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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello Nest,

    I haven't been posting here as much as it's so busy it's hard for me to keep up during the week! I'm trying to get more of a pattern in my life so I don't just rush from one thing to the next all week. I'm sure that's been respopnsible for some of my downfalls in the past....I think phew! It's the weekend finally I can relax - and what does relaxation involve???

    Anyway, Belle - I cleaned my garage last weekend and this weekend I'm planning to do a yard cleanup. These are jobs normally reserved for my hubby but he's been out of town a lot and I actually enjoy being outside the house doing stuff than inside cleaning.

    K9 - I know you can get past day 40! Just hang in there and it will be over and you'll realize that's not your stumbling block anymore!

    Have a great AF Friday all!


      Newbies Nest

      We're all routing for you K9 to get to day 40 and far beyond. Remember we're all part of the extreme sport called sobriety. We're elite athletes battling each hurdle and surpassing our previous goals each time we compete for ultimate victory which is looming; it is so close we can see it... and it's all up to us.

      We can choose to persevere and why wouldn't we? Why would we throw away the prize when the only obstacle in our way is our ego, the voice in our head that keeps reminding us of the negative outcomes of the past. We have to strive to live in the present, in the day, in the moment and embrace each sober second as the gift of allowing our true, authentic selves to emerge.

      If we can do this, we can do anything.

      I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
      ? Lao-Tzu


        Newbies Nest

        Hi All, thought I would check in tonight, Friday for me is normally copious amounts of wine night....I am now at day 20 yeeee haaaa first 14 days were quite easy for me cannot understand why its getting more difficult rather than less, confused or what??? the cleaning bug still hasn't hit me hahha, on previous attempts I have got to 3 weeks then it all goes horribly wrong a bit like yourself K9 with the 40 day mark!!!!
        good luck everyone stay strong this weekend

        BelleGirl - sounds like you are doing really well loved your floor cleaning rota that made me chuckle:H
        Tipplerette - have a great time with your family stay strong when it comes to the wine
        wine wrangler - Sunday sounds like a perfect day
        K9Lover - I'm gonna try cream cheese in my potatoes sound yummy

        Back to the beginning day 02 Jan 2013

        Grateful for MWO :thanks:


          Newbies Nest

          Stella -
          Mauri just started a Sober Friday Night thread that's got lots of positive vibes in it...I know weekends used to be my downfall, now it just seems that every 40 days or so is my downfall By the way, add the cream cheese slowly to the potatoes to see if you like it. I LOVE cream cheese so I use a whole block. These potatoes are not exactly "Weight Watchers Approved". LOL
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Nesters,

            Catching up with your posts, we're doing great! Wish the cleaning bug would hit me, I tend to do just a little bit so that it barely makes a dent. What gets me is once I do dishes, more just pile right up next meal! I should find biodegradable disposable plates to get me through these early AF days.

            I have day off from work and am bit worried about 3 days in a row. This would have been great opportunity to drink all weekend in the past (starting now, and its 11am!) I have great reason to stay AF however, it is my best friends birthday dinner tomorrow night and I already missed it 2 years ago (and she hasn't forgotten) because I was drunk! It puts some pressure on me but I think that just may be responsibility. What a concept! Well, now I am accountable and very thankful for all you here.

            K9; I need to make a yummy (and distracting) dinner and just happen to have some cream cheese in the fridge. I'm gonna try your secret and hopefully can make satisfying and new and delicious side dish!

            Hope everyone has a nice AF start to their weekend. If you have any doubts/thoughts about AF, come here and nest (that's what I'm going to do!)


              Newbies Nest

              tonight on the way home from a very stressful day, the thought of having a nice glass of wine entered my mind. out of nowhere--ithe bike ride is about 10 minutes and the whole time i mantra-ed, "i do not drink. i do not drink." i said it in different voices and with different inntonations. and i thought of all of you trying so hard to stay strong. and i thought of the long run i have planned tomorrow morning. and i did it!
              made it home with a bottle of kombucha instead. not the greatest swap, but...

              thank you all again. it's great to be part of a collective "trying our damned best to stay sober" group.
              i felt your support.

              Tipp, i love your quote from lao-tzu. so true, isn't it. so simple really.

