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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks for the posting tips guys. Hey Jane. Here's what I have been doing if I start feeling tempted. I just stop and think about what I would Rather be doing than what I really feel I should be doing. Does that make sense? In other words, i try to take care of myself. Like if I don't really feel like cooking supper for the fam, and of I have the money , I just pick seething up for dinner and relax and do what I want to do instead. Take care of You Jane and please don't drink. Pm me if you need anything



    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Newbies Nest

      TREES-- mario just posted this. i really liked it.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone,

        I just wanted to check in on Friday night and wish everyone a wonderful AF weekend. It is great to see so many people hitting their goals, even if it is a struggle. I am now 77 days AF, and my overwhelming feeling is relief. Relief from the nightmare of drinking. I am very grateful to the people on this site who supported me, because I needed it to quit. A couple of weeks ago, "I" started thinking about beer. Not drinking it, but what it looked like, smelled like, etc(which is even worse and sneakier). I pushed it out of my head, but I was dissapointed in myself that it is still in there. I used Byrdie's "NO, HELL NO!" and my "It ain't gonna happen, I don't drink anymore, so shut up!" I didn't give the thoughts any soil to sprout in, and they went away. The next time it happens, I'll do it again, and I'll be ok. I wish everyone the strength to get through the rough patches, because the good patches get bigger and bigger, and the rough ones, smaller and smaller. Have a great AF weekend.
        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
        AF 11/12/11


          Newbies Nest

          Just got a pyschic kick up the whatsit from Byrd!! Today is day 60 and believe it or not (well, i know you guys believe it!) - my first thought was wow, never thought I could do that - second was better have a drink to reward myself - CRAZY!! What habits to break!
          Signed in quickly to get a reminder and almost immediately my brain begins to sort out - thank goodness.
          It is Friday too, and girls go to Dads after school today - not having them is a trigger, but so is having them :H:H if I am honest I can make a trigger out of anything!
          My youngest turns 11 on Monday - when she is with her Dad, so feeling sorry for myself - better snap out of that quick! The weather is beautiful - it needs to not to be as we are desperate for rain, but if it is going to be so nice, I will get a couple good walks in and teh sun should help brighten my mood
          Happy Friday all - wish I could send a personal note to all, so many of you are so good at doing that and it means such a lot - I will aim to get better at doing that - but not this evening :l
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            Newbies Nest

            Jane, sorry you're hitting a rough patch. I know I get such a high when I first start putting together a string of AF days that nothing can spoil my mood. Once I get a little used to it, normal emotions start creeping back in. I guess we have to learn to deal with them without drinking. It doesn't sound like a lot of fun, but it is what it is, I guess.

            I'm making it through the night without wine tonight, so that's a relief. I was a little worried since it's Friday. I hope everyone else is faring well, too!
            ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
            Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


              Newbies Nest

              Well done Jane - you give me strength too, and imagine how good you will feel in the morning!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Newbies Nest

                I hope everyone feels terrific tomorrow morning!
                Waking up unhung on a Saturday morning rocks

                I know these gray skies have me feeling downish the past few days too. But I also know that I can't & won't attempt to drink them away. Just being mindful of these things really helps!

                Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  My 30th day! Just to think that I lost hope I would ever suceed something like that!
                  Who was itin this forum who said "it bores me to be such a boring organized person"? Thank you! I likewise experienced a moment when I thought is this all? Will I become like my ma, the best housewife ever?
                  No way. I am also doing other things. Rereading my old masters I have not touched for years - Ibn Khaldoun, the great sociologist and historian, or Ibn Arabi, the life-enjoying philosopher - and I am so much nicer to people! I am even extremely wonderful with my old mother - no sarkasm any more, just trying to bring some intelligent fun into her life. Now that I am sober, I realize she is an old lady with a really boring life after a lifetime of splendour and limelights! I am so glad I sobered early enough to catch some time of valuable relationship with her.

                  thirty days! Now I can switch over to date-to-date counting - not "61 days any more", but "it will be 30th January tomorrow". What a subtle success. Please, my Lord, let me count in years in future. I love all of you and I am so thankful , without you I could not have done it.


                    Newbies Nest

                    What a beautiful post, Sufi and congratulations!
                    Thanks for the compliments folks, I truly am a goof ball. Lol. I generally have the "watch how good I fake it" attitude and try to make everyone else happy and laugh. When we can laugh, we can live.

                    I LOVE the Fear acronym. That's definitely a keeper. Maybe a tattoo lmao. I want to drink. Wait, let me look at my tattoo. K I'm good.

