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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning Nesters,

    First I'm proud to report that I'm still handling all my dad's death issues SOBER and proud of it! It's a long story obviously, but I just want you guys to know that life it so much better this way. I can imagine my old self getting WASTED - NOW I'M UN. Everything would have been more difficult - I would have a hangover this morning and be ultra depressed having to deal with all of this. He hasn't let go yet, but he's almost there. I feel at peace now and was able to spend some quality time with him.

    Stay strong guys, it's really rewarding to take your life back and feel the strength of dealing with it on its own terms. It's taken me so long to come to this realization - even a year ago I didn't care if I was an alkie or not - all I cared about what not having a hangover. And, because I never could achieve that, I was forced to give it up because my sleep was so disturbed, hence the constant physical destruction to my body. NOW, though, I've reached another level - there is something profound with being sober. Sounds weird, I know, but it's gone way beyond not having a hangover. There's a calm elation (oxymoron, yes!) to it all. I hope each and every one of you can keep holding on, getting through the tough days, persevering, because some day your head will pop above those dark clouds and you'll see a beautiful sunny sky. It won't be perfect, and the clouds will roll in and out, but overall you'll have access to that clarity and peace more and more often.

    So, and I hope I'm not going to miss anyone here................
    My Life
    Mrs. G
    Scottish Lass
    Steady Hands

    Keep it going! I know many of you are reaching some big goals - SH and Pinecone 60 days (I'm there this Saturday - yea), Lola 100 days - woo hoo, and others getting into the double digits - fabulous!! Clover I think you're six months?! Amazing - so looking forward to that!

    Lav and Byrdie - you guys are the vets and thank you for being here to cheer all us newbies on! Byrdie I think you're coming up on 100 days - I CAN'T WAIT to be able to say that. And, Lav, you must feel incredible because you're living life without having to even think about the temptation of al at're on that higher plane we're all aiming to reach!

    Take care everyone and a thousand thanks for all the support you've given me!:h


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Guys.. hope all of the nesters are well and still keeping up the good work? Apologies for not being on for about a week, proud to say im still AF (15 days now) Thjats the longest for about years! still got a few more goals to achieve but im really positive that Im going to get there

      G1 AF friday night ✔
      G2 AF NYE ✔
      G3 AF weekend ✔
      G4 AF for 10 days and to attend my 1st meeting with my alcohol worker ✔
      G4 AF for 30 days - half way there today
      G5 AF for 60 days
      G6 AF for 6 months
      G7 AF Birthday (Oct)
      G8 AF Christmas
      G9 AF for 1 year

      Some pretty big challenges huh... but im just still taking it one day at a time and keeping myself busy and occupied, Im due to move house this weekend too and can feel the stress starting already but im determined not to have a drink Ive notice my skin is a lot clearer and the whites of my eyes are sparkling once again, i feel more clear headed and confident which is all very positive, people are also starting to notice changes in me.. i feel fantastic!!


        Newbies Nest

        Unwasted;1242683 wrote: Stay strong guys, it's really rewarding to take your life back and feel the strength of dealing with it on its own terms. It's taken me so long to come to this realization - even a year ago I didn't care if I was an alkie or not - all I cared about what not having a hangover. And, because I never could achieve that, I was forced to give it up because my sleep was so disturbed, hence the constant physical destruction to my body. NOW, though, I've reached another level - there is something profound with being sober. Sounds weird, I know, but it's gone way beyond not having a hangover. There's a calm elation (oxymoron, yes!) to it all. I hope each and every one of you can keep holding on, getting through the tough days, persevering, because some day your head will pop above those dark clouds and you'll see a beautiful sunny sky. It won't be perfect, and the clouds will roll in and out, but overall you'll have access to that clarity and peace more and more often.
        Thanks UW for that beautiful thought to start the day. That really resonated with me. :h
        And I'm happy for you that you've found peace with your father. Still sending you lots of prayers. :l

        Lolab - good job on getting the vodka out of the freezer! That's amazing you were able to get your husband to read Jason's book. It's a great book! One of my keepers on my Kindle!

        I also posted on another thread that I listened to part of George Bush's "Decision Points" on my ride in this morning. Politics aside, the first thing he spoke about in his journey to becoming the President of the United States was his battle with Alcohol. His story sounded so similar to all of the stories I've heard here that it really gave me chills. Anyway, he said quitting was one of the hardest and most rewarding things he'd done in his life - and I think that's saying a lot as he was a President! Some more inspirational food for thought.

        Wishing everyone a fantastic AF day - UW listed you all so I won't do it again! But I really do read each and every one of your posts. Thanks for all the support! :l:h


          Newbies Nest

          It's a beautiful sunny day here, although it's supposed to storm later. I woke up an hour before the alarm was set for, and did some scrubbing and vacuuming for an hour. Then I took advantage of the sun and took a brisk walk this morning with my long johns on! It was 30 degrees. Something about the sun makes me feel so exhilarated! Feeling great. I'm going to do a workout and get ready for work. It'll be a long day/night there and I probably won't be home until about midnight.

