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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone, checking in to say I feel much better today than yesterday, still have a way to go though. Mimi, well done on your 80 days, that is awesome! Hope everyone has a good and happy day!
    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


      Newbies Nest

      Broken Halo - so glad you're feeling better. Hope you'll visit this thread regularly - lots of good support. Let us know how we can help.

      Day 46 AF for me - it's so much better than drinking - even better than moderating IMHO. No more struggle, having the satisfaction of knowing you're not harming your body, feeling peaceful. Sometimes it feels boring, but if we redefine our old concepts, being sober is the way to a more meaningful life.

      Peace and strength to all.:l:l:l


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters!

        Mimi, great to see you!
        I think the bigger question is why did you decide to have 1 drink after 80 AF days?
        Congrats on your AF time, great work!

        Broken Halo, glad to hear you are hanging in there. Please be sure to drink lots of water, tea, etc to keep yourself well hydrated while you detox.

        Unwasted, it sure is easier to say No Way to AL!

        Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!
        I'm off to Curves now to work off a few Christmas Cookies :H

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          HI Guy, Unwasted and others

          It's really good to hear that all is going well for you. Guy you have done really well and it is obvoius that you are feeling the great benefits of being AL free. To go from drinking a gallon of rum to nil is amazing. Unwasted, 46 days is a great achievement. I know how you both feel and I certainly don't intend to go back to those bad old days either. Just hit 56 days today and also two weeks into working our at the GYM. Skin feels tight, body feels good and I have loads of energy. Good luck to everyone over the New Year. Just that party to get through tomorrow night ?


            Newbies Nest

            I have been absent for a couple of weeks as I once again had to start at day one on Wednesday. I am still here reading and reading though. I am seeing my psychiatrist next week.

            Lav, I found the free meditations but need to put them on my ipod. From what I listened to I think they will be a big help to me.

            I had horrible dreams last night. Just awful.


              Newbies Nest

              Hey all. Just popping in. Hello to all and welcome newbies. Just reading some posts from he past week or so. I've missed so mug and won't really have time to get things through. Off to family party. Would normally worry about not drinking but feel better about each social gathering he more I go to. Sorry for typos. On phone.

              Normally at this party I would have partners in crime and have tons of drink
              It feels weird but wonderful to say to hubby- take something what you want to drink! I'll be on
              Something soft or just water!

              Just wanted I say hello to ShueAddixt who was the first person I spoke I when I
              Came on to MWO. How are you girl. Glad your in the nest. It has helped me a great deal.

              AFM- no Major cravings for AL at all. Still seriously need sleep but I'm hoping that the holiday season is partly I Blame. I'm able to stay up late now I am Not drinking! Love love love not being drunk or hungover.
              Can't recall how many days AF I am but reckon about two
              Months now? Or is that wishful thinking. Ha ha
              Stay safe nesters x


                Newbies Nest

                Day two for me! Seems so small!! But then each day that goes by will make it bigger and bigger, or is it more and more? Who cares! I'm feeling very good about this whole thing. It is easier than I thought it would be. I was so afraid to have an AF day and now I see that as long as I prepare well for the danger time, I can do this!!

                Mini-goal is to be AF until January 1. The next mini-goal will be Jan 1 to Jan 7....then we'll see if a month is a good goal.

                And I DO realize this is the honeymoon period for me - full of enthusiasm - that there will be tough times ahead - but I'm counting on this board, and all you wonderful folks out there to help me when times get harder....
                Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                (quote from Bean )

                Goal: Survival


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey timpin ~ good going!

                  piper, welcome back to the nest!
                  Last night I listened to the Intentions Setting for 2012 meditation on Emotional Healing Arts Meditation Workshops |
                  It was awesome & I slept peacefully

                  MinStar, you sound strong & commited & that is fabulous!

                  MWOLady, day 2 is great, stay focused & stay close to the boards
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    MWO Lady! Great going on Day 2! We will tell you what to expect as you go along, so will be here every step of the way for you. I am so proud, isn't it great to wake up and know you went a night without drinking?? Seemed impossible, but you can do it. If you did the last 24 hours, you can do the next. Keep reading, drink your water, and have some treats on hand for yourself. If you get a craving, eat will help. Well done! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning everyone!
                      Another great hangover-free morning. Mimi had a question about counting days. I know how many AF days I had in 2011 (total, not consecutive), but I am going to start counting consecutive days from now on. I had 257 AF days in 2011 and while that was "good", I know I can do better, and I plan to in 2012! So, for me, I am technically on day 4. My slip last week was Sunday and Monday nights. I am just thankful that it only lasted 2 days. I do feel sorta proud that I was able to start right back and not let it drag out a week or longer. I am glad it only took 2 days to realize that I really do NOT like alcohol anymore. While I feel disappointed in myself for slipping (and for me it was not really a "slip", as Lav pointed out, I had to plan for it, as I am on Antabuse), all I can do now is own my mistake and not let it happen again.
                      I hope everyone has a great day and stays strong. Hang in there for New Years, and think how great you'll feel Sunday morning with no hangover!
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Newbies Nest

                        :new: Who's on line today - I am just atarting to get ready to quit red wine - how are you all doing.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Minstar, great to see you in the nest this morning. You have inspired me today, with your great attitude. I hope to adopt your attitude for New Years Eve. You are doing such a great job for your little one, your husband and mostly yourself! Keep up the good work.:goodjob:

                          And everyone else, hello and good morning! Lav and Byrdie you are the best with all you do for the nest. :h

                          Irie, how is it going, my sister in start date? Day 5 and still feeling strong and hoping that carries me through the weekend. :l

                          Busy week here with the kids home from school. Trying to cut out a little time for myself with 20 minute much better than booze.

                          Alcohol does me no favors.

                          Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Dang how about American Express Black cards while we're at it


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi all, hope everyone is ok and doing good. Well Im not really sure what to write here as Im a newbie.. not to trying to kick this habit, but to posting on a forum like this. I never knew a place like this exsisted, and well since im really determined to do this I thought any help, no matter how little would help me get through tonight.

                              Im on day 3 of not having a drink, I dont drink every day.. but binge drink on the weekends, I spend Friday - Sunday in a total blur, sometimes not even making it into work on a monday because of this.. i like my job and think that my drinking is becoming to be a huge problem as its spilling over into the rest of my life and not so slowly but surely taking over.. my last relationship broke down because of it

                              Im pretty emotional whilst writing this as just putting a few of the problems it is causing into words is really hitting home how out of control this is getting... and to top it off today is pay day, and a Friday! It would be so easy to pop to the shop for some wine, but i know in the morning I would feel guilty and reach for another bottle... I really wanna see the night through sober, and advice would be greatly welcomed

                              Sorry for the long post, think Ive held that in for quite a while


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi FallenAngel-
                                So glad to have you here. You'll find lots of support and encouragement. First of all, good job on going 3 days without a drink. I know today will be a little harder, being Friday and payday. You said your main drinking days are weekends, so why not try to plan something to take your mind off it tonight? Maybe rent a movie or get a good book. The first weekend will be the hardest, I promise. But once you get through it, and realize how good you feel, you'll want to do whatever it takes to keep that feeling!
                                Stick around here tonight and read the stories. You'll see that you are definitely not alone. Stay strong, and please keep us posted on how you are doing!
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

