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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi guys

    Thanks for the welcomes! I really appreciate it : )

    I've been having a read around of the forum and am so excited about the possibility of beating this thing once and for all i can hardly sleep! Still feel better after little sleep than I did after the best part of two bottles of wine though - crikey.

    Figured out also that abstinence is my only option. Did (or does) anyone understand a reticence about saying that? It must be that part that doesn't want to stop do you think?

    I've also been wondering why is it that this forum can make such a difference to people's attempts to quit? Many reasons of course. But one that occurred to me is that once a secret is out, perhaps on a subconscious level you appreciate there is no point expending the energy in trying to maintain continuing to drink. What complicated webs we weave eh? Plus (and a big plus at that) listening to all of you guys makes me feel that if such loving, generous persons as yourselves obviously are can have wrestled with the same demon as me, it might just be possible I'm not as bad as I often tell myself I am.

    Again, many thanks



      Newbies Nest

      Figured out also that abstinence is my only option. Did (or does) anyone understand a reticence about saying that? It must be that part that doesn't want to stop do you think?
      Well, Boo, I believe just about everyone at MWO understands the reticence of saying that! You hit the nail on the head.

      Chops, you just go hunting for mushrooms in the woods, pretty much. But, I have found the mushrooms in my yard one time. You have to know what kind of mushrooms your looking for. Thery're called morels. You could google it to see images. I didn't find any today. I think it might be past time now in Ohio.

      SD, I am really proud of you!! You're doing great!

      Lavande, it was sunny here at times today, and it didn't rain! Woohoo! I hope the rain holds off another day. Maybe the ground will be dry enough tomorrow to plant flowers. It was too wet today.
      Hope you got to put your plants out.

      Lil, I'm thinking 'bout you and party #3! Whew! Three parties in one weekend!

      Sea, glad you're back in the nest!

      Hi, PR.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening all (well late afternoon for me)!

        Boo, that was great post and thanks for sharing. I think you are right about the secret being's a huge relief.

        Dill, thanks for the info on the mushroom hunting. I will have to consult with my BF if that is something we can still do in Oregon. He is trying for me to be more outdoorsy, so anything new I can come up with is great!

        Lil, hope party number 3 went well.

        SD, LaVande and Sea: I hope you had a lovely Saturday.

        PR, hope you are doing ok after your long day.

        I am out for the evening. See you all tomorrow :l


          Newbies Nest

          Thankyou Dill and Choppersmum

          I love the little guy/gal in the letterbox. Not only will being AF mean being a better Mum, partner, friend, sister and daughter to my loved ones but my mad-as-a-meataxe fox terrier who I love to bits will no longer have to hide under the couch in case I lose it when I'm drinking. Poor little guy - just love and affection and no more of the scary stuff from now on - well, that's the plan :thanks: Boo


            Newbies Nest


            Hello folks....after midnight & just got home. Made it through work okay....1st shift went fine....2nd, my body started to break down a little, but hey I made it...Lil, funny you should mention 'G'....couple nights ago after being in the bathroom all night, I woke up to barf on the floor that G had left.....and YES, it was his!...didn't think I could give it to him, but who knows.....he's doing better now. Well, I'm pooped....goodnight all, enjoy your Sunday....


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning new and experienced nesters! Busy day yesterday...I stopped in but didn't have time to post. Had a funeral to go to...for someone who was young and had cancer. The amazing thing is that everything that was said at the service was about how this person knew how to live! She embraced every moment and person she came in contact with and didn't hide or numb out or when you're drinking. I think I have something to learn about getting back into life. Sounds like a bunch of you are already figuring this out and doing it. I know it's a process...I just have so much to learn!


                Newbies Nest

                Oh, PR, That was such a sad story about you and G. I have been sick enough to where I had to crawl to get to the bathroom, but I have never had to sleep there! Poor G. I hope you BOTH are feeling better. Will you have time to get to church today? Will you feel well enough to go? Questions, questions! Inquiring minds want to know!

                Brrr. A cool spring day here and rain is on the way. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will hold off long enough for me to get a few plants in the ground. How's your garden growing, Lavande? Here's a little sunshine for you: :rays:

                Chops, mushroom hunting is fun, whether you find any or not! My hb kept saying he would be surprised if we DID find any. We have seen so many deer around here lately, and apparently, they eat mushrooms, too! I guess we have gourmet deer?:H

                Coffee and DPepsi are on!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi beginning, Sorry, cross-posted! Thanks for that reminder about living life to the fullest. It's always good to be reminded of that.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Day beginning and dill and all to follow

                    So sorry u been feeling so bad PR, and poor Mr. G. I hope u feel better very soon.
                    Thanks for all the welcome backs, Day 3 and NO plans to drink. I started the Kudzu yesterday and am amazed at how well I feel. I worked like a dog cleaning out the basement yesterday. When my son moved out, he left it a Disaster!! I have a renter for the basement. I am bringing Emylee to meet him today. He does not drink. He works and goes to school, so we won't see him much and we sure need the money. Got errands to run and more cleaning to do. AA meeting tonight. Hope you all have a great day!! I am on the ILK (I love kudzu) twig. Thanks for the coffee dill. I am doing 50% caffeine coffee now to help keep the anxiety in check.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning all nesters and happy Sunday! It's foggy here now but hopefully won't rain too much.

