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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good afternoon Nesters!

    I don't have a lot of time now to read all the posts. I just wanted to check in on day 2 of vacation.

    BG- My Chinese drinking story...unfortunately this is not a drinking game. This is simply how you drink at dinners. It is custom and anything else would be seen as impolite. And yes, only adults do this. And I am here for another 6-9 days.

    Last night when to my hubby's uncle's for dinner. He brought out his most expensive bottle of red wine. I passed and explained that my health isn't so good. He tried to get me to drink 1 glass. I told him I REALLY couldn't. I drank a red bull (ew!) but that was the only other choice. During dinner I noticed my cousin had mixed his wine with the red bull (double ew) and offered me a taste. I was curious about how it would taste but still declined.

    I made it through my first small dinner. Was in home by 11 and slept until 11 am. Guess I needed to catch up on some sleep after the teens...haha.

    Well it's a busy day as it is New Year's Eve. I will catch up on all the posts later today. Congrats to everyone who has hit the magic 13 days. Keep it up!

    Jane- Stay strong on your hol. You can do this!

    Have a great one!
    "When you know better, you do better"

    AF- February 16, 2012
    Goal 1- 3 days al free
    Goal 2- 7 days al free
    Goal 3- 1 month al free
    Goal 4- 3 months al free


      Newbies Nest

      Daisy- Thank you so much for your post. That is exactly how I was feeling last night. I live in Washington and have been house bound for the past week due to snow and ice storm. I was without electricity for 3 days (finally came on today! YEAH!). Last night as I sat here in the cold, dark house by myself the thought of going for a bottle of wine was all I thought about for hours. I made it though. I played the same senarios out too. I didn't want that day 1 again and my restful night sleeps to be gone. Today was day 19 Af for me. Still feel like I am struggling though.

      Another week-end done AF! Best to all.


        Newbies Nest

        I came here since I was already feeling I was drinking too much and after months of fighting with my wife I figured it was time to become AF. I work out 5-6 days a week only to destroy it all with drinking. I haven't had anything real bad happen yet and I figured I would get off the elevator instead of riding it all the way down. I'm in the military stationed overseas and the hardest thing is avoiding all the occasions alcohol comes up since it's seems to be a big part of the culture. I would rather return to Afghanistan so alcohol is not an option. Going on the evening of day 5 and I'm trying to stay strong and occupy myself with things to take my mind off it.


          Newbies Nest

          it's the morning of day 2 and i'm very grateful to be feeling pretty good.

          pinecone, i knew as well that i couldn't moderate. i can manage to look normal for a couple of days--even longer to people who don't know me--but i can't escape what i know. i can't control my crazy alcoholic behavior. i've tried really hard to control it, but i can't. and it took me a while to admit it was ruining my life. i've admitted that before. but i don't think that i was willing to do the hard work before.
          i'm writing up a PLAN.

          daisy, the vividness of your post was great. i will be trying to think through the cravings as well. i've never done it in such detail. but i will try anything now.

          my mantra is i will not drink no matter what. i do not drink.!!!


            Newbies Nest

            Hey Nesters!

            SH- Good for you for declining the wine. I’m sorry you were depressed about last night. It’s hard dealing with friends who want to drink with you and don’t quite get why you wont drink with them anymore. Just do what you need to do for you right now!

            Nursie- One thing at a time. Don’t let all the stuff you need to do stress you out cause you know where that can lead to. Just do it step by step. It’ll all get done eventually. You are doing great! Congrats on day 13!

            Life- Welcome back! Day 1 can be a bitch, but hang in there. Get some al free time under your belt and you will feel like a whole new person. It is definitely worth it. Moderation wasn’t my thing...I drank more when trying to mod. Don’t feel bad. It’s a lesson on your way to sobriety.

            BG- You are doing great. Keep it up!

            Today- You will start to feel better every day. Every sober day makes you another day stronger. You are doing great. Hang in there!

            Mylife- Sounds like you have a great evening planned with your nephew. Save a brownie for me!

            Starfish- You are doing great! The beginning is quite hard but you have the right attitude! Keep it up!

            Ann- Sorry that you had a slip. You don’t need to apologize for anything. Did you learn anything from your slip though?

            Stella- You are doing awesome at 15 days!

