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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    Hey works! Thanks for such a quick reply. How long have you been here?


      Newbies Nest

      Minniemoo20;1242020 wrote: Hey works! Thanks for such a quick reply. How long have you been here?
      Oh Minnie, I am only just back after my longest lapse since coming here in October 2010. My first go was the best with 3 months AF. I have found it so hard to get back on track over this past year but feel this is my time. I want it so badly.
      I feel that you are so on the right path, especially getting to 10 days by yourself. I would just plead with you not to give in - you are so much stronger the first time and when you give in it is so hard to get it back. I feel like a newcomer again and want it right now so you hold on tight and grab 2012 with both hands! Good luck!
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        Newbies Nest

        Byrdie, that was one helluva post - # 16963?that?s a printer-outer.

        Windy, we had lots of teenage angst flying around here last night - yikes. ( I always think of you with 3 of them!) It was pretty weird to be in the heat of the moment ? emotions ? anger ? yelling ? I think this might have been the very first time my temper has flared ? tension like crazy ? and I haven?t had the ?thought? of wanting to drink. For the past 100 or so days, I would have at least ?thought? that it would be nice to have a drink to calm down. Baby steps, I guess - but it's progress!

        So lav, what is UP with this winter???My dogs are thrilled as the sidewalks aren?t covered with snow and ice and they are getting lots of nice walks ? but I sure hope this doesn?t mean we?re going to have snow into May!

        Sufi ? such wise and comforting words ? it?s nice to have you here.

        MWOL ? hello today! It seems like you?re giving all of this lots of thought to succeed?congratulations.

        Pinecone ? your course sounds interesting. Are you able to share any details?

        Scottish, you said it perfectly?.?turning a corner, but no idea what the road ahead looks like?? I think the apprehension felt at different stages along the way can play a big part in someone?s decision to drink again?.Even in the short time I?ve been AF, there have been so many bends in the road where ? like you said ? I can?t really see around the corner to figure out what is next ? we just have to not mistakenly think that the path ahead is going to be ?boring? or too stressful. I don?t know?I?m stuck with my words but I do know what you mean.

        Hello, littlepinkcat ? welcome to the nest! Congratulations on your 4 days ? you got past those first AWFUL couple ? great job!

        Irie, great job on enjoying the weekend without alcohol! Now you have all week to get that much stronger before next weekend?.by then you?ll be a seasoned pro at being AF?:H

        Unwasted ? you?ve become such an important part of the nest and this site ? I just know your strength and understanding is an incredible comfort and source of pride to your dad?

        Hey Juja ? nice to see you ? how are you?

        Steady, Congratulations on that 60 day mark!! it really is amazing to me to remember back to your first posts?you?ve come a long way, baby.

        Mrsg ? what a gift you will be giving that child?my biggest regret is wasting so much of my son?s childhood while I was in an alcohol haze. I hope you feel better soon! My ?morning? sickness lasted all day long for 7 months?:l

        Well, Clover, thanks for checking in! Congratulations on 6 months! And on your promotion! :goodjob:

        My life, I too laughed so hard at the ?getting hooked on water? statement that Australia made!:H

        Hey Piper ? I love love love Flyaway?s and Irie?s responses about that woman with the glass of wine. You never know.

        Nursie, it?s nice to have you back in the nest.

        Hi K9 ? sorry bout your hair ? LOL! But if its any consolation ? this clean living has given my hair a new lease on life too?it?s taking some time and I think I?m just coming out of a ?strange? stage with it that started before the holidays?.I believe I?ve been getting lots of regrowth from all the supplements and taking care of myself ? which really left me with some bad hair days ? but it?s coming around and I haven?t seen it this healthy in a very VERY long time. Yours should at least grow fast ? and if it?s short, then maybe it?ll all grow in the same length? (and good luck with those cigs! I quit 14 years ago when I got pregnant - so I don?t have any words of wisdom there?)

