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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    Andrew, keep your thoughts positive! You can remain AF if you really want to

    Congrats to everyone making such great progress ~ I'm proud of all of you

    Greg, I guess you can imagine I spend hundreds of hours being entertained by the Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle back in 19__! :H I am now entertaining my grandson who just turned 3 last month with my R&B DVDs - he loves it :H

    I thought I wask taking the day off to do the wrapping & some baking. Well, I did wrap gifts but no baking _ duty calls

    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest, use the butt velcro, nest belts & anything else you can think of to stay put!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Hello Everyone... the nest is busy busy busy.... so great to hear how everyone is kicking ALs butt ..Just going back one day I picked up on ..

      daisy 45 going great
      SL now on day 16
      PF back into the grove
      BamaJohn 4 weeks AF
      Tut.. major progress in such a short time
      Wicked Mom marching on
      Steady Hands.. thanks for sharing.. have a great holiday and don't worry about your arse
      Aussie .. doing great
      Piper congrats on 14 beads.. your daughter will be so happy
      Greg the HIIT sounds killer..
      Freefly day 2 down for the count
      LoLab always great post... one of these days sleep will come..
      Blondie working hard and doing great
      Lulcalee .. day 3
      Noel day 57
      Pinecone doing great so is Trimpin and Ministar
      Andrew from Ireland... think where you were at just a week or so back.. you are doing great
      Brydie.. always great post
      LAV... the nest Mom keeping us all on track

      This is just what I picked up on over a 24 hour period... this is great stuff... If I missed anyone I am sorry.. its a busy night in the old nest..

      I am doing ok.. everyone now and then I think ... oh I wish I had a glass of wine.. then I think .. what are you thinking.. we have to be on guard cause it comes at ya when you least expect it..

      Take Care my fellow nesters and have a wonderful night killing AL


        Newbies Nest

        Hi All!
        I'm a speed reader and can't keep up with this thread. LOL
        Just checking in before I get to go home for the day...YAY! Overall sounds like everybody is doing great. Keep it up all. I am gonna try to catch up on all the posts later.
        Much love everyone :h
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Newbies Nest

          Hey all!
          Herbie, you're just showing off! You are a master of keeping up! Wow!
          Andrew, I totally understand where you are coming from. On a regional meeting I had some months ago, many would spend the afternoons in the bar. I, on the other hand went out in search of The Most Rightous Cookie. I got some for give aways (to those most deserving). I couldn't believe the people who asked me "WHEN DID YOU HAVE TIME TO DO THIS?" Well duh, I didn't spend 6 hours getting put away in the bar!
          I told people I'd be happy to join them in the bar, order me a water and I'll be right there....I told you one guy ordered me a wine and when the bartender sat it down I told him I didn't order it and he took it back. Stick to your guns. You and I both know that it won't end with one party on a Wednesday night. It will take you days, if not weeks to get your head back right. After they've had a couple and you haven't, they won't even notice....but you will. And Thursday morning when you get up and feel like you've done a great job, they've be feeling like a big pile of poopy. Who knows, maybe THEY have a problem and just looking for company. Misery doesn't just love company, it loves miserable company. Don't let anyone derail your mission....remember no matter what or no matter who. There is never a good reason for us to drink. (sorry to say). Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Nesters!

            Just wanted to check in to see how everyone is doing and let you know that today is my 7th day AF! YAY This is a huge step for me! :disco:

            Sober as of 12/7/11
            7 days - Complete
            14 days - Complete
            21 days - Complete
            1 month - Complete
            2 months - Complete
            3 months - ALMOST!
            6 months - not yet


              Newbies Nest

              Hello and congrats to everyone on your progress! Gregorino I'm so happy to see you back here! Andrew, I hope that you come up with a plan for lunch tomorrow. Winging it sounds like it could be a recipe for disaster. I hope to read tomorrow that you got through it all sober. :l


                Newbies Nest

                Ruinator - WAY TO GO! You should be so proud - keep it up!

                Excellent job here everyone!

                BTW, You've all got to go read Fly Away's Christmas party story. Absolutely hilarious (and will make you so glad you're AF). Here's a link:



                  Newbies Nest

                  Unwasted;1225728 wrote: Ruinator - WAY TO GO! You should be so proud - keep it up!

                  Excellent job here everyone!

                  BTW, You've all got to go read Fly Away's Christmas party story. Absolutely hilarious (and will make you so glad you're AF). Here's a link:

                  LOL! I'm glad you enjoyed my story. I'll copy it for everyone here:

                  And now one more post about my work Christmas party. This is an example of the wonderful effects of alcohol .

