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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Welcome Bubblex, lost soul, karens, kitadog and MamaZ! :welcome::welcome::welcome:

    Looks like we have another wonderful day ahead! My day is looking good. A coworker has a coupon for a free large one topping pizza. She wants to use it today at lunch time! Woo-hoo! I'm the desgnated driver to pick it up. So I'm thinking pizza and it's only 6:18 in the morning! I haven't even had my coffee yet!:H

    OK, Coffee's on, DP for SD and cinnamon raisin bagels with cream cheese.

    Have a good day, nesters!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Newbies Nest

      Terrific Tuesday, anyone?

      We had frost last night, WTF? I just planted flowers. I haven't posted since Friday but things are good and getting better every day, though I do admit I have had a few fleeting moments thinking "this would be a great time for a drink!" So it is good that I have my pal antabuse to back me up as I am not a big fan of cramping and wretching.

      Had a GREAT weekend! Both my daughters and my husband were born the second week of May so we celebrated, and also Mother's Day. Went to the theater, an art show, dinner, movies, picnic and a hockey game. AWESOME!

      Okay, here's my really long post.....I am saving my funny story until the end

      :welcome: to Luba, Kita Dog, Bubblex, Mama Zuma, and any other Newbies--we have a great spot here, filled with love and support.

      DILL--I think your daughter's visit is excellent incentive to be AF, and you can do it! :l Log in when you need to talk, we are here.

      SEA--Let us know first thing is you get the job---if wishes and prayers work, the Nesters have apparently sent a buttload on your behalf.
      CHOPS--When my daughters moved out, I cried all the way home in the moving van. Then I "enjoyed" myself for a bit. Now it is perfect---a good relationship with good FRIENDS. Your son is young still, but just you watch--it keeps getting better.

      LILMEA--yeah, I know exercise is good for me but I really do hate it. I have been doing lots of yardwork, gardening, cleaning out the garage and attic and closets....does that count??

      BEGINNING- It really is funny how we have all said we "deserve" a drink. I am still in that mode sometimes, but at other times I tell myself "WHAT?" I certainly "deserve" better than talking stupid, looking old and haggard, having blackouts, falling down stairs and spending my money on something that destroys my health and relationships. Soooo...what else do you deserve, besides booze.

      SD--I am glad you are back in the saddle, and everyone already told you to stop beating yourself up, so enough of that. Sorry about your eyes, I have allergies too and they suck.
      All together now, to the tune of "Material Girl".....Some folks sneeze and some folks cough and some have itchy eyes. .....I'm living in an allergy world and I am a Benedryl girl!"

      KARENS--Stop waffling, take the Antabuse. It totally makes the decision for you and has saved me lots of times. It is truly worth it. (See paragraph at top about my great weekend.)

      SWEATY---I do know what you mean by absenting yourself due to frustration at others' bad days. But in my (unasked for) opinion...please don't go away then. That's when we need you!!!:l I know it is tough, when you are struggling, to have to listen to the bad stuff. Believe me, I am easily sucked into what I call "the vortex of negativity." We all have bad days and struggles, and we need each other. I, for one, have benefitted from your advice and cheerfulness many times, and your humor has gotten me through some rough moments. Plus, I think that being supportive and giving advice to others is one way to heal ourselves, yes? :h

      PAPA RENEWAL--As always, you are the best. thank you every day for making the nest a safe haven for us, and for wrapping us up in warmth, security, love and friendship.

      Okay, my story, totally true. I thought I would bake a cake over the weekend, but my oven is basically a storage unit since I don't bake. Or use the oven for anything, really. Thought I would use the microwave. Directions said to grease and flour pan...can't use a pan in the micro, so I used a big square plastic bowl. No grease or flour, so I thought a few quick sprays of buttery flavor PAM would be good. It's kind of like Crisco, right?

      Cooked the cake--it came out of the microwave all poofed up, slanted, and with what can only be called an enormous "nipple" thing on top. Thinking it was similar to a silicone implant, I poked it and it did not deflate. Oh, well, let's just frost the dang thing.

      Frosted the top, no problem. Frosted the sides....the frosting kept sliding down in sheets.....I kept pushing it back up, it kept sliding down. So....I guess that buttery flavor PAM spray, if you use too much, makes the cake way too slippery to hold onto the frosting. I should have taken a picture for you all---pitiful :H And THAT, my fine-feathered friends, is why God created Bakeries!


        Newbies Nest

        Good Day Fellow Nesters
        A Big welcome to Kit and MamaZ. You will feel better Kit. The first few days are rough.
        Thank you all for your well wishes. You guys totally Rock!!
        LOL UNG, wish u could post a pic of the cake.:H
        I don't do much baking either. My oven has a mind of it's own.
        My mission today is to find a dentist to fix my tooth.
        I also have a bunch of other things to do. Too tedious to get into.
        Looking forward to another Big night for Boston. The Boston Bruins MUST win. Celtics still in the playoffs against Orlando and Red Sox out West. Go Boston!!!
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning!!

