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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    TheAnd - you will find great support here....keep posting, wish you the best!

    Nursie that explains my mood. I have been unusually grouchy and depressed today. LOL.


      Newbies Nest

      i've also had such a hard day!
      i didn't know that about the 23rd!
      i have been so stressed out --about work, finances, not having any interests.
      i'm trying so hard to distract myself. and to believe it will pass.
      i feel impatient. i want other things in my life to be different now.
      i guess i'm being a big baby.
      jan. 23rd!!!


        Newbies Nest

        Morning all, and welcome to all the newbies!

        Monday mornings suck, and I really wanted to call in sick today, although I'm feeling much better, I just wanted to stay at home. It's finally raining here and I'd love to be enjoying it from home.

        Day 28 here, and was suprised to find myself thinking of alcohol over the weekend. But then reality set it, and I saw alcohol for what it really is, and the thoughts quickly passed. It's interesting that Jan 23 is the most depressing day of the year. I'm kind of feeling that too, today. I can relate to what Lifechange said. Even though I'm not drinking, I'm not really doing anything. I need to find a hobby or something that interests me. I love to read, but I'd also like to do something a bit more productive. I would like to do something creative...the question is...what? Maybe I'll go to the craft store and look around tonight.

        Glad to see so many new folks here! Stay strong everyone!

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Newbies Nest

          awwww.....lifechange and connie - you've got the 23rd curse on top of being newly sober! Yuck! hang in's hard to see how different things really can be when you're stuck in that crazy newness - with a mountain of you that you think there's no way you can climb....but you can - each step you take gets you a little closer to the top. :-)

          TheAnd - I'm so sorry for your loss. It's very understandable that you turned to alcohol - but even more understandable why you want it to stop...we have lots of life left to live - and personally, I was so tired of wasting days and weeks and years of mine :l

          and guess what? You are already NF and you didn't know it! It means nicotine free...

          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


            Newbies Nest

            Lolab. There is a lot of information on the site. Reading helps and to know you are not alone. I live in Europe and sometimes the language barrier can make things difficult. Also I live in a small community and everyone knows everyone. Makes being able to go to meetings and discuss things quite difficult. Nice to have a safe place to come and just vent. I think being able to say I have a problem makes it so much easier to start to deal with. I came home tonight and emptied the wine I had out. Not having it here makes it easier. Making changes one day at a time.


              Newbies Nest

              going to bed with the kids so as not to muck things up.
              hope you all have a great day/evening/morning--wherever you are.
              thank you for existing!!


                Newbies Nest

                We are happy to be existing lifechange

                TheAnd, I am sorry to hear about your loss, what a tragedy.
                Numbing emotional sorrows with pills & booze is very common, have been there myself. So happy you found us, hope you feel safe & secure here in the nest!
                NF = nicotine free, quit smoking myself shortly after kicking the wine out of my life

                jane, you don't know how much I'd like to be in Florida right now. I'm watching rain melt the ice & snow that fell over the weekend.

                K9, nothing wrong with a stroll thru a craft store ~ might spark an interest in something!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Nesters, wow...I get busy and miss a day here and a lot goes on! Welcome to all the newbies, Laughing Loud, TheAnd and if there are others...You Too! This is a great place and I am sure I cannot say much more than echo what others have said. I came here lurking on Oct 24 2011, and that day my life changed. Even though I have had a few slips, and cases of "terrible judgement" since then, I feel much stronger and have learned so much about alcoholism and myself. I can count only 8 days that I have had anything to drink since Oct 24. I am now on Day 10 consecutively AF...let's hear it for double digits! The support here is phenomenal. Never be afraid to come back after a slip, whether it is your first or 100th. Someone will always be here to pick you up and someone will have experienced what you have. And nest Mom Byrdie will even give you a loving kick-in-the-pants if you need it.

