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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Remember New of the first things you have to do is get ALL the AL out of your house. We are not Mother Theresa.....get it all out of the house. That is the very first step. Get all tempation out of your way and set yourself up for success. Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Unwasted - well done, I am so looking forward to repeating your success!
      LoLab - hope i repeat your success at my work party on Friday otherwise I won't get to 30 days!!
      PF - so sorry you are sad, so sad - I have had a bad year too with so much happening! I am separated and the divorce is filed. I am foreclosing on my home, the IRS has this silly notion that I owe over $40,000. As so many wonderful nest buddies have pointed out in the past - AL would not help me cope with all these problems at all - it might blunt the edge for a while, but they will come back and I would not be in any position to deal. Try to stay strong so you can work your way thru things.
      Twitt and FlyAway - think i am in same generation as you guys! Next year i have a big BD to celebrate and so looking forward to being in a much better place than I have been for 20 years - the new me! Life starts at 50 right!!!
      Lolab - will change my mood to determined - it will help me with my mind set for Friday!! but HOW do you do that post acknowledging everyone!! I am proud of the few i am managing to mention here!
      well done to everyone else for keeping warm in the nest and helping all of us build our resolve!
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        Newbies Nest

        I second that Byrdie!!!!!
        Get rid of the AL, make a good plan for yourself & make a COMMITMENT to quit!
        I was soooo tired of letting myself & vowed to do this ~ and I did. Everyone here can do the same

        Unwasted, CONGRATS on your 30 AF days!
        mrsg, CONGRATS on your 60 AF days!
        Great progress, I'm happy for both of you.

        PF, we can't change what happened yesterday, it's history.
        Cry today if you have to them move on. You have the power to make tomorrow better!

        SH, yes we do like to add our two cents here in the US

        min star, being tired in the beginning is pretty common while we begin to heal ourselves. Be sure you are taking some good supplements, eating well, getting some exercise, etc. It won't last much longer.

        twitt, you can turn that anger into something more useful for you!
        Direct your anger toward AL - the cause of our problems. Kick AL out of your life & begin some new healthy thinking, healthy habits, etc. Use the tool box to put a good plan together & get started today.

        It's been real busy here today & that's great. Every time you post something you just may be helping someone else & that's a wonderful thing.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Lavande et all -

          You are right. I can't change yesterday. It's done and gone.

          I've thought about what I want to say if given a chance - it's whether I'll have the chance.

          All I know is - I've made it through my witching hour - with enough supplements on board to bring down a yeti. I'm brewing the herbal tea now. I'm going to get my daytime subliminals going and clean my house. If I can't control anything else - I can control that much.

          And yes - if I get a chance to discuss it - I'll discuss the program. I haven't because he's been very judgmental about others we have known who have gone into a 12 step or rehab program- although granted - they had well and truly hit bottom in a way I publicly hadn't. While he was super proud of how I was doing - I would hate to have that hanging behind his eyes. So I've thought a lot about what/how to say it.

          I'm just exhausted and spent. With everything that has happened in the last few months I'm existing on raw will power and today there doesn't feel like there is much at the bottom of the well for the bucket to scrape up.

          I'm sorry to be so down. I'm not trying to drag the next into the toilet with me.
          That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
          Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
          AF - August 20, 2012


            Newbies Nest

            No apologies necessary PF. I wish that there was some way to make this easier on you. I'm so happy that you made it through another day sober. Stay strong. :l


              Newbies Nest

              It's like they say in AA...Just don't drink. Seems kinda silly, but it is the most important thing we can do. No matter what...just don't drink.

     sorry you're having to go thru this, but it, too, will pass. And while there may be no way to make your SO understand what is going on inside of you, honesty and openess (and perhaps sharing this site?) might help. But if they don't have our disease, they can't understand our disease. Even the most well-meaning people, including medical personnel, can't really understand alcoholism if they don't suffer from it. I've been in and out of recovery for almost 15 years and have never seen anything written or heard anything said that would cause a "normal" person to be able to fully understand what it is like to be a drunk who wants to get and to stay sober. I've abused alcohol for 40 years and even I can't understand why I do some of the things I do...

              Unwasted...not going to bother counting my days any more since I have the same sober date as you. I'll just check in here often and see how well you are doing and will know that I must be doing damn good also.

