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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks for adding K9's trophy, Lola!
    Now I think I can add the "good job" icons for Jolie (30 days) :goodjob:
    and Irie (11 days) :goodjob:
    Horray for both of you!
    Jane, I hope you are feeling better today, no headaches or anything. Have a great AF day all!



    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all!
      Thanks for the group trophy! I've never had one before, and boy do I feel special!!! :h
      I haven't *quite* made it to day 40 yet, but I'm at 36 and feeling strong...and with the Antabuse down the hatch, guess it's out of my hands eh? (YAY!)

      Nursie-You asked about Xanax vs. Ativan, my doctor said Xanax has more of a "high" (which I've never noticed) and that's why people tend to abuse it. I've wondered why people abuse it, since I don't feel anything with it, except a little more relaxed (but not sedated or anything extreme). Anyway, back to the Ativan, that's what I first used when I was getting off Alcohol a million tries ago. My doctors goal is to get me off all meds, but as she said, in time...lets hit small milestones first. I'm picking up my Celexa today also, I've had good results with that in the past as well...but I quit taking it, because I was "cured", you know?

      Anyway, today's another ho-hum day at the office. Guess it's better than a stressful environment! You know what they say about City or Government workers, I've found it to sort of be true. And now I'm one of them. LOL

      Last night I was dropping off my prescription at the pharmacy, As I was browsing around I found some "doggy steps" that I've been looking for. They're little steps to help your old (or in my case FAT) dog up onto the bed. I think I'll get them today when I go back to pick up my meds. My old/fat dog gets so out of breath getting up on the bed these days, and sometimes I have to get up to help her. Funny how she's so "spry" when she feels like it, but can be so pitiful when she wants me to do the work for her. LOL Also, when I was browsing, I did look at the alcohol aisle. I had flashbacks of how much work it is to drink, and thought "no thanks". I also fast forwarded to Tuesday morning at work with a hangover...ugh. (This was all before I made it safely home to my AB pills, so the option was still there....)

      Jolie - Congrats on 30 days! Way to go!!!
      Irie - Stay strong past your "landmark", and I will do the same, we can do it right? Right!

      Everyone have a good day!

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Newbies Nest

        K9, my neighbor has a cat that limps when people are in the room, otherwise, she is fit as a fiddle! Bahaha!
        Well, I am reminded that today is exactly 2 years that I have been coming to MWO and the Newbies Nest! I quit drinking vodka on this fateful night having hit what I thought was the bottom. There was room at the bottom for more, I found out...but vodka ended on this day in 2010. And so began the wine.....Good Lord, I make myself tired just thinking of it all....So glad to be here today free of those handcuffs, as someone said earlier. Life is just a whole lot simpler without all that drama! It took me almost 2 weeks to figure out how to reply to the boards...what can I say??? I haven't quit talking since!!!
        I have to do some traveling for business the next couple days, but will hold everyone close in my thoughts. Will check in when I can....Love to all and thank God above for this little nest. Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Good afternoon netsers!

          Lola my good friend, thank you so much for starting all the congrats for 30 days! You are are an awesome person!

          Lav - you were there for me last year when I hit 30 - looking to make it a permanent change. Thanks for your constant presence and advice.

          Byrdie my friend - thanks for the hat - very festive and it actually fits You have been a huge inspiration to me.

          Hiya to Jane, Starfish, K9, Nursie and Irie - hope you guys are having a great day!

          Jane - I do remember having a headache but it was around the first week or so too. Maybe get it checked out if it doesn't go away. Anywho - at 20+ days AF, you deserve to be feeling nothing but great!

          K9 - What is Clelexa? Just curious - I've heard of all the others, just not that one.

          Nursie - funny how being AF makes us so much more aware of our surroundings. Some of the things we notice . . . unfortunately makes us think of things others may have noticed about us. Oh well - that's all in the past!

          Hope everyone has a great day - since I'm all alone in this battle (to everyone physically around me), you guys don't know how much it means to have this day recognized by all of you.

          Thanks again and let's keep rockin!!
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


            Newbies Nest

            Jolie, major hurdle congrats!

            Sending everyone peace and strength. :lilheart:............Sober is so much better.......keep it going I promise it gets better.


              Newbies Nest

              today quickly shifted to plan B. which included NONE of what I planned or wanted to get accomplished...going back up to see my mother after I grab something to eat.

              But I did want to tell you Jane that I DID get headaches - along with those other weird body aches...the headaches aren't specifically mentioned in this thread, but it's an interesting particular Chilgirl's response . Also, I just spent a few minutes looking back and I was right around 6 weeks AF when I suffered from over 3 days of a migraine type headache. It was awful. I remembered exactly when it struck so I went back and looked at my posts to check the date. It started on November 6. The good news is - when it let up, I have had VERY few headaches since then.

              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                Did someone say "Laundry Drunk"?:H Jane? That would be me also. That's where we keep the booze and that is where I usually had my "fun". And I thought I was so unique. I wonder how many of us Laundry Drunks are here.

                Ya know, that is what is so great about this site. The feeling of being connected to great folks who would otherwise be strangers, if not for our special "qualities".

