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    Newbies Nest

    New around here

    Hi all

    I'm new around here and I'm happy to say im about 18 days AF and Im pretty chuffed with myself.

    Tomorrow may be a bit of a challenge as I have a christmas party where I'll be expected to be one of the heavier drinkers rather than the sober one but I'm looking forward to the challenge with almost reformist glee.

    After that I have a family Christmas to get through, my wife's birthday and then I'm heading off to Hong Kong, China then Singapore, then a cruise through Thailand, Vietnam and back to Hong Kong - almost a month away where I can control my self without the day to day stressors that I often blame for my drinking.

    Whoever recommended for kudzu delivering to Australia was spot on Within 4 days of ordering the planetary herbals kudzu was delivered.

    I've followed MWO vitamin support to some extent - I cant easily get the brands or the powdered vitamins so have substituted with the major items and I have to say that I dont have any real cravings. I've looked at the recommended drugs and at this stage Ive decided against them for a few reasons. Firstly I'd be breaking a few laws here to use them and in my occupation that is unwise. Using a drug off prescription requires lying to doctors which tends to put you in a position where you will have difficulties later asking for help (what do you mean you don't suffer from epilepsy - I've had problems with insurance reports after being a little liberal with my symptoms in the past - lies tend to come back and bite you.

    Secondly I really don't want to risk the possible brain addling effects of topamax. I get paid a hell of a lot of money for my "creative genius" and while every night I used to put my brain to sleep with copious amounts of alcohol, I really dont want to risk doing that with a non prescribed drug (or at least one not proscribed for my problems).

    All these extra hours I have available these days have allowed me to do some serious reading and research. I actually really like the ideas behind the Sinclair method using naltraxone while drinking to rewrite the learned drinking behaviors. I had been prescribed naltraxone once before at a drug and alcohol centre that seemed to focus on heroin more often than alcohol. I might have been a drunk but I was a proud drunk and didnt want to associate with the other patients at that clinic - I kept getting flashbacks about high priced audio equipment that I had had stolen from my house as other patients joined me in the waiting room. Oh the arrogance of it all.

    The concept of using Nal to turn off the opium receptors made more sense when actively drinking rather than using it to turn off everything enjoyable in my life (sex, food, adventure) except alcohol by daily dosage. But again here in Australia Nal is only available on government script, for people who have detoxed and are in a supervised treatment program. I chased up a couple of clinics who looked promising but they turned out to be a front for the cult that is AA (I have been to a few meetings in the past).

    Now once you understand the brain chemistry stuff (I think I do a bit) then you start to understand that all the stuff that happens in your brain is controlled by your brain - we have total power over what do (unless you believe otherwise in which case you will certainly be right). So I've decided to use hypnosis to do the stuff that the chemicals otherwise would do but Ive decided to skip the side effects.

    Over the last 10 years I have studied a lot of NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis. I have hypnotised people, helped them with depression and eating disorders, found trying to get smokers to stop to difficult (and smelly in my smoke free rooms) and to prove that I wasn't making all this up have hypnotized people to be as stiff as a board supported between two chairs resting only on their shoulders and calves (try that without hypnosis). I've induced a crowd of 80 people from stage and have been blown away with the results. But I've never really believed (or perhaps wanted to) use hypnosis on myself to control my drinking.

    My wife who has similar training and clinical experience once hypnotized me to help me with a fear of heights. As a proof of its power I stopped being afraid to stand next to a building window and was able to throw my self off the Auckland skytower in a tethered freefall of 700 feet. I did it twice cause I could. This stuff works.

    But there is some conflicts relying on a spouse to do something like this - and I didnt really believe I was good enough to do this myself after my lack of success helping smokers to stop smoking so I chose a clinical hypnotist working in this area. My aim was to turn off the dopamine receptors using the brain's subconscious rather than drugs.

    I lucked onto someone who had a similar view of the world as me and we did some parts and trance work, some of which I remember. I'm keen to work towards moderate drinking rather than abstinance as I've found in the past that going cold turkey leaves you with a ticking timebomb of craving ready to pounce on you when you let your defences down.

