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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Unwasted wrote: " I've reached another level - there is something profound with being sober. Sounds weird, I know, but it's gone way beyond not having a hangover. There's a calm elation (oxymoron, yes!) to it all."
    You are a natural poet. this is exactly how I feel yet I hasnt been able to put it in words - now you did it for me. Calm elation. People around me say that they do not recognize me, that I am not being myself. Of course, otherwise I am a typical Sagitarius, jumping around all the time. And now - calm elation. I deeply enjoy every second of this feeling. i thank you so much!

    End of my day 13. Lost 4,5 kilos, my complexion is sweet and soft again, I love my sober life and I have huge amounts of added free time. And so many other advantages. Thanks God that I have you, my dears!


      Newbies Nest

      I love it - I want to be a member of "The Biggest Quitter". :H:H

      Piper - I know how you feel - but everyone is right - you are NOT a loser. You're just struggling with this addiction and when you manage to knock it out - (and you will!) you will be that much prouder of yourself. If it was easy this site wouldn't exist!! :l


        Newbies Nest

        Can't believe how many posts since I was here last night! So many positive uplifting thoughts as well as lots of humor! UW - I absolutely love "calm elation". That definitely nails down how I'm feeling today. Drove by the liquor store on my way home and shouted out "I DON'T NEED YOU ANY MORE SUCKER!" Since I only share my AF thoughts with you guys on MWO, I don't get to voice out loud my feelings as much as I think I need to. Lav - if you see a crazy lady driving a GMC Terrain shouting at the top of her lungs up in your neck of the woods, it may just be me

        Now on the other hand - all this doom and gloom about turning 50 and falling apart is not very appealing to me. Bought a bike this summer then broke my foot. Now it's too cold to ride and I've got to get over this shoulder thing. Hopefully by spring I'll be able to ride. I agree that physical activity plays a big part in keeping us busy when we would otherwise be sipping the sauce. I'm not ready for the rocking chair yet.

        Mylife - I'll join you in the "biggest quitter" club!

        Piper - hang in there - it's a roller coaster ride at times but staying close to everyone here will help you get through.

        Sufi - that's great! I too love the clear eyes and clear head in the morning!

        Byrdie - you made me cry with your post last night - you are special to me too and I'm glad I came back to find you not only still here but doing so well and being such a HUGE inspiration to everyone else!

        Okay - PT kicked my butt and I'm sore as heck tonight. Dinner done - waiting for hubby to get home then I will have my cup of decaf coffee and curl up to watch tv with my precious kitty.

        Good night all!
        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


          Newbies Nest

          Hey folks, yawning away here, day 11 in the bag. Busy busy day but I enjoyed every moment of it.
          This appeared on a wall around the corner from my work today....right across the road from the booze shop where I used to buy my bottles of white wine for secretly consuming at my desk. Anyway, I saw it and whereas 2 weeks ago I'd have felt ashamed, today I smiled to myself with some satisfaction

          Night all, take care!


            Newbies Nest

            Sufi, would you say there's been a change to your thinking as of Day 13? I found that to be the case. I really encourage nesters to make it to this milestone. For me, it was the day that I thought I really COULD do this wasn't impossible. Everything just clicked on that day. Well done!! Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Jolie, thank you....I'm glad we are in this together!
              Andrew, hunny hush!!! Look at you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so dang proud of you! Like Sufi, you must strive to get to Day 13, ok??? Push yourself to do it at costs! You are doing great!!!
              I wish I could go down the line and name everyone but I'm afraid! I've lost so many posts like that. Alas, I am lame. I read every post...and every post helps me and someone else get thru the day!! Every post matters!
              This is the best bunch of Quitters I've ever seen!! Byrdie!
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Hi mylife

                Jolie, honestly, sometimes you remind me of myself :H
                Drive that thing right over any time!
                We can do a lot of yelling & screaming here
                Just so you know.....I will not get on a bicycle, horse, tractor or anything of the sort because I know my history of non-luck :H

                Andrew - terrific pic!!!!!!!
                Says it all I think! Congrats on your 11 AF days, very nice!

                Hi Byrdie!

