first posting
Hi everyone
Today is the first day after many years alcohol abuse I've finally got serious about quitting. Really hard to give up the fantasy I can still drink with any kind of self-control. It's almost
like there are two of me. The (more) rational me and my drinking evil twin. What I'm frightened of most about believing this won't end up being just another quickly aborted attempt to give up is that my evil twin will pop up anytime soon and convince me I can handle a couple and stop or that it doesn't really matter that much. When I think of all the humiliating things I've said and done (the times i can remember) i feel so shameful - but for some reason for the first time i actually feel a bit hopeful. God i hope i'm right. Day one - guess you've got to start somewhere, but boy, forever (on earth) without booze really does feel like a long, long time.