                  There were 12 of us (6 couples) at this dinner/party. I was the only one out of 12 who didn't drink. But my DH and I were the first to leave. My DH downed so much liquor that he was shit-faced and I had to practically carry him to our hotel room. When in the hotel he promptly vomited. Nice and romantic. Isn't alcohol grand? The next day we met up with another couple from the dinner who told us about the rest of the night. One man got so drunk that he passed out in the cab back to the hotel and then locked his wife out of their room and couldn't be woken to open the door for her. Another man got upset when his girlfriend referred to him by a nickname that his parents call him and proceeded to announce to the table that she used to be a stripper, much to her humiliation! And finally one of the women there in her drunken stupor announced to everyone and in front of her husband that she was bisexual! Good times!


                    Newbies Nest

                    The scary part for me was that I've got somewhere around 2 months sobriety under my belt and I was rocked hard with cravings when going to this party. So hard that I had given myself permission to drink. I can't believe how weak I felt and that I caved in my mind. Fortunately I never caved in reality. When we got there and everyone was gathered around the bar I just ordered water and decided to sip that and see how I felt about drinking later. By the time we got to the dinner table I was feeling quite a bit stronger and just stuck with water. And then once I saw how ridiculously drunk my husband was getting I was glad I was sober and able to deal with getting us a cab and getting him back to our hotel room. I think I was feeling a little too sure of myself too soon. I let my guard down and it was scary when I realized how weak I truly am.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all, just a quick check-in at the end of day 3. Getting caught up on duties that have fallen by the wayside while I have been painting my backdrop and of course those extra nights fuelled by wine.
                      Last rehearsal for show on Thursday and then Friday is showtime! Christmas shopping after that so pretty much busy, busy, busy.
                      I just want to stay strong and positive. You are all doing so well. Your posting helps. Thanks and night-night.
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Newbies Nest

                        I think you are stong, FlyAway; you resisted. It is easy to cave; it takes a strong person to realize that those cravings exist and face them. Kudos!
                        Goal 1: Today
                        Goal 2: Tomorrow


                          Newbies Nest

                          Lukalee, call me any time.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters,

                            Ruinator - CONGRATS to you on your 7 AF days :yay:
                            I'll bet you are proud - keep going!!!!

                            FlyAway, your Christmas party........sounds like the party from hell :H :H
                            Good for you maintaining your commitment!

                            Greetings Daisy, Unwasted, Lukalee & everyone!

                            I am waiting for my coffee to kick in - have lots to do today
                            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Humpday!!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              I was thinking yesterday when I took my furry girls for a walk...the further Iget along in this journey the more questions i have. so, I was thinking aout who I am - both how I see myself and how others see me. I'm a little unsure of the latter but a certain kind of dichotomy exists in how I see seems like it's coming together though. On one hand, I always saw myself as a pretty health conscious person - always investigating the best things to eat and taking supplements - but sometimes I really saw myself as the party girl - carefree and fun loving - "yeah, I smoke and drink - life is about LIVING! Enjoy it while you can!". But even when I went out in my younger days and smoked and drank, I think most people were surprised when they saw it - I thought it was fun that I could surprise people - but in retrospect maybe they saw me more clearly than I saw myself and that's why it surprised them.

                              I lost my dad suddenly when I was 21 and it started a downward self destructive spiral for me...I suddenly had an "excuse" to be a little dark and rebellious (at least in my own mind)...but I carried it on far too long and it turned into a 40 plus year old rebel - which we all know isn't cute when it means you aren't taking care of your family and your responsibilities.

                              With alcohol out of the picture, I think things are getting more and more clear as to who I really am. I'm not someone who is comfortable watching my body and my relationships deteriorate while I swim in a pool of alcohol. In fact the only time I AM comortable with that is when I am actually in the pool - unable to get to the edge. Then I can somehow justify my position because it's the only one that I think I can maintain - I'm a good swimmer. But I'm eventually going to get tired and I will drown if don't get to the edge and get my feet on solid ground again. Then on solid ground, where I am now, it's easy to see that staying in the middle of that alcohol pool is not an option. I can see then, that I am a person who enjoys taking care of herself and doesn't enjoy at all being lost in that desperation of feeling like there's nothing else to do but keep treading water...

                              Even though I guess the real ME has to involve a little bit of carefree recklessness, I need to find a different outlet for it, as drinking doesn't even fulfill THAT trait anymore...and I don't know if it ever did. What I do know is that for quite some time, it has only made me more anti-social. I was afraid to say or do much when around others for fear of them knowing how much I had been drinking. I passed out every night without spending time with my family - and I avoided social situations like the plague because I could not drink freely at them, like I could at home.

                              What an interesting road this really is...

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Day 4 and all I want to do is sleep! Good thing is that I slept through the night. I need to wake up! Have a great day, everyone!
                                Goal 1: Today
                                Goal 2: Tomorrow

