it was someone else talking.

            Australia and Herbie, love your new avatars. Audrey, nice choice of the fat cake and cappucino. Piper, AGUY, SH, Snowman, Dreams, Wicked, Lav, Lola, and everyone I just cannot list here (seems if I take too long writing out a post I lose it!!!) let's all be off to an awesome AF day/evening wherever you are!

            Alcohol does me no favors.

            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


              Newbies Nest


              OK, I just had to say that cause it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I did take Coco's pic off but for those of you who would like a pic of her in her new winter coat that I bought to match MY new winter coat, here ya go:

              Here is both of our new coats side by side (mine from LLBean and hers from CVS)

              I only changed my avatar to my new bunny slippers (a sobriety gift to myself last week) cause we had too much fun with them over in the monthly abber threads. Here I am sitting here in my robe, coffee and bunny slippers, catching up with you all. Coco is asleep on the couch!

              Lolab, yeah, I'll be honest, it's been kinda tough for me ever since Thanksgiving on the no AL struggle. Not that I gave up my resolve but just that it kicks off the holiday season and that has meant lots of drinking for me and my family in the past. So, it's just a tough road this month because of all that "extra" booze around me I think. But I still love waking up sober every morning. Like Chill Girl said once, waking up sober is almost like winning the lottery. Well, maybe not exactly but I bet you know what we mean . So, I do try to keep up my wits and cheerful exterior for you all because that is really who I am, BUT I will not hide the fact the I am going through the same struggles as everyone else in the Newbie arena. Here's to month number 2 and a sober season!

              Yeah Lav, I agree. Anyone who watches Rain in my Heart and continues to poison themselves is a suprise to me. It just goes to show you how strong this disease can be and what it can ultimately do to us if we don't take action NOW.

              Loved Oney's Christmas post Lolab, thanks for posting the link as we all should read it! I saw it early yesterday morning and it was just the boost I needed to put my mind straight about the holidays. Oh, how many Christmas mornings I woke up hungover. Never had kids and that whole thing that goes with the presents but I do remember starting the day with mimosa's except my glass didn't have any OJ in it, just champers. It launched an entire day of drinking. Yuck.

              Herbie, how old is your doggie now? He is so cute! I really like that new avatar!

              BYRDIE! You did it! I had no doubt you would. Yup, I would always be that heavy drinking at work conferences and God, I remember the days of being up for early meetings and being so damn hungover that I never got anything out of it. What a waste. And making an ass of myself in front of people in the company. But I guess there was a few of us in my company that did that even worse than me. Thanks for checking in Lady and I wish you the best of your trip! You done us proud girlfriend! YOU DESERVE A COOKIE

              Irie! Yeah Mon! Well done on your days! Love YOUR avatar btw, it's like a tropical snowman on the beach, right?? Hey, I was meaning to ask you if you have been to Jamaica due to your screen name, Irie? I know they say it all the time there as part of the Jamaican Patois. I was married in JA a few years ago. Hubs and I have been to the island 3 times since we met 9 years ago. It's "our" place . Just thought I'd ask since it was so familiar with me. We went last March and unfortunatley, it was the downfall on breaking my almost 3 months of sobriety that I had racked up since January. We stayed at an all-inclusive resort and the drinks were forthcoming. Folks would line up at the bars at like 10AM getting bloody mary's and yes, even pina coladas. I, at least didn't drink till LUNCH. Sad, eh? Hard to snorkle when you're shitfaced. Too much temptation so early on in my sobriety. But that is the past and according to Eckhart Tolle, LAV, the past does not exist, nor does the future. What we have is in the NOW. (About halfway done with his book, thanks for the recommendation my dear friend!)

              Belle, thanks for checking in, was getting worried about you. You are doing great!

              PF, Minstar, what's going on? Please check in! Hope you guys are well.

              GO ANDREW, THAT WAS AN AWESOME FEAT ON IGNORNING THE WINE. You know now that your trigger is to waiving and in just saying NO right then and there, that kicked it. WELL DONE!)

              Everyone else, hang in there and make today a wonderful, sober day. YOU CAN DO IT!

