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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Pinecone!!! Look at you sneaking into the 30 day club!!! Here's YOUR hat!!!!:man: My mercy, I remember when you first fell into the nest as a little bitty pinecone. I couldn't be more proud of you if you were my own kin! Well done, my friend....well done indeed! Did you every think in 100 years you could go 30 days without AL??? Not me man!!! I didn't think I could go one evening without it. The strength of this is very powerful. Accountability. I feel accountable to everyone here. AND to myself for a change.
    Wishing everyone strength today. Just say NO, HELL NO!! And change the subject in your head. Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Pinecone;1223878 wrote: Good morning friends!

      Steadyhands, and mrsg, thank you for noticing! That means alot to me! :thanks:

      Yesterday I went and bought a Christmas tree, put it up and put the lights on it with my family. We did it early and I had energy to spare for a nice workout. I am so thankful for small miracles like that because I remember trying to fight through the smallest tasks with a hangover...I think I'm finding that I really enjoy the holiday season sober.

      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday.
      Wait, Wut, PC is at 30 days ALREADY!! Where does the time go. I remember when you first came on should be VERY proud of you accomplishment, we all know it is not very easy.

      And no one gets 30 days and doesnt get a Nelz star(well if I can help it anyway)

      Way to go YOU, stay strong and keep adding those days.

      Attached files [img]/converted_files/1729465=6929-attachment.jpg[/img]
      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



        Newbies Nest

        Good Day Nesters,

        Pinecone -:jumpwow:Wow wee 30 days....That certainly was a quick month.

        MRSG -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY:bday3: --- to you, happy birthday dear Mrsg...Happy birthday to you. Sober birthdays are good birthdays.


          Newbies Nest

          Last week I made five days and then caved on the weekend. This week I went six, but again drank last night. I will not drink tonight and will give it my 100% effort not to have another slip up. I need to say that I have been giving it everything in me for the last two weeks and have still fallen short. This hasn't been as casual effort as my failures might indicate. It's been my absolute priority, it just seems to have been more than I have been able to accomplish. Yet.

          Ironically, a few months ago drinking only on weekends was a goal I could only dream of, so in a weird way I've met that goal. That's no longer remotely what i want, though. I want to give it up completely more than anything in the world. So, all I can do is try again. Today I'm sad and out of sorts. What a contrast to how happy I've been in recent days.

          December 11, 2011 will be my new day one. And if I can keep giving it my all, and give 110% if that's what's needed, maybe this will be the day where I can finally look back and say "December 11, 2011 is a special day in my life. It was the day I was able to stop drinking".
          ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
          Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


            Newbies Nest

            Blondie, Lavande, Byrdlady, Nelz, Windy thank you so much! You all make this place a happy place to come to. Although I have never met any of you in person, you have helped me change my life for the better. Thanks for all the support.
            "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
            AF 11/12/11


              Newbies Nest

              PineCone Contgrats on day 30!!! Love your sign off "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them".. perfect...

              Irie just get back up on that horse and ride like the wind... you can do it

              Happy AF free Sunday to everyone in the nest

              I am cold, been outside with the horse shoer for 2.5 hours and my feet and hands have to warm up so I will see you all later in the day..

              Again ... Congrats Pinecone!!


                Newbies Nest

                Blondie, what an awesome post - such inspiring words for everyone...:l

                Mrsg I'm glad you turned it around...we're all entitled to have our pity parties once in awhile as long as common sense returns!

                hey Irie...don't forget to use all of these experiences to your advantage. Take some time to look back and figure out what was missing each time you went back to drinking. Or even start pouring out your heart in a post here....that's often when I will discover something important about myself that I just hadn't realized yet. It's almost like my typing fingers figure it out before my lame brain does. :H You might find a common thread - or something really important within yourself that you aren't addressing. :h

                Pinecone - :banana: NIIIIIICE job on 30 days!!!

                Steadyhands...something about you seems very strong and at peace with your sobriety...maybe "steady"? :H sorry, I couldn't resist...but I really mean it.

                Nothing new around here. I've GOT to wrap some gifts. It seemed as though there was so much time, but now it's going so fast! I've ordered the "better sleep" sleep learning CD - not sure how long it will take to get here. In the mean time I downloaded a much cheaper soothing music CD and tried it last night. I didn't expect miracles...and I didn't get one! both doggies were on edge for some reason though so my head feels a little gluey today. I also got out my full spectrum SAD light and have been using it as it is supposed to help with sleep if you use first thing in the AM. Mr. Sandman I WILL find you. You can't hide from me forever.

