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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening everyone,

    Love all the AF'ness around here

    mrsg - please try to turn your attention to gratitude & not what you are 'missing'. In reality you are missing nothing & about to gain much! Imagine how happy you will be on New Year's day, sober, unhung & proud of your accomplishment

    Greg, we are indeed happy you are back!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Steady....well now yer just showing off!!! Man! Well done! It really IS a community! I have more friends here than I do in real life! Imagine! Yall are much more interesting too!
      Mrsg...I just got home from a neighborhood Christmas party. We knew about 4 people and the rest were 30 somethings with small children. Everyone was drinking. I didn't spot one other person drinking diet coke. But you know what? I had a pleasant time none the less. Would I liked to have been among the drinkers? Dam right...but I wasn't that kind of drinker. Not for many many years. So it is what it is....I am home now and checking in with my best friends in the world (from all over the world) and all is good. I am HAPPY to be where I am.
      Well done won't be sorry tomorrow for being AF tonight! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters!

        Starting day 4 off right! Sleep has been a little difficult these past 3 nights, but I know that it is expected. I can't until a few nights later when I wont be dreaming all through the night. I know it will come!!!

        SH- holy crap! How long did that take you? That's unbelievable! Thanks for posting all the names!

        Mrsg- I don't know where we all learned that celebrating means drinking. It's so ingrained into societies isn't it? Find another way to celebrate! Buy a DELICIOUS overpriced cake that you will enjoy much more than the taste of any alcohol. Make a sparkling al free fruit punch to wash it down with! The next day you'll wake up clear headed and wanting another piece of that cake! Happy 35th!!!!

        Well I am off to work. Enjoy the rest of your weekends NN's!

        "When you know better, you do better"

        AF- February 16, 2012
        Goal 1- 3 days al free
        Goal 2- 7 days al free
        Goal 3- 1 month al free
        Goal 4- 3 months al free


          Newbies Nest

          MrsG... my birthday is next week.. I am at the age where I don't like to think about it, but I have always enjoyed a nice wine on my B day and on sometimes just one wild a--- hooping and howerling good time.. cause I am 20 plus years older than you its easier not to miss the celebrating but as I get closer i will probably be wishing for the nice quite glass of fine wine...but waking on the day after clear headed will actually be my real birthday gift to myself... We are all challenged to celebrate in a different way when we are all so use to having AL at the center of the celebration... but look at Brydie's post about her work function and party with the diet coke (I think the diet coke was Brydie's too)... it can be done... another way to think of it... instead of spending all that money on AL for your Bday ... spend on a message or facial or getting your nails done.. something pampering, something special just for you
          have a wonderful B day MRSG... everyone here in the nest will be with you by proxy helping you have a great time without AL

          Gave away almost all my cookies today.. but kept about 6 or so... for later... I am now thinking about venturing into making bread...

          it is so nice to be on the phone in the evening and not worry about if I sound like I am half drunk... it is so nice to wake up in the morning not worrying...what did I say .. who did I talk to???


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks for the support everyone.

            As of what I am dealing with right now is my sister and her husband just showed up (I am currently living with my parents again) to watch the UFC fight. My dad drinks beer daily but recently (the last month and a half) has been taking breaks of like 5days to 2 weeks at a time. But my sister and her boyfriend both drink as well. Not only beer but hard alcohol. Even if I did go out of my room to be social and wasn't offered a drink... which I'm sure I would. I would still want to drink because I would see everyone else drinking and having a good time but me. Being in a house where there is always going to be alcohol and seeing people drink is just going to make this that much harder for me. :upset: I guess I will just do what I do best. Sit in my room again all night, alone.

            Canadian gal - Thanks for the advice I am starting to think of more proactive things to do. I am trying to use this site more often and meet new people who can help me in my recovery and hopefully want my advice to help them in theirs.

            Lavande - Thanks for the compliments. I took a look at the hypno cd's and they are far to expensive for me right now as I recently lost my job and am not on unemployment yet. And may not get accepted since I was fired and not terminated. :

            Herbie - Thanks for the compliments. I understand being demotivated after a drank but days of not drinking I still have zero motivation. I drink 1-3 times a week and even on the off days of no hang over and feeling fine I have zero motivation to do anything and am to lazy to make healthy food and would just go buy something. I have been AL and Weed from as of the 7th, that is correct. I recently lost my job in late October which I had prior to getting into drinking heavily. I never drank in the AM or Afternoon since I had to be at work and even without having a job now I haven't drank in the AM. Although I have drank during the week. I will go through old posts on here and read others stories on over coming cravings. I will take advantage of coming back to these forums and thread for helping.