              Unwasted, i'm looking forward to having a dream sometime like yours. right now i'm having drinking nightmares--where i wake up so glad that it's just a dream.

              K9, my pull to drink is also more during the week and more when i have the kids. that makes me feel terrible. i pick them up from school, on the way home they have a misunderstanding and start screaming at eachother, and i immediately thinki of how i need a bolltle of wine. this week was good.
              one more thing we have in common is crazy ex-ex, step mom, etc. relationships. better to sortof like eachother and get along.

              i wanted to write so much in response to what you've all said. but i'm so tired.
              all of the stories help.


                Newbies Nest

                AARGH- just spent an hour on a post and it vanished

                Now, that's enough to drive a woman to drink (JK).

                Wow, gang, that was the best post I had ever done, had lots of little icons. I had sent each one of you a special sweet thought and congratulated you on your accomplishments and all. Dadgum!!! :upset:

                Anyhoo, I have to let it go...Sorry y'all didn't get to see all the nice things I wrote about you.....But the title (of my AWOL post) was "Day 8 and feelin' GREAT" and I still am, thanks to you.

                Also, I am very excited. Tomorrow I will be attending a one day retreat at a monastery near my home, so I prolly can't check in, until maybe tomorrow night, but two things you can all count on..I won't be drinking and I'll have each of you in my prayers.




                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Star....I think it must be this site, because I've had some real masterpieces that were just gone with the IS enough to drive you to drinkin... then the repost is never as good because by then you are pi$$ed off!!! The whole sentiment gone with it! So sorry for your loss.
         are getting The 30 day Syndrome, only a little late! And drinking once every six weeks really IS a big deal of you are one of us. As Windy and Lolab will tell you, there's nothing like hitting the 100 day mark, so hang on in there, there's nothing but good things ahead if you just tell yourself, NO, HELL NO! I will NOT ruin my quit, no matter what and no matter who. Hang in there, girl.
                  Here we are at another Friday, tempation all around...don't listen to the wrong know what to do. Lav sez "Friday's just another day!" Like Scarlett O'Hara would say (speaking of Gone with the Wind). Every day you put between you and AL is a great day!!! MindPeach, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    thank you for the nice thoughts Starfish!! and for the prayer to come.

                    i HATE it when long posts vanish. some people have recommended ways of getting around it, but i'm not yet so savvy. i'd thought of just cutting a long post into a couple--or three or four.??
                    have a wonderful, quiet time at the retreat


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks K9 I've found it and like the thread.

                      I am loving the drinks tracker funny how much pleasure i get from lining up little yellow boxes!!!!:nutso:

                      awe strarfish thats happened to me a few times its horrid!!!

                      Happy AF weekend everyone:bday3:

                      Back to the beginning day 02 Jan 2013

                      Grateful for MWO :thanks:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Jane,

                        Something that stuck out from A Piece of Cake...

                        FEAR ....

                        Fuck Everything And Run or.....

                        Face Everything And Recover

                        You can do it. Hang in there friend :l
                        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                          Newbies Nest

                          Jane, obviously I don't know specifically what is up but my initial impression is that you're feeling that impatience of being sober and wanting everything done "now". The same type of thing that makes some of us start 3 different projects at once. I don't think that this early on in the game is probably the best time to be making big decisions - like it sounds like you are talking about. Is this something that can wait until you get a little more AF time under your belt? Your desire to see changes in other aspects of your life - along with the positive ones you've already made - might be tempting you to do things that you aren't quite ready for yet...?

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            Jane 27 I completely understand where ur coming from I have loved my wine for a long time too, Lolab's advice sounds great for both of us, I am on day 20 and could murder some wine!!! my cravings seem to be getting worse I hope they subside very soon, I have faith in the Jason Vale book Quit Drinking it has helped me lots

                            Stay Strong we are all with you

                            Back to the beginning day 02 Jan 2013

                            Grateful for MWO :thanks:


                              Newbies Nest

                    's a roller coaster ride.....if you are having a bad day today, then I'd bet my lunch money that you will have a good day tomorrow. I have never had 2 really bad days in a row! Just eat the elephant one bite at a time....B
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Putting your mind elsewhere always helped me a lot!
                                Go cruise around this site: Emotional Healing Arts Meditation Workshops |
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

