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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    hello everyone!!
    beginning day 7 here.
    i feel so fortunate to be able to wake up each morning and read all your great posts before starting my day.
    it helps so much-- i, too, feel like i can't socialize at all. and i feel like i have mush for brains.
    so what Lola and Byrdie wrote gives me some hope. with time it should improve.
    i'm running a bit late so will check in later--


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning all,

      Hope everyone is ready for a really good, AF weekend. I'm a runner too and love it! Have a 5 miler on the day of the super bowl and a half marathon in March and one in April. My times are always so much better when I'm running clean. Everything is better when alcohol no longer enters the picture. Take care All.
      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


        Newbies Nest

        Scottish Lass,

        I can relate - sleep is now my top priority these days. And isn't it a heck of a lot easier to concentrate at work when work is extremely stressful, when your head is clear along with your conscience? Love that feeling.

        Lifechange - good job on 7 days - it does really help to start the day by reading all the positive posts around.

        Welcome home Byrdie! Thanks for your kind words :h

        Happy Friday to Lav, Jane, Starfish, Lola, K9 and everyone else who drops by!
        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


          Newbies Nest

          Cross post allswell - all you runners are such an inspiration to me. I'll be sitting on my but watching the superbowl ads while you are out there running your marathon - wish I could do it but I'm going to stick to walking
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


            Newbies Nest

            TheAnd, Irie, and Laughingloud ? haven?t heard from you in a couple days?everything ok?

            Lifechange ? yeah at first, I was even antisocial with my own family?.I just felt the need to go upstairs sometimes in the evenings and read or be by myself?maybe it?s not so much not wanting to be around other people but more of a need to finally get in touch with ourselves?Is today 7 days for you?????

            Unwasted ? day 74 today ? I think you should celebrate?74 sounds like the perfect time to me.

            Nursie day 19 today! Your energy bursts out of the screen?no WAY you?d need alcohol to be the life of the party!:H

            Jolie ?coming up on 30 pretty soon!? As always ? you are making me think also?.I have to be strong about not giving in to that ?one? just for ?appearance? sake. I?m not worried but have to keep it right in the forefront of my BRAIN!

            Ranger, I hope you?re still with us?those first few days are the toughest!

            Alllswell, 18 days! K9 ? super to be able to get new tires! Not much fun to spend that much on something you can?t really show off but they are important.

            Scottishlass ? only a few days from crossing goal # 3 off your list?perfectly done.

            Belle ? you?re just quietly plugging along?.doing great, friend. :l

            Starfish, I don?t think I congratulated you on 7 days!!! That?s HUGE!!!!!!:goodjob:

            Jane, are you doing OK? You seem like you might need a little extra support?Just remember that you?re going to have lots of ups and downs ? try to not let the ?downs? get you too down - that sounds stupid but sometimes if you know there?s a light at the end of the tunnel you can keep going through the darkness a little while more.:l

            Hey Australia, glad you keep checking in ? you are doing fantastic!

            Hey Stella ? don?t feel bad mannered?ask Jolie ? when I was here last year I felt completely put off by the thought of addressing different people in the nest. The thought of it was too much for me at the time. I saw a title of another thread ? are you feeling stronger now???

            Hey Lav ? have a great weekend?and anyone I missed ? pretty low key for us?a couple school related things to attend but that?s about it. That?s about all I feel like anyway. The January blahs are settling in and I will enjoy a weekend of blah-dom before I kick them out the door.

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters!

              More rain today - oh well, better than snow!

              I envy all you runners, something I just cannot do
              The best I can whip up is a good speedy walk on my dreadmill

              Wishing everyone a pleasant AF Friday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Good Morning Nesters - so many here doing well! I'm fantastic and stopped by to share the love.

                Jane, I wanted to mention that I had the same problem about not wanting to talk to anyone for a long time. I, like you, would "drink and dial" and the alcohol would make me social and chatty. I think the hibernation and withdrawal is kind of natural. After all, we're changing our lives very dramatically and our crutch has been removed. The good news is that soon you'll have a "new normal" that's even better than the old, and you'll feel like chatting again. The best thing about it is that it will feel natural and that will give you a self esteem boost because suddenly you're handling everying without having to drink! Let me know if it changes for you like it did for me.

                K-9 - cool story about getting tax money back that covered the cost of your tires! It seems to me that the universe helps us out in some strange way - that coincidence happens in our lives that is too uncanny to ignore!

                Starfish - great going on what is now 8 days AF. Oh, and thanks for the Atkins Meal Bar tip - I'm going to try that. I've been juicing vegetables which has helped with the cravings, but the bar will be good for when one is out and about!

                Jolie - congrats on day 26 - you're coming up on the big 30 -- woo hoo. Isn't it just immensely better than fighting the constant battle of being exhausted and hungover?!

                Lola - over-the-top well done on 4 months! You are a pillar in the nest - thanks for being here for everyone.

                Aussie - I didn't lose weight either but I was pretty close to normal anyway........I just figure I didn't really have it to lose?? A few pounds would be nice, though. I'm thinking it will come or that I've replaced al weight with food.........oh well, at least I know I'm on a healthy route now.

                Life Change - day 7.........woo hoo! Keep it up because I promise it just gets better..........You will have challenges here and there, but overall life will be eons better for you.

