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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    first posting

    Hi everyone
    Today is the first day after many years alcohol abuse I've finally got serious about quitting. Really hard to give up the fantasy I can still drink with any kind of self-control. It's almost
    like there are two of me. The (more) rational me and my drinking evil twin. What I'm frightened of most about believing this won't end up being just another quickly aborted attempt to give up is that my evil twin will pop up anytime soon and convince me I can handle a couple and stop or that it doesn't really matter that much. When I think of all the humiliating things I've said and done (the times i can remember) i feel so shameful - but for some reason for the first time i actually feel a bit hopeful. God i hope i'm right. Day one - guess you've got to start somewhere, but boy, forever (on earth) without booze really does feel like a long, long time.


      Newbies Nest

      :welcome: Boo Boo...we all have felt the way you are feeling!! This is a great place to be!! You will find lots of great people here and a wonderful support system!!!! I always said I hate the other me (the drinking me--she's evil)! Haven't seen her in awhile and I couldn't be happier!!!

      Good Morning to Lav, Beginning and Strawman---you all sound like you have busy weekends planned with lots of projects (indoors) due to rain!! It's just really chilly and WINDY here!! Today the sun is out...but it's still chilly...we had the rain a couple of days ago....down poured..but everything is green now didn't fall asleep AT the table...while he finished up his sleeping words...I went and laid on the couch...he was suppose to read to me when he was done, but instead snuck on the no we never got reading done....I suppose that's ok...we'll just make sure to read more over the weekend! This is just extra reading I asked for from the teacher for him to practice at home anyway...lucky him huh!?:H

      UNG--SO good to hear from you---you are sounding better and better each time you post!! Meaning...more laughing guys are popping up!!! Sense of humor is definitly on the fast track back to it's ol self!! Awesome!!

      Well folks....not to toot my own horn but "TOOT TOOT"--I went 30 days AF!!!! Hasn't been done since???????????? Let's see my son is 7!!!:H Feeling pretty good today!!!!
      Just thought I would share....better get back to work!!!
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning Nesters ~ Sounds like most of us are going to be doing a lot of indoor projects this weekend. It's beautiful here in Oregon today, but rain is coming in for the weekend :upset:

        Dill, I hope you had a marvelous birthday I can't believe it is already May either! That means my son moves on to his next decade in 12 days...turning 20! Yikes!

        Papa, feel better soon. I am sure G is taking good care of you!

        SD, enjoy the baseball game tonight. Congrats on the win last night! Toot your horn all you want. You deserve too!

        :welcome: Boo boo! Keep posting and reading. We are all here to help you on your journey.

        Hi Strawman, Beginning, Lavande, UNG and all to come (I am sure Lil will be here soon )

        Well, I am off to work and more sulking. My Blazers were knocked out of the playoffs last night :upset: I guess there is always next year!

        Happy Friday everyone! :l


          Newbies Nest

          Just a quick fly by everyone. Leaving for the first of 3 retirement parties for hubbie. I'm a little nervous. Lots of drinking. Chops-put on your cheerleading outfit-I need everyones support. Talk to you all to night.

          Sorry I can't say Hi to everyone but I'll be thinking of all my friends in the nest. I love you guys (gals)
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            Newbies Nest

            Ok Lil, just for you my cheerleader outfit is on :yougo::yougo: I will be thinking of you today and cheering you on! Let us know how it goes.

            You can do this!!! :l Love you too!!!


              Newbies Nest

              Welcome Boo! Glad to have you along.:welcome:

              SD, Glad you didn't fall asleep at the table! I had such a sad image in my head of you slumped over, head resting on your arms, snoring away! :H

              Chops, you are one fantastic cheerleader!

              Lil, I've been thinking about you on and off all day, and sending vibes your way. :h

              Hi, beginning, strawman and lavande! Hope everyone managed to stay reasonably dry during all this rainy weather.

              Hey, PR, I know you'll be checking in soon!

