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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning peeps!

    WOW! Congrats SD! WooHoo! :happy:I can't wait to have a house warming/barbecue party! We want details, when you have time.

    Chops, I'm glad the dentist visit went OK. I really like my dentist, but never like going! I have to get two crowns this June. Ugh! Hey, can I come visit with Lil? I've never been to Oregon!

    Sumobaby, welcome back! GREAT JOB getting back in the game!:goodjob:

    beginning, I agree with Chops. It's great for a newbie to welcome another newbie!

    PR, seems like you're aseep when I'm awake and vice versa! Have a great day!

    Lil, I am so envious of you! Yesterday was a perfect day to be outside. I took a walk when I got home from work. Hb had burned a huge pile of brush from where we had to clear some ground to do some fencing. I went out to check it out and to look at the field. We had planted clover and there were teeny tiny clover plants sprouting. The cows will be thrilled! What projects do you and hb have going?

    OK, coffee's on. Hello to Sea, SweatyB, and UNG and anybody else who stops in!:hallo:

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Newbies Nest

      Goooood Morning, my fine feathered friends! It is supposed to be a gorgeous day today, and I was thinking of taking a "mental health day" but there is so much to do at work, I will do the responsible thing and save it for another time. It's sometimes helllish being grown up and mature...:H

      :happy: SD, two months is awesome and I am riding your tail all the way to the finish line, my friend. What a great gift for our families, right!

      :banana: Sumo--great job on getting your own home! Now you will have lots of fun redecorating and have no time to worry about anything else. Remember the discussion several months back, about how much we all spent on booze? Think how much paint and carpet you can buy!!!

      Things are going fine. Last night my daughters and I went to hear one of our favorite authors speak, read from her new book and sign books. It was GREAT and we laughed ourselves sick. Ladies (okay, even some gents) you must read books by Jennifer Lancaster. she just published her fifth one..they are hysterically funny :H and Lord knows we all need a good laugh. DISCLAIMER--if you read them in public, you will be snorting with laughter and people will look at you strangely. Try to read them in order, but it is not absolutely necessary. she also has a great website

      Tonight my daughters and I are going to Ikea--gotta love it. I meant getting to spend more time with my kids, :h but , well....okay. SHOPPING is just the best thing ever!

      Therapy tomorrow, which is going well. Working past things is hard, but worth it. I DESERVE GOOD THINGS is my mantra. I am sleeping a bit better (no more nightmares about the assault) and I am fortunate to have a great husband who is so very supportive. This is hard on him also.

      OKAY all you birdies...suck up that caffeine and have a most excellent day. :wave:


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning Nesters-
        UNG--I'm very glad to hear you are sleeping better!! I had a very similiar thing happen to me right after my divorce, right before I moved here, alone with my son...I was so terrified...could never sleep....which I think made me self medicate even I didn't have to sleep..could just 'pass out'. Finally...was treated for will have been 3 years ago this summer!! Words can't express what that does to a person....sorry you went through such a horrific experience...if you ever want someone to talk with more privately...please PM me anytime!!:l

        Dill-This place has a I'll be asking for all kinds of gardening advice save some..don't you and Lil be keeping all the good stuff between the two of you:H

        Chops--Hear you about the dentist!! I hate going...but if you have a good makes ALL the difference in the world!! I really like mine!!!! He's great---and I'd know...I have a mouth full of caps, fillings, crowns, root canals....etc....
        I better get going to work though...I'll check in later!!!
        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Nesters ~ it's a rainy day here but at least the weekend is supposed to be sunny!

          SD, a big congrats on the house! That is fantastic!! Dill and Lil will surely have some gardening tips for you Can't wait for the housewarming party.

          UNG, glad to hear you are sleeping better and have such a supportive husband. Thanks for the tip on the author, I love to read!!!

          Dill, you are of course welcome to come with Lil to visit. You will fall in love with Oregon and the entire Pacific Northwest.

          Sumo, welcome back and great job on 2 months :goodjob: That is absolutely fantastic!!!

          I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who dreads the dentist. Thankfully, I do have a very good one and eases the anxiety a bit. What is it about the dentist that I dread so much?

          Hello to Beginning, Sea, Lil, PR and all to come today. Have a great Wednesday! :l


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Everyone,

            Sumo-Good job on 2 months and welcome back!

            Beginning-Some of my best advise came from other newbies. Just speak from your heart and you will do fine.

            SD-A new house!!Good for you.:kudos: Err--does it have a door from the garage to the house?

            Ungs-Thanks for the heads up about the author Jennifer Lancaster. You're sounding better today.

            Chops-Oregon sounds beautiful. I love taking road trips. I have a trike motorcycle. I'll just throw Dill up on the back of it and come roaring out that way and check that state out!!! :H

            Dilly-are ya ready for a road trip?? varoom! varoom! :H:H

            I had a lot of flower beds in my back yard. But my back has gotten bad enough that I can't take care of them any more. So for the last week we have been taking a lot of them out and are putting them back to grass. This morning we finished some of the biggest sections just in time for the rain. I never thought I would say I was glad to see rain! Hubby went to explore the new Mier store. I've had a HOT shower and am smell slightly of Bengy. I am going to take a small nap. Yes, I said nap!

