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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Happy sober sunday you super duper people.!
    Byrdie, i would love to get a choo choo train cake. what a great idea!--do you have a form or did you just patch it together?
    we're trying to decide what to bake today--carrot cake, cream puffs or choc/white choc oatmeal cookies.
    i was reading around yesterday in general discussion and was surprised and happy to see that on a lot of the threads they are talking about all sorts of things. the mention of al comes up rarely. i'm so all consumed with the subject of alcohol and not drinking it that, as i've said before, i sometimes forget there's more to life. i guess that's one of the important parts of staying sober.. being able to recognize the small miracles and joys in everyday life.
    that's my plan today-- for this day to SEE, really see and understand what i have to be grateful for.

    xoxo to you all. i'm so happy you're here!!!!!!!


      Newbies Nest

      Life change: what a wonderful intention for the day! I think I will join in you in that thought - gratitude for the small things. And on that note here is a quote by a well known western yogi

      "The mind is what creates our blueprint, and either our mind creates a blueprint that we can follow for happiness and success, or our mind creates a blueprint that leads us to confinement and suffering and pain." - Rod Stryker

      Happy Sunday morning to you all!
      AF since 2/3/12
      AF since 2/3/12

      Goal 1: 2 weeks - In process
      Goal 2: 4 weeks
      Goal 3: 6 weeks
      Goal 4: 9 weeks


        Newbies Nest

        One More Idea to share: I was listening to an online radio program regarding health, psychology and spirituality. A main point that was discussed was how when a person is trying to avoid a craving, be it AL, sugar, nicotine, etc. one should not focus on that avoidance. Such as reading about how bad it is for you may sound like a good idea, but in reality it brings back the focus on that which youre trying ot avoid, hence increasing the craving.

        I would have to say its good to educate oneself on the dangers of something but I do agree that perhaps its best to think about all the other joyous aspects of life,....or even for the time being whatever keeps you busy until you can find that joy. Im currently in the keeping busy mode, but know the joy will return soon enough. So again, back to you LC, I commend you for shifting your focus and I look forward to meeting your milestone.

        AF since 2/3/12
        AF since 2/3/12

        Goal 1: 2 weeks - In process
        Goal 2: 4 weeks
        Goal 3: 6 weeks
        Goal 4: 9 weeks


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters!

          Lifechange & bluejay - you both have the idea..............
          Fill your time with non-AL thoughts & activities & living a sober life becomes the new norm

          I am one of the few people in this country not interested in the Superbowl or the fat-ladden calories that go along with it BUT I am expecting a few people over today who are :H
          I will occupy myself with anything else I can find to do today

          Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning Nesters,

            Just a quick drop in to send everyone good sober vibes. Some great advice posted here lately! Bluejay, love the blueprint idea! We have to create a different world for ourselves, but it's doable and life is light years better sober, I promise! Day 83 here and couldn't be happier that I don't drink anymore. Stay strong is so worth it!



              Newbies Nest

              Greetings Nest!
              28 days and going strong!
              Blue, I love those quotes!
              Byrd, did you take a picture of that cake???
              Azurmist, stick with us and we will help! Welcome! Glad you are here!
              Lifechange, great post. We Gotta focus on the good stuff!

              It's gonna be a great day, I can just feel it. I'm not getting sucked into those people in my family who are still drinking, who keep making promises they don't keep, who are destroying their lives and those around them. I was once one of them. We all come to terms on our own time.
              Day 1 again 11/5/19
              Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
              Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
              Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
              11/27/19: messed up but back on track
              12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

              One day at a time.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning everyone. Thanks for starting us off with such positive thoughts L.C. And bluejay. I also am trying every trick in the book to keep positive thoughts these days and not to dwell on the negative. It is really helping me in my struggles to stay AF. I am trying to be nice to myself and I agree with Byrdie too that one of the easiest ways to make yourself feel better is to do something nice for someone else. I discovered that many years ago and it always works. Hope you all have a wonderful and safe day. Love to all!