              Hang in there everyone. It ain't easy, but we know that it can be done. Thanks to all of those with more sober time than we have for being here...really gives us hope.
              "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House


                Newbies Nest

                Unwasted...not going to bother counting my days any more since I have the same sober date as you. I'll just check in here often and see how well you are doing and will know that I must be doing damn good also.
                Sounds good John


                  Newbies Nest

                  you people are so nice


                    Newbies Nest

                    Great job, unwasted on 30 days!
                    Great job, mrsg on 60 days!
                    Goal 1: Today
                    Goal 2: Tomorrow


                      Newbies Nest

                      hey hey Nestafarians!

                      Started to read from where I left off last evening, but the eyelids are just too droopy!

                      Have to get up at 5 and go in to work early, then off to a job interview at 4 PM.

                      Think a good thought for the 'ol Cap'n tomorrow afternoon please!

                      I promise to bomb the nest with wit and wisdom (OK, maybe some wit) on Friday when I'm off...

                      You are all The Best - Stay Strong and Be Calm!
                      -Cap'n G


                        Newbies Nest

                        twitt;1226392 wrote: you people are so nice
                        Twitt, settle on in, do some reading, and make a plan. Even if you're still drinking, just keep checking in. I think that the more we talk about it, the more we think about it, the more we read about it, and the more support we get, the more likely we are to quit. And even if quitting doesn't happen the first, second, third, etc., time just keep on trying. It's better than the status quo.


                          Newbies Nest

                          SL - BE DETERMINED

                          PF, I have a somwhat different take on sharing this info with a spouse. Mine seems to be a lot like yours - super judgmental, disapproving, uppity, yuo name it. I have kept MWO to myself because I didn't want his interference, opinions, etc. Can't say he was happy when I quit drinking as he decided to walk out of this lifelong marriage more than a year after I quit. He's remained unhappy but seems to be coming around a little. I'm not waiting for his happiness, I'm making my own

                          Hello & good night to everyone in the nest. Be safe & use the safety devices, please

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            gregorino;1226425 wrote: hey hey Nestafarians!

                            Started to read from where I left off last evening, but the eyelids are just too droopy!

                            Have to get up at 5 and go in to work early, then off to a job interview at 4 PM.

                            Think a good thought for the 'ol Cap'n tomorrow afternoon please!

                            I promise to bomb the nest with wit and wisdom (OK, maybe some wit) on Friday when I'm off...

                            You are all The Best - Stay Strong and Be Calm!
                            Greg, positive vibes for your interview tomorrow!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Lavande;1226428 wrote: SL - BE DETERMINED

                              PF, I have a somwhat different take on sharing this info with a spouse. Mine seems to be a lot like yours - super judgmental, disapproving, uppity, yuo name it. I have kept MWO to myself because I didn't want his interference, opinions, etc. Can't say he was happy when I quit drinking as he decided to walk out of this lifelong marriage more than a year after I quit. He's remained unhappy but seems to be coming around a little. I'm not waiting for his happiness, I'm making my own

                              Hello & good night to everyone in the nest. Be safe & use the safety devices, please

                              Lav, I haven't told my DH about MWO either although I know I could. Before meeting my DH (over 20 years ago) I was in a 5-year relationship with a guy who would have held this over my head and been judgmental if I had shared this info with him. He would have been following me around and checking up on me and certainly would have told everyone that we knew about my problem. And it probably would have led me to drink more.

                              Prairie Fairy, you need to decide for yourself if telling your SO everything is something you want to do. I don't the dynamics of your relationship, but there can be good and bad in telling. It's up to you to figure out what's right.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi twit just keep coming around and posting you'll always find someone to talk to here. Things always seem so grim and impossible inthe beginning but they start looking brighter real fast when you're free of alcohol.

                                Remember that too prairie- I know your pain is very real but just try to remember how even the bleakest situation seems much more manageable once the veil of alcohol is lifted.... You're seeing everything through those deceptive eyes that are doing everything to talk you into drinking again. Not sure if I'm putting that as I meant it...

                                And freefly your plan sounds wonderful! I read your post about the Tibetan stuff Awhile back but it seems like I looked at the site and it Cost ? But I didn't know enough about it. CN you bump the thread and tell me more?

                                I think I missed some things but I'm on my phone so I will check in in the am.

                                Oh I went to a party tonight! Didn't even think of drinking. It was interesting though.

                                Hey windy! And belle. Where is belle also?

                                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011