          SweEty-I may have missed it in previous postings, but are you going to school?? You mentioned an essay? Can I ask for what, if so? Good to hear from you this morning!!

          UNG--LOVED the song!!! Who doesn't love Madonna first thing in the morning!!! Goes great with the Diet Pepsi!! Plus and cake story...singing, soda, and humor...yep, I'm in for a terrific Tuesday with ya!!

          Opps....gotta back soon!!!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            Newbies Nest

            Sorry about that....had a visitor pop in!!
            Just a quick note to :welcome::welcome:
            Lost Soul, Bubblex, Karens, Kita, MamaZ--although I've seen you around on other threads

            Dill--great--hmph!! Now you've got me thinking about food already!!!:H Pizza sounds awesome right now...and I just checked...there are no treats in the staff lounge!!!! AHHH!!!
            Well...I better get back to work...busy here today!!!
            Have a TERRIFIC Tuesday...right UNG?!?!
            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning Nesters ~ I hope everyone is doing great this fine Tuesday morning. It is raining here, but Sunday it is supposed to be 85!!! I am so excited!!

              :welcome: to Bubblex, Lost Soul, Kitadog and Mama! Find a twig and nestle in. Loads of support and encouragement here.

              Mama ~ I am so happy to see you here! I have missed you, but I know you have company.

              Dill, pizza sounds wonderful. I don't know if it really goes with coffee, but I have eaten pizza for breakfast before :H

              UNG, good to see you again. Your cake baking sounds like mine. Definitely go to the bakery :H

              Sea, I am glad your interview went well. Please keep us posted.

              SD, how's the baseball and soccer going? Are you busy packing?

              Lil, I am glad you had a good time with your daughter. Hope you were able to get some rest.

              Sweaty, it's good to see you again! How are things on the other side of the pond?

              Hello to all other nesters to come. Sorry if I missed anyone, but my brain is not fully charged yet!

              I must get to work now. Also, today is my baby boy's 20th birthday!!!

              Have a great day :l


                Newbies Nest

                Evening Peeps,

                MamaZm & Kita :welcome: the nest is a safe and comfy place.

                Dragonfly-Glad to see you flying in from Irland. You must come and visit more often.

                Sea-I've just got to ask, who would be hanging off your eye lids your cat or yoor daughter?? :H I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. But seriously, I'm glad your job interview went well. When will you here the finial answere?

                Sweaty-I remember your charm braclet and the smiley faces. Do you still have the braclet?

                Dill-I'm going to start posting in the mornings again. I miss out on the coffee and the donuts and all the good stuff!! :upset:

                UNG-OMG!! The cake thing!! :H I loved it! I've really missed your humor. We had frost last night and we aren't suppost to have frost after Mother's day! I think Mother nature is cheating.

                Chops-Happy 20 Bday to your son. My Youngest daughter was 34 on Mdays. And I still call her my little girl. But I still call my oldest daughter my little girl too. They are always our baby's.

                Beginnings-How are you doing hon?

                SD-You know if you have boxes that you haven't unpacked from your last move that you're suppose to jurst get rid of them and not move them again right? LOL?

                PR-Hope all is well with you and G. If G is too hot I can always give him a summer haircut like I did my diva cat! :H!!! It's also going to be pretty hot there for our road trip!
                AF since 7/26/2009

                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                  Newbies Nest

                  Evening Nesters
                  That would be the cat hanging from my eyelids at 5:30am.LOL, although I wouldn't put it passed my I am safe. She is in Boston hanging out with some Metal band and of course I am home getting ready for a Huge night in Sports!!!! Red Sox are out in Cali, so I will be out of the nest until late. Don't worry, I will be up bright and early. I have an appointment at a dental clinic in the morning. I can't believe that I have to go out of state to get this fixed. The dental clinic here said, oh all we do is pull them out. Yeah, NO. Not yanking my front tooth. Rest well nesters. Don't mind me screaming at the TV.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    Newbies Nest

                    Sea, I'm really glad you found a place to get your tooth fixed. I hated it when mine broke. It feels bad and isn't a great look, either! I'll root for your teams tonight, too! Have fun.:yougo:

                    UNG, You get the best post of the week award!:thumbsup I laughed at that cake story! :HAnd I was touched by this:
                    I do know what you mean by absenting yourself due to frustration at others' bad days. But in my (unasked for) opinion...please don't go away then. That's when we need you!!! I know it is tough, when you are struggling, to have to listen to the bad stuff. Believe me, I am easily sucked into what I call "the vortex of negativity." We all have bad days and struggles, and we need each other. I, for one, have benefitted from your advice and cheerfulness many times, and your humor has gotten me through some rough moments. Plus, I think that being supportive and giving advice to others is one way to heal ourselves, yes?
                    I thought that was so well put. Thank you!

