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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Audrey and Belle

    Glad you like ny avatar- it's much more me!

    All- just wanted to share some words of advice a sober friend shared with me and hopefully this little saying will help everyone through another day

    'Feel the fear. *It is just a shadow w no true substance' that rings to true to me now- no substance at all!

    Timpin - I think it's totally fine to smoke once in a while on this difficult journey, a million times better than drinking!

    A guy and andrew- I'm routing for you, good job on that use of the word no.

    Ifdreams- you must be so excited to be on day 16 is it?

    Piper- I have been swimming too and I really think it does help

    Byrdie, lavande and Lola- ur such awesome inspiration- thank you

    Happy days to all

    45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
    New day 1- 9 January !
    Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


      Newbies Nest

      Australia, I do like you little Koala

      FreeFly - take yourself immediately to the & write that plan!
      This is a good program but you have to do the work, honestly.
      The Hypno CDs seem like a big invetsment right now but just imagine investing in a better future for yourself & loved ones They really did the trick for me & I happily passed them on to another MWO member. Maybe we should see if anyone else is willing to share.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Bless you Lav, I know I have to do the work - no other way it's going to happen. I'm off to bed but absolutely, my plan begins with Toolbox tomorrow and writing a plan. I've not done that yet - written it down. Would be a bit of a miracle if an MWO member wanted to share but I'll start as you say with writing the plan. Thanks Lav
        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



          Newbies Nest

          My pleasure FreeFly
          I just checked on the current cost of the CDs & had to smile - I drank an equal amount in wine without batting an eye.......
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hi gang of Nestlings!

            Greetings from Soggy Massachusetts today. That's alright, got lots of done inside today which was my intention. Even got out to walk Coco in the rain. She wore a different coat for that, her light blue raincoat with a high collar that is a wee bit James

            Australia, I too, love your cuddly koala bear! I was infatuated with Koala's back as a young girl...I had a stuffed animal one too. They are so sweet. Good to see you are sticking with us! Hope you are well tonight.

            Lav, Coco is a rescue dog from Puerto Rico. Also know as a Sato. So, she likes the coats this time of year cause she was born on a tropical island where it was summer all year. Never had a problem getting coats on her. Or sweaters and once in a while, a silly costume for halloween or a parade...haha.

            I remember when we first brought her home and she was skin and was in the dead of winter and she had only been flown in from PR for about a week. You could tell she was still healing from a litter of pups and they had done some other minor surgery on her. She also had heartworm and would have died if they had not rescued her. We are grateful for her everyday. She is a wonderful dog and aims to please. We are so lucky to have our pets, aren't we? They are great healers.

            Lolab-I have matching boots to that coat too...they are uber duber warm but not waterproof, so like you said, not good in the snow. But WHAT snow??? Well, on that note, hubs did say we may have snow tomorrow am. I guess we've put it off long enough!

            Didn't really have any urges to drink today...I think I was too darn busy! On a more serious note, I did think about AL, sure, but I never once thought of going down to the liquor store to get a bottle of my favorite wine. That, my friends, is progress for me!

            Just had din din and some seltzer water. Will have a nice cup of tea next. Still puttering around with decorations but I will share with you a really cool wreath that I decorated to day for my front door. I bought a plain balsalm wreath that came with an off white velvet bow, then I hot-glued seashells around it and also 2 mermaid decorations (I have a passion for mermaids). It took me about an hour to do from start to finish, maybe less. During that time I thought, you know, if I was drinking today, I would have started around 3PM since it was my day off, and I wouldn't even bother with this cause it would cut into my drinking time. So glad I did something more productive that I can enjoy looking at for the coming season...

            Well, with that, I bid you all a wonderful, peaceful evening. Love to all and be good to yourselves, ok?
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              Newbies Nest

              Very nice Blondie
              Are you taking orders?? :H

              Damp, damp & more damp tonight, ugh!
              The weather report is still calling for this to turn into snow overnight

              Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hello Nesters!!!!
                Belle, mylife, Herbie, Australia.........nice to have community:l
                Day 4 for me...
                Sitting in courtyard with my laptop, hot, cloudy, no sun, high air pressure which makes me crazy
                Was dealing this morning with my daughter' s visa application (she' s supposed to come for Christmas holiday), yestarday i went to e-xray as requirement for visa extension, everything in last minute...
                Stressed, but with clear mind Thanks God, MWO and my efforts...
                My boyfriend is arriving today from job trip so i have to stay very alert in the evening because i know myself and him..we have like a game - who' ll first say - WHAT ABOUT WINE THONIGHT??? So, if i would say first i can' t blame him...So 1) i have to avoid this question
                2) if he asks first i have to say NO, NON, NIENTE...

                Will go to make yoga session to calm down.

                Wishing everybody strength today!!!!
                The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                  Newbies Nest

                  Another long hard day - almost survived - 8:30pm and almost to the end of day 10. Piper, depending on time zone we are either on the same day or very close. And yes steady hands, my diet is much worse when the girls are away.
                  another crazy day tomorrow - so settling in soon....
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Newbies Nest

                    Evening everyone... crazy day here ... i swear before MYO and all my nesters I would have a bottle of wine down by now, just to unwind.. instead drinking my Costco Diet Ice Tea and catching up on all your post... very busy day in the nest and seems like everyone is doing so well..