          Peace, love, and strength to you all! :h


            Newbies Nest

            Boy lots of inspiration here this morning. My poor brother died last March of cancer....he had been an alcoholic for many years - functioned pretty well too. He'd been able to stop on and off but it always got him back...anyway near the end he just could not stop - drank a ton of booze. I only wish I could have introduced him to all the wonderful people here. He lived far away from me and he lived in an atmosphere of lots of drinking (bar manager) so it was doubly hard for sad eh that there are people who can't be helped for what ever reason - am I ever thankful that I found this forum! It has given me real hope!!!!
            Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
            (quote from Bean )

            Goal: Survival


              Newbies Nest

              Morning All!
              Day 16 here and feeling good...although I have to admit that I didn't exactly go "smoke free" yesterday, I caved! ARRRRGGGHHH. I just wonder when the heck I'm going to make that quit stick too..."they" say it takes about 8 attempts before most people actually quit smoking (who the h*ll are "they" anyway?) you can see I'm still a bit grumpy. LOL Anyway, I will keep on trying, at least cut back to only a few a day, and then take it from there. I've convinced myself that I will try again when I get to 30 days AF...probably just another stall tactic from my smoking beast. So frustrating. least I'm sober and not smoking a whole pack every night with a 12 pack of beer! Gotta look at the bright side, for now anyway.

              MWOLady - I think you asked me yesterday about the 30 Day Shred I mentioned (was it you? Oh my poor brain cells)'s a workout DVD led by Jillian Michaels who used to be a trainer on The Biggest Loser, and let me tell you this lady will get you in shape! It's a 30 day program, there are 3 levels. You do each level for 10 days, and each day the workout is only about 22 minutes. It works! I need to get back to it, but again my brain is looking for reasons to procrastinate. I also have her other DVD called Ripped in's the same type of workout, only it has 4 levels. Each day you do 3 minutes of strenght training, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs...x3...then some cooldown for about 22-23 minutes total. Anyways, if it wasn't you who asked, I hope whoever it was reads this. LOL

     next goals are to cut down (eventually quit) the cancer sticks, and get back into my daily exercise routine. I've done it before, so I know I CAN...just gotta DO IT!

              Unwasted - Big hugs for you and your dad :l And I'm so proud of you for staying are one strong Lady!

              Everyone else, have a great day and keep up the good work...the fight is so worth it!

              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Newbies Nest

                K9, just wanted to jump in to tell you I must have tried to quit smoking 20 times. It DID finally take. I haven't had a ciggie in close to a year. It's like AL, though, you can't pick up even one ever again! The patches and gum helped me at the very beginning. I didn't use them for long because I don't think it's good to. After a short time (couple of weeks maybe) I just stopped. You CAN do it. AL was much harder for me.:l


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Un...I know I will get it eventually. I quit once for 30 days, using an electronic cigarette (with nicotine free cartridges), but somehow I felt like I was cheating, like I was still "pretending" to smoke. But it worked, so I guess I should maybe give that another shot? At least I wasn't inhaling nicotine, and I even have the menthol flavored cartridges. I guess I just felt weak by having a substitute, but the bottom line was that I wasn't smoking! Well now I've convinced myself I'll try that approach again...I guess if I have to "pretend" for a month it's better than actually inhaling the 4,000+ chemicals in real cigarettes. Thanks Un, you just helped me work out my next plan of attack!!

                  Stay strong...I can't imagine what you're going through with your Dad. I can't imagine losing mine, please know you've been in my thoughts. I'm so glad you were able to spend time with him :h

                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Newbies Nest

                    UW thanks for mentioning me. I am struggling, but I am coming here and reading. Just feeling like a loser that's all.


                      Newbies Nest

                      K9, I think the patches and gum would be better because I think the hand habit is a biggie that you have to get rid of. There's real comfort in holding that stupid cig, so can you try the gum and patches instead? Just a thought...... But whatever works to be sure!

                      Thanks for thinking of me and my dad. So happy I'm handling this sober.

                      Piper, sending you peace and strength! Can we help? You're not a loser, just addicted.


                        Newbies Nest

                        K9> My experience with the gum is that it's still a mouth thing, just like smoking. I'd go (and will be) going on the patch.

                        Piper> YOU ARE NOT A LOSER. Please don't be hard on yourself, okay?:h

                        UW> You are a special person.:l
                        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                          Newbies Nest

                          Un - You're right...I'll still have to break the habit of going outside and "pretending" to smoke. Ugh, this is difficult. Time to re-think.

                          Piper - Please don't call yourself a loser. I know that's difficult sometimes, because I've felt that way too. I caved on my quitting-smoking attempt yesterday, but that doesn't make me a makes me a nicotine addict that needs to find a new plan. What's going on with you? How can we help?
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Newbies Nest

                            You are not a loser until you quit trying piper
                            just keep trying & write out a good, solid plan for yourself!

                            Unwasted, glad you are OK.

                            K9, I seriously suggest setting a quit smoking date for sometime in the near future. Give yourself some good AF time first ~ we're only human, right?
                            Despite the BS reported in the news yesterday about the lack of effectiveness of nicotine replacement products - I say use one!!!!! I never used any of them in the past & I always caved in. this time I choose to use Nicorette lozenges AND join Quitnet for support (just like the support you find here). IT WORKED

                            Well, that's my two cents :H
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              We are not losers, we are quitters!!! They should have a show, "The Biggest Quitter"..starring Lav and her chickens!! You know, I've never watched that intervention show, maybe because I was always afraid someone was going to give me one, but a show on Alcohol Abuse would be very interesting...there are lots of people out there struggling.
                              I want to be like Sir Anthony Hopkins and have my quit going 30 years!! So that is my goal...(I'll be the OLDEST Quitter!)
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Australia...I just watched that Barney Video (Simpson's). When I first tried quitting I bought some non Al Wine. It was like syrup. I took a sip of it, then wanted to chug the rest!! Dam! That's how programmed my brain was. Then get this....I said, what's the use of drinking all these calories if I'm not going to get a buzz? But I thought nothing of drinking all those calories, killing my liver, and making a fool of myself. Head shaking....B
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