                      PR, I am sorry that 'G' got sick too. Both of you rest today and get well. I have a sick dog today.

                      Dill, I had heard that deer eat mushrooms. We all have gourmet deer! :H

                      Boo, your fox terrier will for sure be hiding less. You sound so positive and have a great plan! :goodjob:

                      Sea, Congrats on going onto day 3...that is fantastic!! Also, a huge congrats to the win by the Celtics

                      Beginning, your post rang so true for me. We all need to live life like that young person. There is a country song by Tim McGraw called 'Live Like You Were Dying'. It is how everyone should live

                      Hi Lil, SD, LaVande and all others to come. Have a great day!

                      Oh, Dill and LaVande, you are welcome to come over and help with my gardening. I don't know where to begin :upset: Oh well, live and learn is half the battle

                      Have a great day all! :l


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Sunday Morning!
                        Geeesh!! I miss a few check ins and I feel like I'm worlds behind...yikes!! I did read to catch up...can I cheat and give a summary??? Mushrooms, gardening, PR-sick, Boo=New, live for today, More rain and new renters!!!:H How'd I do???
                        I need to son has a birthday party to get to shortly...more running...all I did yesterday too! He won his soccer game...scored the final goal with 15 seconds left in the game!! I LOVE watching him play...I'm a proud mama!!
                        On a more serious note, then I really have to get sister and her husband asked me to go to the Comedy Club last mom offered very quickly to watch my son...letting me know it was time I get out and do something! So I get there and ordered a water with lemon and a Bud Light Lime...I drank almost the entire water leaving the beer...the opening act got finished and I hadn't even touched my beer...this whole time having this stupid debate in my head...why not, it's just one...but you've gone so long, don't do it...but why not, you'll be fine...AHHHHH!! So I took a drink of it...I ended up having the entire beer throughout the headlining act. Then when it was over my sis and hubby wanted to go upstairs to the other bar and see who was there, so they bought another round to "walk around with"....which is what I did...I drank some of the second one...but ended up just setting on the table when I realized they kept buying drinks because they saw mine was still full....FINALLY I convinced them to leave! I don't feel bad about drinking....well I feel like the month of April success is over...but on the other hand...I know I handled myself fine last night...but those thoughts crept in again of...if you want more (since you've already screwed up) just stop and get some more and just drink at home!!! I HATED that thought even popped in my head!!!
                        Anyway...thanks for letting me share!!!
                        Have a happy Sunday!!!
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          Newbies Nest

                          SD, You amaze me! You handled that evening out really, really well. You go, girl! I, on the other hand, did not do so well. I drank on my birthday, which, as you know, was the last day of April. I was at 34 days and thought I could surely just have a glass of wine on my birthday. Well, I could, ....but I did not stop at one. I went overboard. I did the same thing the next day. I was really disappointed in myself. :upset:However, I am back on board and am just going to move forward. Lesson learned.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks Dill!:l
                            I wouldn't be to hard on's so hard and I'm sure even harder when in a celebration setting....even more so when they are celebrating YOU and you know there is definitely something worth celebrating!! It isn't going to go away is it??? It's always going to be this not over indulge or to have to have these battles every time of telling yourself not to have another one (or in my case secretly drink when I get home).
                            But who cares right...look how we are feeling and how we are questioning ourselves after one or two times dealing with alcohol...we NEVER felt like "this" this past month! Just feeling frustrated today and I'm not sure why (I'll go to the PMS twig:H).
                            Going to my parent's house for dinner....I'm having water!!!
                            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                              Newbies Nest

                              SD, great job on going out last night. Absolutely fantastic! :goodjob:

                              Dill, SD is right...don't be too hard on yourself! Look at those 34 days AF!!! You sound like you have already dusted off and jumped back on board. This is what we all need to do at times. Well done my friend! :goodjob:

                              Hello and good night to all to follow. I am off to do more housework and then having a quiet evening with the BF. See you tomorrow


                                Newbies Nest

                                SD, Dill-As our dear Chops says On Word and Up Word. :l

                                PR-Hope you and "G" are both feeling better!

                                I'm really tired tonight so this will be short. I hope all you nesters have a good, peacefull evening.
                                AF since 7/26/2009

                                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous

