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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    A Wonderful Wednesday is Waiting....

    Just a quick fly-by this morning while I drink my Mocha Coffee--yep, no more $4.99 off brand for me. I truly DESERVE the good stuff, so selfish me is going to grab it all! Besides, I have all that booze money to spend.

    Therapy today, then to get the (hopefully) last check-up, from what will henceforth be called just "the incident." I still ache in places, but that's okay. HEY! Maybe I can get a free face-lift or something out of this...? Just wondering....

    Speaking of booze money to spend, I think I am going to knock out a wall and add on a room...well, not me, but some burly hot guy like Ty or Carter on HGTV. I will schedule it for the dog days of summer, of course, so they can get all sweaty and hot and take off their shirts. Mmmmm, ponder that, girlfriends :H Like I said, I do DESERVE really good things, right?

    Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday. Take care of yourselves and believe it will all come true.


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning, Nesters and welcome to you, popper! :welcome:This is a great place to find support and I hope we will be a help to you. That's what we try to do here, help each other and be helped as well.

      beginning, this is a process and no one here will ever say that it is easy, at least not at first. There are lots of emotions and physical things to work through. But it is so worth it! You'll discover the rewards once you get some AF time in. I've been told by people with more experience than I, that it does get easier as time goes by. Lil?

      Yeah, SD, I keep gaining the weight right now, too. I think part of it is I am sitting in front of this computer too much! I am going to wean away from it and start to get some exercise instead. That's wonderful about the game! I'm so happy for you and your son! The beer? Well, I can understand that! It sounds like you were very 'moderate' about it, so that's good. The trick is, for me, when I do something like that that I get confident that I now have the upper hand over al as I was able to control my intake that time. Then I let the guard down, then I'm back to square one.

      Chops, I hope you got that good night's sleep you needed. How did you celebrate your son's birthday yesterday? My son usually likes a good steak on the grill!

      Sweaty, I hope you can keep checking in and will let us know how your race goes and your visit with your Mom.

      Sea, How did the game end up? Judging by PR's post, it must have been exciting.

      Well, everybody, have a great day!:h

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi, UNG! Cross post! Have a good day, gal!

        Hope your doctor visit goes well. I must confess I do not know what you are talking about when you say 'the incident'. I gather it was traumatic. I hope you heal and get better and stronger fast. My prayers are with you.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning, and experienced! I'm ready to tackle this day!! Thanks to you all I don't feel so alone anymore! :l
          BTW, how do you PM?


            Newbies Nest

            Good Day Nesters
            Very Happy Day for Boston!!!! Bruins, Celtics and Red Sox won!!!!
            Yes, PR, between the Celtics and the Bruins, I am gonna have a bleeding ulcer!!
            Bruins and Celtics One win away !!!
            I had to reschedule the dentist. It is an hour's drive and I woke up with a major sinus headache. The tree pollen is awful here.
            My son Chris and his GF are coming for dinner tonight. I am so happy. I miss my Pumpkin.
            UNG, Are you a "falling down" drunk like me? Man I don't know how I have lived this long.
            Hope you all have a lovely day. My Topa should be here by tomorrow. Psyched.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              Newbies Nest

              Hi beg
              Just click on the person's avatar and it will give the option of sending a private message.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                Newbies Nest

                Good Morning!!
                :welcome: Popper!!
                UNG--Of course you deserve good fact...only the best!!:bling
                Enjoy therapy!! I think everyone should have a therapist!! Seriously! I know I feel better after I talk to mine...just to have an hour ALL ABOUT ME!!! I think...especially women (no offense men) but we need ourselves!!

                Not to get too personal Dill...but are you continuing to mod then or are you still going AF until your company arrives next week? What are your plans after they leave?? I really get nervous with summer approaching. I've decided to start on my Admin. degree....but not until July...with my move and all! Only taking two classes to start with...all I can afford for the time being!! Can't drink and study, right?? didn't seem to phase me:H I'm kdding!!!! This is different!!!!

                Beginning--I'm glad you asked about the PM---I tell people to PM me...cuz I don't know how :H Thanks for asking!!! How's your day??

                Sea--Has your headache cleared up?? Those are the worst!! Confession: I woke up at 3:00am with a headache...from the couple of beers I had!!! What the heck is happening to me??? HAHA!! Maybe it's the Topa or supps ot the fact I have some AF time under my belt...whatever it is...I don't like it!!! Makes it really even more unenjoyable!!! Yea!!!!

                Well back to work....Lil...are you up yet???? Wakey Wakey!!!
                Happy Wednesday!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning Nesters and Happy Wednesday to all!

                  :welcome: Popper! Glad to have you here.

                  Dill, we celebrated with my son on Saturday for his birthday so that his grandparents, Aunt and cousins could come. He usually likes a steak on the grill too, but my BF grilled up some hamburgers using our venison. My son is an avid hunter. I did talk to him yesterday morning before he got to work. He and I are going this weekend to visit his son.

                  SD, congrats on the game! I love the nail biters....they were always the best ones to win

                  Sweaty, enjoy your holiday and good luck with the race. Hope your flight was ok for you.

                  Sea, I hope the headache is gone. Allergy season is in full swing for me. Sinuses are the worst. Have fun with your son!

                  Beginning, you sound better this morning. Good for you! :l

                  UNG, all women deserve the very best. If you get Ty to come over, please invite me :H Good luck with the doctor.

                  PR, are you and G staying cool?

                  Lil, wakey, wakey!!! Coffee is waiting for you.

                  Have a great day :l


                    Newbies Nest


                    Pretty quiet day in the nest.....aaaah, soothing though....well, I'm off to my work marathon the next few days.......keep G happy and cool while pops is away...appreciate you gals!!!
                    PR & G


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thursday Thoughts

                      Just a quick good morning as I am running late--hardto get out of my cozy bed after a night full of thunderstorms and a cold, wet dreary day ahead. BUT...a sobe day! Can't beat that!

                      have a good one, be safe and strong, more later.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey nesters! Quiet day yesterday, indeed! I made the coffee, again today. It's going to be a "normal" day at work for me. Yesterday was another full day of parent meetings. In fact, I had parent meetings at both of my work sites, so had to choose! LOL. Anyway, those full days of meetings wear me out. Today, I get to be in the classroom! Hurray!

                        I hope you all have a great day today!

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning Nesters ~ I agree that it was a quiet day yesterday and this morning is quiet too. Oh, but quiet reflection time is great for us all

                          Hiya PR, Dill, UNG and all to come! Hope you have a terrific Thursday!

                          Thanks for the coffee Dill, I am dragging this morning and have a to do list a mile long. I don't know if I will even sleep tonight :H

                          PR, G will be very loved and kept cool during your marathon days.

                          UNG, I didn't want to get out of my cozy bet either!

                          I have set out donuts and muffins to go with Dill's coffee. Hope to see you all later :l


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello fellow nesters
                            Another Big Sports night in Boston tonight, so I will be glued to the TV. I got my Topa yesterday and took the first dose. I really hope it helps. I am still waiting to hear about the job. I will let you all know as soon as I get the word. Hope you all have a great day!!! Go Bruins, Celtics, and Red Sox!!!!
                            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks I am a newbie in alot of pain

                              renewal;520252 wrote: Welcome one and all...we are pleased to have you here as one of our family. We offer a home where you can 'nestle in' and feel safe as we help support one another in our journey together. I encourage you to visit each and every day and stay 'plugged in' to us throughout. We are in this together and benefit most by helping one another and ourselves by sharing our experiences. There's plenty of room here in the nest, so feel free to bring a friend. Should it become crowded, I'll go out and get more twigs.
                              :new:I really appreciate your warmth and caring. I am going through outpatient treatment,which I must tell you, it is really painful. However, I got myself to this point, and I am going to get myself out. There are alot of physical of and emotional pain involved, as I am sure you are all well aware. I feel like I can use all the support I can get, so agin I appreciate this site and all the support and advice anyone could give me.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Marley and welcome to MWO and the nest :welcome: I am sorry to hear about how painful the outpatient treatment is for you. Using MWO with the outpatient is going to give you such an added boost of support, encouragement and advice.

                                Nestle into the nest. You will find a lot of warm and caring people in the nest and all over the other threads as well

                                Any time you need advice or just to talk come here or PM (private message) me or anyone you are comfortable with.

                                I look forward to getting to know you and support you on your journey :l

