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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    you are all doing so well!!
    and i have to sign on to say that i have to start at day 1 again. i am so sad but trying not to be as in the past being regretful has often led to weeks of drinking. but i am sad that i drank. it wasn't enough so that i feel awful today, but i've let myself down. i know what alcohol has done to my life, i know that if i drink the potential to f--- everything up again is great.
    i thought of not saying anything--but i'm forcing myself to be honest. anyway i'm doing this for myself--of course for my kids and family, too. but it's still embarrasing and a bit scary, because for the most part i have felt so positive.
    so my plan now is to really work the one day at a time and not get to far ahead of myself. and to practice HALT-- and to look into the MWO book and prob. the hypnosis cds. and to make it a goal to get some sort of exercise each day.
    anyway, like Byrdie says, it's very unusual to have 2 bad days in a row. though if i drink again, i'll guarantee another bad day. not gonna happen.

    a goood friday to you all.


      Newbies Nest

      Well Done Pronto!
      Hey Lifechange, wish I had words of wisdom to help out but all I can say is I've been where you're at as well as a lot of others. Being sober is a process, not an instant fix, and just like life itself there are going to be some disappointments along the way. We learn from them and that's all we can do since we can't turn back the clock. Firming up your plan will help tremendously!
      Hope everyone has a great AF weekend.
      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


        Newbies Nest

        Gooood Morning! Friday is here and how great it will e to have a sober Friday in February!
        Day 1 again 11/5/19
        Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
        Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
        Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
        11/27/19: messed up but back on track
        12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

        One day at a time.


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters!

          Silversage, I used the original set of Hypno CDs & they were fantastic! I'm sure the the CDs for Moms are the same with some extra language added

          lifechange, get back on your horse, don't waste time feeling bad BUT do be sure to recognize the thinking that led up to your decision to drink so that you can adjust your plan.

          CG, safe travels home!

          Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!
          I'm off to Curves to get my day started!!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning nesters!

            Had to come in to work on my supposed to be day off but that's okay.

            lifechange - here's what I have to say to you - :goodjob: and I really mean that. It takes courage to come back here and admit right away that we have slipped. If I had done that for all of my slips, I could have been way ahead of the game right now. You are doing exactly the right thing by coming back and admitting your slip and then moving on. We can only learn from these mistakes and by staying away, we lose that positive reinforcement from the rest of the gang here - that's what will get us through. You will be okay - just hop right back on the branch - there's plenty of room cause this tree is HUGE and getting bigger by the day!

            Lav - I'm still hoping that someone opens up a Curves closer to me. Still battling shoulder problem but I would absolutely love to start back up. It was so convenient as I'd stop on my way home from work, 30 minutes later I'd be done!

            Nursie - you are right - first sober Friday of February (say that 5 times fast as you can)

            :welcome: to My New Beginning, Silversage 76, Pronto - MNB - sleep is the best part of being sober for me - love getting a good nights sleep.

            Hang in there Scottish Lass - ODAT is how I've learned to take it.

            TGIF Canadian girl - Byrdie - love that hat! Thanks my friend.

            Hope everyone goes out and makes it a great day!
            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


              Newbies Nest

              I need advice

              Good Morning. Im worried and need some encouragement. Ive been having some financial stresses lately and need to find a roommate. So, Im planning on having a talk with my boyfriend (of 15months) about moving in. The problem is he doesnt know the extent of my drinking problem because he doesnt have one. When we are together I just go along with his one drink and stop. But, when Im alone - I can end up drinking a pint of vodka and not remember texting him. He did get suspicious once when he called and we spoke. I REALLY want to be alcohol free. Even when I drink just one with him I can feel that urge to have 5 more, and its tough. So should I tell him about my drinking problem and risk us not moving in together? Or do I simply say I am going alcohol free for health reasons. he knows I love to practice yoga, cook healthy meals, and stay active so it would seem natural. Im just scared that if I dont stop drinking I will ruin our relationship but if we live together I may need his support on this issue. But who would want to live with a struggling binge drinker?

