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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello everyone... hope you are all doing well have been browsing through this much info which is great!! I recieved the book today and started reading it. I am guessing that af means alcohol I am af for 5 days...thank you all for this site...


      Newbies Nest

      Hi k9lover, thanks for your reply.. I know the first weekend will be hard.. especially since its new years eve too, all of my friends and family have invited me out or round to parties, but i cant trust myself not to have a drink so will just steer clear, its something I want to do and feel positive about it, as soon as I get through 4 weeks clear my mindset changes and being around people who are drinking doesnt bother me I think I might try a work out dvd later see if that can get me in a healthy frame of mind


        Newbies Nest

        Fallen Angel and Binge:welcome:

        We can all relate to your posts because we have been exactly where you're at. Different things work for different people, so I always recommend reading all you have time for, and continuing to post. It helps to stay connected to people who understand what you're experiencing.

        Start out by reading through the Toolbox - scroll through because things get buried. Here's a link:

        Sending you peace and strength.


          Newbies Nest

          Hello everyone, just checking in...I have been extremely busy at work the last two weeks so I really haven't had much time to post...1623 was my last post and I can't believe how fast this forum moves.

          All is good for me, I am so thankful to be is day 74 and I owe a lot of that to MWO. I will be celebrating day 75 on's freek'n awesome!

          Right now I have my eye's on May 3, 2012...... this will be AF day 200 which happens to be the first big fishing trip of the year, and I plan to be sober for that trip.

          Campral, HMW, the tool box I bulit and staying busy outside of work is how I am doing it. I have stopped on my own several times for 20 - 30 days, but I was trying to do it without any help and I alway gave in.
          Thing is, I don't recall feeling this good about it during my other attemps.

          I am so busy at work that things are such a blur, I really don't have time to think about AL during the day which at one time the work stress was a great excuse to drink. There is just as much or even more stress going on right now but it like water on a ducks back these days. I do however think about AL first thing in the morning when I look in the mirror, which is when I am most thankful. So many times I have looked in that mirror so mad at myself from the night before I couldn't stand it...I called myself a f'n idiot so many times....glad I woke up.
          Another time during the day I think about my sobriety is when I get in my truck to leave work, its a good feeling to jump right on the bi-pass and head straight home rather than taking a right at the bottom of the bridge and stopping at the conveinence store for two 24oz'er's.
          I am very proud of myself when I pull in the driveway 20 minutes after I have left work, its a 180 turn around from the hour it used to take me to get home and then pull in the drive way with a buzz and then wanting more.

          I really want to stay this way for the rest of my life. I have so much energy and things are getting done, I think I feel better than normal people. There are visual improvements all around my house and family. I feel healthy, happy, confident and I am at the top of my game right now............I can't go back to AL and ruin this is too short to be WAISTED!

          Thanks to all of you that post' new and experienced because it's all helping me keep what I want.

          Happy New Year, I hope you all have a safe happy, healthy and AF 2012.

          Good luck to all!


            Newbies Nest

            I posted this in another thread , but since I think this may help alot of newbies, I will put this in the Nest as well!
            December is almost over, New Years Eve is here and just drove by the ABC store which is the Liquor only run store that is run by the state. What I noticed is that every single parking spot was taken and this is a first, that I have seen it so busy. they were parking across the street and crossing a 4 lane major highway to get that booze.. I am so glad I am AF, i stopped couting days made me feel like I was almost in a competition rather than be at peace with myself and know I can stop. I do beleive I have been AF most of Decemember since I did start close to the end of November if not the start of December. I will not be drinking tonight, As long as nothing stressful from the past comes up I will not be drinking and will have a good friend over that does not drink. Even if something stressful does come up, I have plans in place to deal with it. I do repeat myself ALOT, this is geared to the people eading and who do not post, AL is no joke it does catch up with ones health. I thought I was invincible and AL would not affect me, but it has beeen the cause of me having to take 2 blood pressure meds and 2 cholestrerol meds not to mention soe anxity meds when needed.I do not miss the achy beat up feeling, the bloated stomach, the blaoted ahnds and feet, the bloodshot eyes, the insane excuses I would have to make up why I was not going places, do not miss not being able to eat for days since I would have no appatite. I do not miss having to pay somewhere around 22 dollars to get drunk for the night and if I was running low on cash I would have to buy the cheaper rum which was still around 15 dollars a gallon. With the cheaper rum came all the hangiver symtoms worser by over 5 times worse. Now that I am single and back int the singles scene, who really wants a drunk as a boyfriend?, maybe a social drinker but I can never go back to drinking in moderation, It Feels to good not to be AF.
            Wishing everyone a AF Day!


              Newbies Nest

              Phew...Made it though the Christmas Holiday totally AF. This has been the best gift I could ever imagine and I gave it to myself as no one could do that for me. And there is no way I am giving up my gift of sobriety; not for love or money as the old saying goes. It's mine and I'am keeping it. I can't imagine at this stage of my quit to ever contemplate moderation or "just one". It would be like taking away something from myself that was hard earned and I will not part with. I can't believe how empowered it has made me and how much better I feel physically and mentally. I wouldn't trade that for nothing at this moment. I will protect my sobriety like it's a newborn baby.

              I can start the new year with a clean slate and am excited to make more life-changing goals and get started with the rest of my life (sober). I am still in the the "pink cloud stage" and it has been 95 or so days. Christmas was hard. I will not lie about that. A true test for sure, but I am loving coming out the other end sober and fresh.

