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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Prairie Fairy;1227760 wrote: Ruin - do you have any Glutamine or Kudzu - preferably both - to take the edge off?

    I did my first 8 days totally alone so I know it sucks. I am sorry. All I can say the first days are hard and alone are terribly difficult. BUT - on the other hand - no one needs to see you as you do this - AND you can come here as often as you want. We have all been there.

    Hang in there - stay strong.
    I have both. I already took my glutamine today but I just split open a 500mg capsule under the tongue. I have Planetary Herbals Full Spectrum Kudzu - Anti-Alcohol Support but I have never taken it. I thought Kudzu only helps reduce the amount you drink when you do drink. Not help with cravings.
    Sober as of 12/7/11
    7 days - Complete
    14 days - Complete
    21 days - Complete
    1 month - Complete
    2 months - Complete
    3 months - ALMOST!
    6 months - not yet


      Newbies Nest

      Ruin, I do understand that you cant play vids etc all the time but anything to distract you! Can you walk somewhere? Get a train or bus to a bookshop or mall? Basketball? Football?
      45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
      New day 1- 9 January !
      Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Australia!!!!

        I'm on Day 3...My fridge is full of wine and beer...I didn' t put them - my BF and guests who will stay overnight here..6 years old boy - son of my BF drives me crazy all day...i was cleaning for 4 hours, did my yoga, dinner, drunk' s like an inquisition!!!!! Everybody is drinking, except crazy kid...I'm going crazy too..i locked in bedroom and took my pc..
        The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
        /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


          Newbies Nest

          Audrey14;1227894 wrote:
          I'm on Day 3...My fridge is full of wine and beer...I didn' t put them - my BF and guests who will stay overnight here..6 years old boy - son of my BF drives me crazy all day...i was cleaning for 4 hours, did my yoga, dinner, drunk' s like an inquisition!!!!! Everybody is drinking, except crazy kid...I'm going crazy too..i locked in bedroom and took my pc..
          Good luck today Audrey :l Well done on keeping the routine up. Locking yourself in the bedroom sounds like a wise move :H

          Been in the wide awake club most of the night but I don't mind as beginning day 6 and slept really well up til last night.

          How you getting on Ruin??

          Have a happy day/evening nesters :h
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            Newbies Nest

            Audrey, are you sure you're in the right setting to get sober? A boyfriend who has an alcohol problem and a kid who drives you nuts? That atmosphere sounds like a tall order in which to get sober. Just sayin..............You have to be selfish and save yourself in my humble opinion.

            Ruin, I really hope you can hold on. There is absolutely nothing that alcohol will make better. Are you exercising and eating super healthy foods? Have you tried the chewable L-Glut? Someone on this thread said you could get it at GNC stores.

            Sorry you guys are struggling so much, but we've all been there. Just keep posting and working through it if you can. If you can get a bigger chunk of time under your belts it will get easier.

            Hope everyone else in the nest is doing well and staying strong. It's so worth it!


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters!

              Glad to see the nest is open for business

              Ruin, learning to entertain ourselves without AL or other substances is a big part of the program! That's why we have to Tool box. Keep your mind & hands as busy & distracted as possible, the thoughts of AL will soon dissipate.

              Audrey, your situation does not sound good for your recovery. Your goal is to be AF for your daughter's visit. Do you really want to let your BF & his child destroy your chances?? You really neeed to turn a blind eye & ear toward them for the time being

              Greetings Unwasted, FreeFly, Australia, PF & everyone in the nest.
              Wishing a wonderful AF Saturday to one & all

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks Steady Hands.. thank you for you feedback..I think you are right... my emotions have been dulled by AL and I usually am pretty steady... not too up not too down... sleep has been a big issue for me too and guess I am still balancing out...
                Feeling somewhat better to today... thanks all..

                I have to hop in the shower and get going this morning... hope you all have a great day and will be back soon


                  Newbies Nest

                  Ruin, it's a new day. Are things looking any brighter?
                  ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                  Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Herbie, (and many others) I know what you mean about the emotions...I was drinking so much and on Cymbalta for depression (caused by AL...go figure) that when I write my book it's going to be called, "Numb and Number (nummer)". I wasn't feeling anything, so when I got off both things I had no where to go but the mirror! I was finally facing things for the first time. It was scary but wonderful at the same time. Your emotions will even out for the better, you will have more patience and less IMpatience. You even out, but not in a numb way. It is wonderful. I guess the word I am searching for is 'control'. It is peaceful. Please hang in, much better than the alternative.
                    Be strong everyone, we are all being tested....Do not give in no matter what and no matter who! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Ruinatator? Are you there?

