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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Minstar- Congrats! 30 days is a huge milestone! Keep up the great work!

    Twitt- Push through it! 8 days is amazing, but you know what would feel better? 9 days!!! You can do this! We're all here for you. Take some deep breaths, go back and read what to do when the cravings start.

    Andrew- I know where you are coming from. And you know what you have to do. Get back on track! Dump the wine at work and get all al out of your house. You know you can do this. And you know that in 3-5 days you will feel much better and glad that it is out of your life again. Stay strong!
    "When you know better, you do better"

    AF- February 16, 2012
    Goal 1- 3 days al free
    Goal 2- 7 days al free
    Goal 3- 1 month al free
    Goal 4- 3 months al free


      Newbies Nest

      Welcome LadyinNC!!! This is a great place to get started! You'll find lots of love and support here. Read as much as you can, look at the toolbox like Lav wrote, and post away! Looking forward to hearing from you!
      "When you know better, you do better"

      AF- February 16, 2012
      Goal 1- 3 days al free
      Goal 2- 7 days al free
      Goal 3- 1 month al free
      Goal 4- 3 months al free


        Newbies Nest

        Good day nesters!

        I am on day 3 and feeling pretty ok, despite my lack of sleep. But today my real challenge begins. My best friend in Beijing (who moved to another province this year) and also my old drinking buddy will be coming to mine today for a 5 day visit. This is the time when I have to pull up my big girl pants and be strong. I know that she will try to get me to drink, but I am going to say no. She will make me feel guilty by not drinking, but I would rather feel guilty refusing than guilty from drinking. I know she will do this because when she visited in the summer, it was the same deal. Last time I was 15 days sober and I managed to say no for the 8 days she visited.

        I am writing this now so that I can hold my head up high when I write that I am on day 4, day 5, day 6 and so on, instead of writing day 1 again. I will be posting a lot more cause the pressure will be on big time!

        Sending positive energy out to all of you! Have a great one!
        "When you know better, you do better"

        AF- February 16, 2012
        Goal 1- 3 days al free
        Goal 2- 7 days al free
        Goal 3- 1 month al free
        Goal 4- 3 months al free


          Newbies Nest

          CONGRATULATIONS MINSTAR... it is peaceful isn't are doing wonderful

          Welcome NC.. congratulations on starting your journey ... you will find it to be an interesting ride... fortunately you don't have years or should I say decades of bad habits to overcome...

          Hello to everyone else in the nest tonight...

          Finished up my shopping today, tomorrow is wrapping etc. Met my friend for coffee and McDonald's again... had a nice time. She is a wack job like me so we get a kick out of each other. We live so far out in the sticks McDonald's is about the best you can do for coffee.

          Have a nice fire going and I am snuggled down with my 2 dogs. My depression has lifted and I am back on cruise control.. still every now and then I get that "want" coming out of no where. Fortunately will be having a very quite Christmas with people who don't really drink so I won't be facing any big festive drinking party ...

          Sleep well my fellow nesters


            Newbies Nest

            Oh SL.... isn't that the way it goes!!! You have had a rough personal life this year but have really pulled it together for work... way to go... regifting is a good suggestion


              Newbies Nest

              twitt;1230385 wrote: i am on day 8 today but i feel pensive i want to drink so bad. Yesterday was oka y was called into work into work and i don:t go back till friday. I have an app with an addiction councelor tomorrow hopefull that will help. I am going to use and aabuse every outlet i can fine
              Twitt, I am so happy that you're still here! I've been looking for you and thinking about you and hoping that you were staying strong. This pain and longing is the addiction and you're fighting it and winning right now. Hold out for long enough and it will start backing down. The only way out of this is to go through it. You can do it. :l


                Newbies Nest

                thank you thank you thank you everyone for your congrats, my hat byrdie and everyone else. too many to mention! I feel great mentally for not having had anything but tired still and run down. Think the holiday season colds are getting me!
                Sorry another rushed post. Just wanted to say thanks and hello. Off to get some groceries in!
                Hope everyone is well and hanging in there.

                one of these days i will be able to post more than a few lines



                  Newbies Nest

                  Just stopping by to say hi and send everyone good wishes. Challenging time of year.......I'll be glad when it's over! So much gratuitous partying..........Andrew sorry you are in a tough situation but there's no substitute for feeling good every day........just not worth it which it sounds like you discovered. Such a meaningless trap, drinking!

                  Min, I know what you mean about the anticlimax, but the peacefulness and opening yourself up to spiritual well-being is worth the trade-off, at least to me. It's just an adjustment.

                  Feeling wonderful here and just hoping xmas day where I'm going to a dinner with drinking won't be too difficult. I've been thinking about it every day and envisioning myself with tea or a soda, having fun, making conversation, helping the hostess (instead of being intent on getting sloshed) and being a good human being rather than a drunk who regrets the next day.............positive thoughts and getting prepared so I don't make a stupid mistake that I'll regret!!!

                  Sending everyone peace, strength, and the wisdom to remember that alcohol is a dungeon and only the illusion of being better than sober.



                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters!