                    Blondie the wreath is beautiful... it is amazing how different the world is when you are not blottoed (SP??) by 7 pm

                    i told you all I had finished
                    Jason Vale's book... I was thinking about it when I finished watching the Rain in my Heart videos .... his book has some good points but his recommendations seem very weak next to the problem those poor people were facing ... it is so scary how deep the addiction goes

                    I am thankful everyday for MVO and all of you... finishing day 28 AF

                    OH OH ...little Herbie, she was such a cute puppy... now she is a little terrorist !!!! She has boundless energy ... she can run like no other dog I have ever encountered. She is such a crack up ... and Blondie we also have a rescue dog, a black lab... she is the opposite of Herbie... she never does anything wrong.. I love her so much. They give me so much joy and love, life would not be the same without them..


                      Newbies Nest

                      I'll second the crazy day, Herbie. Busy day at work and then I had to drive half way across the state for a meeting in the morning. I'm safely in my hotel room now and not a drop of wine in sight, so another day safely completed. I'm tired but proud of myself. I can't tell you how many times I've been in this same situation, but with a bottle of wine I picked up for my evening alone in a hotel room.

                      Good night to the Americans, and good morning to those of you on the other side of the world!
                      ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                      Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning nest.

                        Lav, I, too am having increasing sleep problems during my 40's. And I'm sure that contributed to my drinking problem as well - a glass of wine to "wind down".... I'm 48 now, so I guess I'm in the height of hormonal imbalance...I'm not sure it seems to have been going on for years!! Anyway, I will definitely look up the natural supps you recommend, thank you!

                        Blonde & Herbie - you are making me miss having a dog around. I broached the subject of getting a new dog this spring to my husband and he's not crazy about it, but I'll work on him. We both miss our beloved dog who died a couple of years ago.

                        Audrey - good luck on day 4. It would probably help if you let your boyfriend know you're trying to stop drinking. I know it's hard, but once it sunk in for my husband that I'm really having a problem with Alcohol, he became very helpful. In fact, we were watching the Cooking channel the other night and they were discussing "Holiday Cocktails" and he asked if it was bothering me and suggested we change the channel! Lol. I thought it was sweet - cocktails never really were my thing - if it was a show about wine, I'd be in trouble!

                        Someone here mentioned (sorry I can't remember!) that waking up sober each day was like winning the lottery. I thought of that this morning as I woke up hangover free. Even though it's early and I'm having hormonal sleep problems - every day that I wake up without having the guilt and hangover from wine the night before is a great day.

                        Hope everyone has a wonderful AF Thursday!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Another day, things seem to be getting easier. Today is Day 17.
                          Wishing everyone here a wonderful AF Thursday, and may our struggles be put behind us.
                          SL, I know what you mean by how you feel saying good bye to your children. I did that for many years. You staying AF during that time is a huge step, congrats and great passing Day 8.
                          Byrdie, Everyone here is so proud of you getting through the night. NO, HELL, NO seems to work for alot of people. Way to go.
                          Have not watched Rain In My Heart yet, my computer seems to do alot of buffing. Will try.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Very tired, irritated with my BF (partly his fault, partly my nervousness) but slowly finishing my Day 4 AF.
                            The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                            /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning all ... just woke up with a start.. it is 18 degrees here and 5:45.. going into St Louis today to the art museum's Monet exhibition... will be a really nice break.. it is about 100 miles from here, and we are leaving around 8 and had already set my alarm for 6.. so I have a few extra minutes

                              if dreams were horses.. I have live out in the country and my only option (besides dial up) is Hughes Net... not the greatest... I can't stream a movie. I can't even watch a YouTube without buffering all the way before I can watch.. but I have found that after midnight and before 5 am I can watch a streaming moving or a You Tube without buffering..(does this say anything about my sleep patterns???!!!) So the next time you can't sleep try watching in the middle of the night.. Congrats on day 17!!

                              irie doesn't it feel liberating not to have the bottle of wine along for the ride??!!! I am so proud of you for making that drive and getting into your room and after long drive and not going for the wine... think about it in such a short period of time how our behavior has changed!!

                              MyLife...Dogs are a wonderful part of life .. but they are a lot of work if you live in the city...if you are thinking puppy, spring would be best for house training..

                              It is amazing how many of us have sleep issues... last night is the first time I feel asleep without natural calm, calm forte, melatonin etc etc... I didn't even get my hypno CD turned on... I wouldn't mind that happening again... I can't say for sure that the CDs are helping but I am getting more and more comfortable in my own skin and I think the CDs have helped but say that imperically

                              Audrey thinking of you today, i agree with MYLifes thoughts...

                              I have to go run into the I will see you all tonight... hope you all have a wonderful AF day


                                Newbies Nest

                                mylife -- watching the cooking show and seeing the host pour a glass of wine was what broke me when I drank last time. I was like if she can do it on TV it's ok...why can't I?

                                I had a hard night last night. But I won the lottery this morning. I can officially put bead nine on my hemp. One daughter called last night, the one who my drinking bothers the most, or who is at least most verbal about it and said she didn't want to come home for the holidays because of it, thought I sounded like I had been drinking. I could tell she was analyzing my voice. Rather than get annoyed I was like it's ok you have every right. I lied to you so many times, just know that I'm doing this for me as much as I am for you. I can't go there anymore. That dark whole that "seems" so comforting and welcome. It becomes a terror filled anxiety fest for me until I can pour more wine down my throat.

                                I have a question...I joined one of the two December groups and I can't remember which one. Has this happened to anyone else? Now I don't know where to post?

