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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey nesters. Jus checking in and reading away. I don't always post but do read pretty muc everyday. It really helps.
    Hope everyone is having a safe and AL free evening.



      Newbies Nest

      Howdy nesters,

      Jane - know exactly what you mean. Started watching Message in a Bottle last night. I did feel a little pang of envy that I couldn't enjoy wine the way most people can but it's a done deal - it will never be that way for me. To be truthful, I don'teven like the taste that much and one glass will never be enough anyway so that's that. Starting to feel natural now - especially on the weekends. Still keeping my guard up - I know that sneaky snake can slither into my thoughts when I least expect it.

      Going out to dinner with friends tomorrow night - none of whom drink - yahoo! No temptation at all.

      Hi Lola, Byrdie, min star, Today, Bellegirl - hope you guys are making it a great AF night!
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Gearing up for a touch more snow Jolie?
        I could do without but shouldn't complain - we have had a mild winter for sure
        Enjoy your dinner out!

        Good to see you Lola, we've been thinking of you!

        Nice to see everyone piling up those AF days, be grateful, happy & proud of yourselves

        Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            Newbies Nest

            that post was supposed to say struggling
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Newbies Nest

              Sober dust sprinkled on the nest. Tucking everyone in!
              Sleep well everyone.
              Day 1 again 11/5/19
              Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
              Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
              Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
              11/27/19: messed up but back on track
              12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

              One day at a time.


                Newbies Nest

                Good luck to everyone.
                Goal 1: One day: DONE
                Goal 2: One week: DONE
                Goal 3: One month
                Goal 4: We'll see


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hope everyone is enjoying an AF Friday night!

                  Jolie, its great to have plans set where you know you can spend time with friends and not be around too much temptation. I am certainly learning who I am most comfortable with these days.. makes me appreciate my friends and family

                  Thanks to Lav and Byrdie for all your good advice and ongoing support.

                  I have ate a ton of ice cream (pumpkin pie flavour; mmmm) but I am AF another day! Sending out sober cheers :thanks:


                    Newbies Nest

                    i'm afraid i'm usually sleeping when most of you are having times of struggling--
                    Scottish lass, i hope your evening went well--that you were able to find something to distract yourself. i've had a major uphill battle the past while--it seemed like everything was a trigger to drink. i actually called in sick to work one day 'cause i didn't think i could deal with the stress--and didn't want to risk running down to the cellar for a swig--last night as soon as my eldest daughter arrived (10yrs) on her own and started talking incessantly i thought, "i really NEED a glass of wine"--crayz!! i love her more than anything. i love her stories. but it's difficult to deal with anything at the moment.

                    sorry blah blah. i guess i didn't have any real point except that i understand struggling. i think everyone here does--i'm glad that we all seem to have difficult days at different times.

                    i would die for some pumpkin pie ice cream!! or peanut butter and chocolate!! i'm in germany and those aren't popular flavors here!!

                    wishing you all a happy, sober saturday.
                    big hugs.


                      Newbies Nest


                      SL ? I hope you are feeling better! :lAL has a very nasty grip that takes guts to get through on your own. I read on another thread to remember that a craving never lasts as long as a hangover! Let us know how you are doing today.

                      LoLab ? Glad to see you again!

                      Mandy 64 ? Sooo glad to see that someone else also gets annoyed with other good-doers? best intentions. I lost it a bit with my good hearted neighbor who adores my dogs and brings them snacks every afternoon!! Enough already!! She made me feel like the worst dog owner in the world! Still need to clear the air, but avoiding it!! It?s not going to be fun?

                      Nursie ? I enjoy reading your posts and happy about your AF days!

                      Jane ? My life after 3 months sober?. is changing. Before my focus and energy was to get through the day. Not to drink. Avoid certain situations and find alternatives for AL. Now I get the sense of really taking control of my life ? not just the coping that I thought was control. I can see what should stay and what/who should go. I have the ability to cope with more than before.

                      Belle ? I have VERY achy joints, esp. in my HANDS and KNEES!!?? I believe that it is AL related, because there is no other explanation. And my back that usually killed me (I thought my kidneys started to fail!) has no symptoms anymore! Looking forward to the next 3 months. Hopefully the joints will be ok then. May day 34 come and go like any other day. You sound really good!

