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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Many Congratulations Herbie you must be so proud! I am really looking forward to making that post one day.
    Here I am staring my second AF weekend, did teh Friday grocery shop and tried so hard to steer my cart away for teh AL which was EVERYWHERE in the store - just when I thought I was safe, it was there beckoning me again! Day 12 today - I hear day 13 is a milepost, so looking forward to cracking that one tomorrow.
    Girls will be out of school soon and I get them for a week, I think I may go and get a tree today - way too early for me, but I feel like getting in a bettter spirit and that just might do it!
    welcome Daniel, and hi to all other nest buddies - safe and happy Friday to all, and ready for a wonderful Saturday!!
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      Newbies Nest

      lolab;1222876 wrote:

      Hi Andrew?.so what do you think? This is the time for you, isn?t it? You sound so confident. :goodjob:


      I feel so strange the last couple of days! This is day 5 AF after a being pretty much drunk for 9 days straight. I should still be an anxiety ridden mess....but I'm not. I feel confident and positively giddy. It's like that euphoric feeling you get right after you puke (or is it just me who gets that?? ) , I feel like my drinking life just became so repellent and impossible to continue with that whatever part of me that wants to stay alive and be happy again just hurled it right up and got rid of it.
      It's so nice not to be going to bed checking I have enough booze for the morning, or for there to be cigarette ash or even broken glass and red wine all over my room, or to be worrying about money because I'm drinking two bottles of wine from the convenience store (expensive to buy wine from!) and smoking (SO expensive in Ireland) everyday. Or to be gripped with fear about just going to the shop to buy something because I'm sober and hungover and full of anxiety and withdrawals. I love it.

      Anyway, greetings to everyone else and good luck to those starting out. Reading these pages everyday gives me such inspiration and I love to read everyone's stories.


        Newbies Nest


        I am truly sorry for being gone so long ? and if you have been suspecting that there was a relapse, you would be correct. I set to sea on a slippery deck without the proper safety gear, and I went overboard. Man, did I go overboard. Eight days? worth, to be exact.
        Alcohol addiction is a mighty slippery slope ? after all, there is no cure ? only remission.

        There are some lessons here I?d like to share?

        Complacency: After 120 days of continuous sobriety, body and mind feeling better than they have in years, I slacked off on the practices that had helped me to be successful for 3 months. I wasn?t listening to any hypnotherapy ? not even the sleep CD. Also, I got pretty casual with the supplements, and when we were aboard the boat for several days running, there wasn?t the daily ?high? that I had grown used to through vigorous exercise. Finally, but certainly not of any less importance, I wasn?t frequenting The Nest. This place was a HUGE part of getting me through the first few weeks and months and it was a BIG mistake to let my life get so busy that I couldn?t make the time to get in here regularly.

        Uncharted Waters:
        Through my first 2 months, I followed a pretty rigid schedule: work, gym, home?rinse and repeat. I didn?t deviate much at all and this was helpful at getting some solid sobriety strung together. Then, Chapter Two came along. The 3 hour drives to the other side of the state alone were challenging enough?but, when we set sail the Sunday before Thanksgiving for 5 straight days on the boat, that was way off my routine. And when we docked up next to a Tikki Bar at a marina one evening, I just decided to have a beer. Just like that. Of course, I don?t have to tell you that it wasn?t one beer, or two, or three?. Or just that one evening, or two, or three?

        Predicting my Future:
        I think I may have even posted here that the sailing life would present its challenges. I imagined that temptation would reach its apex in this environment, and whaddaya know? It did indeed.

        Well, Nesters?hopefully my mistakes can help prevent someone else?s. Now, I am back on track with my plan: Exercise, supplements and hypnotherapy ? religiously. And the only future I am visualizing is one of sobriety and tranquility.

        And, I plan on sticking around here quite a bit as well? would somebody please pass the Butt Velcro!
        -Cap'n G


          Newbies Nest

          Goodmorning Newbie Nesters!

