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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Prairie...took me 5 months to come back...I'm relieved to see you after a couple weeks. Hang on tight - you know the drill...

    Hey K9, nice to see you - I did wonder where you were!

    Welcome to the nest canadian gal, lukalee, mstall, lostbutfound , tut, Twitt, ? ruinator, and welcome back daisy! And Piper, your post sounded so positive and confident! YEA!

    My eyes are bothering me the last couple of days...trying to give them a little computer time break, but it looks like there's enough people here to carry on the conversation~:H

    Lots of people will start to get a bit busy at this time of year....I have two things that I need to remind myself and everyone...1) Don't get so busy that your "plan" gets put on the back more than ever the supplements, CD's, exercise, sleep, MWO, everything that is in your plan - are all even more important than usual...I tend to burn the candle at both ends at this time of year, and that could spell disaster for my sobriety. And 2) Other people - meaning here at MWO are busy too - so if you're in a crisis - and are tempted to drink - and you reach out for help, it might make sense to do it in a couple of different places on here - the ASAP section - or PM a "friend' from here - whatever you have to do...the regulars might not be around so "regularly" at the holiday time so don't post something just once and decide that since no one replied, you might as well drink. Put out a distress signal or something!! :H

    These are part of my holiday survival first amendment to my plan. I'm guessing once I make it through a holiday sober, I might be a little more credible, though.

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening all Nesters!

      I'd like to say welcome back to Mstall
      Stick with us for a while, please!

      PF, the moderation test is a tough one, huh? I don't know if you know that the founder of MWO (Roberta Jewell) found out for herself that moderation proved too difficult & has been abstinent for quite some time.
      Just glad you are OK & back in the nest. You know where the butt velcro is!

      LostButFound, hello & welcome, glad you found us!!!
      I am a bit concerned about your statement - you rather moderate first!
      Please download & read the MWO book (it's in the Health store here on the site). The suggestion of a period of abstinence (30 days) is needed to detox, change your thinking, habits, etc.
      Here's a link to the which has great ideas to help you make your plan.

      Twitt, I would welcome you to the nest as well BUT drunk posting is not helpful to you or anyone else here. There are lots of newbies here making progress & don't need to be subjected to your postings. You will be reported to the admistrator if you persist. If you want to join the nest please be respectful.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks everybody - building back into the routine again.

        Much like everybody - I wanted the holiday celebratory wine, let the abnormal schedule swamp my food/vitamin routine - meaning all the tools to help me fight my triggers weren't in my arsenal and I didn't want to play by any rules anyway.

        So - first things first.

        1. Back to the plan - which needs some updating with lessons learned.
        2. See number 1.
        3. Make sure - no matter how busy things get this holiday season - I get my reality check here once a day. Period.
        4. No stopping my hypnos - when I do them every night without fail - they help.
        5. Glutamine chews in the handbag to control cravings for that trigger time after work before food.

        Everybody is different...but that is a start.
        That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
        Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
        AF - August 20, 2012


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all,

          Well I've too discovered moderation doesn't work for me either. Lav, plan in place and day one sober. My head's in gear this time and feel so much better already. Will check in progress to keep me accountable.

          Have a great day/evening all. Hope to be around more this time
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            Newbies Nest

            PF & FreeFly,

            I made all my attempts to moderate my drinking before coming to MWO!
            Once I got here & got honest with myself I just knew I had to go AF.

            I have never regretted my decision for one moment
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Lavande;1224892 wrote: PF & FreeFly,

              I made all my attempts to moderate my drinking before coming to MWO!
              Once I got here & got honest with myself I just knew I had to go AF.

              I have never regretted my decision for one moment
              I know, and now I have to commit to that decision. I like hearing you say how you've never regretted it. Just need to get over the initial hump but feeling good about things this time.

              Good luck PF
              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                Newbies Nest

