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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    wowie....I can't keep up around here! Awesome! So many friends joining up with us...

    I am about to enjoy (not just survive) my first holiday season sober - in hmmm....probably over 30 years. I've received so much support from this site, it's unbelievable. And like Byrdie, I hid stuff all over....and got so I was often starting in the morning and staying topped off all day long. So no matter who you are, no matter what your awful habits are, you CAN change them. It's not easy - it's really tough especially at first - but the "normal" life you gain is so worth it.

    I will be on more next week when the family is back to work and school and I can write in peace. :-) Windy and I are coming up on 100 days next week! (awesome post W) I remember when you first put that goal for yourself....I thought you were nuts. really! I was starting out too, but I couldn't even imagine being sober 100 days from then. Now I can't imagine not.

    Please stay around everyone !

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening nesters!

      Lola & windy approaching 100 - wow!

      Things are moving quickly here & I'm having a hard time keeping up as well :H
      I was always able to keep up with the newest of newbies but I think I'm running behind....

      sufi, hello & welcome to MWO & the nest!
      Be sure you read the MWO book (you can download it from the health Store here). I loved the Hypno CDs & used them regularly for a long time. I cannot comment on any of the Rx meds - I din't use them. Read the MWO book so you can see what RJ (the Founder) had too say about them.

      Ruin, you are doing great, I'm happy for you!

      I hope everyone has a plan squared away for this holiday weekend. I know it's New Years but trust me - the new year arrives quite well without AL. It's wonderful to wake up New Years Day without a headache & hangover Just try it, I'm sure you'll agree

      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest - you know where teh nest belts & butt velcro are so help yourselves

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        From Lolab --- I remember when you first put that goal for yourself....I thought you were nuts. really!
        I have a confession: I had to make that commitment or I would never come close to a serious amount of time AF. It was literally do or die at that point, so it had to be BIG. I also needed to be held accountable by all the good people here and it has worked (for me). It also had to be a significant amount of time, as I knew from experience that 30 days was not even close to get the beast off my back. I am still peeling it off, but it is definitely easier than the first 45 days. After I made that post, there was no looking back for was serious business. I always wanted to moderate and it took some serious soul searching to come to terms with the fact that I was not a good candidate for that. Boo Hoo. And... I am totally NUTS... Thanks for the compliment. It has been my saving grace.

        I would encourage anyone who is on the fence to go ahead and make the commitment. The time goes by so fast and before you know it, it is here -- that day you were afraid of not getting to sober is there with you in it -- sober.


          Newbies Nest

          Windy, you came in with a plan, and you worked it. I was very impressed with you from the did your homework before committing, and then off you went and never looked back. Your attitude in this nest is a large part of its success, and others like Lolab who started right along with you....have let others see that you can find the right path away from AL. The thought of our futures aren't so scary now, wouldn't you agree? It's an exciting thought, and one I am fully present to handle. Thanks everyone, but Windy/Lolab have talked the talk, and walked the walk...a model for others to follow....well done! to all of us! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Amen to that windy
            I was the same way when i first arrived here & now it's nearly three years later!!!!
            Best decision I ever made was to go AF!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Checking in, and staying close to this place, you people in the nest give me so much hope! Night everyone
              Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                Newbies Nest

                bh... good night...and pls do stay close. (((hugs)))


                  Newbies Nest


                  I can't attest to Nal either but I'm sure someone will come along and post about it. I'll give you links to two threads. I recommend reading and posting as often as you can. Most people try to come up with a plan that involves exercise, eating right, changing their routine.....For me reading about alcohol and learning how to meditate have helped. I would say most people here have learned that they can't moderate or don't want to after realizing how much better sober is.