              AF starting today!
              AF since 2/3/12

              Goal 1: 2 weeks - In process
              Goal 2: 4 weeks
              Goal 3: 6 weeks
              Goal 4: 9 weeks


                Newbies Nest

                I saw that everyone had goals on their page


                Goal 1 - 2 weeks - in progress
                Goal 2 - 6 weeks
                Goal 3 - 3 months
                Goal 4 - forever
                AF since 2/3/12

                Goal 1: 2 weeks - In process
                Goal 2: 4 weeks
                Goal 3: 6 weeks
                Goal 4: 9 weeks


                  Newbies Nest

                  Bluejay, :welcome:

                  Sorry that you're having to make such a big decision right away. Is there any way you can get some AF time under your belt before you move in? Sounds like you need a little breathing room........

                  Do you feel pretty confident about not binge drinking around him? Seems like you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself, which isn't good when you're trying not to drink. And, the truth typically comes out in the long run, so..........

                  Not sure that helps, but maybe you can tell us more.

                  Wishing you the best.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning everybody,

                    Pronto, I'm glad to see that you are getting alot out of participating here! I think you are really onto something with the gratitude. Fear about feeling deprived was one of the things that always kept me from getting serious about quitting. The sad thing is how twisted that is. I could always drink way too much beer, and then when it was gone, I would feel "deprived." How messed up is that? "Well, I've already had 3, but I need one more so I don't feel 'deprived.'" Of course, it wasn't just one more. What I was really depriving myself of was the happiness of living alcohol free. After being sober for just a little while, I look back on my "reasoning" for certain things and I just shake my head. I must have been drinking!! Oh wait...

                    Bluejay22, Welcome! It sounds like you have a wonderful and interesting life. When we are involved with a truly holistic practice like yoga, our drinking problem is like a D- on our own internal "report card" that we give ourselves. I don't have any advice about what to tell your boyfriend except to say that he may already suspect or know about it (we are never as hidden as we think, especially with those close to us). There is truly nothing to lose by giving up drinking.

                    I hope everyone has a wonderful AF weekend!
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      Newbies Nest

                      thanks for the support!
                      don't have so much to add today.
                      slow but steady..


                        Newbies Nest

                        After being sober for just a little while, I look back on my "reasoning" for certain things and I just shake my head. I must have been drinking!! Oh wait...
                        Pinecone, Jason Vale reiterates this point in his book Kick the Drink.........that paradoxically alcohol creates the very problems we're trying to escape........go figure.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Unwasted, that is a valuable book then! I only spent years of my life and who knows how much sadness to reach the same conclusion...Oh well, onward and upward! I hope you have a great weekend!
                          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                          AF 11/12/11


                            Newbies Nest

                            renewal;520252 wrote: Welcome one and all...we are pleased to have you here as one of our family. We offer a home where you can 'nestle in' and feel safe as we help support one another in our journey together. I encourage you to visit each and every day and stay 'plugged in' to us throughout. We are in this together and benefit most by helping one another and ourselves by sharing our experiences. There's plenty of room here in the nest, so feel free to bring a friend. Should it become crowded, I'll go out and get more twigs.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Interesting Jane

                              Hello & welcome bluejay!
                              You seem to have a few important decisions to make! Making them with a clear & sober head would be best! How about giving yourself a few AF days, read the MWO book (you can download from the Health store here) & consider the role of honesty & how important it is in your life. Do you think it would be a good idea to be completely honest with yourself & your BF? Do you want him moving in & have to constantly worry about finding your secret?
                              I highly value honesty & am offended when someone purposely tries to hide something from me. It feels as if they are trying to devalue me ~ ask my husband who no longer lives here
                              You sound like a young person with the possibility of a great life ahead of you - go for it

                              Greetings to everyone checking in today!
                              Does everyone have their weekend plan???
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Canadian gal -- I think you are quite amazing yourself. Congratulations on getting through all of those parties and family events unscathed!
                                AF since 9/20/2011