                Today on the 11th is day 77 for me (I think). I like the number 7 - and isn't there something about 7's and 11's with gambling? Windy this is the beginning of our week 12! Or is it tomorrow...I thought I stopped drinking on a Monday. Oh, maybe tomorrow is the beginning of week 12. I'm jumping the gun. ah well.

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello Nest!

                  I was out of commission last night - in fact I saw a Christmas Boat parade in Florida - I wonder if it was the same one Gregorino was in! Anyway, it was great - my husband and I walked from our condo to the marina where it ended and had to cross a couple of bridges to get there. We saw all the boats coming in and then went to the Marina for dinner and walked home. All that walking NEVER would have happened if I'd been drinking!! :H:H Gregorino welcome back and happy to hear you're onboard!

                  It's great to hear from all of you - Blonde thanks for your inspirational posts and Pinecone Congratulations on 30 days!!! Sounds like this nest is in for a Happy AF Sunday evening.

                  Have a wonderful night all! :l:l


                    Newbies Nest

                    PS Gregorino - thanks for the tips and advice on avoiding relapse. You are exactly right and I've had similar experiences with relapsing - there has to be a plan in place and there can be no slacking off on it or I get in trouble! :thanks:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Evening folks, hope you're all well. 1 week down for me and I'm feeling pretty happy. I'd a moment earlier when I felt restless and a thought of drinking popped into my head but I quickly realised that what I actually wanted was to get out in the fresh air and go for a jog. Seeing as it was a balmy 3 degrees celsius, how could I resist??? Anyway, felt better after that and one nice cup of camomile tea later I'm ready for my bed. Getting over the weekend is big for me, as everything after feels precious enough to be guarded jealously. I'd give up 5 days AF a lot more easily than I'd give up 8+ days. I'm committed to being AF but I know it's going to be tough sometimes and there's pressure and temptation around the corner.....the office party on Wednesday being the first thing... :help!
                      Ah I'll be fine...hopefully!
                      Enjoy your Sunday nights everyone and enjoy especially waking up on a Monday hangover-free I'm looking forward to remembering what it feels like...


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi - I am so proud of myself! I am back from the ranch and DID NOT DRINK! First big hurdle - PASSED! I did not have a hot toddy, nor mulled wine, not Irish coffee (a real favourite!) - nor any other of the many AL choices, I stuck to spiced apple cider (NA here in Ca, not like the UK cider)! Now I feel somewhat stronger for next Fridays work Holiday Party - work is even paying for rooms so people can drink! yikes! Anyhow - will start worrying about that later, enjoying tonight.
                        So tonight is the end of day 14 - two weeks!!! My achievements so far in this journey have been 22 days in a month, and 15 days in a row. In Dec I am determined to beat both - tomorrow will be equal the longest in a row in probably 30 years (yikes - first time I have acknowledged that, and it is pretty horrible!).
                        Thanks to my 29 friends here who are all responsible for helping me to get so far!!! I know I could not have done this without you!
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          Newbies Nest

                          hello....I was advised to come to Newbies Nest since I am brand new as. I dumped my vodka down the kitchen drain. What prompted me to do that is because my husband saw an empty bottle (my secret stash) in the trash can. He will not speak to me. This is very distressing! I need someone to talk to.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters!

                            Andrew & SL - I'm proud of you both
                            Keep that strength going, check in here frequently & you'll be OK.

                            I have had a busy weekend myself trying to get some holiday things done. I did but have much to do yet ~ there's time

                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Tut!

                              welcome to MWO & the nest!
                              This is a good program. what are your goals? You will find a majority of us have chosen to dump AL permanently!
                              Be sure you download & read the MWO book (it's in the Health store here on the site).
                              There's a lot of good info in it for you.

                              Dumping the vodka down the drain is a great start - good riddance!
                              We'll be here for support, please ask if you have any questions.

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thank you Lav. I will download the book promptly. My goals are to not depend on alcohol. My husband drinks but does not have the addiction that I have. I don't think that he should have to that a healthy outlook??

                                ya.....goodbye to the vodka...i am fighting the urge and it is very difficult.