        Daisy, it?s nice to see you back and trying again.

        Minniemoo! Day 10 is huge! Stick around ? this site is amazing.

        Hi Belle, how did you do with the wine issue? I?m not ready to totally give up cooking with wine ? as I have some really great recipes that call for it ? but I have filed those away for the undesignated future. I?m just not taking any chances right now.

        Shue ? you hang tough! So tell us - how is it? Are you enjoying the vacation ? remembering everything and waking up bright eyed and bushy tailed???

        Jolie ? day 9 today honey! I?m so glad you?re here. Makes it more cozy.

        Hey twit ? I say if a few extra carbs keeps you away from the alcohol then don?t fret it. Some days, I walk in and eat saltines with butter on them?I don?t even ?like? saltines! But I ?need? them ? LOL.

        Andrew, you?re almost to byrdie?s magical 13th day mark ? yea!:goodjob:

        Everyone have a great Tuesday -

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters!

          Who installed a hot tub???

          Hello & welcome Minniemoo
          The nest is a safe place to settle while you get your bearings. Congrats on you 10 AF days! Please share your plan with us ~ just may help another newbie!!

          Daisy & nursie, good to see you both back & restarting. The moderation dream ends up a nightmare for most of us. we just have to learn that & accept the fact that we cannot drink safely - ever

          Well, I have tons of stuff to do workwise then expecting my grandsons here for dinner & the evening so off I go!

          Have a fantastic AF Tuesday everyone!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Daisy - I love it...."I would just plead with you not to give in - you are so much stronger the first time and when you give in it is so hard to get it back." keep spreadin the word!!!!!!! And I correct myself above...I should have said Daisy - it's nice to see you back - trying again - you WILL do it - because we both know that it's so worth it!!!!!!!

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              Newbies Nest

              lolab;1242029 wrote: Daisy - I love it...."I would just plead with you not to give in - you are so much stronger the first time and when you give in it is so hard to get it back." keep spreadin the word!!!!!!! And I correct myself above...I should have said Daisy - it's nice to see you back - trying again - you WILL do it - because we both know that it's so worth it!!!!!!!
              Lola, when I seen your previous post I went back to see how you had been doing by checking your last post and there was one to me. How's that for ESP? Was thinking of you. How are you doing now? Thanks for the welcome back - made my day.
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Newbies Nest

                Daisy, I'm feeling great - really. Its quite amazing. I celebrated 100 days a week ago - THAT is quite amazing...but I finally feel like the me that I had actually forgotten about. When you're first starting out, 100 days seems like an eternity - but to think that for the past 30 years all I would have had to give it would be 100 days to see what "normal" for me really is - well, I wish I had done it a long time ago....I too wish I could just jump into people's heads and keep them from wasting any more time...but we all have to learn for ourselves, don't we....

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  lolab;1240528 wrote: Irie, you've done've switched. :-) passive to active and now you're offering great support to others!:l
                  Lolab... I just have to tell you how much you have helped me. I had a really hard day last week, when I pretty much gave up. In desperation I logged on here and saw this post. I literally thought "Oh, Hell! I can't quit now!". So I stuck with it. And now it's just getting easier and easier. Thank you so much. That moment of weakness could have changed everything.
                  ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                  Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thank you Irie...that means the world to me.:h

                    I missed Herbie in my first post...and while its not funny - I did smile at the "vomiting my feelings" - love the way you put that. :-) Please don't apologize for that. All of these issues and emotions can be a huge part of our struggles with alcohol - so to not discuss them and try to figure out the connection would be a huge mistake.:l

