Hello & welcome Docgeorgia!
Glad you dropped in, please make yourself comfy. Have you tried quitting on your own, how did you do? I started here by downloading the MWO book right from the Health Store here. It's full of good info for you. If you truly feel the need to go go rehab, I wish you the best. Come back & let us know how you are doing.
Hi Belle & Jolie - nice out today. I'm not listening to weather reports about possible snow - that's just dumb.....
Glad you are both staying busy, doing well

SL, I always thought Erma Bombeck was the voice of reason, loved her teachings.
Hi UW & Byrdie!
Hope you guys are having a great day too!
I spent the afternoon scooping out the chicken house (ugly job).
The girls now have fresh, clean quarters

Even the most mundane jobs are simpler without a hangover - believe me!!!