                    Christmas is just about here & I plan an AF one for me just like last year & the year before

                    CG here's your BGPs :grannypants:
                    Wear them with pride & stick to your guns while your friend is visiting

                    I have a busy day ahead so I'll just get to it & wish everyone a wonderful AF Thursday!!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters,

                      LadyinNY -- Huge welcome to you. Keep posting and let us know how your day is going.

                      Andrew -- Please stop worrying about what other people are going to think about your NOT drinking. You must do what is best for you and follow your inner voice – it is right on. Once you have stated you are on meds or just don’t want to drink (or whatever your say) people will hardly notice what you are doing. You know your life can be just as much fun sober, if not more so. Actually, I know for a fact that it is more fun sober. And social situations can be a hoot if you have a weird sense of humor like me.

                      SL -- Please pay it forward with the bottle of wine. Someone else get a lot of pleasure from it too.

                      Twit –Let us know how things are going with the addiction counselor. We are all rooting for you.

                      CG -- You can be strong if you have done it before. Would it be possible to get your friend to go along with you or maybe just try for awhile? I find my sober friends much more fun that the ones who tend to focus on booze too much.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Went to a family gathering last night, it was suppose to just be a meeting about our farm but kind of turned into a Christmas gathering. My family is not a drinking family at all but I guess because my uncle was here from the west coast one of my cousins brought two bottles of wine to share between 17 people....sounds normal? They passed it around and most filled their cup about a half inch and had a toast, I of course passed on it and had water, didn't even think twice about wanting to drink.

                        15 minutes later my brother shows up all red and glossy eyed, smiling and talking goofy, I could tell right away he was drunk....I couldn't believe it.

                        A little history on my brother - he was just as bad as I was years ago and had stopped drinking for over 12 years. Its been a couple months since I talked to him last but I know he was not drinking at that time..........must have just started back up?

                        Any way, they asked him if he wanted some wine and he excepted. They put a half of an inch in his glass and he just held the cup out looking at them to fill it up, so they emptied the rest of the first bottle in his cup...he drank that first cup of wine wine like it was beer. 20 minutes went by and it was obvious no one was going to open the second bottle, so he helped him self. In 45 minutes he had filled his cup three more times....I could tell that he is back to that terrible drinking cycle...10 bucks says he fills like crap this morning.

                        I couldn't keep my eyes off him, it was embarrassing to me. I just kept thinking to myself that this is exactly how I look when I am drinking and it is not a pretty site. It was like looking in a mirror and I do not want to go there again...when you are the only heavy drinker around at a gathering you really stand out.

                        I feel sorry for my brother but last night reinforces my will power to work even harder on the new me.

                        This is the first time I have been around anyone drinking since I gave it up 66 days ago. The opportunity was there but I had no desire and I am very thankful.

                        As some of you know, part of my plan is to have someone from my emediate family with me when ever I go out. My 13 yr old son went with me last night. On the way home he said " I thought uncle B didn't do that stuff " so, he noticed it right away too....I told him I didn't know he was back to drinking either.
                        This part was really cool! also on the way home my son comes right and says I have been meaning to tell you dad that you are doing good job...I thought that was awesome because AL has effected his life too, and he is happy to see me pull it together and be normal.

                        K9Lover told me this the very first day I introduced my self to MWO. I think of it often...thanks K9.
                        Focus on how you felt during your bouts of sobriety, and don't let thoughts of alcohol take root in your mind. Yes they come up, but get rid of them quickly.

                        Good luck everyone.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Noal, thank you for posting this story. I'm sorry for your brother but happy for you and your son. I can see the desperation in your brother - tryinig to get more alcohol and can relate to that. I don't want to go back either. Well done!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Oooh.....that was a tough day. But I did it. Day 1 down. There was wine and mince pies going in the staff canteen but I just ran out the door home! I still feel like hell, mind. The sweats, bouts of anxiety etc....but tomorrow will be better and I hope by Christmas Day to feel good and happy again. I really was excited to come home from work and log on here to say something positive so thanks for all your messages of support!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Way to go Andrew - sending you a hug.:l


                                Newbies Nest

                                Andrew, I'm so proud of you! It won't take but a couple days for all that anxiety to go to the wayside. Then next week this time, you'll have a full week under your belt! I couldn't be happier for you!! Don't worry about all the sweets for now...there is plenty of time to work on that, but for right now do what you gotta do to NOT DRINK!
                                Well done!
                                LadyNC!! I'm from NC too! Pull up a twig and tell us about yourself. This very place is what made all the difference for me. Instead of throwing the constant pity party, I decided to do something different.....NOT DRINK! And it worked! What a difference in me now compared to a year ago.
                                Noal...your story hit home to me, too. I look back on photos taken when I was at family events, every one else looking bright eyed...I look drunk, because I was. I'm sure your brother will get himself sorted out, he knows what he has to we all do. Thank you for sharing that story. I felt the pride in your note as you spoke about your son. THEY notice...I thought I was such a master at hiding my drinking...what a boob. Everyone had to know....expecially my poor husband, who made excuses for me many times. Thank GOD above this year is not like that. And thanks to this nest, for being such a big part of that success. Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