              Peace to all!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Newbies Nest

                oh Blondie you're too funny with the coats...:H Love them both! I got some boots that would look great with them too...unfortunately they're just cute not functional for when we inevitably get some of the white stuff...but for this year, I'm getting pretty much use out of them!

                I LOVE all the doggy pics also - Herbie is a DOLL! And Coco is totally stylin. I've been thinking of getting a sweater or something for our littler girl...(the older would NOT appreciate it...:H) I will have to check CVS.

                As you can see by my sleep CD post - I didn't sleep worth sh!t last night :H so I am not in too great shape to shout to everyone...Irie - I'm glad to see you're doing well...I'm still sittin on your shoulder and Byrdie will be back sooooon! Byrdie - I'm so proud of you - this is a huge milestone. :h

                Hopefully I will have something worthwhile to say at some point today. It's not like I'm not used to being tired.

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good late morning Nesters!

                  Lola, I used the MWO hypno CDs for a long time & actually liked the clearing CD the best!
                  It helped me a lot to just clear all the BS out of my head thenrelaxation & sleep just comes naturally.
                  I don't have the CDs anymore, I've loaned them out. I enjoy doing a 20 minute guided meditation in the evenings now. They help clear my head so I can go to bed, relaxed.

                  Blondie, I've never had a dog willing to wear a coat :H

                  Greetings to everyone on the Nest & wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks lav. That's helpful. I do think though that I want something to play through the night . No problem at all falling asleep - just staying asleep.

                    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Lolab,
                      Just quickly as I've got to be somewhere in a few minutes -- I have been listening to the sleep learning cd from MWO every night since I quit in September. I'm not sure if it's the reason I had so few cravings from the very beginning, and maybe I'm becoming a bit superstitious about the whole thing, but I'm almost afraid not to use it now.

                      I don't know that it's responsible for helping me to sleep better either. My sleep is MUCH better than during my drinking days but I usually still take something to help at night. Some nights I take Valerian, some nights I take Calms Forte, some nights it's Melatonin. Yesterday I found something in my cupboard called Formula 303. It's something a chiropractor gave my husband when he hurt his back last year -- needless to say he never used it. Anyway, it's some kind of homeopathic muscle relaxant that has a lot of rave reviews on Amazon for helping people to sleep. I'm planning on giving that a try tonight.

                      I wish there was some way I could lend you my cd's so you could give them a try. I They are expensive to buy!
                      AF since 9/20/2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello Nest!

                        I agree with WickedMom and Lav, Lolab. The hypnotic CD's are great and for me, they were worth the investment. Think of the money you used to spend on AL and spend it on those CD's instead.

                        Blonde, love the dog AND the coats! My dog would have torn it off in a minute if I tried to put him in a coat. LOL.

                        Audrey - good job on Day 3. It must be very hard when you're feeling lonely - but remember that AL will only make you feel worse, not better.

                        Have a great day everyone!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Can't seem to lock down day one. Aaargh! Checking in anyway - hope to report something better soon. I hate this beast!
                          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                            Newbies Nest

                            I completely lost my ability to sleep at the age of 42 & no I won't mention my current age :H

                            It had nothing to do with Al but with a sudden hormonal change
                            It was horrible & I got to the point where I feared trying to sleep - if that makes any sense. Actually, guzzling a couple of glasses on wine suddenly seemed like a good idea. I had no idea where that path would eventually take me......

                            These days I take a product called Mellodyn. It helps a lot, although I still awake with a breakthru hotflash once in a while at least I can go right back to sleep
                            MELLODYN | Natural Sleep Remedy | Herbal Insomnia Cure

                            Mellodyn is the companion of the daytime herbal product Amoryn I use to keep my anxiety/depression under control. These are all natural products & have helped me get to the place I am today.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Freefly - what's your plan?
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Lav,
                                To be honest I don't have one. Thanks for the reminder - it's where I'm going wrong I think. When I first found this site, I took that all on board and it gave me great gusto but I've got slack. I'm finding lack of discipline a problem - not much work going on at the mo. I do have to write a plan. I was hesitant buying the hypno CD's as I was worried about money but I've probably spent that now on AL since joining. It's messed up isn't it. Still feeling like money a problem to buy them but think they would really help. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and get them.
                                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi


