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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Just wanted to add my hellos to Wicked Mom, Pronto, and Shelled - Welcome!
    Everyone is making such great progress, NICE! Two years ago I was really sweating about the upcoming superbowl and all of the parties but made it through sober. Last year it was a little uncomfortable but made it through, this year I'm going to plow through no problem. Too soon to tell of course, but maybe the fourth quit is the one, it just feels more natural. Have a great day everyone, especially the 1/9 quitters, day 30 is close enough to touch it!
    2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


      Newbies Nest

      Hi all...just a quick check-in. Jane & SL, making it through your rough patch will make the AF-resisting muscle stronger. Kudos to you!

      Alcohol does me no favors.

      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning. Hiya to all you newcomers - settle in and take some time to read and get to know us Byrdie will tell you - nothing will surprise us - we're a pretty diverse group and pretty welcoming too....:-)

        Me? I'm probably dealing with MY biggest trigger...the T in HALT. I am tired. beyond tired. I've been doing a really good job of managing this but circumstances have gotten a little out of my control and I haven't slept much. Typically my mind says "hell, you already feel like crap - you're in a fog - you may as well just drink." This is the time I jump into the hamster wheel and then from drinking I continue in a fog and remain tired - so the statement is repeated in my head....waking up in the morning tired and feeling like crap can lead to drinking in the morning out of that "why not" mindset. So, I have to keep thinking this through - and remember the main reasons I am here to begin with. This is short lived...I will eventually get some sleep and shortly things will get better...but not if I drink. I will be stuck back in the cycle. Where it's not easy to get out.

        Thank you all for being here and letting me ramble...being my sounding board. You allow me to work through things and come to logical conclusions. How do you do that???:l

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Morning All!

          Well I guess I'll jump aboard the cranky/tired train...because I am! Didn't sleep well last night and when I did sleep it must have been in a wierd position because my body is sore.

          I ended up pouring that vodka that I found down the drain. It would have been kind of awkward giving it away. Alcohol has been attacking me from ALL sides this week and I'm tired of it. I'm ready for the weekend! I'm gonna curl up with some good books and get some rest. With Antabuse safely down the hatch, I won't even have to "battle" over the bottle!

          I got my State tax refund today, so I am half way to my new tires! YAY! Hopefully by next week I'll have nice new safe tires. I decided I'm going to store my old "bald" tires in my shed, because my car is 12 years old, and if I end up having to trade it in within the next year or two, I'm not giving away my $600 tires...the old ones will go back on!

          I would love to go home and go back to bed right now, but I don't see that happenening, so I better get to work. Everyone have a good day and stay strong!

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning everyone!

            Thank you allswell, jolie, lifechange, Lav, nursie, and jolie for the welcomes and congrats on my 135 days. I am very proud of that accomplishment. Last September when I started reading here I never dreamed I would be one of the people who could actually do it.

            shelled99 -- My 72 year old father has a major drinking problem too. He’s one of the reasons I never want to start again. I don’t want to end up like him and I was well on my way...

            Nursie -- I wish I did have a “wealth of knowledge” to pass along. I really still feel new at being a non-drinker. A few months of abstinence is not much for a drinking career that began in the 1980’s! My cravings are long gone, but I’m still avoiding certain situations that I consider “dangerous”. I still haven’t told anyone that I quit and I’m not planning on it either. Haven’t had anyone over for dinner or any parties (other than my son’s 9th birthday party in November) since September. Our house used to be the house for parties amongst friends. Now I prefer to meet people for lunch or coffee rather than dinner because it’s more acceptable to say no to wine at that hour.

            Last weekend I did have a close call at brunch -- my friend was serving a “very special” spiced warm sak?. “It’s medicinal” she said -- “it wards off illness for the year if you drink it in January. We even give it to our kids…” (She has a 6 year old and a 3 year old!) Anyway, I sniffed it (it smelled good) and fleetingly wished I could just drink it, but knew I wouldn’t. Then as a joke I passed my cup to my 9 year old who (luckily for me) was loudly insisting he wanted a taste -- he took one whiff, choked a bit and then passed it to my husband who happily drank it up along with his. That was the end of that. I was out of the spotlight and no one gave my not drinking it a second thought! My friend’s husband finished off the pot of “medicinal brew” on his own. I guess he’ll be extremely healthy this year, although I’m pretty sure he took a long nap after we left!

            Lola -- Sorry to hear you are having a hard time getting enough sleep, but as you already know -- drinking is the last thing you want to do to get through a rough patch!

            Have a lovely day everyone!
            AF since 9/20/2011


              Newbies Nest

              Hey all - I'm new! 2 days AF and have been "trying to practice moderation for the past month". I've had a few hiccups along the way but am definitely on the journey to a more healthy life style. I'm enjoying reading some of the past posts on this thread and hope to get to know you all more.
              "If you want something you've never have to be willing to do something you've never done!"- unknown
              Goal 1-30 days AF, 10/31
              Goal 2-51 days AF. 11/22
              Goal 3 - Moderation through December!


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks for the welcome. It's going to take time to get used to the new names, but I appreciate the comments everyone is leaving about their experiences.

