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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Steady, do you think you may be allergic to any of those items? Did you drink a liter at one time or over the three days? Did you use the apple seeds in the juice?
    I would call your doctor. You could be having a hyperglycemic event from the sugar or an allergic reaction.

    And, day 6 it is!! Sober Saturday! I'm super tired and don't feel well but I am so happy I didn't drink last night!!
    Day 1 again 11/5/19
    Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
    Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
    Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
    11/27/19: messed up but back on track
    12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

    One day at a time.


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all. Wow what a lot of different things going on all over.

      Belle - we all feel for you. As I was reading your post I sure felt like drinking! But then I remembered how I'd feel - fuzzy head, which I hate, sour tummy and all the rest - so you reminded me of all the bad things - thanks!! As for an emergency plan - you simply have to have something handy you can grab to drink that you love that's non alcoholic. Can you think of something? Even a non alcoholic wine, although they aren't great - but we're talking emergency here so in a pinch you could use that...just to get you through...don't know what to suggest - or how about something sweet - do you have a favourite candy that you could scarf down? This is a short term solution because you don't want to gain weight - but it might do the trick emergency wise. Be good to yourself and let the wave pass!!!

      As for you, Steady - sure sounds like allergy!!!! And that sure is a lot of sugar!! That would be the cause of the edema for sure. Lighten up on the juice and see if it helps. If not I'd go to the doctor. You might try a Bedadryl for a day or two and see if that helps. That is pretty safe to take.

      Have a good day everyone. I forgot to say - even tho I'm not counting - this is my lucky 13!!!!!
      Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
      (quote from Bean )

      Goal: Survival


        Newbies Nest

        MWOLady....You sound like a seasoned PRO!! Please let us know how Day 13 treats you! Is this the longest you've gone AF? I'm so proud of you...a nest mother in training wheels, you are! Even have the right name!!! So KEEP IT GOING at ALL costs!!! No matter what and no matter who!!! I'm just smiling at your success!
        Lav, I'm really sorry I called your chicken homely. I feel bad.
        I have faith that every person reading here will be AF today! There is NOTHING more important than staying sober today. That's YOUR mission!
        Love to all, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all. Good on you Belle for sticking with us - I'm a big yellow-belly; when I mess up I run and hide......hence my even bigger mess-ups!
          Feeling pretty good today. Day 6 AF and 5NF. I think because I am kicking 2 vices at the one time, the results are showing even faster. I look better today than I would normally after 6 days so I assume the non-smoking is the added bonus. This should help my resolve over the next few days.
          Also this week, done a couple of 4-5 mile walks and swam 64 lengths at the pool today. I had let my exercise fall by the wayside this past couple of months, along with the alcohol!!! So, a happy bunny tonight!
          Stick with it everyone.....we'll kick that 'alcoholic ass' together!!!!!
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Newbies Nest

            Nesters, had to stop by to brag a bit and thank you AGAIN for all the wonderful support here.

            TODAY IS THE BEGINNING OF DAY 61 FOR ME ..............SO I'VE ACHIEVED MY FOURTH GOAL. YAY YAY YAY!!! Couldn't have done it without you guys and the Jammers......Thank you so much for being there for me.

            Hopefully soon I can get more specific with commenting on your posts -- don't have a lot of time right now.

            I just want to inspire you guys if I can. Being sober is the single best thing I've done for myself. I can't explain what it feels like not to dive into the bottle to cover up feelings. There's a real sense of accomplishment in staving off the tendency to want to go back to my old ways of coping. I am ALWAYS happy when I overcome my reptilian brain when it rears its ugly head.

            It's hard now guys, but just read Mohun's post whenever you feel weak (MY LIFE thanks for the link). Also, Madmans was describing how he couldn't even remember what it was like to be the person he was a year ago - don't know where that post is, but it's inspiring too. I know if we can make it, down the road this struggle will feel like a faint memory.