          Congratulations on meeting your goals another day! I'm deeply inspired by all of you, and want you to know that your presence makes a big difference in the world. Imagine how many people there are out there who are just reading and not posting, but still being encouraged by stories of success!!

          Last night, Friday night, I spent cleaning up my room and preparing for going to Tokyo tonight. Usually Friday night and Saturday night are default "go out to my favorite bar" night. Yeah, there were some fun times there, but in the past year or so I usually just ended up nervously holding my glass, wishing I could be more buzzed so I could be more funny and talkative. What sad waste of youth!

          Anyway, Day 2 alcohol free. Woke up, did some light exercise, time to prepare my bag to go to Tokyo. Usually my standard kit to go anywhere includes a can or a bottle, or at least an empty plastic bottle that I can fill up later at a convenience store. This time all I'm taking with me is clothes...and my dignity!

          I enjoy all of your stories and responses! Thank you! Looking forward to an alcohol free rest of the year!!

          Goal 1: This weekend AF - Not Yet!
          Goal 2: 1 week AF - 11/12/16 - Not Yet!
          Goal 3: 2 weeks AF - 11/12/23 - Net Yet!
          Goal 4: New Years eve and first day of 2012 AF - 11/12/31 - Not Yet!
          Goal 5: Make new goals for 2012 - Not yet!

          Gotta start somewhere!


            Newbies Nest

            danieru;1223214 wrote: Goodmorning Newbie Nesters!

            Congratulations on meeting your goals another day! I'm deeply inspired by all of you, and want you to know that your presence makes a big difference in the world. Imagine how many people there are out there who are just reading and not posting, but still being encouraged by stories of success!!

            Last night, Friday night, I spent cleaning up my room and preparing for going to Tokyo tonight. Usually Friday night and Saturday night are default "go out to my favorite bar" night. Yeah, there were some fun times there, but in the past year or so I usually just ended up nervously holding my glass, wishing I could be more buzzed so I could be more funny and talkative. What sad waste of youth!

            Anyway, Day 2 alcohol free. Woke up, did some light exercise, time to prepare my bag to go to Tokyo. Usually my standard kit to go anywhere includes a can or a bottle, or at least an empty plastic bottle that I can fill up later at a convenience store. This time all I'm taking with me is clothes...and my dignity!

            I enjoy all of your stories and responses! Thank you! Looking forward to an alcohol free rest of the year!!

            Goal 1: This weekend AF - Not Yet!
            Goal 2: 1 week AF - 11/12/16 - Not Yet!
            Goal 3: 2 weeks AF - 11/12/23 - Net Yet!
            Goal 4: New Years eve and first day of 2012 AF - 11/12/31 - Not Yet!
            Goal 5: Make new goals for 2012 - Not yet!

            Gotta start somewhere!
            LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that you have goals set....and VERY attainable, thus allowing you to get some "traction" and gain confidenence...............

            Stay strong
            Attached files [img]/converted_files/1726113=6929-attachment.jpg[/img]
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Newbies Nest

              Hi everyone, happy Friday night! Welcome CanadianGirl! You have come to the right place! Best of luck on your new journey!

              Herbie, congrats on your 30 Days!! Whooohooo! You are doing great!

              Welcome back Brydie, we missed you! Well done on such a great AF success this week! As for me, when I googled "how many carbs in a glass of wine" is what brought me to MWO. That was the first of this year when I was starting a low carb diet and wanted to include my daily bottle with my diet. Needless to say, one glass exceeded my daily carb allowance. Anyway, that's how I found this wonderful site and it has changed my life in so many ways for the better. Yes, I did slip a few times this year, but coming back straight away makes all the difference and I'm here to stay this time!

              Hi to everyone else onboard tonight. I know it's Friday and a big drinking day for the rest of the world, but you are in good sober company here tonight...stick close to the nest...we won't let you down but AL will.

              Love you all,

              PS, Lolab, yes, it is interesting how many of us have rescue dogs. I wouldn't ever adopt another kind of dog but the ones that really need homes!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters!