            Hello and Welcome new members of the forums/thread! :welcome:

            26. ChangeMeForever
            27. Windy
            28. MeMyself&I - Steady Hands
            29. & mrsg!!
            Sober as of 12/7/11
            7 days - Complete
            14 days - Complete
            21 days - Complete
            1 month - Complete
            2 months - Complete
            3 months - ALMOST!
            6 months - not yet


              Newbies Nest

              Hi guys!

              Herbie, you seriously want to make me jump in the kitchen and whip something up! Since moving to Beijing, it's been so hard to find all the ingredients to make cakes, cookies, bread etc. I may have to look on the internet cause Christmas is near and we don't have any snowballs!

              Ruin- I feel for you. It's really tough when everyone is drinking around you in the beginning. That is what broke my 4 month al free streak. What I've learned is that drinking is not the definition fun. Being with good company, having a lot of laughs and being happy is fun! You don't need al for that.

              I'm not sure how close your family is, but perhaps you could talk your whole family into not drinking for a month. You don't need to tell them why if you don't want to, but you can tell them that you want everyone to eat better, to drink less, and to get in shape. After a month, see how you and your family feel. If they are not game then when everyone is drinking, use that time to go to a gym and exercise.

              I also suggest looking for a job or finding an activity that will keep you busy. The busier you are, the less time you have to think about alcohol. Lots of luck!

              Back to work! Ta- Ta!
              "When you know better, you do better"

              AF- February 16, 2012
              Goal 1- 3 days al free
              Goal 2- 7 days al free
              Goal 3- 1 month al free
              Goal 4- 3 months al free


                Newbies Nest

                Hi all. Back on board today. Have let things go and back to old ways. Have looked back a bit here and will make it my mission today to read everything. Seems to have been very busy and a lot of great posts. I want a happy sober holiday for myself and my children. Anyways, just checking in as it is my only guarantee to staying sober tonight......definitely pop in later.
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Newbies Nest

                  SH- well done on the list, what a great group of friends !
                  Byrdie- thanks for counting me amongst your friends. I have 2 little birds and think of you posting name when I put them to bed in their nest each night!
                  Mrsg- happy birthday, I'm in my 30's too and it seems really hard me for at this age with freinds, they are maybe all still to immature to understand that it's ok not to drink, thank of your not drinking as your celebration
                  Audrey- good job on the Latvian club meeting, it's amazing what we can do without a hangover!
                  Byrdie- I seem to be the only one not drinkibg everywhere I go too! ESP as I live on a large and fun city, so on my way home each evening ( and it's summer here) if see endless cute little bars with seating on the sidewalk and I always look at what they are drinking everything looks like wine! It's hard to walk by these places but the al free feeling makes up for it the next day.
                  My family are all downstairs drinking and I hate to say acting a bit ridiculous, I've retreated to my bedroom with a jug of crystal light!!!!
                  Happy af Sunday to all!!!!!!! And thank
                  Lavande- glad your got in the online shopping ! It can't be beaten IMHO.
                  45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                  New day 1- 9 January !
                  Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                    Newbies Nest

                    Herbie- bread is really hard!!!! ESP sourdough. Today I bade Xmas puddings and I have even made my own cheese lately! Good job all the bakers out there. A much more productive endeavor and drinking.
                    45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                    New day 1- 9 January !
                    Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                      Newbies Nest

                      We are now 32! Daisy45, Freefly(where are you??) and Noal!

                      If I am not mistaken it is PineCone's D30!!! Congrats!!!
                      12-20-2012 AF
                      Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Everyone,

                        Thank you all for your wise words, as always. I got over my strop about not drinking. It's the morning here in Ireland and I feel good! I talked to my hubby about how I felt not drinking, he's always a great help. Sorry, I didn't mean to moan so much last night, but I guess that is one of the purposes of the forum. Everyone is doing so well, This really is a wonderful place. congrats on day 30 Pinecone!!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Nesters!

                          Wow, busy weekend here but that's a GOOD thing! I was straight out yesterday at work and then had to do some shopping with hubs last night. So, have some catching up to do with you all!