                  Here are your links (be sure to scroll through them because things get buried):


                  Meds Thread:
                  Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums

                  And congrats to those of you coming up on big days! Everyone seems to be doing so well - fantastic for you guys and great motivation for the rest of us. Thanks for continuing to post.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning everyone.. thank you for your support last night.. I managed my 1st sober friday night in a couple of years woke up this morning after having a nice nights sleep feeling very positive and full of energy... new years eve tonight and Im thinking start the year how you mean to go on Have a great New Year everyone, touch base with you later


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters,

                      Today is New Year's Eve.. What is everyone doing for fun? Yes! Sober people can have fun; more in fact.

                      Fallen Angel, Good morning to you as well. Pretty soon you will be coming up with all kinds of firsts. First Friday night, New Year's Eve...Good job.

                      Broken Halo -- Stay strong...You are doing great and I know you can do it.

                      Piper -- Good to see you again. Keep your chin up and stay strong.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters,

                        I started a NYE Thread for newbies if anyone wants to jump in there for the day/evening.

                        Day 47 for me - feeling strong. I'm lucky enough to not have to face a party tonight - just relaxing and avoiding the crazies.

                        Sending everyone peace and strength.:l

                        Cheers to a sober 2012!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters!

                          Thanks for starting the part thread Unwasted!
                          Sounds good to me since I've only been to 2 real NYE parties in my entire life :H

                          Staying safely home & away from the crazies sounds good to me
                          Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Saturday!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi nesters

                            My experiments with moderation are going really well. Had a single glass of wine with a restaurant meal tonight and I was holding up us leaving as I hadnt finised my drink - I used to drink a bottle and a half in a sitting.

                            It just about midnight news years eve here in Hong Kong and I even knocked back getting a bottly of champaigne to celebrate with my wife - I just wasnt interested.

                            My hypnosis sessions with a clinical hypnotherapist are working beautifully - we've programmed in the same chemical reactions that I would get by using Naltrexone - a hypno version of the sincare method. (I havent been able to getnaltrexone either at home in Australia or locally here in Hong Kong (apparently not registered as a pharmaceutical in HKG - havent seen any evidence of excessive drinking in the whole country other than expats)

                            Now this is pretty experimental - dont do this at home - I've done 7 years training in Hypnosis and allied therapies and I didnt believe that it would be this easy but I'm using professionals to assist me. I will be following the sincare method once I've located the nal - maybe in Bangkok in a fortnight - I'll keep you informed.

                            Its 11.55 here now so I better greet the new year in - sober

                            Take care



                              Newbies Nest

                              Wow, Swaggie...wish I'd had some professional hypnosis help. I didn't use anything except biting the bullet. I didn't want to buy anything online that my hubs would see the charges on my credit card. So I wanted to put out there, that it is totally possible to do it without anything but a little (a LOT) of help from my friends right here. Whatever you gotta do to get the job done!! Just do it. My first NY without being smashed. Woo hooo!
                              Nesters, we gotta come up with a 100 Day Club Award. Got 2 big nesters coming up on that MILESTONE!!! We give the Hat at 30 days, Nelz give a star for somethng....dang it, I need to go back and see what you gotta do for that. I'm coming up on ONE BIG YEAR! I'm psyched about that!! Who is right behind me, anyone?? Looking forward to 2012 and my first totally sober year since I was...oh 15?? Good lord....Stay safe everyone! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Byrdie, How about a $100.00? :H:H That works for me.:thanks: And what prey tell would you like for one year? $1.00 How about a vacation somewhere really nice? Or a cake. Lola was baking a cake around Thanksgiving time that sounded absolutely amazing. I think it was a chocolate carmel cake. A picture would do just fine for this one. Sugar is my next big hurdle. Maybe she will send the real deal to you, or if you want, I would definitely make that cake for you. Send address.

                                Swaggie -- Good job. You sound like it is really working for you. Keep us updated. Interesting about the locals not over drinking and the expats do. I lived in an expat community for a while too and the expats definitely were the partiers. That is definitely when the drinking started getting a little excessive. Good times can somehow lead to stress too. At least in my case. I guess I am easily over-stimulated.