                    Fear Friday Fun!
                    Day 1 again 11/5/19
                    Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                    Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                    Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                    11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                    12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                    One day at a time.


                      Newbies Nest

                      1 hour and 11 minutes till the beer store closes.. I have been watching that clock now for an hour! Entertaining myself with tea and strawberries to satisfy some sort of craving.

                      Couple great posts (they're all good) but 2 stuck out for me. Love that FEAR acronym! Wrote it down and I am definitely facing things from now on. Byrd too said something that helped; eat the elephant one bite at a time. I have to remember this is something big I'm fighting.. not just one hour, one day or one choice. I have a lifetime of decisions to make to not drink. Gulp. But, remembering that helps. I may be rambling but I accidentally had caffeinated tea! Didn't know that blueberry pure Ceylon meant caffeinated! Oh well, now on to decaf herbal. And sleep is no longer my enemy now that I'm 11 days AF. Love that!

                      Good night to everyone in the Nest!


                        Newbies Nest

                        the morning of day 8 here!
                        i will be happy, too, when i can stop counting days and start counting months, then years--or maybe lose the need to count at all.

                        Today, i don't feel like you ramble. i loved reading it. and what you said about a lifetime of decisions to make not to drink seems true. i wonder if there will ever be a time when i don't have to make a conscious decision. when it just comes naturally?

                        Jane, i am especially happy that you're hanging in there. it was a really difficult time for you and you made it to the other side. i too feel at times that uncomfortableness. that is what i have the most difficult time handling. and that is what has led me to drinking in the past. i couldn't stand it and drank to escape.
                        i'm really proud of you for using all your resources to get through. your strength helps others!!
                        and i love your new picture. what a sweet heart.

                        wishing you all very well.


                          Newbies Nest

                          CONGRATS on day 30, Sufi!!
                          it was great to read your words. you sound so strong and positive.


                            Newbies Nest


                            Congrats on 30 days! Awesome job ? I?m right behind you!

                            Jane ? thanks for ?FEAR? love that.

                            Today ? had to stock up on decaffeinated coffee cause sleep is hard enough without the caffeine! Figures that a lot of the drinks we really like have to have caffeine in them. Hope you find a good one without it! Hope you had a pleasant night and that you are waking up ?unhung? as a lot say around here.

                            Took someone?s advice earlier in this post and I?m composing my message in MS word. (sorry I can?t remember who it was). Can?t tell you how many long posts I?ve lost and how aggravating that is!

                            Day 27 for me ? had a very strange thing happen last night. Was sitting out in the dog room with my buddies and the smell of wine (or maybe the remembrance of it?) came to me all of the sudden. WTF? I could smell wine (or alcohol). There is none in my house so it was all in my head. Truthfully, I was on the line between liking it and disliking it. Sorted it through in my head and decided, I really didn?t like it. Came to the realization that this is a constant battle.

                            I?ve seen a lot about gratitude in the different threads here. That?s what I?m mainly trying to concentrate on. Because there are so many things to be thankful for when we aren?t drinking.

                            Have a morning full of cleaning, maybe a little shopping, and then a church meeting. (Definitely will be a deterrent for stopping anywhere on the way home (if you know what I mean).

                            Hope everyone has a great AF Saturday!

                            Peace to all.
                            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning nest.

                              SL - I said it on another thread but CONGRATULATIONS on 60 days!!

                              Jane - good job on keeping the thoughts at bay.

                              Freefly - I'm in the middle of A Piece of Cake and still just can't believe the woman survived let alone became successful at the end of it all!!

                              I posted this on another thread so I'll be short - but I had a real challenge yesterday - it was Friday which is always a big trigger for me - my DH is out of town - another trigger - and I had a hair appointment at a salon where they serve wine and on Friday evening it was happy hour there!! I used my tools from here and planned ahead. I ate something before I went there so I was full, and then walked in with my diet coke in a to go cup for sipping. My hairdresser started to ask if I wanted a glass..and then saw my coke and said "oh you already have a drink..." and that was that. I felt so relieved I didn't even have to say "no"!!

                              I also watched a very inspirational DVD after that last night at home about juicing - I'm starting to really incorporate that into my diet today. I really think getting healthy in every way possible is key for this journey.

                              Jolie - funny about smelling the wine thing. I haven't had that happen but I do have the dreams that I drank when I haven't from time to time. I think at the salon the smell of hair dye and stuff blocked out any wine smells going on there! LOL.

                              Hope everyone has a fantastic AF day in the nest!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Well done on day 30 Sufi!!!!!
                                45 days AF 24/11/11 - Jan 2012.
                                New day 1- 9 January !
                                Back again 27 May 2012 - day 1