              Good night everyone!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Newbies Nest


                Hello there my precious ones......and welcome to our is wonderful to have you and we are priveleged to have you join our happy home. Also, thanks to all for the words of comfort....has been a rough go as of late physically for me. I did stay home today, but will put my 17 in a call this morning from a co-worked who said they had a physical situation with an agitated patient....gotta get back there tomorrow to offer him some support....anyhow, wishing all of you a great weekend. I'll talk to ya tomorrow night after my shifts. An early goodnight.
                PR & G


                  Newbies Nest

                  Just wanted to stop in and say good night to everyone! I am a tired peep tonight, but have more reading and assignments to do. I am going to nestle in on the ST (studying twig) and then fly to the ET (exhausted twig). See you all in the morning :l


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning, nesters! I'm up early on this Saturday morning. I hope we have some breaks in the rain today so I can get outside a bit. Are there any mushroom hunters in the nest? I have heard that this has been a great year for finding mushrooms in our area, but everytime I head out to look, I come up empty-handed. I'm going to try again today!

                    SD? Any movement on the housing front?

                    Lil, how did you do yesterday with all the retirement festivities?

                    OK, I'm heading out for an early breakfast! My hb and I go out every Saturday morning for breakfast and then grocery shopping. One of our favorite places is a local 'hole in the wall' type restaurant. It's all local folks. The food it great. Well, if you like biscuits and gravy!:H Later, peeps. Coffee's on!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Newbies Nest

                      I am back and on Day 2. Guess my body has had enough. I passed out and hit my head on Thursday. Had to go out in an ambulance and have staples in my head. I am working on revamping my whole plan.
                      Happy belated birthday Dill. Hope it was a good one.
                      May all who are feeling ill be better soon.
                      I have missed u all.
                      I will be on the EIE (enough is enough) twig.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Saturday morning one & all!

                        Dill, it continues to rain here, I plan to sneak out between showers to dig in the plants I've purchased. The poor things are just sitting in my garage, waiting.

                        Seacailin, I'm really sorry to hear about your incident. I have some personal experience in that department as well, except I did a whole lot more damage to myself when I fell. Ended up with a pretty serious head injury requiring surgery. Makes me sick to even think about it now. Here's your chance to ensure that will never happen again!

                        Wishing everyone a wonderful, happy, healthy weekend
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Happy Saturday All! This birdie is up early too. My dogs decided mom didn't need to sleep any more :H

                          Dill and LaVande, I hope you get some breaks in the rain. I know the feeling as it is rain here today too.

                          Dill, I wouldn't know where to begin mushroom hunting. Any suggestions?

                          Hi Lil, hope your retirement parties went well for you!

                          Sea, welcome back! I am so sorry about your accident. Stay close and we all help you with your new plan :l

                          Hi SD, Papa, Beginning and all others to come. Enjoy the day


                            Newbies Nest

                            welcome boo :welcome:

                            Dill, Chops-Thanks for all your support. I made it through 2 parties only have 1 left. Chops you looked so cute in your cheerleading skirt and pom poms. Thanks so much. :l

                            Waving at Sea, LaVenda and SD-Hi guys!!

                            Pr-Hope you are feeling better. "G" doesn't have the flu as well does he!!! Ha!!

                            Hoping everyone a great week end.
                            AF since 7/26/2009

                            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning Nesters!!
                              Sea-Good to hear from you...sorry that you are going through a rough time...keep coming here...we're always here for you!!!
                              Dill--the first house...put another offer one...guy is REALLY dragging his feet...another house come available to look at on Monday...I'm first in line...I really like it!!!!! Crossing my's a little more than i want to spend...but my mom likes it she said..that wasn't a problem :yay: I think it's because I'd be 3 blocks from her :H
                              Lil, Chops, Lav--you all behaving yourselves this weekend?!?!? HA!! Lil, sounds like the parties were successful! My mom and sis asked if I was going to 'celebrate' my 30 days last night by having a drink???!! Went home (after my son's first loss at baseball) and we grilled up an awesome steak and played catch in the that's CELEBRATING!!
                              Papa-Hope today was ok at work...I'm sure you are missed when you are gone...but take care of yourself too!!!:h
                              Off to a soccer game!!! We keep busy around here!!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                Newbies Nest

                                SD-hang in there GF. I'm to old to look as cute as Chops in that cheer leading out fit, but my heat is with you.
                                AF since 7/26/2009

                                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous

