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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thank you PF!
    Happy birthday Herbie.
    Checking in quickly, going to bed early tonight - did a 24 hr shift last night and need to ensure plenty of sleep before tomorrow - won't work to go to the party tired, that won't help at all...
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      Newbies Nest

      Oh - meant to add on daytime subliminals - the brilliance is you don't usually have to pay attention to them. Depending on the techniques used - you can just run them in the background while you work or go about your day. The person Roberta choose for the Hypnos here does something interesting as his subliminal script repeats the whole time - not a new script the whole way.

      This is NOT true of all hypnotist's - and he also limit's script length to 5 - 6 minutes as the brain can only focus on so much change at once. Lastly - you can special order the daytime subliminal on something other than the ocean sounds - which is a bonus for me - since listening to waves makes me need to pee.

      I know - TMI. Still true.
      That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
      Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
      AF - August 20, 2012


        Newbies Nest

        Hey Newbsters!

        Herbie, happy birthday! Have a great day!

        Well unfortunately here I am to write my failures. On Tuesday, I was finished work by 3:30. 3:30! That never happens in my life. The earliest I get home is 9 pm. I usually get home by 10. So 3:30! And I had nothing to do. Christmas shopping- done, house- spotless, laundry- done....everything done! The first though that popped into my mind was to drink. I pushed it out and made a list of little things that I could do, like take the dog to get her claws clipped. I was done my list by 5:30. And then, I drank. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I almost lasted 7 days.

        Yesterday, I was talking to a friend who lives in another part of China and who will visit me during Christmas. She is also my best friend and drinking buddy. She will sing at a concert on Dec 24th so naturally I will go. I found out yesterday that the concert if for a Moldavian Red Wine thingy, so there will be lots of free al. My friend also mentioned, going for drinks afterwards.

        I hate to disappoint you all, but I will sit alone on my little twig near the nest but not in the nest. Not until she leaves on the 26th that is. Because I don't want to make a promise that I can't keep IE, stay sober. I will still be checking the site daily though

        You are all doing wonderful nesters! Keep it up!
        "When you know better, you do better"

        AF- February 16, 2012
        Goal 1- 3 days al free
        Goal 2- 7 days al free
        Goal 3- 1 month al free
        Goal 4- 3 months al free


          Newbies Nest

          Busy, busy, busy here today. Just a quick note to say I made it through day one. Looking forward to waking up in the morning and remembering that I'm back on track.

          Canadian Gal, when you are ready we'll all be here. I've certainly had my share of false starts. I'm so miserable when I drink anymore that I find it doesn't take long at all until I'm aching to give it another try.

          Goodnight, all. I'll be checking in again tomorrow.
          ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
          Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


            Newbies Nest

            Well done Irie
            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



              Newbies Nest

              Lavande;1227122 wrote:

              Min Star, I'm sorry you're feeling angry but it is kind of typical, really. I used one of my favorite websites to help me turn those feelings into feelings of gratitude.
              The ToDo Institute: Mindfulness, Procrastination, and Gratitude using Morita and Naikan Therapies
              It's takes some time & effort to learn how to be a non-drinking (and in my case non-smoking) adult.

              Thanks Lav! I have book marked it and shall take a look at it later on tonight.

              Thanks Lolab- I had myself wondering if I am a horrible person and better with a drink to relax me! Really?

              Just a pop in to say hello. Happy birthday Herbie! Hope you have a great day!



                Newbies Nest

                Hi Canadian Girl

                I think that you have made a very good decision. One thing that I have learned and I think it applies to many people here is that to stop drinking AL you have to have a plan. If you can work your plan towards defining a quit date then I am sure that will help you a lot. Good luck with it.We are all here to help where possible.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Nesters

                  I wont waffle on so much tonight. Had the christmas party and had no troubles (other than a restaurant that had serious food poisoning risks (poorly cooked spanish meatballs). While the man sitting next to me who has his own winery was rabbiting on about the quality of $40 bottles of wine I was comfortable to drink soft drink as I'm not yet ready to consider sampling good wines again - I'll think about that next year.

                  Told my mother that I was on the wagon for the family christmas gatherings - I suppose I'm trying to avoid conflict and maybe set myself up not to fail. She was really supportive - At times these family events seem to go quicker with a skin full - I'm not much of a party person but I will do what is expected (other than drink) particularly as the party is hosted at one of my daughter's homes for the first time.

                  Keep up the good work all of you - its really inspiring to read your tales and feel the support.



                    Newbies Nest

                    Yawn... Good morning - Eastern Standard Time is up and represented.

                    Based on a late night call with the SO last night - I am going to have to tell more of the story than I have - but not all. While he was in pissed off mono-syllablle land for night number 2 - I finally just said fine - let me talk then... And I didn't talk about here - more in general about how I felt ashamed I let him down, sorry to hurt him, devastated to disappoint him and that I had much to attone for.

                    I was greeted by that stoney sillence that comes from I have heard milder versions of this before.

                    I hate AL. I hate it. I wish I had never decided the cool thing to do in college was to binge drink with the buddies.

                    So - today I am going to have to try to decide how much to share is enough and how much is too much. And hope it's all enough to start mending things.

