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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    PF, thanks for this info - please report more as you read.

    Byrdie, get SL some extra butt velcro, please. SL, strap yourself in! Good job on your first sober wrapping extravaganza.

    We have to give ourselves time for this stuff to feel normal folks........I go through it too, but the alternative of getting mired back in al hell is not an option for me. So I'll be bored, feel strange, regroup for some time I'm sure. Patience............and the breathing technique - it's easy.......don't forget to give it a try.

    Pinecone, I'm glad you liked the's working for me .........well, just the whole looking at life differently and incorporating things like this into my new world.

    Sending everyone peace and strength.:l


      Newbies Nest

      Hey nesters!

      I was feeling pretty bad this morning. Lots of guilt, shame, negative thoughts, etc. I had some time today to relax in front of the tv. Watched some Oprah life lessons. And one that is really important, where the lesson is surprisingly simple is: When you know better, you do better. Don't hold yourself hostage for who you've been or what you've done. Everybody makes mistakes in life. It doesn't matter who you are or what you did. When you know better, you do better.

      Sending positive energy to all of you! Have a great evening or day!
      "When you know better, you do better"

      AF- February 16, 2012
      Goal 1- 3 days al free
      Goal 2- 7 days al free
      Goal 3- 1 month al free
      Goal 4- 3 months al free


        Newbies Nest

        Hello Everyone!

        I have been reading this thread daily and glad you guys are doing well. For those of you struggling. Stay strong. You can and WILL do this.

        Quick update. Today is my 2 weeks! 14 days with no alcohol and 15 days with no marijuana. I have started going to the gym as of Monday. I only worked out for 15 minutes and almost passed out lol. Crazy how bad I am out of shape from what I use to be. I am continuing to take daily supplements and drinking around a gallon (of natural spring water I collect) water daily. I am still trying to fix my diet and sleeping schedule but today was one of the most productive days I have had all year. Stay strong all. Sending good vibes your way!

        Sober as of 12/7/11
        7 days - Complete
        14 days - Complete
        21 days - Complete
        1 month - Complete
        2 months - Complete
        3 months - ALMOST!
        6 months - not yet


          Newbies Nest

          good going ruin! well done
          45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
          New day 1- 9 January !
          Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


            Newbies Nest

            Good for you Ruinator!! Keep up the great work!
            "When you know better, you do better"

            AF- February 16, 2012
            Goal 1- 3 days al free
            Goal 2- 7 days al free
            Goal 3- 1 month al free
            Goal 4- 3 months al free


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters!

              Dark & damp in my world today but that's OK!

              CG, forgiving yourself is probably the most difficult thing we humans have to do. What helped me a lot was a book called 'Radical Forgiveness' by Colin Tipping.

              Ruin, CONGRATS to your on your 2 weeks AF :yay:
              That's great work & getting out to the gym is fabulous - it will help you all around

              I have last minute jobs to finish for people today so I'll get right to work.
              Wishing everyone a fabulous AF Tuesday.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Ruin, I've been wondering about you and so happy to hear about your progress. As your body gets healthier your mind will get clearer and at least for me, life will become a lot more positive and fulfilling. I think exercise is key - it's ok to just do a little and build up as you get stronger. So happy for you.

                CG - Shame is such a negative and unproductive emotion - it really keeps us down. I hope you can read Lav's book suggestion. So much of why we drink comes from the negative stuff we play in our heads. It keeps us in a bad spot, so please don't do that to yourself. All you have is this moment - past is gone!!

                Lav, Australia, Pinecone, MinStar, Prarie Fairy, Scottish Lass, Herbie, Free Fly, Fly Away, Byrd, Windy, Swaggie, Irie and everyone else in the nest - have a wonderful AF day. It's so worth it!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Just a quick post to say I'm off to spend Christmas with family and likely won't be logging on for the next week. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. I'll be spending time with precious grandchildren and feeling very blessed to have the opportunity!
                  ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                  Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Irie, have a wonderful time.


                      Newbies Nest

                      It's difficult but not impossible to hop on here when my hubby is home, but when he is home and his mom is visiting, it has been pretty much impossible! I'm still strong - coming up to 90 days this weekend I think. I do wish I had more opportunity to lend support here lately but hopefully later today I can spend more time...

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just a quick check in. This should prove to be a busy week since I'm hosting Christmas at my house, so I might be scarce. Lots to do!

                        Stay strong everyone. We can do it!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening all!

                          Irie- Have a great time!

                          Lolab- early congrats on 90 days!

                          Flyaway- Enjoy your week!

                          Unwasted and Lav- I actually learned a lot today about letting go of the past. If we can't let go then we can never move forward. Also that we are responsible for our lives. If we don't take actions to change the negative things we can never be the best that we can be. Oprah often mentions the British writer you recently posted about. I unfortunately can't buy books here because I don't have a credit card to buy English books online. Can't watch youtube either cause the government blocked it. But I will continue to download and watch whatever Oprah I can find because she often has experts or doctors on to help people with their problems.

                          Hope you guys are all having a great day! I'm off to bed!
                          "When you know better, you do better"

                          AF- February 16, 2012
                          Goal 1- 3 days al free
                          Goal 2- 7 days al free
                          Goal 3- 1 month al free
                          Goal 4- 3 months al free


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Nesters,

                            Just a quick note for me too.

                            Lola -- When I read your message I had to grin because your situation at home with company and you are worried about lending support -- You are so selfless...If that were me with Mother-in-Law I would be asking for support....Lots probably. You are amazing....Just had to say....

                            Lav -- 1000 Days .... Too much for me to comprehend -- I think you are the BEST.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Wow, Nest!!! 1000 Days! 90 Days! 14 Days! Look at us! I hate to mention it, but today is my 11 Month Free O' The Beast Day!!! I am so happy to be where I am today. I owe it ALL to this nest. I used nothing else but the power of friends. Thank you for the precious gift of my life back. Words just can't say it....I am better than is amazing.
                              Ruin! I am so proud of you!!! You haven't had an easy time of it at all. But you are rising up...I'm hoping you will set an example for your other family members, but that will come if it comes. You first!! You gotta put your own oxygen mask on before you can help anyone else. As I say these congratulations, I will with the other hand warn you as to what is coming. These next couple weeks your emotions will be bouncing off the walls!! One minute the stregth of stone, the next a glob of mush...stay in control of your mind and DO NOT BUDGE! This is a test, and yes, it is a trick!! AL will do anything to come back into your life. Do not give way not matter what and no matter who! Deal? You are doing great! Only 2 more weeks and you'll get YOUR hat!!! Stay With us! We are ALL here for you and wishing/willing you all the strength we can lend!!! We will be here every day for you...promise!! Well done!! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Everyone,

                                Just a quick check in. Had the inner battle last night of thinking I'd stop my Antabuse so that by next weekend when I am alone I can maybe have a few drinks. Ugh I hate this freaking beast. Anyway, after some serious thinking (and remembering, and yes some praying), I popped the pill this morning. I CANNOT let myself forget where that type of thinking leads. I don't want to go back to the anxiety, guilt, depression, fear, shame, embarrassment and dangerous behaviour. Whew...I'm in a much better place mentally and feel secure again...but boy was that wavering thinking scary!

                                Congrats to everyone on how well you're all doing. Please remember it takes the beast a long time to die...but he will eventually.

                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