                Byrdie - I could really relate to your story about feeling proud that you could still be social without alcohol.......I had a dream last night (during my oh so delicious sleep) it I was happy and interacting with people at a party...........suddenly I realized I was doing it without alcohol..........for a period of time in the dream I was just being natural, happy, social and doing it like I did when I was young........without a single thought about was a very very very good omen!

                Stella, Available, Nursie, Belle, In Chains, Allswell...........and anyone else visiting the nest today....

                Have a wonderful AF day. Day 74 for me and feeling absolutely fantastic. I woke up today feeling like alcohol is not going to be an issue for me from here on out for me.....really a profound feeling.


                  Newbies Nest

                  lolab;1251501 wrote: TheAnd, Irie, and Laughingloud ? haven?t heard from you in a couple days, everything ok?.
                  Yes, thanks for checking! Doing great and hanging in there. The weekend will be tough so I'll be around lots and have time for a proper post.
                  ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                  Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Irie, glad to see you! Have been wondering how you're doing.

                    Lola - xpost! 74 is wonderful, you're right! Loving it..........


                      Newbies Nest

                      Day 3 for this Old Newbie... feel good and have had a ton of support from MWO lovelies. My daughter-in-law (and son and baby granddaughter) are coming tomorrow for the night and she loves to push the vino. I am NOT drinking with her. I will take care of baby and let her cut loose.

                      I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                      ? Lao-Tzu


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nest-friends.
                        As Lolab said "I am just quietly plugging along...", on Day 14. Weekend coming, so I am feeling a little unsteady, but I must just keep coming here to stay accountable. My last big falldown was on a Friday night 2 weeks ago. Fridays have been the traditional "who gives an F" night, so it is easy to fall. My plan tonight is to keep busy and cook something healthy for dinner. It's going to be baked salmon.

                        Not sure what thread it was, but folks were talking about getting the "cleaning bug" and addressing things in their homes that had needed to be done for a while, and neglected because of AL. I guess I am in that phase of recovery because last weekend I made myself a "cleaning schedule" and put some new apps on my iPhone to organize my life. (Check out SplashShopper!). I am hell bent on cleaning at least 1 or 2 areas a week, so I am not overwhelmed, but also so that this place does not turn into the sty that it was. It will take 8 weeks to get through the entire house (and my house is NOT big)...but I hope now it will all get done. When my husband noticed the clean floor, I told him it is on a 4 week rotation. He was shocked that I would wait another 4 weeks to clean it. I told him: "If you knew how long it has been since the last time I cleaned it, you would be ecstatic with 4 weeks.":H

                        Irie...great to see you again!

               are def doing fantastically! Thanks for sharing the love.:h

                        Lav...not sure where in PA you are, but once the rain stopped here, the sun came out beautifully!

                        Scottish...I am so impressed with how well you are doing! You are setting a fine example.

                        Lifechange...Day 7...awesome. Keep up the good work. Your mushy brain will clear.

                        allswell...I am a runner too. Nothing better than clearing the head in the great outdoors. However, I have never been inspired to run a marathon...or even a half marathon. Kudos to you!

                        Jolie...I agree sleep is a top priority...and so is a clean conscience!

                        Jane...keep up the good work. You are a great addition to the nest.

                        Byrdie, glad you are home safe.

                        Gotta run...literally. Going for a run with a friend who is suffering a bit of depression these days. We are going to run to a Vietnamese restaurant, eat healthy, and then walk home! So I send a hello wave to Australia, Stella, Starfish, K9, Nursie...and anyone else I am so sorry to miss:hallo:

                        Alcohol does me no favors.

                        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good day everyone, a lot of positive energy here fighting our common denominator. Hope everyone can take some time this weekend to do something fun, take some time not to worry continuously about our demon alcohol. I'm going to work on the ranches Saturday and go for a hike and take some photos on Sunday. It's rewarding to me to get up early on Sundays with a clear head, travel around a bit and try to get some different images of the sunrise. Great meditation time. Weather is great here suppose to be almost 70.
                          Take Care WW
                          100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

                          6 months July 1st


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning Nesters!

                            So much better today, mentally and physically. Yesterday I was just a big old grump all day! Oh well, guess that happens. Day 32 here, and looking forward to an AF weekend. Daughter is having a friend spend the night so I promised I'd make them my "famous" mashed potatoes (cream cheese is the secret ingredient). My daughter will then be going tomorrow with her step-mom and grandma to a musical being put on by the community college...I wanna go! Funny part is they wouldn't mind, the way we all get along is sorta scary (should ex-es, step-moms, mother-in-laws get along this well? LOL). But that's ok, I'll stay home and finish my book...I'm on page 400 (of 700), it's called Blonde, and I've never been a Marilyn Monroe fan but this book is fictional enough that it's keeping my interest. lol

                            I hope everyone can stay strong over the's funny that I feel less of a pull to drink on weekends than I do on weekdays, but I sure do NOT miss those days of sitting at work in agony with a hangover! The alcoholic brain makes no sense, I'll tell ya.

                            Stay strong and keep up the good work my friends!

                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Day 40 scares me

                              I have to post again real 40 is looming for me and it scares me (8 days, but I'm obsessing already). I've "slipped" at day 40 (or around there) over and over. Why? Part of my brain tells me it's not that bad to drink once every six weeks! I mean, that's nothing, right? I hate that I'm even thinking about it right now. Arrggghhh, just needed to rant for a minute.
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                Newbies Nest

                                K9, when you overcome the 40 hurdle, it's going to boost your confidence. Make sure you do it!!