            UW- How are you? Did anything happen today to make you think about drinking?

            Jane- How’s Florida? I am definitely thinking of you on my holidays. You and all the other nesters are what’s going to get me through this.

            Timpin- You are doing awesome! Congrats!

            Sbyankee- Welcome to the nest! Congrats on 5 days. This site is really great filled with loving people who offer support, encouragement, inspiration and understanding. Read as much as you can, ask questions, and post, post, post!

            Jolie- We all have bad days and feelings that we can’t quite explain. It’s what being human is all about/ But a bad say and a shitty mood is better than any hangover. Glad you got over the temptation to drink! You are doing great at 20 days!

            Red- Thanks for the great advice. You are doing amazing!

            Byrdie- Your cupcakes sound delicious! I’m glad you enjoyed your day!

            Daisy- I LOVE your determination. No one said this was going to be easy, BUT it can be done. Sorry you were struggling, but so proud of you for coming out on top! Your post is also a great reminder of why we don’t need to drink!

            Willow- You definitely can do this. Look at all the others on this site who have months and even years sober. You have the right attitude and that helps so much. As you get more sober days under your belt, it becomes a lot easier and the cravings become less and less.

            Clear Eyes- Good for you for not caving in! It does get easier the more time you get under your belt. Congrats on 19 days! Glad to hear you got your electricity back.

            It’s day 24 for me and feeling great. Tonight we will stay at home so I know I wont drink. The hours upon hours of fireworks will start soon. I have to take my little dog out now cause she is sooo scared of the noise. Happy Chinese New Year all! See you in the Year of the Dragon!
            "When you know better, you do better"

            AF- February 16, 2012
            Goal 1- 3 days al free
            Goal 2- 7 days al free
            Goal 3- 1 month al free
            Goal 4- 3 months al free


              Newbies Nest

              New Guy

              Hi there.

              As the title says I'm the new guy. Just getting started really and not entirely sure what I'm doing on here or what I'm supposed to be doing.

              So I thought a general HELLO would be a good start. :new:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi new guy- welcome! It's a happy busy inspiring place to find yourself when in need. Is today ur day 1 of quitting? Let us know a bit about urself. Today is day 14 for me and it was a bit hard but I made it thru- phew.
                45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                New day 1- 9 January !
                Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                  Newbies Nest

                  Daisy, I think today's ur day 14 too? I had the same feelings today- being Sunday and doing a few social things- the combo left me stressed and feeling some bad drinking thoughts , thanks for sharing ur feelings- it helps to know I'm not alone!
                  45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                  New day 1- 9 January !
                  Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1


                    Newbies Nest

                    Australia, that really does help doesn't it? Knowing we're not alone....all of this story sharing is immensely helpful.

                    cleareyes, congrats on your 19 days!!!!!! That "sometimes struggling" feeling keep it up for AWHILE - but the beauty is that "sometimes" becomes less and less. I still have moments of struggle but they are moments. :-)

                    sbyankee...perfect time to get off the elevator - before something really bad's bad enough what we do to our bodies and relationships, isn't it?

                    lifechange - good to see you's description of really thinking through the consequences - really works for me as well.

                    Happy Chinese NY canadiangal - you're doing GREAT. Think about the days left there in the grand scheme of things....(I can't go back a page right now but did you say 9 more days?) NINE DAYS. That's not that much! tick them off one at a time and you'll be celebrating your 30 day milestone!

                    hi jk - this is a great place to read and read.....sometimes I like to pick someone in particular who's doing well, and if you right click on their name you have the choice to read all their posts.....sometimes it helps to go back and read their story....see that people DID struggle just like you in the beginning and are now enjoying sobriety. Like Byrdie's repost of her 13 days a couple of pages back.

                    Good morning to everyone else! We cleaned the basement yesterday and I dumped several bottles of old homemade wine down the drain. Now I have some pretty bottles to do something with...

                    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      hey jane! How's FLA?

                      Can you do me a favor? Can you keep some detailed "suggestions" on what you do differently during vacation to stay AF? now THAT would be helpful!

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters all around the world!

                        Sbyankee, Congrats to you on your 5 AF days!
                        You are absolutely doing the right thing for yourself, your wife & everyone around you! Kicking AL out of your life is someting you will never ever regret.