            One thing I do that helps me in emergency situations is this: when I first got divorced I went a little crazy - I became this nutty party girl. Without going into detail about what all that entailed...........just suffice it to day that I am a TOTALLY different person now and can't imagine how I could have been that person.

            THAT, my friends, is what I think will happen down the road with sobriety. It's like being born again (I think Rusty 576 said that)...........she's been sober for a long time.


            Love to you all!:l:l:l


              Newbies Nest

              I agree with you Unwasted.

              I feel so free now and I can't remember a time when I felt free when I was in my drinking days. I also live with no regrets on drinking or anything that is related to drinking since I don't drink anymore. I am counting down the days to my 8 month anniversary taking it ODAAT. Newbies, hang in there, it will get better and there will be a day that you will be able to look back and be proud to say that was the old you and this is the new you. It is like you have been born again. You get new freedoms and if you drive, the ability to save lives by being the DD *you could have the friends call you when your at home when they are ready to go home*
              I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

              Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

              Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                Newbies Nest

                MyLife - perfect! I went to Mohuns post, and it was just what the Dr ordered.
                I commented there how I came to MWO, read the book, thought I would make the 30 days (though that seemed to be a lifetime) and then I would be cured and would emerge as a social drinker (my aim!) - well, here I am around 46 days and realise I have still got a long way to go and have just reached the tip of the iceburg - Mohuns post was a great one to read - thanks for the pointer.
                well it is beautiful here today, but not supposed to last - just as well, we have had no rain and there is no snow (apart from man made snow) in the hills, so it is badly needed, but I need to take advantage, so off I go for a walk and ponder my thoughts.
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  Newbies Nest

                  Byrdlady, you asked if 13 days was the longest that I'd gone sober - er, no. I was sober for 10 YEARS before I had one glass of years eve 2000...what a bummer...that started me off again and I was dating my present DH at the time - he was and is a pretty big drinker and I got caught up in it again. But here I am today, 13 days into THE QUIT and I feel sure that this is it for me. I'm 12 years older and want to be healthy in mind and body now. And I want that feeling of FREEDOM that sobriety gives me. I'm struggling a bit today but hey it's almost over so that's good!!!
                  Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                  (quote from Bean )

                  Goal: Survival


                    Newbies Nest

                    MWOLady;1244703 wrote: Byrdlady, you asked if 13 days was the longest that I'd gone sober - er, no. I was sober for 10 YEARS before I had one glass of years eve 2000...what a bummer...that started me off again and I was dating my present DH at the time - he was and is a pretty big drinker and I got caught up in it again. But here I am today, 13 days into THE QUIT and I feel sure that this is it for me. I'm 12 years older and want to be healthy in mind and body now. And I want that feeling of FREEDOM that sobriety gives me. I'm struggling a bit today but hey it's almost over so that's good!!!
                    Every post on here has a message for someone, but this has got to be the starkest warning for us all. A 10 year quit, 'just one', and here at MWO 12 years later.
                    This is one to of luck MWOLady, you can do it!:h
                    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening nest!

                      Scottish - so glad you read the post. I have that one on my favorites and like I said I read it often. I've really been struggling for some reason this weekend - I keep seeing people with glasses of wine it seems everywhere I turn. But I realize it's just not an option for me anymore so I need to move on.

                      UW - CONGRATULATIONS !!! You hit 60 days. That's awesome! I knew you would hit your goal! :goodjob:

                      MWO - thanks for the reminder that even after 10 years an addiction just does not go away. I read a book by the woman who founded Women for Sobriety (I think that was the name of it?) Anyway, she had one drink after 13 years sober and it lead to another long spell of horrible drinking in her life.

                      I'm off to eat a big bowl of soup and read a book. I hope everyone has a wonderful AF night in the nest and looks forward to a bright clear Sunday morning tomorrow!


