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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    hello peeps

    this thread looks like the one for me if you dont mind me joining in.... Im new here and totally struggling with my drinking:new::upset: I dont drink every day probably three times a week. the problem is i dont know when to stop. I get so drunk i cant stand up most times.... i become abusive and aggressive towards my partner and i cant even remember. i feel like ive hit rock bottom today :upset: i dont remember coming home from a night out - i know i was drinking anything i can get my hands on at a party - people think im a funny drunk and egg me on and i jsut fall into the trap and get totally wasted. i realise now that people arent laughing with me there laughing at me... i fell over into the bath last night. i hit my boyfriend, im covered in bruises and i feel completely and utterly ashamed and awful. worst thing is - i have a ten month old baby who i wasn't capable of looking after today ( my mum had him overnight) my bf has had to look to him all day and i feel like the worst mum in the world. i hate drinking so much - why cant i just drink sensibly like everyone else?? what the hells wrong with me? i hate myself. sorry for going on......


      Newbies Nest

      Hi scooby and welcome,

      My heart goes out to you, you poor darling. The reason you behave like this is because you are addicted to alcohol, just like everyone here and a lot of the population in the world. i know its sad for you not to be able to drink normally but that is just how it is. the best thing you can do is to just stop. There is a really great book called kick the drink easily by Jason Vale, I thoroughly recommend it. You have to stop for the sake of your baby, bf and yourself. Good luck and happy Christmas xxx


        Newbies Nest

        merry xmas to everyone and a great night.I am off to work and then over to my sisters.Probably sign in on xmas day or boxing day I am keeping my fingers crossed


          Newbies Nest

          Thankyou - i know youre right, i need to stop completley. I dont think ill ever be capable of moderating. Today i feel exhausted, weepy, im in physical pain from the falls and a banging head. I jsut want to curl up and cry. i dont deserve my boyfriend - i know if one of my friends was to tell me that her bf/ husband behaved this way i would tell them to leave him. Sometimes i cant believe hes still here. i just want to cry and cry and shut off from the world


            Newbies Nest

            He's obviously with you because he loves you and you are a wonderful person.. How you behave when u are drunk is not you its the drug BUT off the drug you are you. It is difficult at first but imagine a scenario where you wake up christmas eve happy, calm and with your self respect. that is what you and all of us deserve. I'm just over 2 months off it and feel fab, its still difficult at times but it does get easier xx


              Newbies Nest

              Scooby - wise words from Mrs. G. Hope you'll continue to read and post here - sober is so much better.:welcome:

              To all the other nesters - Belle, Lola, Lav, Tim, Twitt, Daisy (welcome back), CG, FA, Byrdie, Herbie, Pinecone, LS, TA, Windy and anyone else I might have missed -- hoping you have a peaceful, happy, AF holiday if you're celebrating.

              Sending us all strength - let's keep our eye on the prize - a better life if we'll give it time.:l


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks for the support last night. Those bottles do talk "crap" and I told them to shut up! This place is my lifeline when I start feeling like picking up a bottle. You all are indeed the best! I have been so busy here lately with house guests, that I have not had the time to post much. I feel bad that I cannot give out as much support as I get lately.

                I would like to welcome scoobysnackgirl, and say this is a wonderful place to be and find support in this awful word of AL madness. I started my trip to sobriety exactly 2 months ago today, and even through a couple of slips, I am so much better off than I was before. Stick with us, scooby!:welcome:

                Also, would like to wish all of you Happy Holidays, however you celebrate (or not). Each one of you are important and special...never forget that! (that sounds sappy, I know, but true)

                Alcohol does me no favors.

                Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                  Newbies Nest

                  thanks guys:thanks:

                  Ive had a sleep whislt little boy was sleeping so iim feeling physically a bit better. Im just so tired of it all......... i want to remember nights out in future and stop waking panicking wondering what went on, have i lost friends? im so ashamed. i fell flat out in the bathroom and landed in the bath.... Ive only got bumps and bruises but i could have hit my head, i could have fallen down the stairs and could have ended up with serious injuries or worse.. Its time to stop this madness. i want my life back. ill be sticking around and again:thanks:

                  Wishing everybody a very happy christmas xxxxx


                    Newbies Nest


                    Hi all. Haven't been on here much lately but think of all of you often. Am proud of all of you.