                        Hello & welcome to jkswain!
                        Glad you found the nest
                        I started by downloading the MWO book from the Health store here on the site. It has a lot of good info for you. You also need to make a good plan for yourself. We have a great resource with lots of ideas to help you get started. Take a look Stick around & read a lot. You will find you are definately not alone in your struggle

                        CG, I just want to ask you something.....
                        You keep mentioning it would be 'impolite' to refuse AL during your new year celebration. What is the worst that could happen if you continue to decline AL? Are they going to send you home, get angry??? I just can't imagine why they would continue to push you to drink once you have said No Thanks, you have healthg concerns Stick to your guns (and your plan), you are doing so well!

                        Wishing everyone a fabulous AF Sunday!
                        I need to make my way out to the chicken coop - they are truly cooped up this weekend because they refuse to walk in the ice/snow. My 100+ pound dog has been walking around & not breaking thru the ice - a very strange sight :H

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning you fabulous Nesties,
                          Day 14 for Austrailia, daisy, Jane, alls and me! Woo two weeks!
                          Jane, Hope its going well in Marco. I love that you can walk out so far into the ocean and not get hit with any waves. There are LOTS of restaurants, Busghetti wa one of my favorites. Conrad's anoter pretty good one. But if you go to the small restaurants, many of them don't even have a liquor license. Like the little Spanish places. Look out for famous people, they love to holiday there!
                          Day 1 again 11/5/19
                          Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                          Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                          Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                          11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                          12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                          One day at a time.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Sunday Morning Nesters - it is inexplicably stupendous to wake up feeling alive, refreshed, and happy. My yesterday funky feelings have totally disappeared and I'm back to feeling over-the-top thankful for my sobriety. Day 69 for me everyone - I can't recommend giving up the poison highly enough!

                            CG - not sure what put me in a strange frame of mind yesterday. Interestingly, though, I had slept wrong on my shoulder night before last and woke up feeling a bit tired and sore. I think that's why I wasn't in the best of moods.........but.........voila!.........back to feeling ebullient (great word, huh?!)!!!!!

                            :welcome:Welcome, JK - let us know more about you - read, read, read, and post, post, post. Go to the Toolbox link Lav posted for you and make a plan to stay you'll turn down alcohol offered to you, what you'll eat to keep a good chemical balance in your brain to help you ward off cravings, exercise, and support from here and/or elsewhere.

                            Congratulations everyone - you are all making wonderful progress........keep it up because it gets better I promise!

                            And today's inspiration...........a post from Frenchman in case you missed it:

                            Thank you team for your generous responses. It does get easier weeks over weeks, not day after day as it is a very slow process... I have replaced my drinking habits with sport habits. That helps tremendously. Also, AL with juicing organic fruits and vegetables, which has a deep balancing effect. Mostly kale, spinach, ginger, apple, carrots and celery, at the rate of two small glasses a day.

                            My life without the fun of alcohol, ie party times, has been replaced with a feeling of deep inner peace and balance. The difference is the length of time I experience such a feeling, ie 3-4 hours with alcohol versus all day and all night with harmony of natural high. It took me about a month to start feeling happiness naturally. We have a natural high secreted by endomorphine, try it and you will see. It just takes a little bit for the body to start producing it again after all those years of AL artificial replacement.

                            Good luck to all of us on this journey to enjoying life to the fullest.

                            What a night and day difference it is for me.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi everyone!! So many posts to read - great stuff.

                              Hey Sbyankee did you know there was a thread just for military folks? I don't know how to link but search around a bit and you'll find it - but don't forget us too!! And for you and jkswain - there is a guys thread you two might be interested it....but again don't forget the Newbie's Nest!! There is great value in the Nest as you start your journey
                              Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                              (quote from Bean )

                              Goal: Survival


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello All,

                                Wishing a rockin day 14 to Australia, Daisy, Jane, Nursie and I! I would have never imagined back in November when I was in that dark, alcoholic, haze again, I would have a Sunday like I'm going to have today. Up at 5am, an hour on the elliptical, a little bit of work (I work at home) and now off to drive 50 miles to meet a friend for some real fun, not the chemically induced shit. Make it a great day everybody!
                                2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.

