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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    K9 - I so underdstand - we are in similar situations - I have two girls that I share with their father 50-50%, and I am very lonely sometimes. I am not social, my girls are and when with them I manage to get out a bit, but happy sitting at home alone when they are with him. I have struggled with trying to get AF for years and really started after finding MWO early this year and after many false starts, I am getting some days behind me - however all I can think of is ways to be able to have another glass of wine sometime...
    I do feel your pain and struggles....I wish I could help you....I empathise with you...we are both in central california, so may be neighbours....feel free to PM, maybe our girls are away at the same time and we could support each other? I have mine this week and they go to their dads on Friday...:l:l
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening all!

      Just dropping in to wish everyone a safe night in the nest

      Irie, good for you tonight! That's how you get the job done

      Herbie, I understand your curiosity about modding but so many of us have found out that it's just not possible. Give yourself some more AF time, see if your feelings change.

      SL, wonderful that you could be neighbors with K9 ~ you just never know!

      Good night to all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        K-9, I understand the lonliness away from my kids....Up until I conceived my second child and my ex had an affair, I had everything planned out; I was responsible, committed....OCD, in life was planned to the T. Until now, I thought my drinking was because I missed my children when they were away; I now realize it is because I never built a plan for my new life....My "old" life was being a good wife and mom, and I was both. Although I am still a good mom, I have not been able to create a new "OCD" life. My plan broke down, and I broke down with it. For me, it's not about missing the kids, but losing control of what a "perfect" life meant in my broken head, and that perfect life being lost....
        I am not ready, yet, I still need to build on the idea that life is imperfect....Please accept me on January 1st when I hope I have built an ever changing imperfect plan.....
        Goal 1: Today
        Goal 2: Tomorrow


          Newbies Nest

          Darn!!! lost my post ...

          Well, I managed a birthday dinner at a her posh private club with only 1 small glass of champers an even smaller one of wine. Not modding, just seeing how long I can stretch a drink without telling my company I am not drinking at all.

          I need to work on my plan, for now it is surviving the holidays on minimum amounts of AL.

          will come back later
          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


            Newbies Nest

            SL, you should PM K9 just in case she doesn't see your post. Sounds like you guys have a lot in common. And, if you both live in Central California, wouldn't it be wonderful if you could get together and as you say, support each other!

            Still AF at day 44 and feeling wonderful. Hope everyone here can keep stringing together AF days........

            Peace and strength to all.:l


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters!

              Have a busy day ahead, just checking in quickly.

              Building a new life without AL is actually a joy Lukalee. Make a list of the things that really bring you pleasure & incorporate them into your new AF life

              Shue, I can't imagine feeling pressured to drink by my work of all things
              How the hell is it anyone's business what you drink? I spent my life working in Health Care & I suppose it was normal to not be a big drinker in the crowd.

              Hey Unwasted, good for you

              Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning friends,

                I have been busy with the holidays and work. Reading alot here, but not checking in as often as I like to.

                I always smile when I see people forming partnerships for support. It is very nice.

                I had a nice AF Christmas and I am also glad it is over. The holidays always make me a little blue, and I never know why! I had a little anxiety about being asked to explain why I wasn't drinking, but no one asked. Just another one of those things in life that I get nervous about, but they never really come to pass.

                I signed up for a distance learning course from the Todo institute that starts next month. I am really looking forward to the new year. I have always liked the feeling of that holiday, the regeneration, another chance, etc. My goal is complete abstinance, so this will be my shot to have an entire AF year. I am putting the pieces in place to make it happen.

                I often think about the fear I had about quitting drinking, and how silly that looks to me now. I only have 46 or 47 days (starting to lose count here!) but I can start to see how unfounded that fear is. There is nothing to regret about quitting drinking for me.

                I hope everyone has a wonderful AF day.
                "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                AF 11/12/11


                  Newbies Nest

                  Lav, you are wonderful support, a few months back I was in the right state of mind and had no trouble telling people I am not drinking ? I was feeling particularly weak last night and the company (of people) I was in is full of alcoholic snobs (hence the posh club) ? that really feel threatened when someone is not joining in.

                  I am working on my mojo ? re-reading Jason Vale and digging up the hypnosis CDs.

                  Irie, I will think of you post tonight at home when the wine in the outdoor fridge is calling out my name.

                  Scottish Lass ? so happy to see you again and doing well ( last night I had to translate for one of the guests who is Scottish and has a fairly thick accent ? and when I mean translate ? I mean from English to English ) the drunker he got the harder it got.

                  K9 ? you have the formula that works for you and you have a wonderful nature ? have been so supporting and inspirational to others ? I know you will turn it around again

                  UnW ? 44 days is big ? keep the momentum going
                  workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                    Newbies Nest

                    twitt;1233927 wrote: where are you today? i came home from work early as i was getting pretty emotional still have to see my grad kids but shit i wish i had a drink of something
                    Twitt I wasn't on here yesterday. I didn't get home from work until midnight last night. Are you okay? How did the visit with your grandkids go? What made you upset?


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning Nestmates!

                      I had a late night at work yesterday and will have another late night tonight. I came home last night and made myself some Tulsi tea to drink before bed and woke up feeling great and hangover free. Love that feeling! And I also love sleeping the night through with no 3am wakeup, covered in sweat and heart pounding.

