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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Lav, just curious, did you feel that setting was a danger for you drinking because the guy was so drunk? I thought that would probably be a turn off to you rather than a temptation because you always sound way past the point of drinking again. Would like to hear what your thoughts were.

    I'm day 42 AF and really proud that I made it through xmas dinner with others around me drinking. Now, for the next challenge, NYE. As Tim says, start preparing now - mentally. That helps a lot I think -- to not be taken by surprise with the unexpected.

    Sending everyone peace and strength.:l


      Newbies Nest

      That whole gathering was (and always has been) a big turn off for me. I knew I didn't want to drink, my big issue was I was walking in with my kids & grandkids in tow. None of them drink like that & my grandkids sure don't need to be exposed to that. Yeah, years ago I walked home wobbly but that's all history now & I'm damn glad about that
      Congrats to you on your AF Christmas!

      PS: Take your own AF drinks with you to the NYE parties!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Ah, ok. That makes sense Lav.


          Newbies Nest

          i tried, i failed, im sorry, i hate it


            Newbies Nest

            Scooby, do you have a plan........can you start stringing together some AF days? We're here to help if we can.


              Newbies Nest

              Hi scooby,

              Just keep trying ~ that's the great thing about the nest
              I doubt there is a soul here who quit on their first attempt!
              I had all my failures before I found MWO - plenty of them.......
              Ust the link I posted earlier today for the Tool box & make yourself a good plan. Wishes don't work but a strong commitment & a good plan do. Have you read the MWO book yet? If not, download it from the Health store here on the site. It has lots of good info to help you get started.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                scoobysnackgirl;1233558 wrote: i tried, i failed, im sorry, i hate it
                On another thread you said you just poured yourself a big glass of water, but also that you are still drinking tonight and have another bottle of wine calling your name.

                If you can't bring yourself to throw out the bottle at least put it deep in the garage or outside in the snow or something. Call it a night and head to bed. At this point more drinking is just going to make tomorrow worse.

                You can beat this. Tomorrow can be a brand new start for you. Keep posting and checking in.
                ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                  Newbies Nest

                  thankou... it nice to think that someone is lookimg out for you even ehen you feel like all everything is gone. ill admit ive opemed the other b ottle of wine '9 ive told myslef one glass and then straight to bed )

                  I plan to stop completley in the new year.. i know it will be so hard.. i cant possibly moderate, i just dont have the will power


                    Newbies Nest

                    Aww, Scooby, we can all relate to where you're at right now. It is hard at first, but as you start adding AF days, you start feeling so much better that it gives you the impetus to keep going. Then even if you fall, you pick back up and keep getting more and more days. You can do it it you really want it!

                    Take care. We'll help you along when you're ready.:l


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Newbies

                      I have to relearn what you do to celebrate - cant really go out and get drunk to celebrate 30 days AF

                      I've got through the christmas party season, Christmas day and Boxing day - all high stress and highly available alcohol days. I've got to say that the support from my wife has been the main thing that has got me through - non judgemental, focussed on how my drinking habits was killing me and not on how it affected her - its just an amaziong resource that I can comfortably discuss how I am feeling, craving or to share my reading of others experiences with.

                      Christmas day was interesting - we had almost a white christmas with hail stones as big as tennis balls - I actually parked the mercedes coupe I have (and cannot find a buyer for) out in the street hoping for a hail damage write off claim but to no effect . But I digress.

                      Christmas for my extended family (I'm one of 8 children) was hosted by one of my daughters at her home for the first time. No-one really gave a damn about whit I was drinking - I had subtly told my mother I was on the wagon but I didn't really expect any pressure. What I hadn't realised was that my first wife who was this daughter's mother, was visiting from interstate and was likely to be sharing the festivities with me, my parents, siblings, their partners and children.

                      In the end neither of us had a great deal to say to each other but everything was pleasant. (Boxing day about 20 years ago had been our breakup day so I had a number of ghosts floating around in my head)

                      I had been experimenting with some of the beer substitute/ de-alcoholised beer drinks over the last couple of weeks. Some are terrible and some have an OK taste. I had a few of these with me and I could have been mistaken for drinking some new trendy beer label from outward appearances. Not sure whether these are a great idea as I tended to folow my old patterns of drinking while drinking these drinks that dont have the kick of the alcohol. Addictive behaviour also includes the habit of drinking, having a beer in my hand while in a social setting so I'm not going to beat up on myself too much.

                      All in all Im pretty happy with whats happening to me. Early in the new year I'm going to try some moderation while I'm overseas but as my Naltraxone hasnt arrived this may not be in the full Sinclair method but simply relying on my hypnotherapy support. I have a second hypno session tonight to reinforce the current suggestions.

                      Good luck to all the new newbies and thanks for the support so far.



                        Newbies Nest

                        Just checking to see how my buddy Twitt is doing. You did great on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. So proud of you! How are you doing now. Still holding on?

                        I'm hoping to be back to somewhat normal posting in the next day or two. Still trying to recover from the Christmas dinner (I need to lose about 10 pounds now), and get back to my normal routine after hosting Christmas.


                          Newbies Nest

                          FlyAway;1233624 wrote: Just checking to see how my buddy Twitt is doing. You did great on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. So proud of you! How are you doing now. Still holding on?

                          I'm hoping to be back to somewhat normal posting in the next day or two. Still trying to recover from the Christmas dinner (I need to lose about 10 pounds now), and get back to my normal routine after hosting Christmas.
                          Oh i am drinking water right now, still holding on as i go to work tomorrow again and then off to see my grandkids they are a great distraction for Thankyou for the vote of confidence


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning nesters!

                            How is everyone this Tuesday morning?
                            Dark in my neighborhood, rain moving in later, oh well!

                            Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Tuesday!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi guys,

                              For some reason when I joined MWO in July I did not check in the nest first - found plenty of companionship on "all I want is 30 days AF " and " Conquering Day 1" ....

                              Well, I conquered day 1 one more time yesterday; Gorged on cranberry and soda. The logical part of my brain tells me that it is not OK to go back to square 1 after 6 months of trying, the other part of my brain knows better by now ... that I am truly hooked to jungle juice.

                              I have many moments where I recongize the fact that deciding to take the first drink is not really my decision, I do not want it, I know the outcome, yet it I still drink it.

                              I truly want to break that cycle.
                              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi, Shue. I remember you from the other threads that you've posted on. Glad you've joined us here. I'm also on day 2. I've had bits and starts of success, but as important as dropping the alcohol habit is to me, I seem to easily discard my goals when the urge to pour a glass of wine hits.

                                I'm really working on that. The concepts of urge surfing and taking a moment to figure out who is talking when the little voice says have a drink, me or the alcohol monster, have really helped.

                                Bottom line, this morning is typical of mornings when I haven't had anything to drink the day before. I'm happy, confident and ready to tackle my day at work. Otherwise, well, it's the opposite. I would prefer to hide out in my house and not have to face anyone.

                                Let's all have the great day we deserve today, and show alcohol who's the boss!
                                ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                                Goal #1 - 7 days AF -

