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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    Here is the L-Glutamine description (copied from the Health store listing):

    L-Glutamine: Helps Curb the Craving!

    Excessive alcohol consumption inhibits the synthesis and absorption of L-glutamine, which serves many critical functions. This powerful amino acid has been proven effective in double blind clinical trials to reduce cravings for alcohol. It is utilized as a brain food and energy source. Stores of L-Glutamine are depleted during times of high stress, and supplementation has been shown to reduce anxiety. L-Glutamine helps eliminate aggressive sugar and carbohydrate craving that many individuals experience during early alcohol withdrawal. (Alcohol is nearly biochemically identical to sugar.)

    2,000 mg. of L-Glutamine, divided daily, is recommended to decrease the craving for alcohol. Many inpatient centers use higher doses--up to three or four times as much--when treating their clients. Numerous studies have documented that glutamine is well tolerated and has limited or no side effects unless used in massive doses.

    L-Glutamine may be taken on a daily basis, or kept on hand to manage "craving emergencies" in which the powder from half a 1,000 capsule is poured directly under the tongue.

    Recommended dose: 1-3 capsules per day, preferably between meals.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      hey Tut - nice job!!! Let me tell you - that long road ahead of you??? It looks waaaaay shorter looking back on it. In the beginning, it seems just about impossible, doesn't it? But each day you take in the beginning is taking a HUGE chunk out of the length of that road. And soon, you'll be able to look back and say - "wow, it was only 30 days ago that I was feeling such despair, guilt, hopelessness and overwhelming thoughts of I CAN'T DO THIS. I've come so far in such a short time!!!"

      For those struggling with sleep, I really am in no position to offer advice, I think I might be the WORST nester to complain about sleep issues...:H but in my experience, I usually have to keep changing things up a bit. Sometimes Calms Forte works....then it seems to lose its I switch to the Hyland's Nerve Tonic....then when I start having trouble it's time to switch - try melatonin a couple of nights....and sometimes, I take the nerve tonic at first and if I wake up I'll take a Calms Forte...LOL! I've tried the Natural Calm magnesium powder too...just keep trying! And remember that intermittent sleep issues are very common in the early days - just don't let it interfere with your sobriety.

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


        Newbies Nest

        Thank you to all the Nesters!:h

        You go Lukalee!!! I will check with my doctor to see if there is interference with my prescription meds

        Thank you Lavande for the dosing info - I am anxious to get the L-Glutamine on board

        My husband is working from home today and he was taking a "break". I just decided to share with him the fact that I have reached out for support in MWO. There were tears, my own, and a very loving hug from my husband :l. I guess this was another step that I needed to take to keep me on the straight and narrow. I am going to share all the posts from me, the responses and the welcoming to the Nest messages that I have received thus far, this evening when he is off of work. I mentioned the story of "Roberta Jewell" and asked him to read it because her story tells so much of what I have been experiencing. I think it will also open doors for us to talk about me/him/us. He asked me what my goal is and all I could say was "I can't tell you that I will never have another drink again but my goal right now is to not have any alcohol". I think one day I might actually like myself again. user name "Tut" a nickname that my big sister used to call me when I was little. Having you fellow supporters address me as "Tut" makes each and every response that much more personal for me, in turn, making me feel accountable for my fight against AL. I do believe that God hears all my prayersray: . I also believe that there is a reason I found MWO, it is just what I needed


          Newbies Nest

          I tried to edit my previous post to say:

          Thank you Lolab for the compliment :butterfly:

          If I don't mention everyone by name please don't be heart thanks you as soon as I read your response:groupluv:

          TTYL Nesters!


            Newbies Nest

            Hello friends,

            Bamajohn, I know what you mean!

            Steadyhands, I liked your post, alot of truth and wisdom all of it hard won!

            Tut, glad you're going to stick around. This is THE place to come for support.

            Hope everyone has a wonderful AF day!
            "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
            AF 11/12/11


              Newbies Nest

              Hey TUT!!

              Good luck with day 3. I didn't enjoy it either!
              I really wish you and your husband the best.

              I chuckle every time I read Tut, because in SA TUT stands for Tshwane University of Technology!! It reminds me of my studies!!

              On a more serious note I understand that being reminded of a good, innocent part of yourself is helpful in such a journey. AL corrupted us in ways that was disgusting!! But that is not who we truly are and I am sure you will like yourself again! And a lot faster than you can imagine.

              12-20-2012 AF
              Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Tut

                Congratulations on day 2, that is a big achievement ! The monster in your head is starting to get a bit rattled now because you aren't doing what he tells you to do. In the next few days, he will try everything he knows to make you have that one drink which would lead you straight back to where you were. The sleep problem seems to be a side effect problem and I certainly suffered with it for a couple of weeks, but I am sleeping better than ever now.