                          First off, I want to welcome Capn' Greg back with open eyes. Boy, was I relieved to see your post yesterday. It trully made my day. Thank you for getting back aboard the SS MWO Newbie's Nest! We dearly missed you! You learned some valuable lessons and so I view those as progress and yes, even victories! Now you are back and can be part of our AF journey. It's always nice to have an experienced sailor onboard to steer our vessel into a safe harbor when it's needed! Hope the boat parade was grand...I always thought that would be a cool thing to see if I lived a few hundred miles down south from the coast I am at in New England!

                          Now, how about PF? Has anyone heard from her? I am worried. She was doing so well and I hope she still is! If you are reading PF, please join back in with us.

                          Nice to have Brydie back and well done on the AF diet coke at the Christmas party. Funny, I had a dream last night that my brother in law was pouring me a mimosa and I was scared about telling him that I don't drink. It seemed so real. But I guess it is a good thing to dream about as in the dream I was sticking to my AF guns and not planning to give in to the mimosa.

                          Welcome to Runiator! Loved your introduction post. You have come to the right place! Jump aboard and don't look back. Keep reading and posting. You will find immense support and love here. As Brydie said after reading Steady's list of names (I am impressed SH, by the way!), that I have more friends here than in my own "real" life! Look forward to getting to know you better and stick with us.

                          Same for you Canadian Gal! You are doing great and the sleep will improve over time, trust me. Try some Sleepytime herbal tea, works for me. They have a vanilla flavor which is yummy. Drink a cup about a half hour before bed. A nice hot bath or shower also works wonders in aiding sleep. Good luck!

                          Welcome back Daisy45! Was wondering about you also! Just chalk it up to experience, it only makes us stronger. Coming back is the right thing to do. I'm passing out extra strength butt velcro today...everyone grab some! 15 days till Christmas and it could get scary out there. Birds of a feather, let's stick together no matter what!


                          Hi Australia, you are doing great! Keep it up!

                          MrsgG: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I am just a few years ahead of you in age (39). I feel lucky that we nicked this thing in the bud before turning 40, aren't you? As Lav said, be grateful and not remorseful that you aren't drinking to celebrate. The fact that you are treating yourself well by not drinking is cause for celebration. Have a beautiful birthday, you deserve it!

                          Steady, thanks for putting that list together, that' must have taken some time going back in the threads. Thank you!

                          Herbie! I think you mentioned me in a thread yesterday about being helpful and I was really touched by that. If anything I say in my posts helps just one person, I feel great about that. Since all of you help me in your own way, by just being here.

                          Hi to Windy this morning, hope you are having a great Sunday.

                          How's Piper doing? Correct me if I read wrong but didn't you have an event for work last night that had margaritas on the forecast? Let us know how you did, regardless of if you drank or not. I know you are strong and deep down I was rooting for you not to drink, but if you did, we have all been there and the best thing to do right now is put it behind you and come back onboard to MWO. Trust me, I have fallen off the horse in the past and like Greg said, not coming here everyday does make a difference in succeeding in your AF goals. At least, I know it does for many here.

                          Hi Lolab! Hope you are having a lovely day! I'm off to work soon but just wanted to check in. Have a great rest of the weekend and let's steer this vessel onto a new, sober horizon!
                          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                          BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning friends!

                            Steadyhands, and mrsg, thank you for noticing! That means alot to me! :thanks:

                            Yesterday I went and bought a Christmas tree, put it up and put the lights on it with my family. We did it early and I had energy to spare for a nice workout. I am so thankful for small miracles like that because I remember trying to fight through the smallest tasks with a hangover...I think I'm finding that I really enjoy the holiday season sober.

                            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday.
                            "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                            AF 11/12/11


                              Newbies Nest

                              PS, Welcome back Changemeforever! Nice to have you here!

                              Also, a sunny hello to Turnagain, ScottishLass, Belle, Minstar, Audrey, AGuyfromNC (how are you today?), IfDreamswerehorses, and anyone I have missed. Peace to all and be good to yourself!
                              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                              BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Sunday morning Nesters!

                                Chilly but sunny & bright here today

                                Pinecone CONGRATS ON YOUR 30 AF DAYS :yay:
                                Keep going because the best is yet to come

                                Welcome back Daisy, stick around now!

                                Who said baking bread is hard?
                                Honestly. you need to ruin a few loaves until you get the knack but it's something I've enjoyed doing for many, many years. Look for easy recipes on the King Arthur Flour website & have fun!

                                I have lots to do to keep me out of trouble today & I wish the same for everyone here.

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