                      I wish you all peace and strength today. :h


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters!

                        I haven't checked in on here in a while but just wanted to drop in and say hello and see how everyone is doing. Spent the last hour catching up on older posts since my last visit. As usual, this thread moves very quickly! I see some new faces which is wonderful. Too many names to list but hello to everyone and onwards to a happy, HEALTHY New Year!

                        Herbie, a belated happy birthday to you and I also had some wine over Christmas, Christmas eve and a litte on Christmas day. Since I was hosting Christmas dinner for about 12 guests, I stopped after 2 glasses and changed to water and then tea with dessert...if I kept going with the crowd, there wouldn't have been a Christmas dinner and dessert would have gone by the wayside. So, on the positive side of things, I drank much less than I normally would have and I view that as progress. What's done is done and I have to move forward, not backward. Good job to you K9 for getting back on the horse! I am really glad it is all over with and look forward to the New Year. For everyone who stayed strong and AF on Christmas, well done for you!

                        I hope everyone is well today. Welcome newbies and hi to "seniorbies" alike!
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Glad to see so many positive 'vibes' here this morning. I did not have an AF day yesterday but did make progress. Mid-afternoon I took some 5HTP and an L-Glut and around danger time (4:30) I took a Naltrexone. By the time wine-pouring time came along I was completely indifferent. However, addict that I am, I poured a glass. It sat there for ages but I did drink it - tasted like water. I'm not only an addict, but also a damned fool because I actually poured a second - but wondered why as it was tasteless and I only drank half - such a HABIT!!! But I felt this was progress. Tonight I hope to repeat the same pattern but NOT the pouring and drinking part :H

                          I am feeling pretty positive. I know this is going to be a slow process and that I won't get sober all in one day, but being here and reading all your stories has given me hope!! Have a great day everyone. :thanks:
                          Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                          (quote from Bean )

                          Goal: Survival


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello everyone...just checking in to see how we are doing.

                            Blonde, I was worried about you, but glad to see you back here. You have been so supportive to the folks here. Glad to see you are OK despite the wine on Christmas. I did have wine on Christmas Eve and Day, but the scary thing was I saw some of my old AL characteristics coming back, like sneaking more into my glass and finishing my brother's glass after he left. I even considered vodka in the laundry room after coming home, but thankfully my daughter asked me to do something with her, and that was the blessing I needed to stop myself. Catching oneself before a big slip is important!

                            Lav and Byrd, hope you nest Mums are having a great day. Thanks for being there when any of us need a kick in the pants.

                            Herbie, MWOLady, lukalee, Shue, Unwasted, Pine... and any other nestmates that are around...let's stick together and keep up the fight. I don't know about you all, but I am a bit worried about New Years Eve, even though I am not a NYE partier. Cracking open a bottle that night always seems like the thing to do. I wonder what waking up on Jan 1 hangover free feels like? Hope to find out this time.


                            Alcohol does me no favors.

                            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning All!
                              Feeling much more positive today! Scottish Lass - I will send you a PM and see where you are would be great if we could support each other. Lukalee, Shue and Unwasted: Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement to me as well. I know many of us are in the same situation, and it's such a big help to know that we are not alone.
                              Last night I was very "lazy" after work...watched hours of mindless TV, but I was sober! I have no plans of going back to my old ways. My 2 day screw up was more than enough of a reminder. Back on the Antabuse, and plan to take it for at least 6 months non-stop. I don't want to rely on it forever, but I do need it now. Due to insurance rates, I am having to change medical facilities, so I had to request a copy of my medical records. I am setting up an appointment with a new Doctor and I plan to be very honest with her (she'll see it all in front of her anyway!). I want to be very up front with her from the beginning so that she can keep my prescription of Antabuse going.
                              Well I guess I better get to's so slow this week and even more boring than usual. The good news is that I am off at Noon on Friday and we have another 3 day weekend, so I will keep that thought in my head and just get through the week!
                              Hope you are all well and staying's not easy, but so worth it.
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Dang it....why do notes just disappear???? Poof!?
                                I am sick as a dang head is so full of snot it's about to explode. I will be more surprised if it doesn't than if it does....yuck. I hate being sick.
                                I also hate to hear that AL found his way into the nest. It is a Beast. While AL was everywhere I looked over the past several days, in no way was I going to give in to it and ruin my quit. I looked longingly at the people sipping wine and able to sit the glass down and 'forget' where they put it. I was really never this kind of drinker. So I don't long for something that I was....I long for something that I never was. What's a couple glasses of wine going to do for me? It would make me go down in the hole again.
                                You DO get sober overnight....and one night at a time. It is a choice. People will do what they want to do. That is a simple statement, but think about it have to WANT to be sober MORE than you want a drink. And that is a choice we make. It's a change in thinking that isn't easy, but is totally possible. You have to tell yourself NO! HELL, NO! I will NOT give in to The matter what and no matter who....There is not one person on this Earth that I would yield one! I mean who would this person be? A trusted friend? A colleague? Who are THEY to do that to me? It is a choice that I make....and I know what the alternative is. Be strong! Don't let a dam drink lead you by the nose the rest of your life, cut it off at the head and don't feed it. Just my 2 cents. Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