                    Just wanted to wish everyone a merry and sober Christmas and a great holiday season.

                    Twitt... First thing I do when I log on is look for your name. So glad you are hanging in there. You inspire me with your strength.

                    Daisy... Please come back. We all need you here. Messed up? Am so thankful that that doesn't disqualify me from coming here where there are people who care and understand.

                    Stay strong everyone and just say no. Whatever you face during this stressful time of the year, just don't drink.
                    "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi All

                      Just a little note to you all to wish you a very Happy Christmas and thanks for all the support that I have had from you on this site. I am pleased to say that today I made day 50 !! This will be the first AF Christmas that I can remember in my lifetime and I am looking forward to it so much. It is easy to think that I have got this thing beaten, but there are some dangerous times ahead over the next week or so. I have made the decision not to hide from those parties and get togethers, but to tackle them head on and one day at a time. I do remain confident that I will come out AF on New Years day. Good luck to you all over the holidays and let's hope that we ALL remain AF !!


                        Newbies Nest

                        well ive been doing a lot of reading on here and im so glad i found this site. so much help and support for each other. im so exhausted after last night so im going to bed very soon - my arm, hip and leg are all badly bruised and so sore. at least its not my face i suppose though i do feel slightly more optimistic after finding this site. Ive not had a drink tonight either which is good. Though i must admit the thought of stopping drinking is terrifiying for me. One day at a time - if i try and think about the whole future it becomes too hard and feels stressful.

                        night all and a very merry chirstmas


                          Newbies Nest

                          Merry Christmas Nesters! Made it thru a party last night and a persitant hostess. I told her wine didn't agree with my delicate constitution...she persisited...I said, not now...maybe later, and that stove her off. I mean really! I did great and everyone else did whatever they did. It got loud at the end so we left early. Woke this morning very grateful for my clear head, and for all my friends right here who are with me, yet around the world. I feel so close to you all, and thank God I found you. Stay strong...just about another week of these HARD tests and we'll be back out to open water. All the best...we are all in this together....Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Merry X-Mas

                            Hello Nesters...this is Renewal. I created 'the nest' about 3 1/2 years ago.....then, 'revived it' about a year and a half ago. Obviously, it needs no reviving these days as the nest is as strong as ever. I'm rarely around, so this success is due to EACH of you and your commitment to yourselves and one another. I just wanted to stop by and wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. I have so much respect for you and your efforts to improve your lives. The nest is filled with new names these days, but the objective is still the offer a safe haven for newcomers to this site and provide support rather than judgement. I must give a special 'shout out' to Lavande, who has been here from the start. You are an inspiration my dear and have been an incredible asset to all the newcomers....I thank you for all you do here. To everybody else, while I may not know you, you make me proud to see you utilizing the opportunity here as you are. I wish you nothing but success in your venture, and the best in this Holiday season.
                            Mark (Renewal)


                              Newbies Nest

                              Merry Christmas to those where it has arrived, have a lovely Christmas Eve to those still waiting - 5pm here, we have a way to go before I can relax in the joy of an AF Christmas - still hoping I can make it. Not totally sure, but determined!! Full of cold, of course as I am just starting a week off work - lucking the nyquil appears to be AF these days
                              Day 27 today. Got to get to 30!! I was really wavering there, thank goodness for posting as it is passing.
                              Many, Many thanks Mark for starting this thread - it really is a lifeline! :thanks: And a lot of gratitude to nest mother Lav, and jr nest mother Byrd - you guys are my Christmas gift!!
                              Going to stay sober as I have to play Santa tonight - have the post in my brain, and will not wake disgusted and disappointed tomorrow - I WILL NOT - or to quote Belle - NO, HELL NO!
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thank you Renewal for checking back in on this wonderful place you created here. I received a lot of support and encouragement here in the early days of my sobriety. It is a wondrous feeling to see people break the hold of the addiction right before your eyes....

                                Thank you also...LAV and two nest moms are the best!

                                Hoping all in the nest are able to get through this last little stretch of festivities with their AF flags flying high....

                                Happy AF Holidays!
                                Sober for the Revolution!
                                AF & NF July 23, 2011