                    That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                    Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                    AF - August 20, 2012


                      Newbies Nest

                      Prairie Fairy;1227328 wrote: Based on a late night call with the SO last night - I am going to have to tell more of the story than I have - but not all. While he was in pissed off mono-syllablle land for night number 2 - I finally just said fine - let me talk then... And I didn't talk about here - more in general about how I felt ashamed I let him down, sorry to hurt him, devastated to disappoint him and that I had much to attone for.

                      I was greeted by that stoney sillence that comes from I have heard milder versions of this before.
                      I'm sorry, PF. You are working so hard. It's easy to see from your posts that you have a strong desire to put your drinking days behind you, and how badly you feel when you hurt your SO when you are drinking. String some more AF days together. That will certainly help on so many levels... and of course I know that's your plan.

                      Busy day for me. I won't be home from work until very late tonight, so I don't worry too much about tonight. I am concerned about the weekend, but I'm not borrowing trouble. I'll deal with the urges as they hit. My husband has agreed to not drink either this weekend, so as long as he is able to manage that it should be very helpful.

                      I will check in tonight. Let's all stay strong as we head into the weekend. Holiday weekend to boot!
                      ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                      Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning Everyone,

                        OK, I'm going to actually try keeping up with you guys, so many peeps - hope I don't leave anyone out.

                        Audrey - I can really relate to your story about being addicted to alcohol and relationships. That was me for so many years.....I wasted a lot of time looking for that being in love high which really is the wrong kind of relationship. Well, I finally got wise and found the right kind of relationship - a grown up one! My family life was really lacking and like you I tried to replace what was missing with romantic relationships. Between that and alcohol I wasted so much of my life. I try to have no regrets, though, because that does absolutely no good.

                        FreeFly - just went to my second Yoga class and loved it - got a kick out of your story about going with the girls for drinks after. Good for you for being strong.

                        Byrdie - my weakness is Gummi Bears - I overeat them like you do malted milk balls - they're probably rotting my teeth and the fake color is probably giving me some unseen health problem - I really need a healthier replacement but nothing does it for me like those stupid things. I tell my husband, it must come from our cave man days when we used to chew on grissle or something LOL.

                        Min - I have some of the anger you describe too but it's getting much less severe. Meditating is helping me tremendously with the issue.

                        Andrew - I feel for you being in such an alcohol-centered country. That must make it doubly hard, but you sound strong!

                        Herbie - Happy belated birthday

                        Luka - good job - wow, you withstood a tough test by not drinking with your friend. Super!

                        PF - you cracked me up with your ocean/pee story. That's really funny. Sorry you're still going through it with your SO. I guess time will heal all wounds? Here's hoping things get better quickly - nothing worse than being at odds with a loved one.

                        CG - sorry you fell off the wagon - ugh. Such a struggle, but you can win. Life is too short to battle alcohol every day - such a drag.

                        SL - 24 hr. shift. Yikes! Does that mean you actually work for 24 hrs. without any sleep? I could not function like that.

                        Pinecone, Lav, Swaggie, Timpin, Irie, Lolab, Belle, and anyone else visiting the nest................

                        Wishing you all a wonderful AF day - life is so much better sober..........just waking up every morning feeling fresh, alive and healthy..........worth it all!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nesters,

                          I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel -- Christmas will come and go and we will soon be off to a new year. I am really looking forward to that. Usually New Years Day has little meaning to me as it was always the same -- too proud to make any serious long-term changes. This year I am really energized to face the issues eye-to-eye and squarely in the face. My 100 Days is up Jan 5th and there is no coincidence here. I want 2012 to be alcohol free and am going to put some effort in to myself. Me, myself and I. Selfishly and unabashed. So look out world -- Windy is on FIRE.

                          PF -- I am feeling your pain with the SO. I think is safe to admit you have a problem with alcohol to this person. It sounds like is very aware of that. Maybe you need to let him in a little more. Explain how complicated it is for you and this is not a simple issue. I don't know -- he must care a lot for you and would probably like some more insight. I could be way off my mark here...but I am just trying to relate how things have happened for me and my SO. He has supported me through thick and thin and has asked very little of me, so I owe it to both of us to become free of the beast forever.

                          X- posted with Unwasted -- Just a simple Hello -- You are doing fantastic -- Keep up the good quit.

                          Must say Happy (belated) Birthday to Herbie....


                            Newbies Nest

                            windy;1227346 wrote: So look out world -- Windy is on FIRE!
                            ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                            Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters!

                              Wonderful to see so many checking in today!

                              Canadian Girl, be careful!

                              PF, keeping MWO to myself was & still is very inmportant to me & there is nothing wrong with that. I'd like to remind you that once you speak to your SO, admit your problem, tell him you have a plan & are currently working it - then stop apologizing! There is no need to put yourself into an eternal doghouse. Nothing about the past can be changed so keep your focus on today, stay positive & keep adding to your AF days.

                              I have to run for now, will check in later
                              Have a great AF Friday one & all.

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                My 100 Days is up Jan 5th and there is no coincidence here. I want 2012 to be alcohol free
                                Windy - wow! That's absolutely super - I want to ride your coattails and will be cheering you on!