                    SD, that teacher's lounge can be really dangerous if you are trying to cut back on calories! Those darn teachers are ALWAYS bringing in something delicious to share! Our pizza/lunch today was delicious, BTW.

                    Hey, Sweaty, I agree that a visual reward system helps. I do check marks on the calendar!

                    Hey, Lil, It would be nice to see you in the morning. I figured you were in the nest, but just sleeping in! Ok, for tomorrow: I say cinamon raisin toast with peanut butter!

                    Hey Chops! Hey, PR! Hey to everyone else as well!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Boy the nest is hopping! Welcome to the other newbies and welcome back to the returning nesters! I look forward to getting to know you and learning from you all.
                      To all the makes my heart happy :h to hear all the stories and plans and exchanges...hope that doesn't sound voyeristic!!!
                      I'm still struggling with the going off AL completely...I had one essentially AL free day...poured a glass of wine and took a couple sips then decided I don't need it. Usually I'm finding a reason for one or two in the evening but definitely keeping it in check for the most part. I'm trying to figure out if I'm finding excuses or being reasonable...I have been doing a lot of changes all at once then feeling bad when I "fail". So I am trying to moderate and learn what's going on with me. So far, the supps are helping so there is less of a "need" for AL. I also went off my AD because it's a stimulant that warns not to stop drinking if you've been drinking heavily or you can have seizures...sounds bad. I'm off my anti-anxiety Rx. sleeping better, exercising more, studying some mediatation/Buddhism stuff, busy as hxxl, and I'm not scheduling my life around Al (i.e. getting home as soon as possible to have that first glass of wine). I'm getting less fearful of major withdrawal and know I need to actually committ to just stop for a while. I can already see changes for the better in my life but then I get a little comfortable and convince myself it's not so bad after all. I need to make the leap but I'm still feeling scared or mourning the loss of my best friend so to speak (AL). Ok...that's super long...I'm working on it and need to work some more! Good night everyone.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi all. I am flying in for the night. I am going to a very long goes TIHSWFTNSIHICSTT! Now to decipher...The I Haven't Slept Well For Two Nights So I Hope I Sleep Tonight Twig. Now, say that three times! :H

                        Dill, glad your lunch was scrumptious. The cinnamon raisin toast with peanut butter sounds yummy...can I have no raisins in mine? You look great in the cheerleader outfit

                        Lil, can't wait to see you hopping around in the morning. I thought you were sleeping in too.

                        Beginning, you are doing a great job hon! The beginning is hard and very taxing on the emotions. Have you tried journaling your thoughts about all this? We are all here to help and keep up the good work :l

                        Sea, I am so glad you found a dentist. I do hope it can be fixed and you don't need a dreaded root canal.

                        Hello Sweaty, SD, PR and all others to come. PR, we will keep G comfortable and cool!

                        Have a great evening everyone. :l


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello All!

                          Sorry I can't mention everyone personally, but I'm on a flight tonight and am pretty jittery already!

                          I do still have my charm bracelet and its a great visual reminder, and I'm doing an online Teaching degree - Primary.

                          UNG - thanks so much for the kind words - truly appreciated.

                          Am off to do busy things. Have a great day/evening.

                          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                            Newbies Nest


                            Sea, you must have an ulcer watching the Celtics this, what games. The nest was a busy place to see that! Well, me & G will head off to bed after a while (there is another game first), but we wish you all a wonderful and peaceful night.
                            Sweet dreams my little ones................
                            Papa R..............and G


                              Newbies Nest

                              Yep...quick post here too!!!
                     too!!! Love it!!
                              Beginning--I'm having quite a time too sista!!! My son had the most AWESOME game ever tonight...TOTAL nail biter...they ended up winning...IN THE LAST PLAY...PLUS it was the final episode of the Biggest I just really wanted a red beer which I hadn't had in over 5 or 6 I had (some)....not bad...not drunk..I just wanted some...moderation??? ((sigh)) after going AF for a month, I feel guilty even having a beer now...all this is so confusing now!! Please PM me if you want to talk some time!!

                              Dill-don't most people lose weight when they stop drinking??? Why not me??? Why must I retain food weight and al weight seems to go right through me .....dang it...wouldn't ya know it?!?! ((another sigh)) Speaking of food in the teacher's lounge...

                              On a happy note...the gal I didn't want to win on Biggest Loser didn' that mean??? Helen did..yeah Helen!!! Ok...SD is going to bed!!!! Sweet Dreams Twig goers!!!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi, this is my first visit here, so just saying hello. Ive just started going to AA again, Ive had my little set backs, but Im still going to keep going back.