                Keep up the good work.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello everyone. Checking on day 60 will be Friday which is a pretty big deal...I'll try to check in so you all can congratulate me....hahaha.

                  Really, I am feeling awesome right now and this site has been a huge help with my success.

                  I am very thankful for this site because I now have a working tool box, I can go onto this site at anytime and read your post and relate to 99% of them....its good reading. I get to read post from others that are struggling and finding ways to beat this decease and also get to read the replies from the experienced nesters and take that advice home daily.I read the newbies section every day and I always get some thing out of it that is helpful. I can communicate my feelings and know I will get positive feed back any time I need it....the replies really mean a lot to me. Some day I hope I will get better at offering advice.

                  I accidentally put myself to a test this weekend. I was out of campral at home and the only pills I had were at work. Friday was extremely busy at work and I some how missed the morning dose and the noon dose.
                  Friday night my wife's grand mother died(it was expected but still had to deal with the sadness. As a surprise, Saturday we re-painted my sons room from light blue to red while he was in Hawaii for the week (his High School band was invited to perform for the 70th Pearl Harbor ceremony - lucky him) and then Sunday was my daughters gymnastics meet.

                  So, I was defiantly busy and with family all weekend but, by mid afternoon Sunday I was feeling a little bit on edge, I'm not sure but I think it kind of felt like I would of felt 58 days ago???? might have just been in my head or maybe not, I don't know....doesn't matter now because I am looking at it as a lesson to be learned and that I am far from being out of the woods. Got right back on the campral yesterday morning all is well.

                  Good luck and hang in there everyone...its a lot of work but well worth it!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Noal

                    Good to hear you have got to Day 57. I am just a new boy having now completed 39 days today ! I am interested to hear your experience with Campral. I have been on it now for around three weeks but it is impossible to guage how effective it is. I certainly don't get any cravings for AL but wonder just how much help this medication is giving me ? I have to go back to my Doctor on 21st December for a repeat prescription but wonder how long I have to take it for in the long run. Any Ideas ?


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey Nest!

                      Home from work on the early side, got my second load of wash in and the pork roast in the pressure cooker. Gotta stay busy, no time for AL. (Learnt that from Ms Lav!)

                      Speaking of Ms. Lav, I am getting rave reviews on the Rocky and Bullwinkle embroidered sweatshirt - Ya know, he never DID pull a rabbit out of hat, did he?!

                      FreeFly (the artist formerly known as Can't Believe)- Hello to you as well! Good to see you still plugging at it - Now, let's see what we can do about all these do-overs shall we? I never thought I'd have to start again after hitting 4 months, but they say that practice makes perfect, so I'm buckling in and sticking to the plan.

                      Hello to you Lola! Yes, that's what I'm doing exactly, except on a stationery bike. Can't run because I chewed up one of my knees a couple times and it just cant take the banging. But exactly the same....30 seconds all out, 90 seconds rest, rinse and repeat! You have to be in shape to even start doing that, so I am hopeful this will re-start the agonizingly slow process of weight loss.

                      Tut - l-Glut works great....I start around noon, and then take another mid-afternoon going into the witching hour. Glad to hear hubs is supportive - that will help you a lot.

                      Hello to BlondeAF and to Lukalee, PineCone, Steady and Timpin!

                      Congrats in advance to Noal - 60 days is HUGE! Just don't let up now....AL is still out there - trust me, I know. Oy, do I know!

                      Gotta go fold....
                      -Cap'n G


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello nesters! What a fast thread. U have read a few pages back but have to say I
                        Lost to where I last left off. Welcome newbies and those that managed to stay AF well done. Those that
                        Didn't- just get back on. I did and it made me more determined! I am now losing count as to how many days AF I am. horses- you and I were the same. Haven't read any posts from you so hope you are alright. Think I'm about three weeks AF.

                        Had a Christmas party over te weekend. Did think it would be tough. Hubby asks did I would drive back by only recently been driving. I also got a horrible headache that afternoon added to not rally wanting to go to the party I wasn't keen in diving back. Normally I would home go to town
                        On AL. We got to the party and the smell of mulled wine made me sick! Hubby said it was really nice and strong. Offered me a sip but I declined!! Like a fellow poster (sorry not sure who mentioned it) I felt awkward and didn't really enjoy myself at the party. hubby ended up driving back though I
                        Sure he expected me to. The guests had cats and though they were out I'm allergic so we came home early. Anyhow AL is conniving. On the way to the party- even though I had a headache and had some tabs - I considered drinking "to make myself feel better" if course I didn't I told myself it may for now but I can't stop at one and tomorrow it wouldn't be so good. I imagined how I would feel hungover! It is amazing how the AL can still try and entice you. I digress. Sorry!