                I didn't drink last night so I met my first goal. My next goal is to go one week. I haven't gone more than 2 days in over 10 years. So far it doesn't seem like it will be too hard. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. I think this place is providing motivation.
                Goal 1: One day: DONE
                Goal 2: One week: DONE
                Goal 3: One month
                Goal 4: We'll see


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello nest! Hi sage and pronto!
                  Jane- what were the circumstances surrounding this eating first thing habit? What if you just go back to sleep? I used to do that when I was pregnant, lol. My doc said it was a combination of blood sugar and circadian rhythm changes making me think I was hungry. Idk?

                  Had a crazy day. Glad to be home and sober!

                  Sober dust for all!
                  Day 1 again 11/5/19
                  Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                  Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                  Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                  11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                  12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                  One day at a time.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters!

                    Hope everyone had a great day

                    Hello & welcome to silversage, glad you found the nest. Congrats on your 2 AF days - you have a great start! Have you made a plan? Stick around & let us know how you are doing.

                    jane, I have only had two times in my life where I had to eat immediately upon waking & that's when I was pregnant. You couldn't stop me if you tried :H'
                    The rest of my life food does not enter my mind or mouth until 10'ish. Guess I like brunch

                    Pronto, glad to hear you met your first goal. Keep going because it gets better & better!

                    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.
                    I'm thinking about trying to turn in a little earlier than usual tonight. The past 24 hrs with my grandson have worn me out but I'm happy

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Everyone in the Nest
                      It feels so safe to be here!! I'm finishing up day 14!! whhhooohooo! It's been a long long time since I got past 3 days. I'm feeling healthier and sleeping so much better. I'm finding that my sleep pattern is so much better now that I'm not drinking. I actually sleep 9 hours and wake up feeling great! Just feeling that good makes me want to stay sober.
                      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                        Newbies Nest

                        Jolie! It is with great pleasure that I get to bestow upon you ...your hat! :bday2: A job well done! So proud of you...
                        Jane, emotions run rampant during those first 30 or so days....but I bet you will find that you will never have 2 bad days in a row....I'd have a really BAD day, only to be followed by a really GOOD one! Who knows why??? But just ride it out and the waters will calm down tremendously. Just hang on in with us, we won't steer you wrong!
                        Welcome newsters! Very proud of the progress everyone is making. Every day you put between you and AL is a good day. Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks Lav - HALT! How could I forget!! I kept trying to make LAST work, but had no idea what the S was for!!
                          Today was a bit better, but the old thoughts of stopping when driving home came back - thought that urge had vanished.
                          I am very tired, not sleeping at all well, and I think that is probably the root of my evil just now.
                          Welcome so very much to all the new folks - the more the merrier for sure - it ensures that there are enough with good days to encourage those having not so good days.
                          Well done Jolie on your 30 days, lots of people managing to get a good handle on the battle and stacking up good numbers...
                          Tomorrow will be TGIF, sadly I have to work again this weekend, last weekend was my January weekend to work, next is my Feb weekend to work, then one of my staff called in sick for this weekend, so it will be a very long time without a day off - just as well I am not drinking!!!!
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! My plan is to maintain no alcohol unless I have a social occasion and then will stick to my limit 2 drinks, no hard alcohol, with food, water in between. My issues with alcohol revolve around drinking for pain, not for joy. Drinking when stressed, sad, and/ or alone are my triggers. Does that make any sense? I'm also on a vitamin and exercise regime and go to a personal trainer 3xs per week. I just found MWO and am looking forward to learning more! I purchased a generic hypnosis Cd for alcoholics but am interested in buying the set on here for Moms - does anyone use thistle set?
                            "If you want something you've never have to be willing to do something you've never done!"- unknown
                            Goal 1-30 days AF, 10/31
                            Goal 2-51 days AF. 11/22
                            Goal 3 - Moderation through December!


                              Newbies Nest

                              I was really proud of myself tonight. My second-oldest daughter daughter came by and they started sampling these chocolate liquors and I didn't have any. And I didn't feel deprived. I just don't want to feel that way any more. So I'm going to bed early so that I can wake up to day 2 tomorrow. Well, tomorrow will be day 3, but I'll have gone 2 nights without drinking.

                              Night everyone. Glad you guys are here. Good luck to the new people!!
                              Goal 1: One day: DONE
                              Goal 2: One week: DONE
                              Goal 3: One month
                              Goal 4: We'll see


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Nesters,

                                Jane I am the same like you! You are not alone! As soon as I wake up my stomach is rumbling. Well that is if I eat dinner at 6ish and don't eat anything for the rest of the night. It makes sense you would be hungry after not eating for 12+ hours. I eat dinner much later now because I get home from work later and now I'm ok....but don't start that habit cause the extra pounds will come! My friend in Uni told me that my stomach could be rumbling cause it actually wants water. So now as soon as I wake up I drink a glass of warm water. You could also try snacking on nuts and seeds in the evenings. They are really healthy and surprisingly very filling.

                                Well I have a busy day as tomorrow I will go back to Beijing. Thank Gawd!!!

                                Welcome to all the newbies! And wicked mom, you seriously are wicked (in a good way)! 135 days is awesome!!! Have a great day all!
                                "When you know better, you do better"

                                AF- February 16, 2012
                                Goal 1- 3 days al free
                                Goal 2- 7 days al free
                                Goal 3- 1 month al free
                                Goal 4- 3 months al free