                        Newbies Nest

                        MWOL - oh, wow, it really hits home with me knowing that you had that long of an AF period and then got back into it. Amazing. But, really, I guess we shouldn't be surprised that AL can do this to's just a slippery slope that few people who drink over a long period of time can ever navigate.

                        SL - glad you were able to overcome your temptation today. Going for a walk or just getting outside, change of scenery, whatever it takes, right?! So happy you didn't cave.

                        Thanks ML - I'm really happy to have reached 60 days and am feeling good right now. What is your longest AF time? Good on ya with your 14!

                        Daisy - wow, you're doing cigs and al at the same time! Brave girl - but actually I think that makes a lot of sense. Smoking and drinking go so hand in hand, don't they! Congrats on day 6......keep it going.

                        Alison, thanks for stopping by and giving us a little pep talk - I love hearing from people who have a lot of AF time........very helpful!

                        Lola, sorry about having this ongoing problem with your mom. That sounds a lot harder than what I just went through. Ugh........please stay strong. Remember that AL won't help anything in the long run.

                        Aussie and Belle - glad you guys are back in the saddle

                        Steady Hands - have you figured out what your reaction was to? It doesn't sound like detox to me, it sounds more like a reaction to something in your vegie drink. Let us know!

                        Byrdie, Nursie, Jolie, and all you other nesters...........stay strong and have a wonderful AF evening.:l


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks no - no chance of drinking... I'm exhausted tho so we'll catch up tomorrow.

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi, I posted on another forum but I was told this was thread was probably more appropriate. Here is my original posting:

                            Hi all,

                            Please forgive me if I don't use the correct lingo or am not very knowledgeable about the program.

                            After drinking three glasses of wine before 3pm and getting totally sloshed last night which is a daily experience for me, I realized that I need help. I did a general online search and found this forum. I read up about the program and immediately ordered the book and the suggested vitamins. I haven't received anything as of yet, but am very excited about getting my life back.

                            I don't want my drinking to have a total control over my life anymore. I am a fulltime student and work fulltime but I somehow always find time to drink. It makes me so sad to think that something has this much control over me. I am relatively young (32) and have my whole life ahead of me and when I think about my habits and how they can progressively get worse as I age, I want to cry.

                            I am sorry if I am a bit down with this message, but I am sure this is normal.

                            I just have a few questions as I get started with this program: I've read a few of the forums and the talk of the drug Baclofen. Is this something that is a necessity; or do you recommend that I give the program a go before trying to obtain the medication? Any information is welcome and I am extremely hopeful for my next journey.

                            Snufdizzle :h

                            Good things come to good people that work hard at being good.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Welcome Snuf - not sure there is a right place to be, it is where you feel right - this is a good place for newbies - lots of support and encouragement here. In regards to Bac - there is a whole site on meds and they maybe best to answer questions about using meds. I just used supplements and the book, it took me a while to click, but seem to be on a track now, bit rocky and it is a narrow ledge, but posting here daily helps.
                              Lav and Byrd will be along soon to offer great advice, it is so good to make a plan and sign into the tool box to get ideas that have worked for others.
                              MWOL - talk about a wake up call - thanks for sharing, that is indeed a warning to us all!
                              When I was shopping on Friday, when I was very wobbly, I bought a bottle of Fre - thinking it may work - I quite like an AF beer at the right time, but not a big beer drinker - this Fre does not do it for me, anyone had any success with AF wine?? It might work for a hot summers day, but not much else.
                              Hope you are hanging in today Belle???
                              Good walk today, think I will have another one tomorrow - girls are with their dad, so just me, myself and I for this long weekend, trying not to make it too long as we know what happens with idle time! Take care all..
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                                Newbies Nest

                                Steady where'd you go??
                                We need a status update!

                                Headed to glorious sober dreamland in a bit. Day 6: check!
                                Thank you for all being here. I love this nest.
                                Day 1 again 11/5/19
                                Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                                Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                                Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                                11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                                12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                                One day at a time.