              I read somewhere where someone was asking about starting the count over or not after having a drink. IMHO if you have decided to count sober days instead of strings of AF days - that is what I would call moderation, and you must be honest with yourself about that step you decided to take. Do you want to be completely AF or moderate? Only you can decide, but if you have made the decision to drink only one or two that is moderation; anything over that is excessive. Those were the standards I set for myself for moderation and I seriously could not do it the proper way, so I choose AF and I am loven it to pieces.

              Just my two cents.


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks so much for the wise words guys, I checked out the tool box forum and some very useful things on there, I particularly liked the one about telling yourself you dont drink, i did this a couple of years back every time someone asked me if i wanted a drink.. it kind of reaffirms it for you in your head and makes you feel stronger.

                Well so far not so bad, I have cleaned the kitchen, designed, printed and cut to size some flyers, I love getting jobs done, something which is normally a rarity on a weekend.. Looking forward to waking up 2morra feeling fresh, if its not raining im planning on going for a run Im just going to keep myself as busy as I can :thanks:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Fallen Angel,
                  Welcome to MWO & the Nest

                  Congrats on your AF time & decision to take back control of your life ~ you won't regret it I promise.
                  Be sure to take the time to download & read the MWO book from the Health Store here on the site. It has lots of good info for you.

                  Keep up the great work!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Windy, thank you for the thoughtful post. I agree 100%.
                    I wouldn't give up my quit for nobody, no how! I had a dream night before last that I was out at a fancy restaurant with my hubs and and old friend and a friend of hers. For some crazy reason, I ordered a wine. The look on my husband's face said it all....IN SPITE of that, when I got the glass....I drank it thoughtlessly, as if not even tasting it and ordered another one, he got up and I saw him leave the restaurant...the scared look on his face, his knowledge of what was to come scared me. I knew I had lost him...but I drank the dam drink before I got up to run after him!!! When I woke up it scared me that I had blown my 11 months. I thought about starting all over at Dam Day 1. I just just sick and disgusted with myself....can you imagine how great I felt that this was a dream and really didn't happen??? Do you know how many times I have read that story on here and it wasn't a dream? That dream really shook me up, but strengthened my resolve. Protect your quit at all costs. There is no winning against this opponent. Keep your quit NO MATTER WHAT! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Byrdie -- Thanks for your comments. Regarding your dream. I have had similar dreams and the feeling was just plain terrible beyond belief for only being a dream. They truly do make you glad it was only a dream. VERY GLAD. They really shake me up for some reason, and at the same time makes me realize how important the Quit is: VERY IMPORTANT. Interesting thing: our dreams. Now that I am sober, I thought I might remember them better, but most the time, I don't, unless it is something like this.
                      I think our dreams are very important for past and present. How's your nasty cold?


                        Newbies Nest

                        Windy, my cold is MUCH better. It was the dangest head cold I've ever sinuses were just about to explode but how? I was dripping the whole time? (sorry). 4 bad days, and then poof! I'm better!!! An odd bug, but I'm so glad it didn't drag on out. Thanks for asking!
                        BTW, since I've had some free time today (last day of vacation) I've been looking on this really IS amazing. If you haven't checked out the thread "You know you're an Alcoholic when..." then you should. It's funny and NOT funny. But it is eye opening.
                        Stay strong today and this Lav says, Friday's JUST ANOTHER DAY! Well done, nesters!!! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Bloating Question

                          I asked this question in another thread but want to ask here in case no one sees it over there. Anyone else bothered by bloating while taking amino acids?
                          Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                          (quote from Bean )

                          Goal: Survival


                            Newbies Nest

                            Byrdlady;1235086 wrote: Ruin, I am soo very proud of you!! Just look at how far you have come. Don't give up your quit for anything!! You will not be sorry! The best is yet to come and each day to learn something new about yourself. That sounds so corny, but I swear it's true. I am just curious...can you tell which has been harder to quit, the weed or the AL or can you tell? Well done on both...B
                            Thanks Byrdlady! Yeah I agree. I can't wait for 2-3 months and see how awesome I will be feeling. Ummm I think weed has been harder to quit mainly because this is the longest I have went without it since I started smoking over 5 years ago. I was only drinking hard (daily) for like 2 many 2 1/2 years. Also I quit drinking daily early this year so I know how hard it is giving up alcohol from daily use. In that case I think it was harder giving up alcohol (daily use instead of weekend use) early this year then it was quitting weed this month. Hope this helps and isn't to confusing.

                            Sober as of 12/7/11
                            7 days - Complete
                            14 days - Complete
                            21 days - Complete
                            1 month - Complete
                            2 months - Complete
                            3 months - ALMOST!
                            6 months - not yet


                              Newbies Nest

                              My first day. I am totally frightened. I received Naltrexone, but didnt need to take it - there was no craving for fist time in years. Placebo effect, obviously. I am also armed with vitamins and silimarine and whey - and future friends on this page. I will report daily, since I will be in bad need of your support. I am a hidden alco, nobody knows, I only drink late at night, but lately I began to gulp larger and larger quantities - you cant imagine what quantities! Shall I try hypnotic CD? And is it really possible to become an occassional drinker with Naltrexone? Please, help!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Sufi...oh yes, my dear, we CAN imagine how much you gulp. I hid my wine in my shoe closet and also hid vodka in a hairspray bottle. Not much you could tell us that we already don't know from BITTER experience. So settle on in and get comfy. Someone will tell you how to access the toolbox, I saw that link earlier today, just go back maybe 3 weeks or so and read the posts here...get to know us, and then tell us more about you. Take it 15 minutes at a time...keep yourself busy and if you do have a craving..get something to eat, that will help. Arm yourself with things you like to do and eat. Read all you thing you know, it'll be bed time and you will have Day 1 done and dusted. You can do it. Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