    In the same way that the sinclair method requires you to decide to drink, take the naltraxone and wait hour before the drink, I've been guided to decide that I will engage in 10 or 20 minutes of vigorous exercise, pumping up those dopomines before consuming wine with a meal. I've also added some like to dislike negative meanings for beer (here often known colloquially as "piss" - this meaning is a hell of a discouragement for me to partake) and spirits (for me "metho or metholated spirits - a form of cleaning methanol).

    Now I'm not planning to experiment with moderation till on the cruise as I feel I need to be able to prove to myself that I can stay AF for 30 days ( and christmas isnt the greatest time to get around with a skin full). I have a follow up reinforcement hypnosis session in a weeks time but I've also been warned that I need to come up with a way of better coping with my stress if i'm to get long term benefits.

    So I hope my story is of interest and I hope I havent taken up too much of your time and space here - if anyone is interested I'll provide updates on how I fare.



      Newbies Nest

      Welcome Swaggie! Have a great day everyone. No time to type about my challenging night; once again I slept like a log and running to conquer day 5 with a vengence....
      Goal 1: Today
      Goal 2: Tomorrow


        Newbies Nest

        Greg--I'd love to hear about your 911 plan. I'm rereading Jason Vale's book. It completely knocked the cravings out of me the first time I read it.

        Ronnie--There must be something about that 2 month mark. That's where I am and the cravings seem to be coming back. Congrats to you for staying strong.

        Unwasted--Trying to remember how you'll feel in the morning is a good tip. I'm trying to stockpile any little bits of knowledge that will help!

        Nelz--I definitely don't want to go through this again. I guess that's one thing that has been keeping me on the straight and narrow. I know if I drink I'll be right back where I started from. Not going back!

        Lola--Interesting about your DH. I haven't told mine about this site or the Jason Vale book, but if he decides he wants to quit drinking I'll give him the book to read. I selfishly want this site for myself. I doubt if he'd get on here anyway. I'm not pushing my husband to quit, but after he embarrassed himself at a Christmas party he hasn't had a drink. I'm sure it's only temporary though.

        Irie--Positive vibes to you for strength. You can do this!

        Windy--I'll be thinking of you on Saturday. It's funny to me how much stress the holidays bring. Gah! Stay strong!

        Swaggie--Be sure to report back and let us know how you faired at your party. It's interesting to be the only sober person sometimes!

        Luka--I've been sleeping like a log too. For the first time in years! It's great, isn't it?


          Newbies Nest

          Very interesting posting going on ... Windy you summarized it well... I am know post 30 days and not really keeping track of the days anymore and not excited like I was for each passing day...These post are a reminder to stay vigilant...or we will get sucked back into the vortex before we know it..

          Swaggie, very interesting post... when I started i knew I was not going to go to a DR and get any of the RX meds...the nutritional supps and hypno types have worked great for me plus all the reading and posting on this site.. I am really not too sure how the hypno tapes are working and have been thinking about going to a real hypno therapist ... but wondering how do you keep from ending up with a quack??

          Have to get my self going for the day so I am signing off... great posting everyone... every post makes someone stronger


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            Hello & welcome Swaggie! That's a very interesting story you have there. I've always thought - do whatever works for you! We all have to find our own way out. About your 'ticking time bomb of craving' statement - I can't say I agree with that. Changing my thinking to terms of gratitude along with the help of the MWO Hypno CDs helped me avoid all that. Wishing you a wonderful trip

            Another busy day ahead for me so I'll get going. Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Thursday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi everyone, especially newcomer Swaggie! Welcome, you will find the nest very comfy. Seeing lots of new and old (well, not "old" but returning) faces in the nest.

              I haven't been posting busy with Christmas preps, kids' school things and having a darn cold/cough. I do drop by for quick reads but there has been so much activity here that I cannot keep up! So much activity...that is a good thing! Mostly I read at night on my iPhone, but it is a pain to post from that, and I am lazy, so I just read.

