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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    Well, just got back from the that my wings are buffed, think I'll just relax here in the nest in my green robe.....figuring out punishments...............


      Newbies Nest


      *big grin*
      Bring it on, big boy... bring IT ON!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbies Nest


        Okay...okay....easy there young change the subject (your welcome), Bob May, who played the robot on Lost in Space has passed away.....he was 72....passed of natural causes.....oh, and ....rust. Thought you would want to know....funny show for those of you old enough to know................Renewal


          Newbies Nest

          Hey, Renewal, I'm a teacher, and I put my sweet, lovely children in Time out for no longer than 5 minutes at a time. Any longer, they forget why they're there in the first place! But I think I'll be sending you to time out after the Steelers kick some Cardinal a** because you'll be having a tantrum.
          So I can see the Time Out room might need some padding on the twigs.

          If I'm counting correctly, I'm on day 17 AF today. The days are accumulating so quickly! I'm probably repeating myself, but this book I'm reading, "Moments of Clarity" is excellent. I've posted in the what we're reading section, but it's probably better to go to Amazon to check it out. One of the things they discuss in the book (it's approx. 40 short stories on people's lives and when it finally reached a moment that they realized they needed help above and beyond what they could do for themselves). Inspirational. We can do that here if you'd like.

          Question: What was your moment of clarity? When did you realize that you needed outside help, the help of MWO, and realized that you needed support for your drinking?

          My answer: (This is so upsetting to me) When my son started seeing me drunk. He would say to me the day after, "Mom, you were drunk. You did this, or that. You talked funny. Ok, that was the last straw. I'm gonna get help!
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            Newbies Nest

            J-vo, Thanks for that. A very painful, yet illuminating moment for you. I'll check into the Moment of Clarity book! Sounds like one that will be very helpful.

            "Danger Will Robinson!"
            Moment of clarity!

            (Only some of us old birds/ seasoned hens will get that. HA!)

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Newbies Nest


              Yeah Dill.....'danger Will Robinson'.....part of Americana..........J-Vo......whoooaaaa....easy there. A little early to be getting so worked up...the game is 2 weeks's always been my motto to not take sports too seriously.....okay, not even I believe that one......
              Hey, J-Vo asked a great question above about 'your defining moment'....feel free to share.


                Newbies Nest

                Oh, and yes, I recall "Lost in Space" so, not a young bird here. Someone will need to knit me an extra heavy sweater for the nest. Always cold. My blood is thinning I guess, or maybe it's the 10 degree weather??????
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  Newbies Nest


                  Gotta get Wally on the about Dr. Smith..."you big ninny"...ah, the memories.


                    Newbies Nest

                    hey there everyone.
                    lol i remeber lost in space,, we had that all the way down here in australia, lol iam showing my age now


                      Newbies Nest


                      Yes, lost in space is quite the memory for those of us 'elderly or middle age birds'.....Dr. Smith.....wonder what ever happened to that guy......well, my little ducklings, another day has passed....I will be over to tuck you all in shortly....sleep well my friends.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Everyone,

                        Stress head here, I just wanted to say this is day 4 AF for me and I am wrapt. I had a bbq on Sunday with friends and family and really didn't miss drinking. The lime and soda went down well. It was absolutely amazing to stay sober the entire day, to remember the conversation and to not end up passed out on the couch when the guests had gone. I wondered how I would go last night coming home from work, I have always rushed home to grab a wine and start drinking, but last night I didn't. This feels great, and somehow so right. I may even have a chance of being like normal people, the people I look at in social situations and envy because they seem so in control. There is just one thing, I do feel very tired. Does anyone have any ideas on whether I should cut down on the amount of Calms Forte, I am taking exactly the dosage that Roberta advised in the book but I am a fairly small person so I thought maybe this amount was too much. Anyway I love reading all your comments and I just want to send my love and best wishes to you all.

                        Stress head


                          Newbies Nest


                          Welcome to you stress head.....we are happy to have you join our wonderful family here...always room in 'the nest' for one more. Congrats too on your 4 days AF...that's fantastic! Gonna go tuck the others in, but we'll see ya tomorrow.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Stress Head,
                            Welcome to the nest. Pull up a twig. Yes, the calmes forte may be making you a little sleepy although your body getting used to going through the day without AL is probably the reason you may be tired. Give it some time. It'll pass and you'll feel as though you could run a marathon soon!
                            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                              Newbies Nest

                              New girl in town

                              OMG can't believe I'm actually going to do this - never done forums/chatrooms or anything of the like so bear with me ..... Stumbled on this great www when I was googling KUDZO and I'm so glad I did. So many times when I just think "if only there was something on-line to give me a bit of support when I'm thinking shall I have a glass of wine or not" and - it appears here it is. Reading the story of the creator of this www I was thinking "yep, me", "yep, that's me" until I just thought obviously me and her were separated at birth. My weakness (notice it's not the "p" word that rhymes with .... urm, can't think anything that rhymes with problem - there you go, I said it!) so - yes, my weakness is that whilst I can and do have A/F days, I probably don't have as many as I should and then when I open a bottle of wine ... well, I can quite easily finish it. Also, if my hubbie is also being "good" and not having anything, depending on how I feel I can just have the craving even more. To the extent that I'll have a few sneaky quick g&t's before he gets home - now how bad is that?! So, what I'm wanting to achieve is just to be able to think "yes, I'll have a drink - maybe 2 if I want" - but then, THAT'S IT! Have the willpower then to think "actually, I've had enough now" instead of carrying on now I've started. So, there we have it, a bit woffley for the first time but if anyone's out there who this rings a bell with and has found help with this www, it's community and possibly any products from The Healthshop - I'd love to hear from you. If you post a reply back to this and I don't get back to you straight away - I'm not ignoring you - just busy! :thanks:


                                Newbies Nest


                                Hello there PHOTOGIRL and welcome to our nest......we are a warm, friendly and supportive gtoup here....and we like to laugh a little too. Believe me, 'your story' is not a unique one, but you coming here is certainly a step in the right direction. Personally, I too hadn't done 'the forum thing' before either. I think you will soon grow to love it as support comes flying in from all around the globe. Again, it's wonderful to have you here.
                                Wake up the rest of you.....maybe a 'wiggle of the nest' is necessary.....hope everybody slept well....BIG DAY in this countries history.....don't want to get political on anybody, but I will say 'change is a comin'.......and to me, that's a good thing.
                                Enjoy your day,