                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                  Newbies Nest

                  LifeChange...yes I have a pan that I bought with the train car shapes. I got it at Williams Sonoma. I love it. Nursie...I DO have a picture but I don't know how to post them....alas. I am a dumb recovering ALK. But willing to work on that, too!! Hugs, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Day 1 - well actually day 2

                    I have been dreading this. I had some terrible news on Friday. I had a bottle of wine in the cupboard that I was given before Christmas and I just went, opened it and drank it - ALL!
                    I reached 66 days on Friday and was doing so well, and one momnet of not thinking all gone.
                    I have been dreading writing this and then found another thread that pointed out reality. I almost signed off MWO. I did not stop to realise all my successes in reaching 66 days, which is a HUGE accomplishment and started to beat myself for slipping. If I only drink for one day in 2012, that will be a miracle. To have managed two months AF is what I need to celebrate.
                    So, not giving up on MWO - taking off the sackcloth and ashes now and starting back again.
                    I am not counting daily, I am taking this ODAT and I will count each AF day as a success and enjoy the many goals that I will reach by the end of the year.
                    Happy sober Sunday, need to be AF to work out how to handle the situation that Friday handed me
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Newbies Nest

                      SL, I've been wondering about you. I'm sorry, because I know how disappointed you must be. But I think you're right to celebrate the great success of 66 days. I think the trick is to not let the fall set you back such that you become a chronic relapser (can't remember how many tries you've had)! Sending you peace and strength! :lilheart:


                        Newbies Nest

                        you stay positive, s. lass!!
                        66 days is great and like everyone says this is a PROCESS! beating ourselves up only leads to sadness, depression, feelings of failure-- forget it, let it go and move on. don't let this set you too far in to relapsation! i agree with you that each day without al is a day to be grateful for, a day to celebrate.
                        i'm not one to give too much advice as i'm brand new here. just want to give my support and love.
                        you are awesome!!!!

                        we made dark choc/white choc/coconut and walnut cookies today and shared them with people living in our house. thanks again for the tip, byrdie. i'm going to invest in a fancy cake pan-- saw a nice owl the other day!!

                        wishing you all a great super bowl day!! glad i'm very far removed. didn't even know it was on today.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nesters!

                          Life Change ? Hope you made the carrot cake! I would kill for a slice right now!

                          SL ? I agree. 66 days is a MAJOR accomplishment and I am sure you will reach it again. You are a single mom and face many problems on your own. The only failure is not trying to overcome an addiction.:h

                          BlueJay ? Loved your quote! We are so powerful and my mind has been racing this weekend ? in the wrong direction. Good to be reminded that we can use the imagination to create the world we want by focusing on the good stuff!

                          My gratitude for today is my two angels who are sleeping in my bed. I missed them so much!! We have to be up early tomorrow, so I better get some sleep.

                          I?m looking forward to this week!
                          12-20-2012 AF
                          Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                            Newbies Nest


                            I am nearly at 100 days now, but a jolt in my life yesterday very nearly made me pick up a bottle and do exactly the same thing. I was lucky but you were not. It goes to show just how powerful that beast is and that we cannot ever relax or let our guard down. You have gone 66 days without it and you will do the same again, reason being that you have proved that you can beat it ! Look on the positive side have proved that you can go 66 days without it and feel better for it. Keep your chin up.


                              Newbies Nest

                              My dear S. L. I am so sorry that you learned of some bad news. I really hope things get better quickly in regards to that bad news. As far as your little slip, I know how badly you feel about that too, but you are doing the right thing in staying with this program. Not only for your sake and your recovery, but for the countless people ( including me) who have been inspired by your posts over the past few months and by you example. SL we love you and support you! Keep up the good work !



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Happy Super Sunday to all. Thanks for all the great quotes... so inspiring.

