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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Bellegirl, it's a deal! This fight is worth winning. I keep imagining going into this new year AF and carrying through to the next new year. What an opportunity! We just have to be hungry for it.

    Blondie, great to see you back!

    Byrdlady, get well soon, and thanks for another great post!
    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
    AF 11/12/11


      Newbies Nest

      Hope is NOT a plan. You must have your plan in place when temptation is all around. Visualize success. Do not give in.
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        so it really is one day at a time? what a drag. I want this all gone, like NOW!! but the decision, as someone above said, has to be made...on or off? what's it going to be? Well ok, for tonight no wine - but I will be doped up to the eyeballs with 5HTP, L-Glut and Naltrexone - I'm feeling the need for some pharma help!!
        Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
        (quote from Bean )

        Goal: Survival


          Newbies Nest

          hey everyone....I went to the liquor store today.

          I bought a teeny tiny bottle of Grand Marnier to make a strawberry tiramisu - they had to think I had died or something since September but now they must be convinced I've lost my go in a couple days before NYE and buy a shotglass full of orange liqueur and not a bucketload of vodka.

          Nobody said this was easy - and Christmas threw me for a loop, really. but I know what I want and how badly I want it...

          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


            Newbies Nest

            and the tiramisu is serving 15 people! So I'm not changing my AF date...;-) and I don't even like liqueurs. yeah, I probably could have used something else, but I kind of wanted to prove to myself I could go in the store and not buy vodka or wine.

            It's tough to get on here this week with everyone around - but that doesn't mean I am any less committed to being AF.

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              Newbies Nest

              Hi all - i did not think to PM, so thanks UW for the idea and K9 for beating me to it - i will reply later tonight - exciting!!!
              My brain has been fuddled since stopping and I counted wrong - when countng the dots on my calendar today there 30 yesterday and by the ned of today will have 31 - so I have reached that goal - woohoo!!
              I am wondering about ordering the supplement for memory on here - anyone tried it????, i certainly have some memory problems.
              Welcome back Shue - good to see you, we definitely have strength in numbers!
              Good to see you checking in Blonde
              My daughter has requested Tiramsu for NY - I am trying a AF version - I bought a bottle of brandy at Christmas for cooking and it has remained sealed - I think it needs to stay that way for a bit longer as it does say hello most times I go in the pantry - I do think about throwing it out, but the masochist in me is enjoying winning teh battle and not drinking it even thou it is there.
              Hard work day - one of our VP's has been laid off - he has been with the organisation 20 years, I have been there 17 years, so it does leave a shaky feeling - there have also been 6 or 7 other layoffs, but not me so far so maybe I am safe? I better be as I am planning the return of the real me in 2012 and I need my job to achieve that :H:H:H
              I am actually off thsi week, started with the same cold so many here are battling, almost gone now - went shopping with my girls and then iceskating/snow tubing today! Movies, mani & pedi and dinner out (the three girls!) tomorrow - I love having the inclination to actually be doing things, rather than feeling sorry for myself in the morning and wondering when I can get home in time to start drinking in the afternoon (and sneak a quick one in a lunch) - this is really SO much better!
              Hang in there everyone - lots of successes continue!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Newbies Nest

                SL -
                I'm SO envious of your time with your girls right now! Mine is coming home Saturday night but I guarantee neither of us will be awake to ring in the new year. We have a running joke that we are so "wild and crazy" that we are usually in bed by 8:30 (yes, even on weekends...LOL). What movie are you and the girls going to see tomorrow? I plan to rent a couple and make Sunday a pizza/popcorn/movie sit-by-the-fire night with my girlie! I can relate to how good you feel actually having the desire to do opposed to the old days when you were probably "sick" like I was. But no time for regrets, make the most of it now and enjoy those girls. Oh, and give that bottle of Brandy the finger next time you come across it in the pantry. LOL
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters!