                      Ok -

                      Can't say this works for everyone but some of the supplements here can/are escalated in rehab centers during the first few weeks.

                      Kudzu for instance helps you drink less BUT in conjunction with L-Glut in SOME people reduces cravings.

                      Generally - when I was in my chewing off my arm craving state - at the very first 12 - 14 days because I had become accustomed to the AL sugar and the body demanded it - the following saved my bacon -

                      . Regular l-Glut capsules - from here - mid morning and 2 pmish
                      . GABA - 2 pmish, witching hour, 2 hours before bed
                      . GNC high dose l- Glut chewies - 3 - witching hour - which while a lot of L-Glut is still below in patient centers and below toxicity problems/side effects

                      The GNC chewies are micronized L-Glut, hit system in 10 minutes, and kick the craving in the ass - if you take the high dose of at least two. Gritty - YUP. Effective? highly. Saved my quit more often than I care to count.

                      Just buy one bag to see if they work for you since they are $15 for 90 ct. I won't let myself run low and always have some in my coat pocket or handbag as emergency rations.
                      That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                      Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                      AF - August 20, 2012


                        Newbies Nest

                        I am home (10am) and I am unpacking after last night - and threw all my drink tickets in the bin!!!! YAHOO! I did it and it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be! And it is thanks to all my friends in the nest - I would not have been nearly so strong without this site - I am so full of gratidtude to each and everyone of you! I am still a little shocked - it must be 30 years since I have been at a party without drinking!!
                        I did get a lot of comments - at fisrt my sparkling water looked like a Gin and Tonic, so got by for a while, but then people caught on - and after lots of pushing, most people know I no longer drink!
                        I am so proud, and humbled too by each of you as you get through your journeys and support others on your way. I feel optimistic about Christmas, NY's and even 2012 - thank you so much for this precious gift!
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Scottish Lass

                          Great result last night. Tell me though, did you enjoy the party as much without AL as you would have done with it ?


                            Newbies Nest

                            Australia--Great job! It's funny how demanding some people get when we don't drink.

                            Audrey--Sounds like a tough situation you're in. Well done on day 3.

                            Freefly--Must have been something in the air last night. I slept like crap too, although it was the first night in a long time. I definitely sleep a whole lot better now than when I was drinking.

                            Herbie--I know the feeling about trying to sort out your emotions. Ugh.

                            SL--Yippee! You did it! :good job:

                            Hello to Unwasted, Lav, Irie, Byrdie, PF, Timpin, Ruin, and anyone else I may have missed.


                              Newbies Nest

                              timpin - I actually think I did! I remember everything, I danced more than normal, and pretty sure that I didn't embarrass myself. I stayed till the end and had good conversation - no waking up trying to recall if I said something stupid. The only down parts was my initail discomfort trying to hide what I was drinking and then avoiding the pushing to have a drink - also trying to get out of the drunk dances - you know the ones at the end - YMCA and Macarena, conga line etc - and feeling sad for my friends who were making fools of themselves and knowing they are suffering now...
                              It was different, and I am glad I did it, because now I knwo that I can and I think I will enjoy the next opportunity more as I won't be so worried...
                              I am shy and AL has always helped me to enter - and that woudl be fine if I could stop there, but I keep drinking and go WAY past the entering bit!!! So got to work out how to deal with the shyness/introvert part without my prop!
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                                Newbies Nest

                                SL- I am totally shy and single. I agree its so hard ! But being af will teach us to cope with this ina more healthy way and get over the shyness instead of just concealing it.
                                Audrey- glad to hear from u, good luck on day 4, how did you go last night. Always a good idea to retreat to the headroom in tough times.

                                Flyaway- thanks for your encouragement , it helps so much!

                                Bernie- I too am just starting to feel some emotions and they are a bit all over the place and a bit scary to really feel.
                                45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                                New day 1- 9 January !
                                Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1