                      Movies/Series where people drink and it looks like their having a great time used to depress me too. Like the bar scenes in How I Met Your Mother? I would be the friend sitting there with a glass of water and everybody else is having some AL? OR I would be the friend hardly sitting there, because I am constantly at the bar to get some more and then be the friend sitting there looking off and being way too loud!! Just imagine yourself in that scene being all wasted and saying/doing some of the embarrassing things you have done while intoxicated? It would be a whole different story! Just remember that they usually show drink #1 and 2 or 3 & 4 like I have counted in HIMYM, but not more than that! And also, please remember that they used to put smoking in films and showed how sophisticated it was. Today we know better. And we already know better about AL. I think the world is still in denial about AL. Like another thread said if they discovered AL today it would be a class 4 drug only available on prescription. If used every day or in high quantities it is toxic?.

                      Gonna stop now! Mainly preaching to myself, because AL can sneak up to you and I need to be convinced!

                      We had wonderful rain last night. It has been extremely warm here in South Africa!! So, today it is cooler and I feel like doing everything on my list!

                      Have a good Saturday!
                      12-20-2012 AF
                      Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                        Newbies Nest

                        hi all.

                        i guess this is where i should have started but better late than never i suppose.

                        i'm lou and i have some issues. mostly alcohol related but i've seen my share of anger management classes and considered getting help with my gambling but one day at a time/one thing at a time, yes?

                        i guess i found this place after searching nootropics and clicked a link for topamax.
                        i'm currently using a different product called alpha brain but its a bit expensive and to be honest i'd like to find something that produces a metacognitive hack of the human operating system that would allow me to use my mind to watch my mind and ultimately upgrade my mind. i believe the cure is in us already and it's just a matter of time before we find the path to healing. our thoughts shape our spaces and our minds return the favor. that is we build our own environments and as such we dictate our own destinys.


                          Newbies Nest

                          :welcome: Lou!

                          I don't know a whole lot about topamax or any of the other drugs mentioned here but you might want to check out the thread devoted just to that. Good luck to you!

                          Lav - woke up to a beautiful snowfall! I hate driving in it but I think the roads for the most part are okay. Just be prepared for the second shot they say is coming thru this afternoon

                          SL - sorry to see that you were struggling last night - hope you are waking up feeling better this morning.

                          Steady - preach on! I think it helps a lot of us here.

                          Lifechange - I had to get rid of my stash in the cellar - way too tempting. All alcohol is now out of my house cause for me, the temptation would be just too great.

                          Today - pumpkin icecream? Never heard of it but it sounds good! I love pumpkin pie. You sound very positive - glad you are doing so well.

                          Greetings Pronto! Glad to see you here.

                          Have to go into work for a bit and then supposed to get a pedi with my daughter. Don't know how the dinner plans are going to pan out - hopefully this snow won't interfere!

                          Have a great sober Saturday everyone!!!
                          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning! I'm anxious to have the time to write a monster post :H

                            I really really need to get to know all of these new positive people.

                            But to do that I need to be alone and focus on what I'm doing and that aint happenin in the next couple of days!

                            After the initial difficulty in "getting" sober - it really becomes kind of easy - once we set up a routine - that doesn't include drinking. I had such a nice little routine. But I've learned that you have to be prepared for upsets in that routine. It's the same thing others of you have learned like when you go on a trip...but I hadn't been faced with that - so my routine was going along nicely and I was making it look easy. It was starting to "feel" easy. But some major upsets in that routine have shown me that every step is a learning process. I didn't drink - but the temptation was strong. I think I am realizing that I shouldn't be surprised when I feel that way - I tried to step back and think about it as a learning experience. "huh, that's interesting - that in this situation, I really really feel like drinking." Then I quickly went and did something else.

                            So I'm feeling strong and positive - not invincible by any means. I do know that it would have been easier if I had been able to spend some time around here - but that's not always possible either. If I can, this will always be the first place I turn for support.

                            I hope everyone has a beautiful weekend.

                            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              Dodged a bullet last night thanks to you!

                              Good morning lil birds:l
                              It is bitter cold here today. I will be glad to get my "outside" chores done today. I hope to keep this post short since I am on phone and don't want to lose it. Lolab I too wish I has access to a computer and time. Also want to say that I understand all the struggles going on (chatty kids, booze in basement and romaniticiIng the drinking. I know too well about that sneaky snake and relapsed once after 3 years under my belt. But last night I was able to avoid a major disaster because of this nest. See part
                              2 below



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Part 2 of dodged a bullet

                                Sorry to do it this way but maybe I won't time out and lose this post ! Ok so last night, Dh and I were going out for an early valentines dinner cause I will be out of town next week. I did nor want to go to a Mexican restaurant so I wouldn't have to suffer watching all those margarita go by. So we were goin to my fav restaurant and can ya believe the Dh asked me if I mind if he stopped at the gas station and got a beer? I was shocked. I lied that I did Not mind. And when he went inside. I jumped in the nest since I had my phone in my hand . See part 3 (just to be on safe side



                                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.