                  I really was interested in what Laughing Loud and Lolab had to say about a spouse who would rather you moderate than stop drinking completely. That is where I am at. For now, I am taking it One Day At A Time. My husband collects fine wines and really wants to enjoy them together. Somehow, someday I will have to deal with that. But for now I am sober, loving it and happy.

                  Alcohol does me no favors.

                  Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Yay for double digits Belle.

                    Just a quick stop by for me today - hope everyone is doing well. Welcome to the newest Newbies:welcome:

                    Day 70 for me everyone!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks for the kind words everyone. Remember that it gets harder before it gets better. I know that while you're fighting through the hard parts it seems like it will never end but trust me....Fighting through the hard part is beyond worth it coming out the other end. The cravings will fade and you will care less about seeing others drink or being offered a drink because your rational mind is much happier choosing to continue to stay the way you feel. Which is AWESOME!

                      Good luck everyone in your journey!

                      Sober as of 12/7/11
                      7 days - Complete
                      14 days - Complete
                      21 days - Complete
                      1 month - Complete
                      2 months - Complete
                      3 months - ALMOST!
                      6 months - not yet


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi nesters, had a good day today; went to the gym in the morning and a swim this afternoon. Feel like my thinking is changing. Just popping in to say I am going to take a break from MWO for a while - feel it is what I need to do for now; just don't want any of you wondering if anything wrong. All's good. Will continue and be back soon.....
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks all for the welcome. I am usually a lurker...never a poster, so this is new to me!

                          lolab --that is the message I communicated to husband last night...he was a little skeptical. The book is a good idea.

                          Day 3 down and NO desire to drink despite
                          1. Alone in a house
                          2. Fully stocked with all favorite types of AL
                          3. Just finished a severely stressful 13 hour workday

                          Really just want something to eat and a nap. Yay for napping rather than passing out.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Great job today everyone! I felt very anxious about my day this morning, like several others who posted earlier, but we made it through! I have just one more meeting today ( at. Church) so I think I will be safe there and then Straight home. That's the plan! Day 4 for me. Thanks gang!



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Unwasted. Sorry I think I must of confused. I meant drinking AL as the drug. Not any other drug :-)

                              Lolab. You are right. I meant AL as the drug. Hard to say no when you are socialising but it is doable.

                              Canadian girl. I never thought to say it worked well for me and I felt so much better and able I cope. I will keep saying that and hope I remember when the time comes. I am actually honing of trying for number two (baby) so not too far off the truth. I al so crap with lies so I need to be as close to the truth as possible lol.

                              Hope all nesters. Old and new AF safe.


                                Newbies Nest

                                I just had my first AL free day in a really long time, like at least 3-4 months. I have only been drinking for about 4 years and it's just slowly built up more and more over time (BTW I'm 34). Most recently I've been drinking about 6-8 beers a night, every night but that also includes some really severe binges.

                                I'm terrified of withdrawls so 3 weeks ago, I came out to visit my sister and we had a plan to reduce my AL. She has a little locked fridge, and she works from home so she was helping me go 2 days of 6, 2 of 5, etc until I was down to nothing. Then after finding some hard liquor, which I normally don't drink, I had a pretty bad binge and my sister and husband confronted me and really put their foot down that I need to just quit. No more modding, it doesn't work for me.

                                I had a tiny bit of vodka, like 2 fingers, yesterday at 11am, then had the confrontation and cried all day. Got a tiny bit shaky in the evening and my hands are shaky today a bit. I have Xanax (I suffer with panic attacks, which is why I started abusing alcohol) and it's helping with the shakiness a little bit.

                                I'm just so afraid of withdrawals and tomorrow I fly across country with my husband back home. I'm so afraid I'm going to have wds while flying. I'm not sure I was drinking chronically/heavily enough to have major wds, I guess I'm looking for support and some reassurance. I know withdrawal is different for everyone.

                                Sorry if this is a bit rambling but I am just super anxious. Blah.

