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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    K9, so glad you persevered. You know deep in your heart it's the only answer - the alternative is too grim. The feeling of being drunk is becoming like a distant memory to me - my sober self is starting to feel more normal.........hang on!


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone -

      Just wanted to pop over - family here - hands full - and we are traveling to rest of the family tomorrow.

      I am sleep deprived and off-schedule - never good. But I have a lot to accomplish and I can't if I let the Alien in. Soooooo...... Here we are. :-)

      I think I'll be fine til next week - then family will be gone, I'll be crashed out at the SO's while he works visiting with old friends - and New Year's - which is the excuse to get potted with all the friends since childhood we can gather up.

      So - as much concentrated supplementation and I think more importantly - journalist and Hypnos - between now and then - the better.

      Sending huge congrats to Ruin!!!! You have come so far - you are doing GREAT!!!

      Anyone "seen" Gregorino? It's the holidays so we are all about so I may have missed an update....
      That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
      Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
      AF - August 20, 2012


        Newbies Nest

        Unwasted;1229837 wrote: K9, so glad you persevered. You know deep in your heart it's the only answer - the alternative is too grim. The feeling of being drunk is becoming like a distant memory to me - my sober self is starting to feel more normal.........hang on!
        Thanks Unwasted. Yes, the alternative is definitely grim...and I don't plan on going down that road again. Being sober has become my "normal" too...I guess I'm only human and it's to be expected to have these doubts once in a long as we don't give in to them! I think the key is to be 100% honest when thinking about drinking, to not see the romanticized version of it (cozy around the fire feeling a slight buzz), but the reality of it (ruined relationships or drunk in a jail cell, amongs many other things).
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Newbies Nest

          Hey all,
          Not sure of my multi quote thing has worked but wanted to thank those of you a few pages back who managed to reply to my post about headaches.

          I am drinking water all through out the day. I would say around 1l if not more. Some of that is fizzy water. Could this be the reason. I normally only have a cup of tea in the morning and that is all. Still unable to sleep well so it may just be general tiredness. I can't shake the groggy feeling and this morning and last night I had to take tablets. Which did nothing. Really a sinusey headache with occasional periods of tension like the back of my right eyeball?

          Think I may have to see the nurse if this continues!

          Hope everyone else is ok! Well done K9 lover on not giving in! I hope I can show such strength!
          Congrats to those hitting their milestones! D30 for me tomorrow! eeek!

          Have a safe night/day nesters!



            Newbies Nest

            K9Lover;1229843 wrote: ! I think the key is to be 100% honest when thinking about drinking, to not see the romanticized version of it (cozy around the fire feeling a slight buzz), but the reality of it (ruined relationships or drunk in a jail cell, amongs many other things).
            And that is the hardest part, no? At least it is for me...

            I went to a University known at the time for being the number 1 Binge Drinking Campus in the US. I remember thinking at the time "Woo Hoo - number 1". How sad. Because before college I didn't drink at all and no one in my family drinks a drop.

            Maybe if I had learned properly? Who knows...

            We are where we are...and I was fighting for a place in the number 1 spot with all my peers at the time.

            So K9 - I get it. I wish I could sit by the fire just warm and fuzzy. I do.

            Know I am cheering you on.
            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
            AF - August 20, 2012


              Newbies Nest

              Hi all, just stopping my the nest quickly. I have guests coming this evening, with a one yr old. I am finding out that baby proofing this place is near impossible with 8 and 11 yr old toys around. We'll do the best we can.

              Had another minor slip Sun. night when I was cooking. Stupidly I made a family favorite recipe that required white wine. Had to "sample" some, but did not go overboard...maybe 6 oz worth. (did she say "sample"). The half bottle that was left went down the sink. Don't need a bottle talking to me from the fridge. I'll keep trying ODAT...

              Funny that a couple of you mentioned wrapping gifts and drinking. I'll raise my hand to say "me too" to that one.:waving: But not this year.

              Alcohol does me no favors.

              Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                Newbies Nest

                I was going to add this to the moderation thread but the nest is where I've always felt at home. So today is Tuesday....last Wednesday was my work Christmas party....and yep, I've been drinking since then. Tomorrow starts another day 1. I need some help...left alone I just drink to get through the hangover and then the next hangover and then the next one and so on....and I can't do that anymore. I loved being AF for the 10 days that I was. This time last week I felt like the king of the world. I'm most sorry for the Byrdlady who said such inspiring things to me but I let her down. Booze is a curse and I want it gone from my life. :upset:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Just a quick drop by.... seems everyone is on the same schedule... i.e. quick drop by... its that time of year

                  Andrew.. remember how positive you were after your work party ... you drank to fit in but that was going to be that .. So tomorrow starts your day one again.. but after you have that down you will be on day 2 and each day gets easier and in no time you will be back at day 10 and as blondie says then you will have 20 AF days for the year ... not 20 in a row but 20 days.. the more days sober the better... haven't seen you in the nest since you made that post following your party (if I have missed you sorry about that).. so remember the nest we are all here to support and help and when you feel that urge come on.... log on and sit in the nest until it passes... it really helps

                  Unwasted like your holiday aviatar!!

                  I am poppped been running around and I have a few minutes so I am going to take a quick lye down


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Andrew

                    You didn't let anyone down, but I reckon from what you have written that you have learned something ? We have all been where you are today and regrettably some of us will be there again.We can all offer encouragement to each other but I believe that you have to want this very badly. To do it you must have a plan. I have tried and failed in the past but I have never wanted to do this more than I do now. I believe that you have to be the same. The little monster in your head got to you and ruined your plans for an AL free life. Now is the time to start ruining his plans !
                    Good luck with day 1 tomorrow and keep checking in here.All the support you want is just waiting for you.


                      Newbies Nest

                      I want it, absolutely. I'm a problem drinker. An alcoholic, if you will. I managed to keep it going since the party but today I crashed and had to call in sick to work. And, as I already knew, I can't drink. And I don't want to anymore! The awful thing is I drank to fit in with my team and my boss and now my boss will think a lot less of me for having to take an unscheduled day off.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Andrew...I will be here no matter what. So here on my 11 month anniversary, you can begin again. Like Timpin says, all it takes is a couple good days under your belt. And speaking of belts, (drinking joke) I'm going to get out the industrial stregth butt velcro for you! So this time let's begin again, and we'll get thru this together... Don't drink NO MATTER WHAT and NO MATTER WHO it is!! It's not worth the derail and days and sometimew weeks to get your head back. Let this be our first Christmas sober! Jump back on up...I'll hang on!! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Andrew

                          OK, you want it, so you are going to achieve it. Firstly, you are not an alcoholic. Sure I don't actually know you, but an alcoholic you are definitely not ! You are a young chap with the rest of your life ahead of you and you are going to hopefully enjoy every day of it. Until a while back, I was drinking min two bottles fo wine a day and nothing in life left to look forward to except the next bottle. My life revolved around drinking. For years I couldn't do case I missed my next drinking slot ! Now thanks to a few changes in my life, I can look forward to every new day. Reading Jason Vales book was an inspiration for me. Being a regular on this site has done more to help than I could possible have ever imagined, not only in the encouragement that I have gained from all of the other members here but I have also got a great kick out of trying to help others with my own experiences. If you are drinking to fit in with your team and especially your boss, then consider getting new friends and maybe a new employer ? ( sorry to be personal) Real friends will not encourage you to drink if they know what you are trying to achieve. Andrew, I have now done 46 days and I have my life back. I control it, not my friends, or the monster in my head. You can also be there too with just a little more planning. You have the determination, it's just making the plan work for you that maybe you need to get right. Please keep using this thread as often as you need it. I guarantee that you will get as much support and help as you need. Good luck with the next 24 hours.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks timpin, Herbie and Byrdie. Tomorrow won't be fun. But I'll get through it. I feel like such a fool. I wouldn't drink for friends and family but felt it was worth it for work. Ugh. I hate myself for it. Looking forward to a sober Christmas and a sober new year. Thanks again folks, it means a lot to read some kind words when you're alone and in a bad place.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Andrew...I know that rabbit hole very well. But you are not alone in it. Just do whatever it takes to get thru that Day 1. You know you can do that....and then so it goes. We will all help the best we can....thank you for coming back. Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                yep, what Byrdie're not at all alone Andrew...and that bad place you're in will get a little brghter every long as you block out that voice that will tell you ANYthing to get you to drink again....:l

                                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011