                Took the day off & had some fun outley shopping with my daughter & grandaughter

                Greg :b&d: Get back in the nest now & use the nest belts & butt velcro man!!!!
                You have learned about AL's grip on us......we cannot become complacent

                Glad the nest is so full right now!
                Byrdie, get some rest & then get back to assistant nest mum duty - OK?

                Keep your plans full & your hands & mind busy with healthy stuff this weekend kids.
                There is strength in numbers

                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning Nesters! I never did get a chance to introduce myself. My name is Michelle. I'm 29 and I'm from Canada and have been living in Beijing for almost 6 years. I started problem drinking about 5 years ago. My best friend came to visit me and we were drinking everyday. After 2 weeks she went back to Canada and I felt so lonely that I continued drinking.

                  I've stopped for a month here or a month there over the past 5 years. In May of this year, I told 1 of my best friends in Canada that I need to stop drinking. She introduced me to the site With the help from people on that site, I managed to stay sober for 4 months.

                  I went back to Canada in September for a vacation and started drinking again. For the past 2 months it has been a slippery slope of quitting for a few weeks, having a bender, quitting again and so on.

                  Things on have been slow, but a member there (and here), Kaslo, introduced me to this site and so here I am.

                  I never made a goal before when I stayed sober for 4 months. So I guess I should make one now.

                  The first realistic goal that comes to mind is to stay sober for the rest of 2011. On Dec 31, I will make a new goal!

                  Everyone here is doing great. I am starting AF day 3! Have a great sober weekend all!

                  "When you know better, you do better"

                  AF- February 16, 2012
                  Goal 1- 3 days al free
                  Goal 2- 7 days al free
                  Goal 3- 1 month al free
                  Goal 4- 3 months al free


                    Newbies Nest

                    Friday evening and I'm safely in my jammies sipping on a cup of hot chocolate. I had to drive a couple of hundred miles home tonight from my meeting on the other side of the state. Predictably, my mind started to struggle with the idea of picking up a bottle of wine for when I got home.

                    I surprised myself by saying out loud in the car "No, Hell, No!". And then I yelled "No, Hell, No!" and promptly burst into tears! Whoa! A lot of emotion just under the surface. I wonder if other drivers on the freeway were wondering what was going on? Anyway, after that outburst I felt much better and the craving passed. Last Friday derailed me, but not this week. Day 5 is safely in the bag and I'm on my way to my first mini-goal. Thanks, Byrdie, for that tool.

                    I hope everyone else is entering the weekend unscathed. Let's hang in there together.
                    ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                    Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                      Newbies Nest

                      Welcome to all the newest newbies! Canadian Gal and're a great addition to the community....there's great support in this thread and many others.

                      Welcome Back, Cap'n G! I know that this had to be a tough post to make. I have so much respect for your insight and honesty and I am just shivered to my timbers that you got loose from the death grip of the addiction so darn quick. xxxx strap on extra butt velcro or I'll make you walk the plank!

                      Wishing a great and fabulous AF weekend to all here in the nest....I'm heading off to a party to make my AF muscles stronger tonight. I am simply giddy with sobriety sometimes....if I could put this in a bottle...lordy ...Bill Gates would be calling me to borrow money!
                      Sober for the Revolution!
                      AF & NF July 23, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello All

                        Finishing up day 30 baking cookies, in fact I have turned into quite the little cookie maker... I try and give them away so I won't eat too many... but they are really turning out great... Tonight Chocolate Chip with Walnuts... they are so good even if I say so myself

                        Thank you all for the congrats on 30 days... but like I said earlier... Thank you all, without the nest I would have never found my way to this point.

                        Brydie.. Welcome Home..!! Your post on how you came to this place and what happens at varies times along the way very inspiring ..