              A big "hello" to Lola who was asking where I was. I am doing well, but can identify with all those in the "been AF for a while" blues. Windy's post really resonated with me. Also the conversations about letting SO's know about this site. No way am I telling mine. He would flip out (old family baggage) if he knew my problem was bad enough to be involved here. So instead of hiding AL from the SO's, we are now hiding this site. Kind of funny, isn't it? I do feel a little guilty, but look at it as for the greater good.

              Welcome back PF, we have missed you so much. With your will and determination you will make it. Go get a big pile of Prairie dirt and fill in that rabbit hole. You ain't goin' near it again. Ya hear?

              With all the stress and things to do I almost had a big fall Tuesday night. Really wanted a shot of vodka. Of course, just one. But I talked myself out of it, mostly by reminding myself how it felt to wake up in the middle of the night with the G/S/R (thanks Byrdie) brothers, sweating and unable to fall back to sleep. With all I have going on, that just cannot happen. And it didn't. Also, all the wisdom here like "you will never regret not drinking the night before" and things like that keep me grounded. I've lost track of how many days I have, but just keep going AF today.

              Have a dentist appt to run to. Wish I could sit in the nest all day. Love to you all and a big thanks for being here.

              Alcohol does me no favors.

              Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                Newbies Nest

                Hi guys -

                1st Gregorino - good vibes for your interview today.

                2nd - I echo that my slip happened after the celebratory counting seemed less important. And when I went down - I went down hard - even if it was reasonably short - it really damaged how I viewed the strength of my quit, my desire, my capability, etc. And because I had been so different - had changed so much without telling people why - I think it hurt them worse.

                So - I feel like I have more to attone for then before if that make sense. My determination is grimmer, harder somehow.

                The SO isn't leaving - but I expect a difficult face to face conversation this weekend.

                I played the Hypnos last night and will have my custom subliminals going today. The part I had added about facing challenges positively really does lift my mood. So glad I got them. I actually like them well enough I ordered one more custom series after something Lavande said really hit home.

                I shrunk my list from 5 topics to 4 so the script wasn't so long - and the brain had less to focus on. I asked James to lead with the MWO Total Abs - so it's top of the mind. I asked him to add in one of his scripts around something that is a real stumbling block for me - and during my slip up - I realized was triggering drinking - which I had NEVER identified before. (think of it as an update to the plan - almost like an innoculation to the brain). I added back in the Positive Mental Attitude - which makes me feel soooo much better ever time I hear it. And lastly - thinking about Lav's posts on Gratitude - added his script on Gratitude.

                I know, I know - it's a lot of money. But now that I identified an overwhelming trigger - if I can prevent destroying what means the most to me - my relationships - and save all that cost I was spending on AL - then it's worth it.

                And I am a HUGE believer in how much better I feel when I am consistent in following the Hypno plan every day. And I stopped doing it regularly after 30 days - which I also think contributed to my slip.

                So - this morning - I feel less hopeless. And grateful for the support yesterday. My thanks.

                That's the beauty of this place - on the days we are strong - we reach out a hand. On the days we are weak or tired, someone else lends us strength.

                Thank you.
                That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                AF - August 20, 2012


                  Newbies Nest

                  Prairie Fairy;1226738 wrote: Hi guys -

                  So - I feel like I have more to attone for then before if that make sense. My determination is grimmer, harder somehow.

                  So - this morning - I feel less hopeless. And grateful for the support yesterday. My thanks.
                  Well, PF, sounds like we're on the same page, even though we were going to try together, if I remember correctly from another thread. BUT, I don't have the determination! What's it going to take?!?!

                  I need to start Vale's book. CD's are out of the question due to $$--and, no, I don't spend that much on AL.

                  Wishing you the best.
                  "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi All!