                Kids have been home the past 2 days, so I have not be able to spend much time with MWO. Went through a rough patch last evening, and gave myself a Time Out and read posts for a few minutes until the urge passed. So, here I am on day 18.

                Someone asked me what my AF record was, sorry don't remember who and too lazy to try to dig back. I did 34 days AF in Oct./Nov. Made it through thxgiving, just to have a glass of wine on the Sunday after.

                Today is my 100th day since I have seriously stopped drinking, and started lurking in MWO. Life changing... I have drunk(drank?) 8 days since coming here. 4 of those days were OK, and 4 were bad, bad, bad....... Of course I still think of moderating someday. I have not evolved enough yet to actually admit to myself that is not an option. But for now I just try to Keep racking 'em up.

                Have to help with math homework...and get the kids to bed. Won't be pretty getting them up in the morning after a 4 day weekend.

                Hope all is well with all the nestlings. When I go to bed I will read posts from my phone and try to catch up.

                Alcohol does me no favors.

                Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Sorry to hear about the headache jane. May or may not be detox related. Just be sure you are drinking plenty of fluids, decaf stuff. Make a list of all your supplements & Rx meds & take it to your doc I have a weird history with headaches - always had sinus headaches until I fractured my skull & underwent a craniotomy to relieve a large blood clot (YUCK). Since then I have had virtually zero headaches - weird.

                  Irie, congrats to you on your 11 AF days - very happy for you

                  K9, my aging Swiss Mountain Dog is so arthritic getting up & down any steps is difficult for her. Besides, I wouldn't want a 100+ lb. dog in my bed :H

                  Lola, hope all is OK with you tonight!

                  Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Jane, I counted up into the 60's or so, lost count a little and then figured when my 100 days would be. Mine worked out to April 29, the day Will and Kate were married..I celebrated right alont with I lost count between there and after that I'd lost the day count, but was always mindful of the month anniversaries. Unlike some of the books I've heard about that don't count days, I say you can't manage what you can't that's my take. For Belle who was being asked how long she'd gone before...well, that's a good question...and she knows 34 days is the answer. So I think it least it does to me, but I'm a time keeper by nature.
                    I hid my booze in my shoe my shoes and old handbags...Ugg. Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Jane, I am on day 29 and experienced headaches last week so that would have been about to where you are. I thought it was because I had drank so much coffee while I was off work for a week due to the snow. But now that you are having them, maybe it wasn't the coffee. They lasted for about three days.
                      I can't wait to wake up in the morning and have day "30". Thirty days ago it seemed so far away and impossible. Now it seems to have happened so fast. So those of you that are just starting out, stay with it. It took me until day 25 or 26 to really feel good about this.

                      Dumb question but how do you put the smiles and things in your posts? Also, days and goals at bottom of page?

                      Good night to all and good morning to those who are just up and reading. I post late! No time in the morning and can't from work.

                      Clear Eyes


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hmm...looks like I can do a smile


                          Newbies Nest

                          Weezies- sister here - saying hi and - good night to all! Birthday #53 was quiet - no wine, no desire for it....but I know the craving is waiting to test me.

                          Tonight said to my daughter (24) that I was not drinking anymore - not just tonight, I want to stop. It has taken on another life in me and I am aware that its not something I can drop in and out of. I think she understands that I am in a "spot". She's old enough - seen enough in the last 9 months (graduated from college last May, now back home). Shes very supportive, listens when I need to talk, understands and cares enough not to pass judgement. But I know deep in my heart that shes been holding back when shes wanted to pull me up and make me accountable - I need to keep trying harder - every day. So here I sit - I'll do my best. Thanks again.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good night to the Nest

                            Happy 53rd birthday Weezies sister! Welcome, and way to get through it :goodjob:
                            Wishing you the best as you pull up a branch and get comfortable, lots of posts of shared experiences, pains, struggles and triumphs. Tell us yours!

                            As for me, day 16 and the anxiety is still getting me. Didn't sleep much last night due to a friends problem... my problems... but have feeling I'll sleep good tonight. Boy I need it. Insomnia seems to be my thing, sure hope I skip the headache phase...

                            Congrats in advance on 30 days Clear Eyes! It'll be a great day to wake up to

                            Lav, you have a 100+ lb doggie?! Wowza she would take up my entire bed, but I'd love to have the warmth on cold night like tonight.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning. I am here and going to try to get this thing under control. My name is not very original....but it is what I most frequently go by. My story is rather boring. I am not sure what my end goal is other than to never be drunk again. Thanks for being here. I think having somewhere/somebody to check in with will help me.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning Nest, just a quick post. More later,
                                K9- I certainly never noticed a high from the Xanax, lol. I'm using it periodically for sleep and anxiety.
                                And I also take Celexa.

                                Jane, I got headaches when I initially started topomax. And when I stopped drinking so much coffee to help with a hangover. Maybe you need more water? Caffeine withdrawal is a bitch too.

                                I have more, but I can't remember right now.

                                Welcome mom, how I wish you were my own mom joining the site!! Stick around and read as much as you can so we can get to know you!

                                Can't wait till I get my hat!!
                                Day 1 again 11/5/19
                                Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                                Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                                Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                                11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                                12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                                One day at a time.