            Check in with you all later.
            AF since 7/26/2009

            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


              Newbies Nest

              ROAD TRIP!! I can't wait! I'll ride with Lil. Does anybody have an RV or camper? We could stop In S. Dakota and see SD's new house on our way to Chops' place!

              Lil, A nap on a cool, rainy spring day....After yard work and a HOT shower. It sounds heavenly! It's good to cut back on the flower beds if your back is bad. That weeding can be pretty hard on a back!

              Thanks for the book recommendations UNG. I'll check it out! Summer's coming and I like to read in the summer.

              Hey, PR!

              Claiming a twig for the night! Sweet dreams!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Newbies Nest

                Crazy Sports Night for Boston.
                GO BRUINS, CELTICS AND RED SOX!!!!!!
                Guess I will be on the GB(Go Boston) twig for the night.
                Congrats to you rockin' birdies with the AF time. Way to Go!!!!
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  Newbies Nest

                  Okay birds-we're working on a road trip heading for SD's for a BBQ!! YAYY!! Leaving Indiana and Ohio and heading up to New Hampshire for Sea and then upnorth for Ung. Back across to Arizona for Poppa R & G and beautiful Oregon for Chops. Where are you from Beginnings and Sumo? We can grab you guys on the way. Yes, and SweEty,we can't forget you. SD I sure hope you have plenty of ribs! and potatoe salad!
                  AF since 7/26/2009

                  "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                  "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                    Newbies Nest


                    Sounds like a great road trip Lil.....pack the sunscreen for when you get here. Nice day in the nest today. Off to my workathon the next few good....and comfort my G....


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey everyone!!!
                      Of course I'll have enough ribs for EVERYONE!!!! But I think the road trip itself sounds like half the fun!!!! Wouldn't that be a blast!?!?! My step mom meets her Beenie Buddy pals she met online once a year at some convention...I wonder if MWO would ever have something like that??? A yearly gathering???? I think that would actually be pretty neat! Anyway....Lil...this house does have a two stall garage but it's detached but sits just slightly behind the house (if that makes sense)....The distance between the back door and garage door is hardly anything at all...besides I have a remote car starter for the winter...I REALLY don't like the cold!!! And yes...I have lived here all my life...except for the brief time I taught in Phoenix and Houston...always ended up back "home" the cold???? I'm a mama's girl I suspect!! HAHA!!
                      Well I better grab a twig....g'd night ALL (Sea, UNG, Beginning, Lil, Dill, Sumo, SweEty, Chops, PapaR...and everyone else I may have missed...this time of night I'm lucky to remember my name!!).
                      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi hi. Just a very quick pop in to say hello and CONGRATULATIONS to SD for buying a house - how long will this roadtrip take? I'm in.

                        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                          Newbies Nest

                          I'm really excited about the road trip. Do any of you have good mapping skills? I'm the pits at navigating. I can use GPS though! When do you move in to your new place, SD? We'll plan our trip around that. Maybe we could help you move!

                          Just a few steps from the house to the garage is OK. Especially if it is out of the wind.
                          ...always ended up back "home" the cold???? I'm a mama's girl I suspect!! HAHA!!
                          You just scored a bunch more points with me with that statement! You gotta love a kid that loves their Mom!:h

                          I hope each and everyone of you nesters have a great day!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning Nesters
                            Congratulations on your new home SD!! How exciting. I'm up for a road trip. Drinking iced coffee this morning. I will grind some fresh Starbucks beans for those of you who want hot coffee. Got your Diet Pepsi SD. That is my favorite soda too. Got lots of cereals to choose from, english muffins. Help yourselves. My new renter moved in yesterday. That will help me out financially a bit. I am off to the doctor to get the staples removed from my head. Ouch! Now if I could just find a dentist who would fix my tooth. I have no insurance. I have a job interview coming up and I am so self conscious about this tooth. I will also talk to the doctor about meds for the alcohol cravings. She was not open to Topa before. Guess we will see what happens. Hope you all have a great day!!! Celtics won!!! Bruins and Red Sox lost:upset:
                            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning!!
                              It's Spring Program day here at the School--lots of singing and parents and craziness!! No that leaves me in charge...scary thought!!! Took donuts and muffins over to my son's school this morning...they don't do anything for their teacher's this's teacher appreciation week, ya know!? That's just not right! Dill, do they do anything at your school for you all??

                              Anyway--back to road trip planning I get to move in the weekend on June 12!! I see lots of packing and cleaning in my future!!! I really don't think it will be all that bad though...I lost a lot of stuff in the big flood in 2007....most everything in my basement!

                              Sea--I wonder why your doctor doesn't like the idea of Topa?? Did she give a reason why?? It's in generic form now. It's normally prescribed for migraines...maybe you could tell her since your fell you've been getting those
                              Alright...parents are starting to come...I better to meet and greet!! Putting on my happy face!!!:H
                              Have great day!!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                Newbies Nest

                                Sorry for all my spelling mistakes and typos in the last post....didn't get a chance to reread...and kept getting interrupted!! Half of what I typed didn't make sense!! LOL!!! It's like they want me to work or something while I'm here!! Geesh!!
                                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