                    I have just had a couple of super busy days and wasn't able to log on here. Yesterday, I hosted a birthday bash for my mother and man, was it a lot of work! The good thing is that ALL of my decorations are up for the holidays and since I am hosting Christmas this year too, I feel like I'm more prepared and next week won't be as much work...hopefully!

                    I haven't had a chance to go back for the last few days as this thread moves FAST as we all know. I do see that PF is back with us and that is fantastic! Also some new faces such as Swaggie! Well done on your 18 days sober and welcome to the Nest! Best of luck to you, this is a fantastic place to be.

                    Juja, I too, have been meaning to get JV's book from Amazon. I tried to get it from my local library network but it's not listed so I will have to break down and buy it.

                    Have lots of catch up to do today as it's my last day off until next Wednesday and all day yesterday was spent preparing for the party and then cleaning up after it. I was so exhausted last night but it was worth it as my mother was so pleased with everything.

                    As we head into the last week before Christmas I wish everyone STRENGTH, PEACE, and JOY, whether you are a newbie or a seniorbie, we all need to stick together! Love to all and make it a wonderful day!
                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Lav, as the oldtimers in the nest, can you believe the good things going on?? It's hard to believe, used to be just a handful of posts a day...but even that was extremely helpful to me. I'm so glad to see everyone posting...something hits home with every post counts.
                      Greg, glad to see you are getting back up on the horse (meat joke) ...the roast and pressure cooker horse! I remember early on when you lost your beloved roast to a bad pressure cooker...did it explode? I don't remember, but we all mourned with you on the loss. Good meat is hard to find. Glad to hear you haven't given up! Good on you!
                      I have a dear internet friend of nearly 13 years, and a hubs of nearly 25, and neither know how engrained I am to this site. My internet friend even has a 'drinking problem'...I help her as I can, but this site is mine. Besides, if FaceBook ever goes out of business, there is always this girl. Bless her heart, she IS social media, so I have not shared this place with her because this is my private journey and sanctuary. Hubs knows how much I depend it too, but doesn't know where it is...nor does he want to know. All he knows is it has worked for me and halleloooya for it.
                      For the 60-90 you wait for your 100 Day AF Certificate to arrive....I would urge you to use the power of this site to strengthen your resolve. Go back and read your own posts from the early days. Powerful stuff. You will see what your clouded mindset was all that time ago...and how desperate you were to get out of that rabbit hole. It's Lav's Attitude of Gratitude. Never take your quit for granted as there is something that wants nothing more than to take it away from you. Something that wants to make you think it's ok to give in just this once. Because it's ________! You fill in that blank, because it's your mind telling you this. It's The Voice. Do not take a drink no matter what and no matter who. I wish there was a place on this site for the posts of the fallen. Where all the work that had been done was undone in one fell swoop. A collection of the heartbreak and disappointment and yes, even the G/S/R Brothers....what a powerful thread that would be. All the notes are here tho...just gotta fish them out. Mine included. (dozens of them)
                      My Quit is my greatest accomplishment so far....and I'm still going.
                      Be safe today Nesters, and set yourself up to succeed. Put yourself with positive people. You deserve the best! (and that does NOT include AL). Go get a cookie. And do something nice for someone else comes back on you! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        ha! I did it! I read juja's thread about posting photo and then I think Nelz's instructions...thanks!

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          OMG !! Lola that is great...Which one are you???


                            Newbies Nest

                            /Users/johnoneill/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Masters/2011/10/14/20111014-224947/IMG_0578.jpg


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi All!
                              I am no good at naming everyone?s names?and I am in awe of those of you who can keep a running conversation with this many people! It?s been a couple of days since I?ve posted, although I read the threads every day. I?m still AF and am still a huge advocate for Antabuse, I truly believe that it has saved me and I plan on taking it as long as I can. I just switched insurance plans and they sent me a letter saying the price of it will increase?no worries, I?m only paying $5 a month for it now and as far as I?m concerned it can go up to $50?.would still be only a small percentage of what I was wasting on alcohol anyway! Funny how little things don?t bother you as much when you?re sober. Not that long ago I would have seen this as a ?sign? that I should just stop taking Antabuse?and I know where that would lead! Now I just accept that there are things in life I can?t change and I?m fortunate to have insurance at all?positive thinking is just another benefit of sobriety.

                              I?ve also cut down my intake of Xanax?only took it 3 days before I realized I was never going to take the ?prescribed? amount, as that would just be another disaster waiting to happen. I?ve cut the pills in half and take a total of 1mg a day, and will soon be down to 0.5mg. They?re prescribed on an ?as needed? basis, and right now I feel great?so there?s no ?need?! I?m sleeping much better (thanks greatly to my new Memory Foam mattress?OMG its heaven!). Now if only I could pick the position I sleep in as opposed to conforming my body around sleeping, snoring dogs, it would be even better. LOL

                              Glad to hear everyone is staying positive and strong. Good luck to everyone during the Holidays. I have no advice there since I don?t celebrate, so I will leave the helpful tips to those around here that actually have experience (and there are a lot of pro?s here?listen to ?em, they know of what they speak!)

                              One more thing, Saturday my daughter is going to a ?50?s Party? and is so excited. It?s over at 11pm and I could say, without hesitation, ?Sure, I can pick you up?. Small things like knowing for a fact that I?ll be sober on a Saturday night at 11pm are huge milestones. ?Normal? drinkers wouldn?t even think twice about something so simple, but we alcoholics know that even these small things are big accomplishments!

                              Much love and strength to everyone!!
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                Newbies Nest

                                timpin;1225505 wrote: Hi Noal

                                Good to hear you have got to Day 57. I am just a new boy having now completed 39 days today ! I am interested to hear your experience with Campral. I have been on it now for around three weeks but it is impossible to guage how effective it is. I certainly don't get any cravings for AL but wonder just how much help this medication is giving me ? I have to go back to my Doctor on 21st December for a repeat prescription but wonder how long I have to take it for in the long run. Any Ideas ?
                                I'm a little behind...good job on your 39 day timpin.

                                Campral is defiantly keeping the cravings away..I notice that right away. I was right in the thick of the hangovers and craving's when I went to my doctor and asked for something to help me.

                                Two pills three times a day is what I was taking for the first thirty days. I now take one pill three times a day and that is working well. It is recommended for heavy drinkers to take campral for one year.

                                The only side effects I have noticed is the extra gas...but they are just silencers and if you keep a straight face no one knows its you. I told my son that stuff gives me gas! he tells his mother everything including about the gas...the other night she its giving you gas huh...she then said she would rather live with that green cloud over her head at night than live with the way it was before.

                                I have other things in my tool box that is a show stopper too.

                                Besides feeling so good and proud of myself when I look in the mirror every are just a few:

                                1. I am totally dedicated to getting rid of this crap this health and family are my new priority so I am totally open about it with family this time.
                                2. Don't miss the schedule dose times, the excuse of stress at work is one of my big triggers so breakfast and lunch dose's are very important to keep me calm at work.
                                3. After work get right on the bi-pass, don't turn right at the bottom of the bridge where the convenience store is that has my brand.
                                4.I have worked my schedule t pick the kids up after school, no time to screw around after work by going to that store and then taking the long way home.
                                5.20 minutes after we are home my wife is there, we have a plan to have a two to five minute talk eye to eye every day to verify I am on the straight and narrow...two bears would turn my right eye red every time...I know its weird but its a sure give away....actually these short talks are almost habit now and it has really helped with our relationship which in turn is helping my challenge.
                                6. I will not go any where by myself. This was a very important part of my plan from the start.....being a do-it-yourselfer I had lots of opportunities to drink and drive on my many made up errands.

                                Anyway, campral is working for me and I am thankful for that. Campral brought in another wonderful thing into my life because the day after my doctor prescribed it to me I decide to do a google search on it and the first thing I found was My Way Out...I am now on day 59.

                                good luck everyone.