                Well, I'm going to try to turn in earlier.......
                This granny is tired!
                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks everyone (new here)

                  Been reading here everyday sense the first of the year and appreciate all the positive support, had a ugly NYE. Made a lot of effort last year not to drink, but slipped 6 to 8 times with the same ugly results. Still coming up with my game plan for this year, that 90 day mark seams to be a critical time for me.:thanks:
                  100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

                  6 months July 1st


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters. Things are quiet here at my place. DH and I are just enjoying a peaceful time. My topa is kicking in nicely - no cravings at all. I don't feel deprived. I'm eating well and feel pretty good. I guess hard times may be lurking around the corner but that's ok. From all the posts I have read today things are going well for most of you too. I think 2012 is going to be a good year. I sense lots of good energy out there.

                    For those of you who are struggling - don't go away!!! The energy here will sustain you through harder times!! Just keep reaching out and reading. I don't know what I would have done without the ideas, and courage I got from the folks here.

                    I got a little chuckle out of you kids going on about turning 50! Wait until you hit the big 60!!! Then come and talk to me about aches and pains. Oh, you kids!! Actually it's not so bad!!
                    Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                    (quote from Bean )

                    Goal: Survival


                      Newbies Nest

                      Guys! I just watched Steven Tyler on Oprah and I loved it. He is my favorite musician and his struggles with AL and drugs have been long and hard. It was a great special. Anyone else catch it?
                      Day 1 again 11/5/19
                      Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                      Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                      Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                      11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                      12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                      One day at a time.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Quick check in all........still maintaining my calm elation.......Jolie and Sufi - glad you can relate!

                        My dad is getting nearer - probably won't make it past tomorrow, but of course they don't know. If any of you have been intimately involved in watching this process........jeesh it is so strange. It's really hard to watch, but weirdly fascinating during those times you can sort of step back and be an observer after setting your emotions and personal connection aside......absolutely bizarre how the human body shuts down.

                        Take care and be strong everyone. Welcome Wine Wrangler. You've come to a wonderfully supportive place!:welcome:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nesters! I haven’t posted much here, but have posted in other places. There are so many people to keep track of here, it takes me forever to address everyone. I took Lolab’s advice and opened another window to write. I’m still going strong. Today is day 14! I am very excited!

                          Clover- congrats on 6 months! That is awesome!

                          MRSG- congrats on 90 days!

                          SH- congrats on 60 days!

                          UW- I know it’s a few days early but congrats on 60 days! You are doing so well! Am so proud of you for staying all free with all that is going on. I send you positive energy everyday…I hope you’re getting it! Hugs!

                          Shue- You’re into double digits now! Yeah!

                          K9- I totally understand you in regards to the smokes. They are so much harder to quit than al! I also want to quit this year, but I will do it when I am stronger. I am thinking I’ll get a good 4-5 months al free under my belt then try to tackle it. The problem is my hubby also smokes. That will be one hell of a battle. In your opinion, what do you think would work best- cutting down or going cold turkey?

                          Andrew- You’re in double digits now! Woo hoo!

                          Daisy- welcome back! When you know better, you do better! And good for you for quitting smoking at the same time. You’ve got balls!

                          PinkCat- welcome to the nest! This is such a great place for support, inspiration and encouragement.

                          Nursie- welcome back to the nest!

                          MinnieMoo- Welcome to the nest! And congrats! You’re already in double digits!

                          DoDo- congrats on 1 week!

                          Belle- Good on you for dumping the rest of the wine down the sink! That shows great, great progress! And congrats on 1 week!

                          Lav- loved your DH comment. I’ll have to remember that one depending on my mood! Haha

                          Lolab- Congrats on 100 days! You’re a triple digit lady! Awesome!

                          Jolie- Congrats on double digits!

                          Twitt- Sorry you’re feeling frustrated. I don’t know what those vits are, but I am sure you can find some other things in Canada. Ask the ladies in the Canucks and Co forum. They might be able to help you out!

                          Irie- You are getting stronger and stronger! Congrats on 1 week! Remember that you will keep getting stronger and stronger. Tell that voice in your head to F off the next time it tells you to drink!

                          Shiner- Yeah day 8! That’s awesome!

                          Pinecone- Congrats on 60 days!

                          Australia- I love the Simpsons. I myself am more of a Homer. Especially when he comes home after being at Moe’s, looking tired, old and slurring his words.