                        Not so scared of the holiday as family are Coming to mine and they know I am not drinking. Maybe they will try and push it on the day!

                        Also have not finished Jason Vale book. Just he last 30 odd pages to go. I have to say I have lost interest! But it has helped my thinking and thought process. At the party I looked at others having win or champers or beer and thought about how they were consuming a drug and how it has become "cool" to jointly tke the drug! I also had the ole devil make me envious that they could still drink. that last thought makes me realise I may have a few AF days behind me but the road is still long.

                        Once again sorry for typos etc. on the ole phone. Goodnight fellow nesters. Stay strong.



                          Newbies Nest

                          WickedMom...I feel as tho I am finally catching up here...but just wanted to give you a little reassurance on your earlier post. 12 weeks is an awesome achievement, but now that you have your hat...well, it comes with some homework. You will have days you are up and some where you aren't so much. But even a bad day sober is better than a good day drunk, wouldn't you agree? Your mood will pass, and even out.
                          I can say with equal measure, it scares the hell out of me to see a strong nester fall out...I have nightmares about it. I mean that could very easily be me! It only takes one drink, and one weak moment. I pray to GOD that I will always have the resolve to say NO, HELL NO!!! I just WILL NOT go back. A dam drink is NOT WORTH IT! So that keeps me going, and this nest.
                          So it is perfectly normal to have some periods of time when things are a little off...but believe me, a drink is NOT going to make anything any better...only worse...much worse. Weather the storm, good things are on the other side. Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey TUT - well done, I hear you on your comment stating that you can't moderate and thinking at the same time, oh yes I can - that is me! I know full well that I can't, but I also have to admit that the 5% really really wants to and thinks it can - I wish I could find that voices off switch.
                            Lucalee - i have a 10 and a 13 year old - it is so much nicer being with them when sober - I have had some really great times!
                            Day 16 in a row, personal best - yahoo! next personal best is 22 days in a month - gonna beat that one too! And meet the goal I set in April of 30 days AF - December will be the month!!
                            Thanks for the sleeping tips - calms forte had worked so well for such a long time, time to try melatonin I think - any thoughts as to how much to take? I hate feeling groggy after sleeping - benadryl makes me feel yucky, so hope melatonin is what I need to shake it up a bit!
                            Hang in everyone - lots of huge achievements being made....
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              Newbies Nest

                              As to the questions on the L-Glut - don't know if I dialed down a little too soon...

                              BUT - I had best success with 2 capsules mid-AM, 2 capsules around 2:30, and NO JOKE - 3 of the high dose chewies from GNC at 5:45 to manage my witching hour.

                              The treatment centers use higher doses than the basic on the label and when dancing with the devil - the listed dose wasn't even close to cutting it. More importantly - in critical situations - the chewies are micronized/hit blood stream lickety split - and shut down cravings hard and fast. In cases where things are dicey - it's a chewie all the way. VitaminShoppe does not have the chewies - which are like sour starbursts - just GNC does. VitaminShoppe carries something very similar in action but is like little bitty sweet tarts - depends on your taste I guess - both work better/faster than the capsules but cost more. Hence - I get blood levels up during the day with capsules and then squash cravings at the witching hour with one or the other of the more powerful/more expensive L-Gluts.

                              And a quick hypno - daytime version if I can't go under - and just have time for cue triggering while I do housework OR if I am critical - a fast 1 hour go-under reinforcement.
                              That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                              Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                              AF - August 20, 2012


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening folks.....I've been dreading posting today...which is a GOOD thing because I'm fully committed to being AF...hell, even last night I met a friend in the pub to watch a game and when he came in he asked me did I want a Guinness and though I said no he ordered me one anyway, as he assumed I was joking! I had to go up to the bar to cancel it! I happily drank orange juice all night and didn't miss having a drink at all. I had just as good a night without it actually. So I'm doing well. Day 9 in the bag.
                                tomorrow is our work Christmas party. That's no problem. I had a plan for that. But then my boss told us our team of 5 is going for our annual lunch tomorrow. I'm new so I've never been on one before but I'm told the plan is to go for lunch and stay boozing until 5 when the party starts. I'm actually so depressed about it because the reality is that the easiest thing to do will be to drink and just go along with it. For the sake of an easier work-life and for the sake of being one of the guys. I'm happy that I feel this way. That I'm not just thinking "Ah feck it, sure I may as well get drunk". It's such a nuisance!
                                I'll play it by ear anyway. Hopefully we just eat and come back to work! If not....well, we'll see what happens.
                                Anyway, greetings to all here, there's some inspiring posting going on these last few days.

