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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    A well deserved congratulations, Unwasted! 45 days is a marvelous accomplishment. You must be so satisfied with yourself.
    ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
    Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters!

      GUY, I am very proud of you for thinking the holidays through the way you have. You have made tremendous success, you should be happy & proud of yourself as well
      Haning out here on NYE is a great idea ~ we can can a very special party of our own & keep an eye out for brand new newbies!

      Greetings SL, Herbie, FlyAway, Shue & Irie!

      Unwasted, 45 AF days looks good on you

      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Unwasted;1234769 wrote: Hi Everyone - just checking in to report 45 days AF today. Feeling wonderful and so happy about being on the right path!!

        Sending everyone peace and strength.
        Congratulations! :goodjob:


          Newbies Nest

          FlyAway;1234633 wrote: I haven't seen Twitt post today. Where are you? Has anyone talked to him?
          hello still here and still sober but i do have an awful headache today. Supposed to go to my daughters for supper but have not decided yet. I get very depressed and when i do i don:t move far from the couch. Doctor has put me on cipralex but it will still take a week to kick in i think. Al has been on my mind alot but i don:t want to screw things up. I do have to go out sometime today tho and where i have to go there is a liquor store in the dam mall,you can not miss it. Off to have another cup of tea,not supposed to be drinking that either but water


            Newbies Nest

            I'd like to jump into the nest too please. Yesterday was my first AF day in a very long time. I set myself up for success by being busy, taking a 5HTP and an L-Glut, and just saying 'no thanks' when DH offered me a glass at dinner time. It was actually easier than I thought! So I will keep to my plan and make today an AF day as well. Got a big dinner party planned for Jan 1 with wine pairings (what was I thinking!) but the guests are all very good friends and no one will say anything when I tell them I'm turning over a new leaf! This time of year people are willing to accept odd resolutions! And this one will be odd for me!!
            Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
            (quote from Bean )

            Goal: Survival


              Newbies Nest

              Hi everyone....I am new to posting in any chat forums so bear with me. This site looks very inviting and hopefully will be a good tool in my journey to sobriety. I am a once a month binge drinker and am so tired of the hangovers and blackouts. I don't ever want to pick up another drink again!! Again I hope I am doing this correctly .


                Newbies Nest

                Hi binge1,

                Welcome to MWO & the Nest, this is a great place

                The best way to get started taking back control of your life is downloading the MWO book from the Health store right here on the site. It has a lot of good info for you.
                Making a good plan for yourself is essential. Take a look in the for lots of great ideas.

                Most of all, stay close & stay connected. We're all here for support & to offer support when we can. Please feel free to ask questions!

                Wishing you the best!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thank you so much for the reply...I have ordered the book...looking forward to reading it.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning everyone!
                    Scottish Lass - Thanks for the PM...I'll get back to you later when I have more time!!! Your comment about you and your girls being wild and wacky bed bugs made me laugh though. LOL
                    Binge - I wanted to welcome you to the Nest. You'll find so much support and encouragement here. I was a daily binge drinker...also daily blackouts and daily hangovers. Finally it just became TOO much. It honestly is much easier to be sober. No more running around to different liquor stores, counting bottles in the fridge to make sure I have enough to make it through the night, etc. Now I have a sense of peace that I've never had before. The anxiety is gone, along with the feelings of shame, embarrassment and regret. I no longer have to scramble for my phone in the morning to see who I called, or look through the text log to see what horrible things I might have said. Anyway, I just want you to know that you are NOT alone in this. We're more than happy to help you through this journey! I look forward to getting to know you!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Can someone here HELP ME ? I need to stop drinking !


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Satz,
                        Welcome to MWO and you have come to a great place. I am usually not on this section but wanted to respond to you quickly. During the day it can be a bit quiet around here. But I know that Lav and Byrdie will come around and welcome you and give you excellent advice. They are our nest mothers and are very wise individuals. Hang in there and grab a branch and curl up in the nest for awhile. Read, read, read on here and keep posting. It helps tremendously. Just coming on here and asking for help is a step in the right direction. We are all here for you. Don't go away. :welcome:
                        "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding." Elvis Costello


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Satz,
                          I want to offer you a warm welcome as well. Can you tell us a little about yourself? Sounds like you're fed up with alcohol, as we all are. You've taken a great first step by posting. You'll find that there is so much support and encouragement here, and no judgement. We've all been where you are right now. It can seem scary and overwhelming at first. I know I've had many stops and starts on this journey to becoming alcohol free. I just want you to know that it does get easier in time. Please let us know how you are so we can help you. I look forward to getting to know you!
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Binge, Satz and MWOlady - this is a good place to be! I have just managed my first 30 days after many false starts, and a 30 plus year drinking history - you can do it too - I was scared as well, but getting there and enjoying the strength I now know I have in order to succeed.
                            Morning Lav, K9, fly, twitt, irie, shue, UW and everyone else, this is early checking in for me - I view posts from my BB in the am before getting out of bed to set me up right for the day, but don't usually log on to my laptop until the evening - just so proud of everyone who is really trying and to those achieving an AF December...
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              Newbies Nest

                              Nestling back in for the New Year. Hope there's room on that wagon for one more
                              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                                Newbies Nest

                                FreeFly;1234986 wrote: Nestling back in for the New Year. Hope there's room on that wagon for one more
                                include me too