                          Fallen Angel- Well done on 15 days! You did a wonderful job of making your goals. Isn’t it amazing how much better you feel and look after just 2 weeks of staying al free! Imagine what you’ll look like 15 days from now! I’m thinking model like!

                          MWOL- Sorry about your brother. This addiction is a B*TCH! Even when we know it is killing us, we still reach for the bottle. You are doing so wonderful and am also glad that you found this site.

                          Piper- You are definitely NOT a loser! If you are a loser than all of us are too, and I know that we aren’t! You are doing great so far! This is a huge battle and it is tough as hell. Sometimes we slip, but I like to think of slips as stepping stones to reach our ultimate goal. Is there anything we can help you with?

                          Byrdie- I would even go so far as to say that we are not quitters, we are starters! We are all finally starting to get our life back, to live healthily, to enjoy life, etc. We are starting an al free life which is the best feeling in the world! I can’t wait to congratulate you on your sober days! Can I do it right now? Can I?

                          Sufi- Congrats on 13 days! Tomorrow is 2 weeks for you! Terrific! And way to go on losing 10 lbs! That’s unbelievable! What’s your secret, cause I need in on that one!

                          Wine Wrangler- Welcome to the nest!!!

                          I hope I didn’t miss anyone! To all of you who are almost 50 or 50+, you are scaring the beejeebies out of me! This year I will turn the big 3-0. Am I sure I want to get to 50 now? haha

                          Have a great day Nesters!
                          "When you know better, you do better"

                          AF- February 16, 2012
                          Goal 1- 3 days al free
                          Goal 2- 7 days al free
                          Goal 3- 1 month al free
                          Goal 4- 3 months al free


                            Newbies Nest

                            UW - we watched my MIL die from cancer at the too early age of 46 many years ago. While it's not an easy thing to go through, we wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else as the whole family was there and we all leaned on each other. I admire the strength and courage you have shown going through this sober. When the end does come, you will need to be stronger still. Even though AL might seem tempting at the end of this terribly emotional journey you've been on, here's sending you strength and courage to face all that's to come without it. I'll be saying a little prayer for you and your dad - big :l to you today UW.

                            Winewrangler - :welcome: Glad you are here - wonderful, wonderful place this MWO is

                            CG - what a special person you are to take the time to address everyone! Hope you know how special it makes each of us feel.

                            Nursie - I started to watch it but didn't watch until the end. I'm guessing he is sober now? or is he still fighting the fight? Loved his beautiful house on the lake in NH.

                            MWOlady, Byrdie, Andrew - hope you all have a great day today!

                            Lav - one of these days - we are definitely going to have to get together - looking forward to it

                            Going into work late this morning - hope I'm not getting on anyone's nerves with my whining but this damn shoulder is killing me and I felt like taking "Kevin thekiller therapist" and smashing the arm he was using to "help stretch me out" last night. Break today and then back to the torture tomorrow.

                            Hope everyone has a great day today - for any of you guys that follow football, GO RAVENS! (I'm a die-hard fan )
                            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Unwasted;1243049 wrote:
                              My dad is getting nearer - probably won't make it past tomorrow, but of course they don't know. If any of you have been intimately involved in watching this process........jeesh it is so strange. It's really hard to watch, but weirdly fascinating during those times you can sort of step back and be an observer after setting your emotions and personal connection aside......absolutely bizarre how the human body shuts down.
                              It is a very strange, but very magical time. I thought my mum would have passed about a week before she went - I couldn't believe how her fragile body was hanging on. It is amazing and, as you say, bizarre watching the human body shut down. Takes you into a very altered state and strangely connects you to all that is, I believe.
                              Thinking of you Unwasted :l
                              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning! I can't believe how busy it is here! Wow, that's a great thing. I just have a moment, but wanted to touch base. Starting day nine today and looking forward to double digits. As the days are starting to rack up I have to admit it's kind do a double edged sword. On one hand I'm excited and proud. On the other, I'm getting.. I don't know, scared isn't the right word. Worried? Worried, I guess, that the higher the number gets the bigger deal it will be if I were to drink again.

                                I guess that's good pressure and I shouldn't even mention it, but I wonder if any of the rest of you are feeling this?
                                ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                                Goal #1 - 7 days AF -