                  So many stopping in today - great

                  Pinecone, I hope you enjoy your ToDo Institute course ~ I love that place, wish I could actually make a trip there - maybe some day

                  Shue, honestly.......remember that none of us owe anyone an explanation about not drinking. IMHO it's just freaking ignorant & rude of someone to push you for an answer. I would just give that person a flip remark (Lavan-ittude) & walk away :H

                  To those of you who had a drink or two over Christmas.......
                  Glad you are back & reconsidering things. Seeing old habits resurface so quickly is enough to keep me away from AL. I know that 1 or 2 would lead into 10 or 12 & I just won't ever go there again.

                  Byrdie, snot aside, I hope you feel better soon. Drink lots of green tea - the stuff keeps me healthy I swear

                  SL, do you really need that bottle of brandy in your house?
                  Why tempt yourself at this point? CONGRATS on your 31 AF days, keep the momentum going! You want to be in as good shape as possible for the new year, your girls & your job!

                  MWOLady, instead of Pharma help how about downloading some of the free meditations from Emotional Healing Arts Meditation Workshops |
                  They work wonders for me

                  Lola, enjoy your fancy dessert. I think you'll probably be OK!

                  K9, glad today started out better for you!

                  I had a great day with family which would not have been possible if I was still pickling myself with copious amounts of wine........I am grateful!

                  Have a safe night in the Nest everyone!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Alot of people have been asking me what I will be doing for the New Years, I do know I will not be going out nor having people over here. I have deceided to read and read posts and more posts, Its alot better than waking up with a blated face, bloated stomach, no appetite, red pasty skin, constantly wiping sweat from my forehead, the overall sick feeling, the aches and pains..I think I will be better off reading and writeing posts even private messaging some of the great people I have met from being on this site.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Guy - sounds like a great plan - there are terrific posts here and i find new ones all the time that strike a chord.
                      Lav, nope do not need the brandy, but right now the devilish part of me enjoys thumbing my nose at it...
                      K9 - we are actually going to the movies, we usually stay at home and watch DVD's - but now I am sober I can venture out. My littler one has a sensitive heart - they both wnat to see warhorse, but she will not have a hidey hole at the movies - and I think the big screen and noise might be too much, so I think we are going to see "we bought a zoo" - they are both huge animal lovers. Have you and your daughter seen "soulsurfer"? If not, get it - but with a big box of tissues and a box of chocs, or tub of icecream - it is one of the best movies we have watched in a long time...a girls night watching movies is one of our favorite hobbies! We are also wild and whacky bed bugs :H:H
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        Newbies Nest

                        Evening all... like Brydie I am sick, went to the Doc ... have bronchitus.. RX included xpack and cough syrup

                        Hope to be feeling better soon...

                        Hope you all have a good evening and will talk more in the morining


                          Newbies Nest

                          AGUYFROMNC;1234576 wrote: Alot of people have been asking me what I will be doing for the New Years, I do know I will not be going out nor having people over here. I have deceided to read and read posts and more posts, Its alot better than waking up with a blated face, bloated stomach, no appetite, red pasty skin, constantly wiping sweat from my forehead, the overall sick feeling, the aches and pains..I think I will be better off reading and writeing posts even private messaging some of the great people I have met from being on this site.
                          High five to you! Once again, I'm astounded by how well you're doing. From a gallon of rum a day to sobriety. Amazing job!


                            Newbies Nest

                            I haven't seen Twitt post today. Where are you? Has anyone talked to him?


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good hangover free morning, nest mates,

                              Only one glass of wine to report last night ? another birthday party ? Today I draw the line ? it has to be AF!!! This morning I moved all AL into the garage in order to avoid temptation ? drinking at home is my biggest problem.

                              If I want to sneak in a drink I will have to risk being slimed to death by my very large mastiff dog who calls the garage his bachelor pad.

                              I have seen a very worrying trend in me around Xmas ? i.e. sneaking in a gulp of brandy ? in the morning ? to ?clear up my nose? ? I am still down with flu. I know this is wrong on so many levels ? despite drinking less and less overall .

                              Lav - I know I don?t owe anybody any explanation, in the spirit of frankness, it was my decision to have one glass.

                              I am gearing up for an AF New Year?s eve then take it from there.
                              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Everyone - just checking in to report 45 days AF today. Feeling wonderful and so happy about being on the right path!!

                                Sending everyone peace and strength.