                        Belle Gril thank you for the big congrats but big congrats to you tonight for saying no to the champagne tasting party... can't think of a good way to attend and not be pressured to drink cause that is the entire purpose of the party

                        Dreams hope you are feeling better tonight.. take good care of yourself

                        Steady Hands ... congrats on your day 30!!! What a great gift for your kids, to have you 30 days AF on their birthday... I am sure the cupcakes will be great

                        Scottish Lash... the tree sounds like a great idea and a way to use your creativity and thank you for your kind congrats.. I started to watch that show on DUIs last night too but fell asleep pretty early on... looked so sad

                        Andrew... so happy you are doing so well and feeling so high... for me I did the same I swung high then low, got emotional at times... all part of the ride... you are doing great.. hang in when you feel yourself going low

                        Capt G... here is some butt velcro ... thanks so much for sharing, we all learn from each other and you have great insight and plan... without mistakes we never learn... by sharing you helped us all..

                        Daniero.. you are off to a great start and you have a great attitude.. take steps by recongnizing your issues with AL and then to do something about ... the nesters are all flocked to help you out... some great posts

                        Canadian Girl wonderful advise to Daniel... nice to have you in the nest

                        Blondie and Brydie I googled nutrition and AL and found this place

                        Blondie and LOLad thanks so much for all your inspiring words and humor ..

                        Pine Cone very inspiring post to Daniel ... modding sounds so tempting... but I think we were all trying to mod in one way or another before getting here .. and agree for most of us, just not something that works..

                        Irie congrats on day 5... great words for Daniel

                        Audrey congrats on your day 5 too... hope things are going ok with the BF

                        Australia congrats on day 16

                        Min Star congrats to you too on your 14-15 days

                        What great progress

                        Hello to Aguy, Andrew, Windy Steady Hands, My Life, Piper Ronnie (congrats on day 61!!!) Trimpin day 10!! ... Hello to PF miss your posts

                        lav thank you nest mother for your wonderful oversight..

                        to everyone else in the nest have a wonderful night ... again THANK YOU ALL

                        Nighty night ... off to eat a cookie... I have lost about 5 pounds, but if I keep this cookie thing up I could be in trouble!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Congratulations Herbie on 30!

                          I have been struggling tonight. Took a step challenge class, stuck with it but it was hard. Put my swimsuit on and fell in the pool and swam and swam and the entire time I thought about wine. Got out of the pool to shower then driving it's all I thought about. I then thought I'm lonely, tired, hungry...not angry, but three out of 4. I stopped at bojangles and got a chicken leg. I don't have an appetite, I miss my dog so much I just can't eat. But I ate it and now I am home wineless and tired and about to collapse into bed. I am meeting friends for a bike ride tomorrow at 10 so that will keep me busy, but tomorrow night is my work holiday party and they are serving margaritas. I don't know what to do, I have to go, I am the office manager and it's expected of me. I can't just bail.

                          Good night nest...


                            Newbies Nest

                            Piper... your exercise schedule is incredible ...good for you eating and not getting that wine... I know how hard it is to miss your is a big hug coming your way


                              Newbies Nest

                              Congrats herbie!!! And Greg I've been waiting for you to get back. Your messages. In the nest are so positive and uplifting. You were missed. And thanks for letting us live vicariously through your learning experience! I'm all ears cuz I definitely do not want to go there again and will soak up any words of wisdom that I can...

                              My eyes are tired tonight... See you all in the morning!

                              Oh! Piper I'm stumped about tomorrow... Are you really uncomfortable with your ability to just say no to the margaritas?

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Greg - good to see you back, but sorry you had a relapse! There is another thread about old drunks coming back and there are a fair few of us. It is so easy to go back, but it seems as if you realised very quickly and are getting back on track.
                                I did miss the nightly ice cream choices, and i will be looking forward to the winter review - today i found 100 calorie Klondike bars, and I am waiting to try one out!
                                Herbie - if meeting the thirty day mark means that you can manage to compaose a message to everyone in the thread, I am looking forward to being there!
                                Piper - contest! You survive your work party, and I will not drink at the ranch tomorrow!! And when you have succeeded, which you will - I will have to survive my work party next Friday - I am the dept director and I will also be expected to drink - so as we are on a similar thread, we have to stay committed for each other - DEAL?????:l
                                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