                    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      Andrew!!!!!!!!!!! It does a Byrd good to see such progress! 9 days (smile busting out)! You know, whatever works for you to keep you racking those days up. You get yourself to Day 13, and you'll feel like you've got the world by the _____! (I was going to say tail, what did you say?) I kept my empties in a foot-stool that opened for storage. I kept a plant on top so no one would open it. What would I have done if someone had opened that thing up???? (die of embarrassment! How do you explain THAT?) At one point I had 37 empty boxes (the 1 liter boxes) in there for the trash.
                      When had the opportunity to bag them up and get them out of here, I wondered what all that wine had done to my liver....but it certainly didn't stop me from buying all this under the guise of MODERATING!! I never drank harder than the year I moderated....
                      My dad smoked when I was a kid...I never even tried it. But to this day I feel like I did smoke and quit, because I feel that's a habit I could easily pick up and run with! I almost feel a pang because I can't's nuts to describe. But thank God I didn't pick one up, I'd be over on those boards too....I do need to find the cookie boards, as I'm out of control on those! But my weight is down 9 pounds from a year ago so I'm not going to worry about that!
                      I googled famous alcoholics and found a video by Sir Anthony Hopkins!! I didn't know he was one of us. Wish I could find the link to post...but when you look at a man of that stature, and realize he went thru the same things as we are...well, it was good to see. It really can happen to anyone...but more CAN live a great life without it!!
                      What hot tub???? Where was I when we got a hot tub?? (note to self...start to watch cookie intake).
                      MindPeace to everyone today!! XO, Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        BTW, my hair is growing faster too! I used to get away with sprucing up my color every 4 weeks and now by about 2 and a half...I'm glowing gray! My skin is clearer too...B
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          WOW Byrdie!

                          10 days till you first AF anniversary :yay:
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Byrdie, I didn't know that about Anthony Hopkins. I went looking after you mentioned it and found this from Craig Ferguson....definitely worth watching...At he very end he references AA - but what he says is that you need to find someone with the same issues and talk.....exactly what we do here. :-)[/video]]Craig Ferguson Speaks From The Heart - YouTube

                            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning All!

                              Seems like everyone is doing so good today! I didn't know we were getting a hot tub either, but I'll be right over. lol

                              I need to start taking more vitamins, but there are so many suggestions I don't even know where to start I know I used to have a regimen but now I don't remember what it was!

                              I'm going to buy some St. Johns Wort today because I'm finding that I've been a bit down lately. My daughter and I went to a dance party last night (no alcohol to be seen anywhere) and everyone was having a great time, but I found myself just sitting there, not impressed by any of it. I remember that in the past I would have been up joining in the fun, but last night I just kind of sat there yawning and looking at the clock. I MUST snap out of this funk I have found myself in. Any suggestions for supplements or vitamins?

                              On a brighter note, I'm on day 15 AF and day 1 NF. I'm sure all of that combined is not helping my mood, although I feel no urge to drink. I know the next few days may be a bit irritable for me as far as being AF, but it will pass, it has before.

                              Well I feel like I'm a downer today and I don't mean to I will again congratulate everyone on their progress! Hopefully in a day or two I will be more chipper!

                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Nesters

                                K9 - I'm with you with not having had the best day... Good on your first day NF! :kI quit that many times too!! First few days of withdrawals was a lot like AL withdrawal. Eat a lot and can't sleep! And moody!

                                Family issues popped up again today and I had a moment standing in the kitchen thinking: How am I going to numb this out???!!! And a few hours before that I woke up convinced that I drank and needed to post it - took a long time this morning to realize it was a dream... St. Johns Wort - forgot about that!
                                I am definitely a bit depressed.:sulk:

                                This site helps me sooo much!! Here I am feeling down and then start reading all your posts. Every post has something that helps. Like today I mostly got that I should just stay strong. I don't have cooking with wine issues, but take note - what if it happens next month? Then I can fall back on what you guys said! Thank you all for your thoughts and honest journeys.:groupluv:

                                Oh - I think I know where the hot tub is...:bath2: - it is mentioned on the first page(s) of the newbies nest. If new, and not familiar with the site you tend to click and open first on page 1 of every post...

                                Keep strong!
                                12-20-2012 AF
                                Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.