                Byrdlady;1224577 wrote: LostButFound. The only inner voice we now have is the one that tells us to drink more. MORE. We lost the one that gives us limits a long time ago. In your post I see what I did almost 2 years ago....I drank this...BUT. I drank that...BUT. Those BUTS are what's killing us. In so many words you are saying: AL=BAD. Everytime you drink you feel bad, right? Well that's not going to change...well maybe it does, it gets WORSE! On the other hand, every time you don't drink = GOOD!! After 2 years of battling this thing, I can say one thing for sure. The only way to win against this beast is to cut off its life source. The only way to not drink is to not drink. Period. Now if you are like me, you are going to have to find this out for yourself. It took me over a year to figure it out and finally get it thru my head. Once I 'got it'....I was at peace with it. No more fighting the dam thing. Because I am afraid this is the most fierce opponent I have ever met in my life. He plays for all the marbles. You cannot bargain with the devil himself and that's just what AL is for us. I sure wish I could save you a year of your life and countless dollars at the dr's office when your liver readings start coming in a bit 'off'. But alas, it is a journey we all must take. I never drank harder in my life as the year I tried to moderate. I wish I could show you a crystal ball of hundreds of people I've seen come and go in this nest....and the only common thread we all have is that one drink is too many and the next one is not enough. I was at the end of my rope when I came here...losing everything I'd worked for and sacrficed for...a 24 year marriage, a great career... I came here ready to pay the ultimate price....but somehow I got thru one night without AL...and then another. And so it went. I am almost 11 months sober...and last week I won an award at my company convention. I was in the top 10% of my sales team....selling to retailers in this down economy. 20 people got to go up and receive an award out of over 200, and I was one of them. AL had nothing to do with it. I mean nothing, as I have not had one drop of it since Jan 20, 2011. As long as I have a marble up rolliing around in my head I will continue to not feed this beast. It WILL WIN.
                So...I will issue you this challenge, as I have many times over the past 11 months....give us 30 days of being Alcohol Free. If it's no problem for you...go about your business, and it was nice getting to know you! If it's all you think about night and day....consuming your every thought and you even dream about might want to pull up a twig. When you get agitated at people here and say I don't owe them anything, besides, I don't have as bad a problem as I thought after all. When AL only brings out the GSR brothers in you (Guilt/Shame/Remorse) you might be one of us. When you start making rules for yourself and then breaking them....well, you get the idea. It's not a sentence to be cried over....quite the is Liberating!!! And being off AL feels REALLY GOOD! No kidding!! The only way to know is to start. Byrdie
                Just what I needed to read right now. Perfect - thank you :l
                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                  Newbies Nest

                  It's all about gratitude FreeFly
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Greetings Nesters!

                    Haven't had a chance to get on line last few days...spent all day Saturday on the boat and then had my marathon shift at work yesterday...

                    I tried to get caught up and did manage to read for an hour but am fading fast....

                    I just want to say thanks to everyone for the warm welcome back; I won't be straying far from the Nest again....being part of this community is every bit as important as the supplements, exercise and hypnotherapy.

                    Good job coming right back Daisy - let's get a good run going, shall we?

                    Prairie! Great to see you back too! Here's a chunk of Butt Velcro!

                    Well, gotta get some rest....Will catch up more tomorrow.

                    Peace to all Nesters everywhere!
                    -Cap'n G


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks Greg; glad we are going for it again. The good thing is that we have both experienced enough AF time to keep wanting it because we know it is worth it. Over a year ago when I was in a permanently alcohol-effected way of living, I can honestly say I may have been fed up feeling rough but did not anticipate the real wonder and joy of living a sober life. My 3 months AF taught me that and for that reason I return again and again until I get there.
                      Hi to Lav and Byrdie. Looks like you've been busy! Prairie Fairy and Lolab, good to hear from you both. PF you done really well - now you've got the taste for the good life, you're back here for more.
                      There are so many new 'faces' here. Stay strong and stay together.:h
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Day 15 - 2 weeks done, and I have just tied my record number of days in a row! Feels good. Sadly, I have started to have trouble sleeping, I was taking calms forte and tehy were working, 2 was magic - gone up to three, but waking up multiple times and great difficulty getting back to sleep - this is making my resolve weaker, so I would love to sleep to have that extra few ounces of strength.
                        Hi to all the new birds in the nest - congratulations to all my nest buddies who are racking up successes - especially during such difficult times - and huge well done to those who keep getting back in the nest!
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          Newbies Nest

                          Bidding everyone a good night .... Hello to all the new people who have come into the will find this place very comfy and you will feel immediately at home... we are all learning, growing and getting stronger from each others experience.

                          I have had a frustrating day and the week is not looking much brighter... the nest is the highlight of my day... don't know what I would do without my nesting buddies...

                          Here is to an AF night followed by an AF Tuesday


                            Newbies Nest

                            Ok - Day 1 - done and dusted.

                            My name is Prairie Fairy. I can't seem to Mod. But when I am here - I am a better person. I work harder to find positive solutions to my problems. I work harder to reach out a hand.

                            Each day without AL I am stronger - and even though I start again - I have faced this before and succeeded and am confident I can do 30 days again. Where I need you all - is to remind me not to get cocky, complacent.

                            Like Gregorino - all my success has come from rigorous scheduling, focus on supplements, and relentless brain reprogramming with the hynpnos. So Gregorino - you can be my accountability buddy on those if you like. :-)

                            That being said - I claim today.

                            I am Prairie Fairy. Today I was enough. Today I was stronger than AL.
                            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                            AF - August 20, 2012


                              Newbies Nest

                              Don't think I have posted on this thread before but read it often. Tonight makes four weeks AF. 56 1/2 years old and 4 wks sober...but its a start. I watch the people come and go...and am always thrilled when they return. Several nesters have inspired me...PF has made my day today...
                              It's kinda weird how we get attached to people on this site even when we never or rarely post. I guess it's because we fight the same battles against the same foes that we are able to identify with others so readily and are able to feel true concern about people we will never know. Each
                              "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House


                                Newbies Nest

                                Wrong button...anyways...each of you are appreciated and each of you give me strength and comfort. Glad to share a nest with you.
                                "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House

